Power Rangers Core Rulebook [demarked][qpdf] [408678yedvlx] (2024)




CREDITS Power Rangers Roleplaying Game



President & Publisher

Bryan C.P. Steele, TJ Storm, Elisa Teague

Scott Gaeta

Essence20 Design

Vice President Sales & Marketing

Ryan Costello, Ben Heisler, Gabriel Hicks, Paige Leitman, JF Sambrano, Bryan C.P. Steele, TJ Storm, Elisa Teague, Eddy Webb

Sara Erickson

Senior Producer of Roleplaying Games Elisa Teague

Associate Producer of Roleplaying Games Trivia Fox

Illustration Bachan, Jasper Hathaway, Joana Lafuente, Linda Lithen, Joyce Maureira, Miguel Mercado, Goñi Montes, Dan Mora, Steve Morris, Jefte Paolo, Nick Robles, Greg Smallwood, Julian Totino, Carlos Fabián Villa Tedesco, and Hasbro provided art

Graphic Designers Christopher Beck Nate Carnahan

Editor Elisa Teague

Cultural Consultant Editing James Mendez Hodes

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Director of Operations Leisha Cummins

Director, Strategic Partnerships Erika Conway

Sales and Marketing Program Manager Matt Holland

Senior Producer of Board & Card Games Dan Bojanowski

Associate Producer of Board & Card Games Jimmy Le

Senior Game Designer Matt Hyra

Game Designers Dan Blanchett & T.C. Petty III

Senior Creative Leads of Board & Card Games Anita Osburn & Jeanne Torres

Video Production Manager Desiree Love

Customer Service Jenni Janikowski

Finance Clerk Minnie Nelson

Event Manager Chris Whitpan

Creative Production Lead Gordon Tucker © 2021 Renegade Game Studios. All Rights Reserved. TM & © 2021 SCG Power Rangers LLC and Hasbro. Power Rangers and all related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are the exclusive property of SCG Power Rangers LLC. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.


Creative Production Noelle Lopez

FOREWORD Rangers! Teleport to the Command Center! Hello. My name is David J. Fielding, but you might know me better as Zordon, the Eltarian mentor to the first group of morphenominal teen superheroes that took the world by storm nearly thirty years ago: the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. My time on the show was brief, but the character has been a staple that Power Ranger fans all over the world recognize and knowing that my face has contributed in some way to their love of the show is special and also, quite humbling. Being a part of that world-wide pop culture phenomenon is, to say the least, terrific, inspiring and also something I do my best to live up to. Because of my connection to the franchise, I’ve been able to meet so many wonderful people. I’ve journeyed around the world to meet them and listen to them tell me how the show and the characters brought them joy and a sense of community and belonging. So, it would be remiss of me not to say thank you, to all the fans who have made that experience an outstanding one – fans like you, who have backed and purchased this amazing Power Rangers Roleplaying Game. What you are holding in your hands is something truly special. Roleplaying games have been a huge part of my growth and knowledge as a writer and also as an actor. I began playing them when I was still in high school and still enjoy them today, and I am grateful for all the times I’ve gathered around a table of fellow players and GMs to tell collective stories of high adventure, full of laughter, excitement and yes, even a few tears. Roleplaying games and systems are amazing tools that allow each and every one of us to tell stories. To lift ourselves up out of the ordinary and to explore the extraordinary. They encompass so many creative elements – they are theater, they are creative writing, they are graphic art and design, they are therapy, they are safe havens, and they are escape. They allow us to slip inside the skin of beings and characters that face great dangers and thrilling situations – even if those hazards and circ*mstance are imaginary ones. What matters is, through collective storytelling, we all live them. And that is a beautiful thing. Remember way back when? When you would watch the Power Rangers on television and then rush outside to recreate your favorite moments or to create new ones of your own? Well, now you can do that again! Because what you will find within the pages of this book are the rules and guidelines to bring your own version of the Power Rangers to life. Want to recreate the events of Green with Evil, but with your own unique twist? You can. Want to see the Time Force Rangers team up with the Rangers from Beast Morphers and guide them through a series of encounters against the nefarious plans of a group of powerful evil warlords including Ranzik, Queen Bansheera, and Evox? You can. The possibilities are endless. The only limit is your own imagination – and we all know your imagination is limitless. So, what are you waiting for, Ranger? Grab your morpher, take a stance, join forces with your teammates and face down the worst evil has to offer! Because as Power Rangers, the world is lucky to have you. And so am I. May the Power Protect You, David J. Fielding




Chapter 1: Introduction�����������������������������������������6


Ancient Alien History������������������������������������������7


The War Against Rita Repulsa������������������������������7

Community Helper��������������������������������������������68

The Power Rangers Directive�������������������������������8

Small Town Roots����������������������������������������������69

The Power Rangers Roleplaying Game��������������12

Martial Artist������������������������������������������������������70

Chapter 2: Character Creation�����������������������������13


Step 1: Character Concept���������������������������������14

Not from Around Here��������������������������������������72

Step 2: Choosing an Origin�������������������������������14


Step 3: Choosing a Role������������������������������������15


Step 4: Choosing Influences������������������������������15


Step 5: Assign your Essence Points to Essence Scores���������������������������������������������������������������16

Chapter 6: Essence Scores and Skills��������������������77

Step 6: Determine Your Skills�����������������������������17

Skills and Specializations����������������������������������79

Step 7: Describing Your Character���������������������18

Strength-Based Skills�����������������������������������������79

Step 8: Selecting Equipment������������������������������18

Speed-Based Skills���������������������������������������������81

Is My Character Ready?�������������������������������������19

Smarts-Based Skills��������������������������������������������84

Chapter3: Character Origins��������������������������������20

Social-Based Skills���������������������������������������������86

Heroes of Earth��������������������������������������������������21

Gaining Skills & Specializations������������������������87

Choosing Your Origin����������������������������������������21

Using Skills�������������������������������������������������������88

Power Rangers Origins��������������������������������������22

Story Points - The Great Equalizer����������������������91

Chapter 4: Roles - The Power Rangers Spectrum��28

Chapter 7: Perks and Grid Powers�����������������������92

Ranger Spectrum�����������������������������������������������29

General Perks����������������������������������������������������93

Black Ranger�����������������������������������������������������31

Grid Powers������������������������������������������������������99

Blue Ranger�������������������������������������������������������36

Chapter 8: Equipment����������������������������������������102

Green Ranger����������������������������������������������������42

About Equipment��������������������������������������������103

Pink Ranger�������������������������������������������������������46


Red Ranger��������������������������������������������������������50

Combined Weapons����������������������������������������115

Yellow Ranger���������������������������������������������������54

Improvised Weapons���������������������������������������115

The Advanced Ranger Spectrum������������������������58

Power Armor���������������������������������������������������119

White Ranger����������������������������������������������������59


Chapter 5: Influences�������������������������������������������64


Hang-Ups����������������������������������������������������������65 Background Bonds��������������������������������������������65

