What Was Čefurji Raus! (2013) About

1. Chefurs Raus! (2013) directed by Goran Vojnović • Reviews, film + cast

  • Marko, Adi, Aco and Dejan hag out in front of block of flats in Fuzine. Marko is pissed because he quit playing basketball and because the sexy TV presenter ...

  • Marko, Adi, Aco and Dejan hag out in front of block of flats in Fuzine. Marko is pissed because he quit playing basketball and because the sexy TV presenter doesn't notice him and because his father Radovan is going to beat him up for quitting basketball. Adi is irritated by the fact that his brother Sanel is a drug addict and because his father Mirsad prefers to shang waitresses somewhere in Austira rather than to deal whit this. Makarovicka chefur girl gives a hard time to Aco and he would like to tak a revenge on Damjanovic - bus driver. Dejan is anxious because his mother Sonja wants to move to Slovenske Konjice. Policemen stop the boys one night and their world starts to disintegrate.

2. Chefurs Raus! (2013) - The Movie Database

  • Makarovicka chefur girl gives a hard time to Aco and he would like to tak a revenge on Damjanovic - bus driver. Dejan is anxious because his mother Sonja wants ...

  • Marko, Adi, Aco and Dejan hag out in front of block of flats in Fuzine. Marko is pissed because he quit playing basketball and because the sexy TV presenter doesn't notice him and because his father Radovan is going to beat him up for quitting basketball. Adi is irritated by the fact that his brother Sanel is a drug addict and because his father Mirsad prefers to shang waitresses somewhere in Austira rather than to deal whit this. Makarovicka chefur girl gives a hard time to Aco and he would like to tak a revenge on Damjanovic - bus driver. Dejan is anxious because his mother Sonja wants to move to Slovenske Konjice. Policemen stop the boys one night and their world starts to disintegrate.

3. Chefurs Raus! (Cefurji raus!) - Cineuropa

  • CHEFURS RAUS! ; genre: fiction ; directed by: Goran Vojnović ; release date: SI 03/10/2013 ; cast: Benjamin Krnetic, Dino Hajderovic, Ivan Pasalic, Jernej Kogovšek, ...

  • Cineuropa - the best of european cinema

4. Info: Chefurs Raus! - letsceefilmfestival.com - EN

  • Synopsis. When the 17-year-old Ljubljana-based Bosnian immigrant isn't hard at training on the basketball court, Marco likes to hang out with his friends ...

  • When the 17-year-old Ljubljana-based Bosnian immigrant isn't hard at training on the basketball court, Marco likes to hang out with his friends Adi, Aco and Dejan. The world seems to have come to an end, however, when he is kicked off the team. From this point on, anger takes over his life. Anger and the fear of not knowing what his father's reaction might be when he finds out that he will never become the basketball star his father always dreamed of. Frustrated by the circumstances he turns to alcohol and marijuana to cope with the problems with his family.  When Aco beats a bus driver into a coma, things start to drastically spiral out of control... The vibrant second creation of Goran Vojnovic is based on his novel with the same title and tells the story of the so called "Čefurji". That's the slang term used for migrants from former Yugoslavia, such as Marco and his friends. Cefurji frequently encounter difficulties identifying themselves with the Slovenian culture which is why the indigenous population approaches them with mistrust and disdain. With a realistic approach Vojnovic invites the audience to take a journey into the world of these youth and sympathize with these actually likeable teenagers. Their strong-willed behavior coupled with an unapologetic teenage vernacular bring an added element of humor.

5. Chefurs raus! - SeeCinema

6. Southern Scum Go Home! • Movie - TvProfil

  • CHEFURS RAUS! follows the lives of teenagers Marco, Adi, Aco and Dejan. Children of immigrant families from the former Yugoslavia, they live in a block of flats ...

  • The film follows the lives of four teenagers, children of immigrant families from the former Yugoslavia, who live in an infamous suburb of Ljubljana, Fužine

7. Čefurji raus - Southern Scum Go Home! • Film - TvProfil

  • The film follows the lives of four teenagers, children of immigrant families from the former Yugoslavia, who live in an infamous suburb of Ljubljana, ...

  • The film follows the lives of four teenagers, children of immigrant families from the former Yugoslavia, who live in an infamous suburb of Ljubljana, Fužine

8. All Editions of Čefurji raus! - Goran Vojnović - Goodreads

  • Blattejävlar! Published February 11th 2013 by Rámus Förlag. Hardcover, 1 page. Edition Language: Swedish. Cefuri raus! by Goran Vojnović. Cefuri raus!: Feccia ...

  • Editions for Čefurji raus!: 9612421692 (Paperback published in 2008), 9958654717 (Paperback published in 2009), 9186703269 (Hardcover published in 2014),...

