Siesta Key's Juliette And Chloe Dish On All The Drama We Can Expect From Season 4 - Exclusive Interview (2024)


ByAmy Mackelden/

"Siesta Key" is back for a dramatic fourth season, and fans will not be disappointed. While Season 3 saw several major cast members depart the show, Season 4 promises new arrivals, trips to tropical islands, and trouble in paradise when it comes to the show's central friendships.

It's undeniable that the new season of the Florida-set reality show will be a welcome break for those of us who still can't travel due to the ongoing pandemic. Plus, new episodes promise answers to some long held questions such as, are Juliette Porter and Kelsey Owens friends, or are they fated to launch rival swimwear brands? And has Chloe Trautman really retired from her role as the show's Queen of Gossip? And what's going on with her lifestyle brand, Concept by Chloe?

In an exclusive interview, Nicki Swift caught up with "Siesta Key" stars Juliette Porter and Chloe Trautman to find out all about the new season, and what it was like filming the hit MTV show during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Filming Siesta Key during the pandemic was challenging

"Siesta Key" is back for a fourth season on May 12. Was it difficult filming during the pandemic?

Juliette: It was. First of all, the only way we could film the show during the pandemic is to make sure that we kept up with all the proper safety precautions. We were constantly being tested, constantly wearing masks. All of the above. We fogged the house, which I didn't even know what that was before, but we would fog where we would go. It'd be this, like, spray to disinfect everything. And on top of that, halfway through the season, we basically took the whole cast, except for some people, to an island in the Grenadines, it was called Palm Island. And there we were all tested. Even though we were on a private island, we were still constantly tested. So it was difficult, but we're so happy we had the opportunity to be able to film during this pandemic. And we're very happy.

Well, going to a private island is a great way to try and escape the pandemic.

Juliette: Yeah, a lot of stuff happened. You're going to have to watch on Wednesdays because when we went to that island we thought that everything was going to be all fine and dandy and it ended up being kind of a mess. So...

Chloe: Not everyone thought it was going to be fine and dandy.

Juliette: Yes. Yes. Chloe was one of the people.

Siesta Key's Juliette And Chloe are growing up

What else can fans expect from the new season of "Siesta Key"?

Juliette: So I think this season, you see us kind of transform from constantly caring about our friendships, our boyfriends, and girlfriends and partying, and all the petty things in life. When you kind of start to see us shift into being adults and figuring out who we are. And we still have all the problems that we did before, but now they're kind of turning into issues that revolve around business and family and serious relationships. So things are getting serious for us. This is our life and we're documenting it. And you kind of see us pivot from just the constant partying to more like business and work and really like serious things that people can relate to.

Chloe: And I think all of us, well, maybe not everyone, but I think the majority of us really focus on our mental health and putting ourselves first this season and trying to juggle with growing up in businesses and our mental health and all of that. And then throwing it into all the drama that we always normally used to have. But this time we maybe try and handle it a lot better. So you see a lot of internal battles going on in between each person with themselves. They know they want to be better and do better, but there's still some stuff we have to work through to get there.

Fans will find out if Chloe Trautman has left Siesta Key for good

Chloe, there were lots of reports that you were leaving "Siesta Key." If it's renewed are you coming back? And how are your other businesses going?

Chloe: I had a [women's] wellness retreat about a month ago. Juliette attended. For the answer on whether I return or not, I can say that fans will get an answer this season. So there's no worry there. Everyone will have the ending result of what I decide to do. I ultimately just decided to take some time for myself, and you may even see me taking some time for myself. So, I just really had to do what I think was best for me, and I'm really grateful for the journey that I've been on, because I think it's so important to be an example to those who watch our show, that no matter what is happening in your life, you should always put your mental health and yourself first. And the journey I've been on, it hasn't been perfect. It's not always beautiful. But it's mine and I'm proud of it. And I'm really, really proud of me being so vulnerable and showing my struggles.

And Concept is the online lifestyle blog that I've had for almost a year now. We are actually coming out with a whole new website next week, and I'm just really excited for people to see that Concept, like me, has evolved. And now it focuses more on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. And the thing that I love most in life is to help others on their own personal journeys. So I'm really excited about that.