Wealth Checks - Choosing Your Socio-Economic Background���������������������������130

Having Multiple Influences��������������������������������65

Chapter 9: Zords������������������������������������������������131

Customizing an Influence����������������������������������65

The Zords - Evolving Machines������������������������132

Essence Scores - the Four ‘S’s�����������������������������78

Creating Your Power Ranger’s Zord������������������132

Between Missions and Downtime�������������������187

Customizing Your Zords - Zord Features����������136

Chapter 12: Locations����������������������������������������189

The Combiner Zord Feature�����������������������������139

Angel Grove North������������������������������������������190

The Dinozords�������������������������������������������������141

Angel Grove South������������������������������������������200

The Aquitian Battle Borgs��������������������������������146

Chapter 13: Threats��������������������������������������������206

The ZeoZords��������������������������������������������������149

Chunky Chicken����������������������������������������������207

The Turbozords������������������������������������������������150


The Mega-Vehicle Zords����������������������������������152

Putty Patrollers (normal)�����������������������������������210

Other Zords�����������������������������������������������������154

Putty Patrollers (changeling)�����������������������������210

Chapter 10: Combat�������������������������������������������155

Putty Patrollers (z-putties)��������������������������������211

The Flow of Combat����������������������������������������156 Surprise�����������������������������������������������������������156 Setting the Initiative Order�������������������������������157 Taking Your Turn - Actions��������������������������������157 Types of Actions����������������������������������������������157 Free Actions/Activities on Your Turn�����������������159 Combat Movement������������������������������������������159 Buying Additonal Movement���������������������������160 Getting Knocked Prone�����������������������������������160 Moving Nearby Other Creatures����������������������160 Creature Size and Scale�����������������������������������160 Map Footprint��������������������������������������������������160 Reach��������������������������������������������������������������161 Momentarily Acting Smaller����������������������������161 Combat Actions�����������������������������������������������162

Pineapple the Clown (changeling)�������������������212 Pineoctopus (normal)��������������������������������������213 Pineoctopus (grown)����������������������������������������213 Polluticorn (normal)�����������������������������������������214 Polluticorn (grown)������������������������������������������215 Rito Revolto����������������������������������������������������216 Slippery Shark (normal)�����������������������������������217 Slippery Shark (grown)������������������������������������218 Snizzard����������������������������������������������������������218 Tonsil Snakes���������������������������������������������������220 Spit Flower (normal)����������������������������������������220 Spit Flower (grown)�����������������������������������������221 Biting Flower���������������������������������������������������221 Terror Toad (normal)����������������������������������������222

Attack Actions�������������������������������������������������163

Chapter 14: Running an Adventure��������������������223

Defeat and Healing Damage���������������������������173

Adventure Balance������������������������������������������225

Other Forms of Combat�����������������������������������174

Adventure Breakdown�������������������������������������225

Chapter 11: Exploration�������������������������������������178

A Fool’s Errand������������������������������������������������227


Part 1: the Battle Simulation�����������������������������227


Part 2: Missing in Action����������������������������������231

Special Types of Movement�����������������������������180

Part 3: The Funhouse���������������������������������������243

The Environment���������������������������������������������184

Adventure Conclusion�������������������������������������251




Character Sheet�������������������������������������������������254



Welcome, Power Ranger. Amid a universe of trillions, you are among the chosen few deemed worthy to wear the armor and wield the might of the Power Rangers. The Power Rangers are warriors, sworn to protect this planet and the entire galaxy, as I once did. I am Zordon, and though I am no longer a warrior myself, I will teach you how to wield the might of the Morphin Grid through your armor, your weapons, and most importantly, through yourself and your teammates. But first I will show you what came before…


ANCIENT ALIEN HISTORY In a part of the sky that your human astronomers call M51, there was once a sprawling civilization full of life and light. That was… until a galaxy-conquering emperor brought war and darkness hitherto unseen to our otherwise peaceful civilization. Though our technology was so advanced as to appear nearly magical to less advanced species, we were not prepared for the relentless onslaught of the evil emperor’s forces. Before my own home planet of Eltar was conquered, I gathered one of my world’s most powerful technologies, the Zeo Crystal, and fled in hopes that I might someday find a way to stop the forces that had defeated my people. I narrowly escaped, and that conqueror, Lord Zedd, dispatched his forces in every direction to vanquish civilizations and become “Emperor of all that he could see.”

I managed to continue my work on the Zeo Crystal when I happened upon a tiny blue planet in a very small galaxy. That planet was Earth. The inhabitants of Earth were not unlike my own people back on Eltar. Unfortunately, eight thousand years ago humans had no way to protect themselves from General Repulsa nor any way to escape if she were to attack. I knew that if she made it to Earth, humankind would be doomed, so I hid the Zeo Crystal here on Earth and prepared to do battle with General Repulsa on your Earth’s Moon where she could do no harm.

And so, I fled beyond his sight. Beyond his reach. But Lord Zedd would not be satisfied, and he dispatched his generals to find new worlds to conquer. One of those generals, Rita Repulsa, tracked me and the power of the Zeo Crystal across the universe. Though I was beginning to unlock the potential of the Zeo Crystal, I could not stop General Repulsa, as she conquered planet after planet. And though I gained friends and allies along the way such as Alpha 5, countless more fell before her and her monstrous forces. Ay yi yi yi yi! I remember my planet of Edenoi! A beautiful forested planet with cities of gold! But after the General, Rita Repulsa unleashed her armies on us, all that was left was rocky deserts and poisonous gases to be mined by the once free inhabitants she enslaved. Thanks to Zordon, I and several thousand Edenoi were able to escape! I owe my Zeozen CPU Ultra Processor to you Zordon! I only wish I could have saved more, Alpha.

