Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

Burden on Nevada Hospital County Hoping to Place Patients in New Center Greene County has a having some county patients admitted to the new Central Missouri Health Center at Columbia, Probate Judge Don, Burrell said today. Burrell, who checked on the matter while 1 he was attending Friday and Saturday's 1 Missouri Mental Health Association meeting at Jefferson City, quoted State Director of Mental Diseases George A. Ulett as saying there is possibility but that further query must be made. The judge said he would like Of Freight Rates CU May Join In Protests City Utilities may join other Missouri utilities in protesting a 15-c ent s-per-ton increase in freight rates on coal shipments, recently allowed the railroads by the Interstate Commerce Commission, CU Manager Marvin Castleberry said today. Bob Neely, assistant manager of CU and president of the Missouri Association of Municipal Utilities, is making inquiries to determine whether that organization will take a position on the matter.

CU currently pays $3 per ton for the shipment of coal to James River power plant for use as a standby fuel, increased a few years ago from $1.42. Inquiries are out now for bids on this year's supply of coal, Castleberry said. Governmental agencies, including, CU, are under a "preference" rating, and Castleberry was not sure how the ICC's action, granting the 15-cent increase, which was less than the railroads requested, will affect the rate for shipment to the James River plant. Critic From Local Page I'd add a section of the beautiful Ozarks. HE THEN suggested we close them and seal them, assigning an army to patrol the borders, and keep them for a more enlightened future.

Someday, maybe your grandchildren could visit one of these places and say, "Isn't it strange, here is a whole place that isn't buried in garbage." Council From Local Page fire station, a bond-financed project, to be built on Delaware north of Kearney. School zones would be delineated, and the 20 mph speed 1 limit made effective from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily except Sunday, in another ordinance ready for council action. Public hearing will be given the request Earl Kessler retail zoning of property on for north side of Cherry Street, at Wildan, where Kessler proposes to install six mobile homes.

Intruders Hit House, School A house breakin and a school burglary are under investigation by sheriff's deputies. Mrs. Daisy Comstock, Route 2, who said she would supply a complete list later, said missing items included antiques, dishes, dolls, jewelry, stereo albums and a baby carriage. Mrs. Comstock said she home.

Tuesday discovered the breakin when returned and, Saturday. Intruders at Hilldale: School on West Division broke a window to gain entry to the kitchen, and various food items were opened but were not stolen, deputies said. Kansas Man Fined For Drunk Driving An Oswego, man, Jimmy Donald Galloway, 22, was fined $100 and costs in magistrate court today after pleading guilty to a drunken driving charge. Galloway was arrested at 5:20 p.m. Saturday by Highway Patrol Sgt.G.

M. Wilson, who said Galloway tried to pass a truck driven by Clyde Wheeler, 45, Monett, and hit a dip in the road, sideswiped the truck, ran off the road, hit a post and careened into a field The accident occurred on Highway near Haseltine Road. VAGRANCY charge sulted in a 20-day jail term today for Jack Wimmer, 44, Riverside, who pleaded guilty in magistrate court. Wimmer, who told officers he walked away from a state mental institution near Riverside, was arrested by state troopers at 12:45 p.m. Friday on Mo.

266 near the city. Toll From Local Page 63, who received a collarbone fracture when she was thrown from the car; Lundy, who suffered a head laceration and leg injuries; his wife, Rowena, 29, treated for right leg, bruises; and their son, James, 7, shoulder bruises. Carl Etchison, 35, Green Forest, a passenger the Lurdy car, suffered facial cuts and his son, Marty, 2, received a left arm fracture. They were treated at St. Vincent's Hospital in Monett.

Wanda Jean Howard, 17, Route 3, Osceola, suffered head and facial cuts, and Judy Scott, 16, Route 3, Osceola, scalp and hand lacerations, at 11:45 p.m. Saturday when the hood flew up on the former's car and she lost control on U. S. 54, five miles east of Cedar Springs. The car overturned, and both girls were taken to Cedar County Hospital for treatment.

Mary Louise Beard, 42, Iberia, was taken to Phelps County Hospital with bruises and knee injuries suffered in a three-car crash at noon Sunday near Rolla. She was riding in a car driven by her husband, Elmer, 73, when a car being towed by a vehicle driven by James G. broke loose, hitting the McGuire, 34, Blue Springs, and Beard vehicles. Beard's car rolled backward, stopping on an embankment, and the car which had been towed hit a concrete abutment. Robert S.

Brown, 20, of 1053 South Market, was treated at St. John's Hospital for left ankle injuries suffered at 12:25 a.m. Sunday when his car collided with a car driven by Priscilla A. Wiles, 25, of 2055 Cherry, at National and St. Louis.