I also just threw a [women's] wellness retreat called The Metamorphosis, and we are starting to plan our next one. That's going to be in October [2021]. It's going to be a three-day retreat this time, hosted at a hotel on Siesta Key Beach. We'll be testing regularly there, and I'm just really excited for the future. And I'm just so grateful for this show for giving me the opportunity to have this platform. And I'm so grateful that I've had this journey and I'm really excited for everyone to see this season unfold.

Juliette Porter has big plans for her JMP The Label

Juliette, you just launched your swimwear line, JMP The Label. How is it going, and what are your plans for the future?

Juliette: Oh, it's going so amazing. And like Chloe said, I am so grateful for this platform. I mean, "Siesta Key" has definitely been hard to film, but this has made it worth it because I was able to follow my dreams. I created a bathing suit line called JMP The Label. It's sustainable fabrics. It's eco-friendly. It's made by women in Bali. That's where the factory is. And you know, it's a quality product that I'm very proud of. I'm happy to put my name on this. And I'm loving designing. It's so much fun. It's incredibly fulfilling, and I'm learning about the ins and outs of the industry. So it's just very amazing, and I have some new collections coming over the summer. We kind of started with a neutral theme, colors and all that, and now we're kind of shifting into bright, summer, happy colors. And I have my line planned all the way out till December right now. So I'm very excited.

And the "Siesta Key" cast have helped model your swimwear for you.

Juliette: Yeah, yeah. Definitely. I love doing that.

Chloe: That was probably — I'll speak for Juliette here — but that was probably one of the most emotional days we filmed is when we're all modeling for her and just so proud of how far she's come. And everyone's seen her go through a lot with her past relationships and to just watch her grow into this young woman is really powerful.

Juliette is finally friends with Cara

So everyone wants to know if you're friends with Caranow? And what happened to Canvas? Where is she?

Juliette: I'm friends with Cara. I mean, everything that happened with Cara in the past, it doesn't matter to me anymore, and a lot of that was just, like, such petty emotions and so childish, that I let go of everything and she definitely did. So, yeah, we're definitely on good terms. And Canvas moved to Atlanta, right?

Chloe: Yes, Canvas moved to Atlanta. I don't talk to her anymore, but I wish her well and I think she's doing pretty good there. So, I really don't know. And Cara and I are interesting, but you guys will just have to stay tuned for that.

So we might see some drama?

Chloe: Definitely.

Former cast memberPaul "Pauly"Apostolides hasbeen in the news recently. Are you still friends with him?

Juliette: We don't care about Paul. Yeah.

Chloe:I think Paul is a liability, and anyone that associates with him is not placing themselves in a very smart situation.

Most people were really upset about how rude he was to you on the show, Chloe.

Juliette: He's said rude things to everyone. I mean, he posted on his Instagram that I had said that I wished horrible things upon Alex's unborn child. He just makes things up in thin air. It's just...

Chloe: He's a lost soul and pray for him, but no one needs to be around him.

Juliette and Chloe's love lives take center stage in Season 4 of Siesta Key

Juliette, you've been in really high profile relationships on the show; what's it been like living that out in the public eye? And Chloe, everyone wants to know are you ever going to have a relationship on the show or are you more secretive about that?

Juliette: Well, I'll go first. It's been difficult to have relationships that are focused on a lot on the show, but I try to just stay very open about what's going on in them. And I think that's something that people really appreciate. The viewers really like how open I am about that stuff ... If we hide anything, then we're not being true to ourselves. And I made a commitment to do a reality show so that I could connect with people and maybe help them. And if I'm not truly open with my relationships, then I'm not doing this job, I guess you could say, justice. So it's been hard. But you know, like I said, that's what I committed to. And I'm willing to take the downfalls in my relationships because this is what I do. And it's been great with Sam[Logan]. So I haven't had too many like horrible issues with him so far, but you guys will have to stay tuned.

Chloe: It's not personally always up to me. If it was up to me, I would have had my ex-boyfriend of many years on the show. He did not want to be a part of it. I asked many, many times, and he didn't. This season I may have a crush, and currently I am seeing someone. So hopefully, if people watch the show and we get another season, people will finally see me in love. ... Yeah. The guy I'm seeing is just wonderful.