9. Čefur's identity in translation of Goran Vojnovic's novel entitled "Čefurji ...

  • Summary/Abstract: Goran Vojnovic's novel "Čefurji raus!" in Tomasz ... 2013 roku Bibliography of translations slovenian-polish in 2013 2014. About. CEEOL ...

  • Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank

10. Slovenia on Film: Welcome to Fužine / Čefurji Raus! (English Subtitles)

  • Feb 7, 2018 · A short film on a certain group. February 7, 2018 Here's a short documentary on čefuri, broadly defined as working class people from, ...

  • A short film on a certain group.  February 7, 2018 Here’s a short documentary on čefuri, broadly defined as working class people from, or with parents from, one of the other former Yugoslav states. The film interviews various young men, but no women, who self-identify as čefuri and explain what...

11. Čefurji raus! Chefurs raus! | WorldCat.org

  • Chefurs raus! DVD Video, Slovenian, 2013. Edition: View all formats and editions. Publisher: Arsmedia : Slovenski filmski center, Javna agencija, [Ljubljana], ...

12. Čefurji raus! - Art kino Odeon

  • Čefurji raus!, 2013, Slovenija Režija: Goran Vojnović Jezik: Slovenski, srbski, bosanski. Igrajo: Benjamin Krnetić, Dino Hajderović, Ivan Pašalić, ...

  • Art kino Odeon Izola - spletna predstavitev kina

13. Emir Hadžihafizbegović | BSF - Slovenian film database

  • Emir Hadžihafizbegović is a cast member. The most well known projects he collaborated on are Muškarci ne plaču (2017), Čefurji raus! (2013) and Žaba (2017).

  • Emir Hadžihafizbegović is a cast member. The most well known projects he collaborated on are Muškarci ne plaču (2017), Čefurji raus! (2013) and Žaba (2017). He received 4 awards.

14. Čefurji raus! - FilmFestival Cottbus

  • retaliate upon bus driver Damjanović. ... Sonja wants to move to the provinces. ... world around them begins to fall apart. ... a successful transition to the stage.

  • Schnitt

15. Cefurji Raus! - Film (2013) - MYmovies.it

  • Cefurji Raus! - Un film di Goran Vojnovi . Il film affonda le sue radici in una dolorosa concretezza. Con Benjamin Krnetic, Dino Hajderovic, Ivan Pasalic, ...

  • Cefurji Raus! - Un film di Goran Vojnovi. Drammatico, Slovenia, 2013. Il film affonda le sue radici in una dolorosa concretezza.

16. Tickets for ČEFURJI RAUS, 19.10.2013 at 20:00 (en)

  • Tickets for ČEFURJI RAUS, 19.10.2013 on the 20:00 at Tomčeva dvorana.

  • Tickets for ČEFURJI RAUS, 19.10.2013 on the 20:00 at Tomčeva dvorana

17. ArsmediaChefurs Raus! - Arsmedia

  • Chefurs Raus! Cefurji Plakat WEB1. Genre: Comedy Duration: 100 min. Year: 2013. Screenplay: Goran Vojnović Director ...

  • Genre: Comedy Duration: 100 min Year: 2013 Screenplay: Goran Vojnović Director: Goran Vojnović Cast: Benjamin Krnetić, Dino Hajderović, Ivan Pašalić, Jernej Kogovšek, Emir Hadžihafizbegović, Mediha Musliović, Zoran Cvijanović, Polona Juh, Daria Lorenci Flatz, Milan Pavlović, Vesna Trivalić, Jernej Šugman, Peter Musevski, Mustafa Nadarević, Igor Žužek, Meto Jovanovski, Jessica Žagar, Nuša Šenk, Violeta Tomić, Vesna Anđelković, Saša […]

18. Čefuri raus! - Movies - Art-kino Croatia

  • Čefuri raus! Čefurji raus!, Slovenija, 2013., 100 min. Screening Schedule. 22.02.2014. 20:00: 23.02.2014. 18:00: 24.02.2014. 18:00: 25.02.2014. 18:00: 26.02.

19. Čefurji raus! - Beletrina Digital

  • Čefurji raus! KRESNIK. Čefurji raus! Goran Vojnović. Sodobni romani (20 ... 2013. Jezik(i). slovenščina. Število strani. 199. Zbirka. Beletrina. Tip datoteke.

  • Sarma in narodnjaki. Tesna stanovanja in nogometni prenosi. Južnjaška govorica in košarka. Marko, ki se bori za svojo pot na ljubljanskih Fužinah.

What Was Čefurji Raus! (2013) About
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 5506

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.