Charles E. Hardin, 16, of 1878 North Lyon, suffered a nose fracture and facial cuts and bruises, and Donald Locke, 12, of 2101 No.th Franklin, facial and arm cuts and bruises at 4:10 p.m. Saturday when a car driven by the Hardin youth hit a tree and overturned in the 900 block West High. Young Hardin was cited on a complaint of driving with defective brakes. Five persons were taken to St.

John's Hospital at 9:35 a.m. Sunday with injuries suffered at National and Cherokee. Barbara J. Pezzino, 19, Central Bible College, cited on a careless and imprudent driving complaint after police said her car passed a stop sign and hit a station wagon driven by Kenneth E. Jean, 43, of 2731 West Harrison.

Treated for cuts, bruises and other possible injuries were Jean; his wife, Nina, 41; Miss Pezzino: William Perrine, 18, Winners Listed In K-9 Kapers The German Shepherd Dog Club of Springfield held its fifth annual K-9 Kapers show Sunday at Phelps Grove Park, First place in the small dog obstacle course race went to Scamp, owned by Linda Pegg. Nel Lurvey's Armin won the obstacle race for large dogs, and was the highest scoring German Shepherd in the day's events. The costume competition winners were the entries of Cecile Payne and Rosie Dameron. Judges for the show were Dr. Glenn F.

DeGraffenreid and Dr. M. W. Gilmore. Norwegians are the world's foremost cheese eaters.

They consume an average of nearly 20 pounds per person a year. Tokyo, the largest city in the world, has no names for most of its streets. CBS; and Ray L. Knutsen, 20, Evangel College. Frank Thompson, 15, of West Hamilton, was taken to Burge Protestant Hospital with head lacerations suffered after a car in which he was riding, driven by Mark P.

Bell, 16, of 1511 West Hamilton, hit a telephone pole at 200 West Calhoun at 12:25 a. m. Sunday. Bell was cited on a complaint of careless and imprudent driving. This Is The Greater Springfield, Missouri Market The third market of Missouri with an annual spendable income in excess of $700,000,000.00 170 MILES TO KANSAS CITY HENRY Clinton BENTON Deepwater4 Warsaw MILLER Lake Ozark I I Osceola S3 HICKORY Camdenton St.

James VERNON ST. CLAIR CAMDEN PULASKI Rolla TO Hermitage Richland ST. Nevada Eldorado PHELPS Stockton Springs DALLAS Waynesville Humansville Ft. Leonard Wood LOUIS Lebanon CEDAR Buffalo BARTON Bolivar LACLEDE Lamar DADE POLK Greenfield TEXAS Golden City WEBSTER Lockwood GREENE: Marshfield WRIGHT Grove: Houston JASPER SHANNON Springfield Hartville Carthage Seymour Mountain Grove LAWRENCE Republic Rogersvilla Cabool Eminence Mt. Sarcoxie Vernon Mansfield Billings Marionville Ozark Willow NEWTON Aurora Ava Springs Mountain View CARTER Neosho Monett DOUGLAS Crane CHRISTIAN Galena BARRY Reed Springs OREGON West Plains VS701 Cassville STONE Branson Gainesville OZARK Alton TANEY HOWELL O1 Thayer S3TIW BENTON Berryville Eureka Springs BOONE Bull Shoals BAXTER Salem Mammoth Springs Rogers 8 Siloam Harrison Yellville Mountain FULTON CARROLL Home Springs SHARP Springdale MARION IZARD Huntsville Fayetteville Evening Powhattan Melbourne Shade WASHINGTON MADISON LAWRENCE Marshall Mountain View SHADED AREA SEARCY INDICATES STONE The Greater SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA ARK SA Springfield Market This great market is most effectively covered by the Daily combination of the Springfield Daily News and the Leader and Press- and by the Sunday News and Leader Springfield Newspapers, Inc.

227 MILES TO LITTLE ROCK Dial UN 9-4411 Springfield, Missouri Joplin to Host Area Boosters Of Western Pike JOPLIN (Special) The socalled "western route" Kansas Cit Orleans proposed turnpike will be discussed by Louisiana State Rep. J. Bennett Johnston, at a noon meeting here Tuesday sponsored by the U. S. Highway 71 Association and the Western Arkansas Development Association.

Purpose of the meeting is to spur final decisions for a turning pike linking the two metropolitan areas via the Carthage-Jop-1 lin area, Fort Smith and Texar. kana, and Shreveport, La. Johnston is chairman of the Louisiana group which, along with some Missouri and Arkansas road associations, is pushing for approval of a turnpike to be constructed along the western borders of Missouri and Arkansas, then on to New Orleans. Other routes also are reported to be under consideration by state and federal officials. The meeting, to be held at the Mickey Mantle Holiday Inn, also will be attended by highway department officials and legislators from the three states.

President Zachary Taylor was the father-in-law of Jefferson Davis, leader of the Confederacy. Hearing From Local Page based plane. The voice and flight recorders of the airliner were salvaged from the wreckage. Among the passengers on the airliner were John T. McNaughton, who about to take office Secretary of the Navy, his wife and their son, Theodore, whom they were takhome to Washington from a camp near Hendersonville, N.