Siesta Key's Juliette and Chloe have some major five-year goals

What are your five-year goals? You both must have so much planned.

Juliette: My five-year goal, I just want to completely expand my bathing suit brand right now. And right now I'm calling it a bathing suit brand, because we're making bathing suits, but I want JMP The Label, that's what it's called, to expand into athleisure. I want to continue to make tons of bathing suits. I never want to stop doing that, but I'd like to do athleisure, like pajamas, comfortable clothing, and then eventually jewelry.

And then overall in five years ... I mean, this could be more than five years. It could be less than five years. But I want to do it all. I want to do all types of clothing. I even would love to do skincare. I just want to make my brand everything that I possibly can because I love it so much and I want to have a quality company and products out there. So my goal is to just expand my business.

Chloe: Well, my five-year goal is to make Tony Robbins look small.

Juliette: I'm like, Chloe reminds me of Tony Robbins.

Chloe: You know, I am just so grateful that I've had the spiritual awakening and gone through this transformation and really taken control of my inner life and the life outside around me. And I just want to continue to help others on their own personal development journeys. And I just want to expand my business Concept, my business Metamorphosis. I mean, for the love life, I would love to be engaged and maybe even married in five years. And now I see that that could be a possibility. So I'm just really excited for the future. For the first time in my entire life, I really feel like things are aligned. And I think that has a lot to do with taking a step back from toxic relationships and toxic environments and really just being an adult and growing up. ... So we're so blessed. So blessed.

Juliette and Chloe are basically homebodies now

What do you wish viewers knew about the real "Siesta Key"?

Juliette: Oh, that's hard. I mean, in terms of, like, what this city is really like, we're really starting to shift into really focusing on ourselves, kind of like we pointed out. So Chloe, for instance, she doesn't really go out anymore and we're kind of like taking a step back to focus on ourselves. I kind of do the same, too. I'm trying to not go out to dinners as much. I'm trying to spend more time with myself. And I think that other cast members are doing that too, because it gets draining to always be around each other I think, and go to parties and just be in these social settings that can sometimes just not benefit us. So, I think that's something that we're ... Would you agree with that Chloe? We're kind of like stepping back?

Chloe: I think the thing that I would like people to know most is, yes the show is beautiful. All of the cast members are very beautiful, and it looks very glitz and glam all of the time. But outside of filming and outside of doing interviews like this, Juliette and I are very humble, down to earth, don't wear a ton of makeup. We really don't dress up that much and I can say that about every cast member.

I truly take such pride in how none of us have really ever allowed this TV show to get to us. And I think that's really admirable of all of us that, if we're walking — I mean, I walk the beach every day and people come up to me and sometimes they're a little like, "Ooh." And I always just like to bring it down. I'm a normal person. So I think to just know that we're very normal people and really none of us think we're just these famous, know it all, we're better than everybody. Truly, even people that I don't necessarily love the most on the show, really everyone has stayed very humble and it's really beautiful that we have maintained that through all of this.

And managed to stay friends as well. Well, with some people.

Chloe: Wait 'til you see the season.

Siesta Key Season 4 has some huge surprises

Is there anything else you want viewers to know about "Siesta Key" Season 4?

Juliette: I think that a lot of stuff happens this season and I think it's important for people to understand that everyone makes mistakes. And we're opening ourselves up to these situations that can be toxic to us. And it's really nice to see the ups and downs we go through. So I think that's going to be really entertaining for people to see, and how we navigate through these issues that we're having. And people will be able to relate to the relationship issues we're having, whether it be boyfriends and girlfriends or friendships and businesses, all the things we've struggled through. That's why we do it. We want people to understand us and hope that they can be understood, as well.

Chloe: And we have a new little mini cast member this season named Quincy, Brandon's son. And he is a ray of light, the cutest baby ever. And it's going to be ... It's intense, but it's really powerful to watch Brandon go through his journey this season. So I'm really excited for people to see that.

Catch all the drama of "Siesta Key" Season 4 on MTV from Wednesday, May 12, at 8/7c.

Siesta Key's Juliette And Chloe Dish On All The Drama We Can Expect From Season 4 - Exclusive Interview (2024)
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