The War Against General Repulsa Over the next two thousand of your Earth years, we fought General Repulsa across countless planets over numerous galaxies. She seemed to only become stronger with each victory.



Armed with the allies that I had collected over many battles and what I had learned of the Zeo Crystal and it’s connection to the Morphin Grid, we managed to trap General Repulsa and her top commanders in a special device: an interdimensional prison that would forever sit on the lifeless confines of the moon. Though many good warriors fell that day, Earth was saved from her invasion force. However, in a final, furious act of defiance, General Repulsa used her power to banish me to the very Morphin Grid that I was seeking to master. My physical body was destroyed, and I have been part of the Morphin Grid ever since. Ay yi yi yi yi! You should have put Rita Repulsa in a magical dumpster and kicked her into a black hole!

The Return of Rita Repulsa Alpha 5 is correct, Ranger. It would have been best to destroy General Repulsa when we had the chance. But with my physical body destroyed and my essence lost in the Morphin Grid, that course of action was impossible. Over the next eight millennia, human ingenuity and technology evolved exponentially. Then, in the summer of Earth year 1993, a secret manned moon mission discovered an ancient piece of alien technology. Those brave astronauts could not have known that they were tampering with the device that I used to imprison General Repulsa and her commanders. In their curiosity, they opened up the prison I had constructed, and they accidentally freed General Repulsa, Earth’s greatest enemy. This would have dire consequences for the entire universe, but not all was lost. That same pulse of interdimensional energy released from the device woke up the Zeo Crystal, and through it, Alpha 5 was able to bring my essence back. And this time, I returned with greater knowledge of the Might of the Morphin Grid.


The Power Rangers Directive Power Ranger. You join the ranks of the few, chosen directly by the Might of the Morphin Grid. The Power Coin in your possession means that the Power of the Morphin Grid recognizes and deems you worthy to carry the mantle of Power Ranger. Over the last three decades, Power Rangers not unlike yourself have stood as Earth’s only protection against the constant and brutal barrage of General Repulsa, Lord Zedd, their forces, and enemies across the galaxy. You, Power Ranger, are part of a fighting team that is Earth’s first and last line of defense. But the price of power is responsibility and the three basic rules of being a Power Ranger. Follow them, or you risk losing the Protection of the Power: • FIRST: Never use your power for personal gain. • SECOND: Never escalate a battle unless your enemy forces you to. And finally, • THIRD: Keep your identity as a Power Ranger secret. You must never reveal your identity to anyone other than your fellow Power Rangers. Ever.

The Mission Though General Repulsa threatens the entire Earth, she focuses the majority of her attacks here in Angel Grove. She knows that the Zeo Crystal buried well beneath what is now the city of Angel Grove powers the defenses that protect this planet from her invasion fleet. That is why you have been summoned here, to the Command Center just outside of Angel Grove city. It is here that we will train you in the use of your powers, your equipment, and your own personal intuitive A.I.-reactive giant armored battle mech, otherwise known as your battle “Zords.”


Ay yi yi yi yi! Even though Zordon’s planetary defenses are strong, that evil Rita Repulsa manages to use her power to constantly attack and unleash monsters in an attempt to defeat our defenses or worse, steal the Zeo Crystal for herself! She is a relentless and dangerous foe! You’re about to get a crash course in Power Rangering!!! Power Ranger, you are now ready to learn the ways of the Morphin Grid and learn to defend Angel Grove and all of Earth from the threats that wish to see it destroyed.

The Might of the Morphin Grid and You Before we proceed, you will need to understand the Power that protects you and energizes your abilities. That power comes from the Morphin Grid. The Morphin Grid is a bio-field of multiversal energy that fuels all of the Power Rangers’ abilities, weapons, and Zords. The energy of the Grid is infinitely malleable, and its potential as a fuel source is unimaginable. That said, the Power can be incredibly difficult to tap, shape or wield without the proper focus. Through my study of the Zeo Crystal, and through the help of wise allies, I have been able to replicate the Power Coins: focal points for the Morphin Grid to be shaped and wielded by those the Power deems worthy.

learn how to wield them by using your connection through the Morphin Grid. The Power will direct you to which weapon is best focused and used, depending on the type of Power Ranger you choose to be. Finally, your connection to the Power will allow you to connect with one of the most powerful weapons in the Power Ranger arsenal: the Battle Zord. A Zord is a colossal assault vehicle capable of both ranged and close quarter combat on a massive scale. Zords come in countless shapes, sizes and forms. From the raw power of the original Dinozords designed from Earth’s own ancient inhabitants, the incredible Thunderzords, and the Turbozords that through allied technologies are capable of shrinking down to the size of normal vehicles, each has a truly impressive transformation. Just as unique as each Zord is the connection between a Power Ranger and their Zord. Only time will tell which Zord will answer your call. The mysteries of the Morphin Grid was my area of study some ten thousand years ago back on my home planet and we are still unlocking the vast mysteries of this limitless power. Ay yi yi yi yi! Which Power Ranger stands before us and what will their powers be Zordon?? The suspense is killing me! Actually, it’s causing my ion fold capacitor to fluctuate, but you know what I mean!!!

The Power Coin has made its way to you. The Power already courses through you, and while you have the Power Coin on your person, you will notice that you are faster, stronger, and more resilient than you have ever been in your life. However, when you use the Power Coin to tap the full power of the Morphin Grid, the Morphinomenal energy of the Morphin Grid will move over and through you, transforming you into the armored Might of the Power Ranger! Fully Morphed, you are not only protected by the Power Ranger armor that instantly forms to your body, but also by a force field that comes directly from the Morphin Grid. The most powerful attacks will spark and explode against you, but you will be able to stave off most of the damage they would normally do. This same power will allow you to wield one of many highly advanced weapons that you will need to defeat the foes that General Repulsa will send against you. Some weapons work better for certain Power Rangers than others, and you will have to





The Threshold Power Ranger. The moment of truth is upon you. Though the Power Coin has chosen you, you too must choose the path of the Power Ranger. You now understand the incredible power you will wield in the defense of Earth and this reality. More importantly, you understand the directives and responsibilities placed upon you as a Power Ranger. Will you accept your rightful place among the Power Rangers? Very well. We shall proceed, and “May the Power Protect you.” Ay yi yi yi yi! This is all so exciting! What’s next Zordon?