C. In addition to the direct testi; mony to be entered during the hearings, the NSTB staff has recorded written statements from 55 other crash witnesses out of the 100 persons who said they saw the planes collide and fall. The board's final report is expected to be issued in two or three months, and may contain recommendations for new airways legislation. FUTURE TEACHERS of America clubs and their sponsors from the four public high schools will meet at 6:30 p. m.

Tuesday at Hillcrest High School for their second annual joint meeting. Following a luck" supper, each club will present an entertainment skit for the group. Oct. 9, 1967 23 SPRINGFIELD (Mo.) LEADER PRESS Driver Injured for the Central Missouri center to, receive some Greene County patients, all of whom are now admitted to the state hospital Nevada. The present waiting time a patient's admittance to vada is about a week, Judge Burrell said, and the expense high for keeping the patient St.

John's Hospital for that period. Judge Burrell said he cussed the problem with Paul L. Barone, superintendent at Nevada, who said "they would do as good a job as they possibly could in getting people in" but that Greene County is giving the hospital large number of patients, voluntary ones as well as probate court patients. Among the Springfieldians who attended the state meeting were Jack Harmon, director the Springfield-Greene County Guidance Clinic; John J. Sweeney, president of the Springfield Mental Health Association; 0.

S. Traylor, executive of the local group, and her director. band; Dr. Roy E. Wilson, mental health consultant for group, and his wife; and Jerry Sweaney and Miss Gutschke, both board members.

Trial Opens Here GI Denies Lending Car "I never said that at all," Pfc. Marion Frein, Riverton, who is home from Vietnam for a trial, told Assistant U. S. District Attorney John Carter today in federal tourt. Carter was asking Frein if he had told some persons that he had lent his 1958 Plymouth to Earl Robert Hall, 23, Orney, W.

soldier on trial on Dyer Act charges for having transported the car from Lawton, to Strafford last June. David Holden, defense attorney, had raised the implication in cross-examination. Frein did admit that he had been. willing to have the charges against Hall dropped. He said he just wanted to be done with the investigation, that people were bothering him.

Frein indicated he was under pressure to get the charges dropped. Sp. 5 Don Richard Bridenstein, 20, testified he was on temporary duty at Fort Sill, one day in June when Hall, at a service station, told him he had bought: 1958 Plymouth answering the Frein car's description, said his keys wouldn't work and had "wired around" the ignition, on the Plymouth to get it going. Eridenstein testified that the two of them then went to Chickasha, in the car, then to Oklahoma City and finally to Tulsa, where Bridenstein went into the bus station to get some soft drinks and came out to find Hall was gone. 3 Youngsters Facing Court For 'Joyride' Three youngsters, who received some immediate punishment for their joyriding activities, still had to face juvenile officials today.

Police said the three were tampering with autos on the Medlin-Frieden auto lot Sunday when the youngest boy, 11, discovered the accelerator had stuck on one vehicle. He leaped out as the auto lurched across the lot, and the car traveled some 60 feet before crashing into a parked car and knocked it 16 feet. The youngsters, uninjured but frightened at the heavy damheaded for home but were age, located by police and were scheduled to report to the juvenile office today. Driver Shoots Way Out of Traffic Jam, DENVER, Colo. (AP) Two Denver motorists were double parked on a downtown street Sunday when a car pulled up behind them and began honking its horn.

Neither of the men moved their cars so the motorist behind them got out and shot one in the head and chest and the other in the right arm and thigh. From their hospital beds, the men told police they couldn't identify their attacker. Both are in satisfactory condition. She Saved Uncle Sam Over $4.5 Million ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. (AP) Not many women can claim they have saved $4.6 million.

Miss Nell Simms canofficially. During her retirement ceremonies, recently, the Air Force said the to the government was made possible when she suggested research to eliminate the purchase of 1,776 high cost radio units. Auto Struck, Catches Fire Donald R. Hayes, 34, Route 9, was taken to St. John's Hospital at 10 a.m.

today for treatment of a scalp laceration, knee injuries and right wrist injuries. suffered in a two -vehicle accident at Delaware and Portland. Officer Richard Wells reported the accident occurred when Mrs. Josephine Umbarger, 82, of of 1635 East Delmar, failed to yield right of way to Hayes' van truck. The Hayes vehicle overturned twice and caught fire, the officer said.

About the time of the mishap, Police Lt. Ray Benton, who was off duty, and his son drove up. Lt. Benton ran to a nearby house, attached a garden hose to a faucet and extinguished the blaze before any appreciable fire damage was done to the vehicle. Firemen from No.

7 station were sent to the scene as a precaution and to clean off the street. Be a careful driver today, not a sorry one tomorrow..

Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)
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