The Enemy We Face Now that you know more about yourself and the Power you possess, you should better understand what dangers we face from those who wish to harness the Power for their own. From her palatial Moon Base, General Repulsa, on the ancient command of the “Emperor of all He Sees,” Lord Zedd, has renewed her assault on Earth. Fortunately with the help of the Power Rangers and Zeo Crystal we have been able to shield most of the planet from the brunt of her attacks. As you now know, she has learned that the Zeo Crystal, the powers the Earth’s defenses are buried here, deep below Angel Grove, and thus, Angel Grove suffers the majority of her attacks. Although the pace of her attacks is brutal, there is a silver lining for Power Rangers. As there is no substitute for experience, you will be forged and tempered in the fire of battle. You will no doubt face a barrage of attacks in defence of Angel Grove. General Repulsa’s top commander is Goldar, a winged Sirian, which is a doglike race from a distant planet. Goldar is as powerful and vicious as he is merciless and cunning. You will recognize him by his golden armor and sword. Though unlikely to face him in battle personally, you will face his infantry, the Putty Patrollers. The Putty Patrollers are relentless man-sized automatons made of an energized clay that feel neither fear nor pain. Putty Patrollers are crafted by General Repulsa’s personal Weapons Designer, the alien scientist Finster. Finster’s extraordinary intellect focuses on creating ever more dangerous weapons and monstrous warriors. An exquisite craftsman and

inventor, Finster specializes in creating much of Gen. Repulsa’s army out of a special clay that he has developed and refined with the help of Lieutenant Baboo. Lieutenant Baboo is a simian-like alien obsessed with time and record keeping and is rarely seen on the frontlines. He functions as General Repulsa’s chemist, alchemist, and theoretical scientist performing research and development while working alongside Finster. He has been known to create dangerous chemical weapons that have been unleashed on the public and Power Rangers alike. And last but not least, General Repulsa’s champion: Scorpina. Scorpina is of alien descent, most often appearing disguised as a human woman. She is of great battle prowess and capable of wielding her deadly curved saber in both melee or with wicked precision at long range in the style of a boomerang. Worse, she can unleash her true form, a horrific, sad*stic scorpion like monster with a stinger filled with toxic venom. Scorpina and Goldar seem to be battle partners, preferring to attack in tandem, making their threat doubly deadly. Take great care in dealing with any of General Repulsa’s forces. General Repulsa regularly dispatches advanced scouts in the form of Putty Patrollers, using them as shock troops before unleashing her attack forces often in the form of one of Finster’s monster creations. She will often take a personal interest in the battle as she watches from her Moon Base, and when that happens, she will use her own powers to cause an attacking monster to grow to enormous size. You will be trained to use your Zord to combat such threats and drive the giant monsters away from densely populated areas, to be defeated by you and your teammates, when possible. Ay yi yi yi yi! That’s not the worst of it! We should tell the Rangers about the other threats they may soon face, Zordon! Very well Alpha. Recently, Alpha and I have detected new activity with multiple trajectories heading towards the Milky Way galaxy. It could be anything, but we must prepare for the worst. I fear Lord Zedd himself may be coming to take over command from General Repulsa in the fight for Earth. Beyond that, we have detected other threats, as if all eyes in this quadrant of the universe have chosen Earth, it’s inhabitants, and it’s resources as their



singular prize. I fear it could be an alien invasion force or worse, the relentless Machine Empire. It is doubtless that there are some threats we have not yet encountered from even deeper in space. Ay yi yi yi yi! I hope it’s not space pirates! Or worse… shadow ghosts! Ay yi yi yi yi!

The Power Rangers Roleplaying Game The Power Rangers Roleplaying Game is a campaign setting for the Essence20 Roleplaying System. This book will teach you how to make your own Power Rangers character and provide details on how to become your character inside the game, along with all of the rules on how to play. Additionally in this book, the world of Power Rangers will be outlined in many ways: how Power Rangers interact with other people and threats to Angel Grove and the Earth itself, descriptions of all of the places and characters they will encounter, what type of equipment and technologies Power Rangers have available to them, and much more. Whether your Power Ranger team decides to get straight into battle with one of Rita or Zedd’s monsters or just hang out at Ernie’s Juice Bar to talk about what they will do as the Earth’s new heroes, it is completely up to you...and your Game Master.

The Game Master When playing the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game, one of the players will need to take on the role of the Game Master, commonly referred to as the GM. The GM acts as the narrator to the story that all of the players tell together, but that is not all. The GM describes the scenario, plays all of the non-player characters (NPCs), and makes sure that everyone understands and plays by the rules. In a sense, the GM will be your Zordon, calling you to action and describing to you what threat is coming your way and your choices to defeat it! When narrating the story, the GM presents an adventure for the players to have their Power Rangers explore, and based on those characters’ decisions (as well as some dice rolls), the GM will determine what happens next in the game. The NPCs that the GM puts into the adventure act very much like the player characters. They may be there to help you and guide you on your way, they may be citizens to save or interact with, or they may be


Threats who will challenge you. It is up to you and your fellow Power Rangers to work as a team to solve problems, figure out what to do next, resolve challenges, and fight the forces of evil in the adventure. Your team should band together much like a Megazord - each part with a function, working as one group to achieve your goal.

Playing the Game Once you’ve decided who will be the GM, the players will make their Power Rangers characters. This can be done individually or as a group, and oftentimes, it is done under the guidance of the GM. Your Player Character (PC) is your persona in the adventure and throughout the game. The rules for making a character can be found in Chapter 2: Character Creation. While some people like to play different characters game to game, most groups keep the same players (and their characters) from adventure to adventure, forming what is commonly called a “campaign.” Imagine that an adventure is like one episode of a television show. A campaign would then be like an entire season — or sometimes a whole series! Over the course of the campaign, characters will learn more about their connection to the Morphin Grid, and in doing so, they will get stronger, faster, smarter, and more in tune with the world around them. They will learn new things, gain more resources and powers, get new equipment, and in the end, when the campaign is over, all of the players will have worked as a team to create an epic story of Morphinomenal heroics, full of cool battles, funny anecdotes, memorable choices, and more. A game of Power Rangers: The Roleplaying Game only ends after all of the players decide that they don’t want to play as their characters anymore. There is no “winner” in this game. The object of the game is to have fun while weaving the goals of the group, the objectives of the GM, and whatever happens in between together into one story. While there is no winner in the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game, there are rules in place that will guide players on how to control their characters. Before diving into the adventure, the next few chapters will help you make your choices for your character and teach you how the game works.


It’s time to suit up, Power Ranger. It’s Morphin Time!


n a game of the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game, each player has their own character that they use to tell their part of the story. Character creation is a fun process that allows you to build the persona, backstory, skills, and traits of your character. Part of this creation comes from the rules of the game, which give a method to calculate your toughness, abilities, and skills, but the majority of the creation comes from your own imagination and creativity.

As you move through this chapter and follow the step-by-step creation process, you’ll be able to easily design a unique character that can be used in your Power Rangers game. As you complete each step, record the information on your character sheet, which you will use to reference all of the details of your character in the future, both while playing the game and advancing your character when you level up in experience.


Step 1: Character Concept Who is your character? Creating a character can seem daunting, but in reality, whomever you create is just a representation of what type of personality and goals you want your Power Ranger to possess. Is your Ranger a protector of the innocent, always striving to keep civilians safe above all else? Do they dedicate their life to martial arts, never missing a practice session or a match? Are they a natural leader, guiding the way and being a mentor for others? Do they obsess over technology and keep busy tinkering in a lab between missions? These types of concepts can help you build a realistic backstory for your character that will give them motivation later on in gameplay. For example, if you chose the character who is incredibly dedicated to martial arts, perhaps your character will be met with a decision in a future campaign, where they will have to choose between attending an important competition or fighting a nearby invasion of putty patrollers. When you have a backstory that has built in the love and importance of a hobby or lifestyle, then your character’s choices will be easier. Who your character is inside and the feelings and memories that they have will also help shape their personality. Where do they live? Who are their parents, and what do they do? What was their favorite toy, holiday, or memory? How were they called to be a Power Ranger? How do they feel about their calling? Your Power Ranger will have 4 major contributors to their character: 1. Origin: Your character’s Origin is who your character was before they became a Power Ranger. Were you the school athlete? The class clown? Were you a rebel? 2. Role: Your character’s Role is the position in the Power Rangers team that your character has now. This is linked directly to the color of the spectrum and its function in the team.


Are you a science-minded Blue Ranger? A strategic Yellow Ranger? An inspirational Red Ranger? 3. Influence: Your character’s Influence reflects life experiences that your character grew up with or had regular exposure to. A character may have more than one Influence, but they will receive a Hangup as a result. Hangups may seem bad, but they add so much to your character’s background and story. 4. Essence Points: The Essence of your character is built from assigning Essence Points into four ability categories: Strength, Speed, Smarts, and Social. How you assign these points will affect specific skills you will have within these categories.

Step 2: Choosing an Origin Your character’s Origin comes from who they were before they were called upon to be the hero they are today. For Power Rangers, this is best described as your character’s base personality and persona. This is who they are known as when they are out and about in everyday life in their normal identities, whether they are a student at Angel Grove High or a waitress at the local diner. Your character’s Origin, in combination with their Role and Influences, make up the whole person that they are. Each Origin grants your character some special skills and equipment that other Origins may not have, such as specific powers, trained skills, and more. The Origin you choose will also affect your character’s ability scores, which will be generated a bit later in Character Creation. Full descriptions of the Origins can be found in Chapter 3: Origins, and it is a good idea to read through them carefully before making your choice, unless one immediately grabs your attention. Having fun while playing is the most important part, so if you see something that calls to you, choose it for your character! Once you have chosen an Origin, remember to write down all of the benefits that your character gains on your character sheet.


Step 3: Choosing a Role

their character, so they can do a little bit of everything. The choice is up to you and can often help shape the personality and quirks of your character discussed in Step 1.

Roles for Power Rangers are tied to the Ranger Spectrum, and your color choice correlates to a general role or job within your team. While every player character is a Power Ranger (unless your Game Master allows otherwise), each character’s Role in the group that helps them contribute to the story and whatever goal or problem you are tackling in your mission.

Currently, there are six main Roles: the Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Red, and Yellow Rangers. In addition, there is an Advanced Spectrum Role that allows your character to be a White Ranger under special circ*mstances.

The Role that you choose will also define your character’s armor color and unlock specific Zord choices, as well as establish two primary Abilities, Role Perks, Skill Training, and Equipment. These will allow your character to do special actions and will shape how your character uses their power. Sometimes players choose Roles that enhance the traits given to their characters by their Origin or their Influences. Sometimes players choose Roles that give their players different abilities to round out

Full descriptions of the Roles can be found in Chapter 4: Roles. Unless your Game Master says otherwise (and almost always for your first game), your character will start as 1st level in whichever Role you choose. Write down all of the bonuses, skills, and Role Perks that your character gets at 1st level on your character sheet. In addition, make sure to double-check that you have marked all of the skill level increases that your Origin and Role has given you now by filling in the appropriate spaces on your character sheet. Those marks will help you remember what dice to use when you are playing.

Step 4: Choosing Influences Your character has lived a wealth of experiences, whether they are still a young teenager or well into adulthood. These Influences shape who your character is as a person, and they contribute to knowledge and knowhow as well as occasional Hang-Ups, which can impact the outcome of certain situations in gameplay. Choose a minimum of one Influence for your Power Ranger, which gives you all of the background flavor and benefits to add to your character’s personality. If you choose to pick additional Influences, you will still receive all of the benefits provided, but each one beyond the first choice will come with a specific Hang-Up. A Hang-Up is a weakness that your character has. Don’t worry about having HangUps -- it is fun to play flawed and complicated characters! Influence choices also give Background Bonds as suggested personality enhancements for roleplaying. Background Bonds help you roleplay your character, because they give you starting points on how your character



feels in certain situations. Make sure to choose these from the suggested list (or make up your own if you are feeling creative) and write them down on your character sheet. Full descriptions of the Influences can be found in Chapter 5: Influences. The maximum number of Influences you may choose is three. Again, be sure to write down all of the benefits your character gets with each Influence your character sheet. Write down any Hang-Ups you get with Influences you choose after your first and how they affect your Power Ranger, so you (and the GM) remember to use them in the game.

Step 5: Assign your Essence Points to Essence Scores Every character begins with Essence Points, which are the foundations of a character’s Essence Scores and Skills. Your Essence Scores provide a snapshot of your character’s physical and mental characteristics. In fact, every character or threat that you encounter in the game will have these same four Essence Scores. The numbers tell you how strong your character is in each particular trait, and those numbers translate into your Defenses and Skills. When you create your character, you will have 12 Essence Points to spend between the four Essence Scores: Strength, Speed, Smarts, and Social. Your GM may let you assign these points however you choose, but the most common “spread” is 4, 3, 3, 2 -- this means you put one of each of these numbers in the Essence Score of your choice. As your character grows and levels up, you will get more Essence Points to spend. If you are making a character that is combat oriented and fights with hand-to-hand martial arts, you may want to put more points in Strength, as that determines not only how hard you can hit but also how tough you are. If you are making a character that focuses on figuring out clues or inventing new technology for your team to use, you may want to put more points in Smarts, as that determines how well you investigate and can make or fix things. The list below gives you a quick look at what each Essence Score is, what it means, and which Skills they relate to most: • Strength measures physical power, athleticism, and physical constitution. This score helps you hit harder with your weapon, lift heavy things, or endure physical attacks! • Speed measures agility and reflexes. This helps you dodge attacks, target threats at a distance, sneak into secret locations, do acrobatic moves, or use sleight of hand to pocket something you need to hide! • Smarts measures awareness, reasoning, memory, and knowledge of history and other topics. This helps you know about things you’ve seen in your past, learn how to use technology, use medicine to heal your wounds, and figure out clues!



• Social measures diplomacy, personality, confidence, and performance. This helps you negotiate deals, influence others, talk your way out of sticky situations, and use your relationships and connections to your advantage! Write down how many points you wish to assign to your Essence Scores on your character sheet. Once you have assigned your Essence Points to the four Essence Scores, this does two major things: • Establishes your Defenses: Each Essence Score is connected with its own Defense. Strength has Toughness, Speed has Evasion, Smarts has Willpower, and Social has Cleverness. These Defenses determine how hardy you are when you are engaged in combat or any other situation that may threaten your character’s well-being. For example, when a threat tries to hit you, your Toughness will determine if that physical hit does any damage to you. If the hit is higher than your Toughness, then you will take Damage and lose Health. Your Defense in each category is equal to your Essence Score + 10. If you choose to put 4 Essence Points into Strength, then your Toughness will be 14. Write down all of your Defense scores on your character sheet now. • Determines your Skills: Each point that you have in an Essence will allow you to learn or increase your rank in a particular Skill. We will choose Skills in Step 6, below. Your Skills are actually what are used most often in the game, and the dice you roll for them will be added to nearly every d20 roll you make when you play.

come from. Each Skill is explained in detail in Chapter 6: Essence Scores and Skills. There are three ways to spend points on skill ranks: 1. New Skill: One point spent on a Skill gives you the ability to roll a die type above what you can currently roll to accomplish a task using that Skill. Since all characters may always use a d20 to try to do a task, everyone’s starting point is a d20. If you choose to spend a point on a Skill for the first time, you get a new die to roll in addition to the d20: a d2 (or a 2-sided die, which we call a coin). 2. Increase Skill Rank: Just like above, spending a point on a Skill allows you to also increase your skill rank, allowing you to roll a higher die type in addition to your d20. If you choose to spend a point on a Skill you already have, then you get to roll the next higher die type in addition to your d20. For example, if you have two skill ranks in Science because you chose to spend 2 points there, you get to roll your normal d20 + a d4 whenever you make any Science check. The first point in the Skill gives you the d2, and the second point in the Skill increases your rank to a d4.

Step 6: Determine Your Skills In most cases, your Origin and Role choices will give you a few starting Skills automatically. Mark those skills on your character sheet now by filling in the bubble next to the first skill rank. Now that you have your Essence Scores, you may now spend those within each ability on your Skills. In order to take ranks in skills other than those given to you by your character creation choices, you must spend points on them from the same Essence category that those points



3. Specialize in a Skill: Once you have any ranks in any skill, you may choose to spend a point to specialize in that skill. When you specialize, you may roll your d20 + your skill rank die type + every die type below it. For example, if you spend a third point on the Science skill from the example above, instead of increasing my die type to a d6, you may instead specialize in Medicine, for example, allowing you to roll a d20 + d4 + d2 every time you make a Medicine check. From the results of the dice, you always take the d20 plus the highest number rolled from each of the skill rank dice. Specializing allows you more chances to succeed by giving multiple dice to choose from. You still make your d20+d4 rolls for any other Science Skill Test. Once you have determined how to spend your points on Skills, mark them down on your character sheet, so you always know which die type to roll in any situation.

Step 7: Describing Your Character Now that you’ve rounded out your character concept with your Origin, Role, and Influence choices and chosen your Skills, it is time to fill in the blanks and use what you have made to flesh out your character. This is the time to name your character, if you haven’t already, and figure out what you want them to look like. The Role you chose will define what color Power Suit your Ranger will have, but you can choose any style of suit you want, whether it is the classic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers suit, a Zeo suit, or beyond. Additionally, what your character looks like underneath the suit can be whatever you wish and will be your Power Ranger’s “alter-ego” when not on a mission. For inspiration, your Essence Scores can help you determine details of your character’s description. Characters with high Social scores are often seen as standing tall and proud with high confidence or a charming demeanor, while those with lower Social scores may stand hunched over with shyness. Low Speed characters may be really clumsy, a character’s Strength may determine how muscular or healthy they look -- although looks are often deceiving! Let your choices in this entire chapter guide you!


Step 8: Selecting Equipment Every character will begin with starting equipment, which is outlined in your Role description and added to by other character creation choices. Write all of the gear that you receive on your character sheet. You can refer to Chapter 8: Equipment for any details you may need, including how your weapons work. There are also lists of other types of equipment that you may buy using a basic wealth check, which replaces money in the game.

Weapons and Modifiers Your Power Ranger will wield a weapon, and it’s die value will correspond to the type of attack roll associated with it, generally using one of your Strength or Speed Skills, along with your d20 roll like you would do to accomplish any other task. Melee weapons, like swords or axes, will usually use Strength Skills, because you use your Strength to hit with it. Ranged or Finesse weapons, like a bow and arrow or special types of swords, will use Speed Skills such as Targeting, which is required to make a shot from far away. Because of this, most people with characters who are strong will choose melee weapons and those with dexterous characters will choose ranged weapons. Your chosen Role will come with certain starting weapons appropriate for your Character. Details about all of the weapons choices can be found in Chapter 8: Equipment.

Armor & Protective Equipment Aside from a weapon and some other tools and basics that your character will carry with them, your character will also have armor, given to them through your Role selection and listed in that description. The armor that you wear affects your character’s Toughness, adding to the calculation of 10 + your Strength Essence score. Your character’s Toughness is a number that determines how protected they are from attacks. When someone attacks you, their attack roll is compared to your Toughness, and if the attack is higher, you are hit! Because of this, making sure your Toughness is recorded correctly is very important. Every time something you select for your character says that it will affect their Toughness, you must write it down on your character sheet to keep track.


Is My Character Ready? A last check to make sure you are happy with your choices is recommended, and if this is your first time making a character, you may want to show it to your GM before you play to make sure nothing was missed. At this point, your Power Ranger is ready for their first mission!

What Happens to My Character When They “Level Up”? When your character begins their adventure, they usually will start at 1st level, as they begin their journey as a Power Ranger and begin to learn to use their Morphin Grid powers. When your character achieves certain goals or completes new missions and experiences, they will gain a level (often called “leveling up”). Your GM will tell you when your character has experienced enough to warrant gaining a level. At each new level, your character will obtain all of the new benefits in the Role you chose. Some levels increase your Essence Points, allowing you to increase your Essence Scores (and therefore choose new Skill ranks). Levels also allow you to gain new Role Perks, additional Health, and more. A chart reflecting what happens at each level is located within the description of each Role. Sometimes, experienced players will make a character at a higher level from the beginning with their GM’s permission. If you are doing so, be sure to write down all of the bonuses you receive for each level your character will have, as well as ensure all Essence Points are distributed properly between your character’s Essence Scores and related Skills.



03 CHARACTER ORIGINS Alpha, Rita’s escaped! Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude! - Zordon


he universe is an indescribably huge place, connected by the ever-expanding Morphin Grid. All across the Grid there can be found planets upon which eternal struggles of oppression versus freedom, tyranny versus liberty, and good versus evil are waged every day. Upon these worlds there are a select few that are chosen to join the battle and become heroes of the Morphin Grid – Power Rangers.


Before these special individuals ever tap into the Grid for the first time and morph into a Power Ranger for the first time, they are normal citizens of their home planet… albeit with a special spark and attitude for which true Champions of the Grid, like Zordon, chooses them to become Power Rangers. All Power Rangers have an Origin from which they were chosen to serve the forces of good, and it helps define them as individuals.

Heroes of Earth

Zordon’s Chosen

Earth has been targeted by the forces of darkness for as long as there have been lifeforms upon its surface. Humanity has been, at its core, one of the defenders of the Morphin Grid since it first stretched to the planet. This places humans as the most frequent choice by the Champions of the Morphin Grid to imprint upon the power coins and become Power Rangers. Humans are a comparably young species in the galaxy as a whole, but they are a varied and uniquely independent part of the greater whole. Humans come from countless different backgrounds and nationalities across Earth, but those who are called upon to join Zordon and his allies as Power Rangers represent the best aspects of what humanity has to offer.

The Power of Youth From childhood, humans tend to instinctively possess a strong moral compass. As they grow older and the banality of adulthood looms, some adolescents find themselves either falling into less desirable behaviors or working hard to maintain their natural goodness. Those who are able to stay on a good path early on are perfect choices for the kinds of individuals to become Power Rangers. It is this freedom from the day-to-day grind of older humans that makes teenagers and young adults such suitable recruits.

Lots to Learn Humans are one of the respectively youngest species to become part of the greater galaxy. The vast majority of Earth’s population knew nothing about alien lifeforms, the battle against darkness, or any other visitors from beyond the stars. That was, until Rita Repulsa started sending her monsters and minions to the planet to wreak havoc. From that point forward, humanity knew they weren’t alone in the universe, which leaves Power Rangers from a human Origin often with a somewhat blank slate to learn upon after they are introduced to the Morphin Grid.

Earth was chosen a millennia ago to house his Power Chamber and the surrounding Command Center, placing Humans in a position where he first began to choose worthy beings to be given power coins. Human ingenuity and natural adaptability makes them shine as Power Rangers in Zordon’s ever-watching eyes, giving him good reason to grant the people of Earth a stronger connection to the Morphin Grid. Humanity is a core part of Zordon’s plan to protect the universe, and this is reflected in the vast majority of Power Rangers hailing from Earth’s Humans.

Choosing Your Origin Ever since Rita Repulsa’s unexpected release from imprisonment, Earth has been the focus of the Power Rangers’ battle against the forces of darkness. This has meant that the majority of Power Rangers that Zordon has called upon have been of human Origin, and most drawn from teenagers – with attitude. It is because of their youthful vigor and open imaginations that they are given a power coin to come and serve the forces of good. Whatever you choose to be your Origin will affect your character’s central traits and color their opinion and potential knowledge of the war against the darkness. It will determine a variety of important aspects of the character itself. When choosing your Origin, pay attention and make note of the kind of Ranger you want to create – your Origin might help you shape your character into exactly the Power Ranger you want to be.



Origin Traits Each Origin’s description in this chapter includes specific traits that are commonly found across examples of that Origin. The following entries appear among the traits of these Origins.

Essence Increase Options Every Ranger’s Origin comes with a variety of choices to increase one or more of the character’s Essence Scores.

Starting Health A Ranger’s Origin will determine the character’s base number of Health; normally a reflection of their natural sturdiness or tenacity.

Bonus Skill Levels Each Origin will also show a small number of learned Skills the character has picked up through experiencing life through their individual upbringing.

Ground Movement Each Origin’s ground movement value determines how far they can move, whether in a narrative sense or in a more tactically strict situation like combat.

Languages Each Power Ranger, regardless of Origin, begins with one or more languages they know how to speak, read, and write fluently. This includes non-verbal forms of communication like hand signals, sign language, secret codes, and more. Additional languages are acquired through a higher Smarts or Social score, Perks, and so on. If your character comes from a multilingual household, their “native language” includes all of those languages that apply. For example, if you want your character to come from a family that is blended with both Mexican and Persian parents who speak Spanish, Farsi, and English in your home growing up, you may take all three languages as your “native language.” The Game Master can discuss with you what may seem correct for your background without being too excessive with the rules.

Power Rangers Origins The following are all good examples of Origins that lead to Power Ranger characters.

Athletic Physical prowess has always come naturally to you, and all your life you’ve been in good shape. It still takes a modest amount of upkeep and discipline to maintain, but that has never been a hard decision for you to prioritize such things. You likely play physical sports, work out in your spare time, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Starting Health: You are in great physical shape, and begin with Two Health. Essence Score Increase Options: You may increase either Strength or Speed by +1. Bonus Skill Levels: You gain the following list of skills to acquire at the d2 skill die or add a Specialization to said skill if you already possess it. • Strength-based: Athletics, Brawn, Might • Speed-based: Acrobatics, Finesse, Initiative Ground Movement: Your base ground movement is 40 feet. Languages: You haven’t had much time to learn new languages beyond that of your family. You are fluent in your native Language, and one additional Language for each three points of Social you possess. Origin Benefit: Always Training You are used to always working out and physically training in your spare time. When making a Strength or Speed-based skill check in a skill you do not possess levels in, you still roll a d2 skill die and do not suffer a Snag for being untrained.

Origin Benefit While individual examples of each Origin type can be as unique a person as they come, there are some unique benefits and game effects that a Power Ranger’s Origin bestows upon a character at creation.




Essence Score Increase Options: You may increase either Smarts or Social by +1.

You love studying, learning, and reading about, well – everything. You live to learn, and you have learned a lot in your time. With all your time spent with your nose in books and such, you haven’t had time to prioritize things like how to fight, or much else beyond some personal hobbies.

• Social-based: Deception, Performance, Persuasion

Starting Health: You generally avoid physical conflict, and begin with One Health.

Ground Movement: Your base ground movement is 30 feet.

Essence Ability Score Increase Options: You may increase either Speed or Smarts by +1.

Languages: Knowing extra ways to communicate are good if jokes are your best defense. You are fluent in your native Language, and one additional Language for each three points of Social you possess.

Bonus Skill Levels: You gain the following list of skills to acquire at the d2 skill die or add a Specialization to said skill if you already possess it.

Bonus Skill Levels: You gain the following list of skills to acquire at the d2 skill die or add a Specialization to said skill if you already possess it. • Smarts-based: Alertness, Culture

Origin Benefit: Keep ‘Em Laughing

• Speed-based: Driving, Infiltration • Smarts-based: Alertness, Culture, Technology, Science Ground Movement: Your base ground movement is 25 feet. Languages: You have a knack for learning, and that includes linguistic roots and families. You are fluent in your native Language, plus one additional Language for each point of Smarts you possess.

Using comedy to maintain morale amongst friends and keep adversaries guessing as to what’s really happening, you wield it like a sword and shield. Anytime you make your teammates, your opponents, or both laugh with your antics, add one Story Point to the pool.

Origin Benefit: “I remember reading about…” You have a vast array of knowledge that you have accumulated over the years, and occasionally you might know a little bit about something useful in nearly any situation. In a situation where you and your allies are stumped, you can always spend one Story Point from your pool to gain a clue from the GM.

Comedic Class clown. Jester. Wiseacre. Smart-aleck. There are a number of different terms and names often applied to a person like you – someone who uses comedy and levity to get through life’s little issues. While you have leaned on your charm and lighthearted cunning to get out of some situations, it has also thrown you in the thick of things on more than a few occasions. Starting Health: Keeping people laughing hasn’t left you with time to bulk up, and you begin with One Health.



Curious Ever since you were very young, you never have been able to keep your nose out of mysteries and the unknown. You live for discovering new things – especially if you’ve been told you aren’t supposed to know about it. Some might have called you nosey, or perhaps an eavesdropper, but it wasn’t really your fault – you’re just naturally interested in the unknown. Starting Health: Being a large and muscular person would not be helpful when sneaking around, and you begin with One Health.

• Social-based: Animal Handling, Deception, Streetwise Ground Movement: Your base ground movement is 30 feet. Languages: You haven’t really had any reason to want to learn many new languages; it just isn’t ‘you.’ You are fluent in your native Language, and one additional Language for each three points of Smarts you possess. Origin Benefit: “Oh, What Now?”

Bonus Skill Levels: You gain the following list of skills to acquire at the d2 skill die or add a Specialization to said skill if you already possess it.

You are so steeled against being shocked or surprised that negative emotional responses are just not really something you give in to easily. Any attack or effect that targets you emotionally automatically suffers Snag, and you have Edge when trying to roll to overcome emotional distress.

• Smarts-based: Alertness, Culture, Technology


Essence Score Increase Options: You may increase Smarts or Social by +1.

• Social-based: Deception, Persuasion, Streetwise Ground Movement: Your base ground movement is 35 feet. Languages: Listening and understanding are key parts to your ability to uncover secrets. You are fluent in your native Language, and one additional Language for each two points of Smarts you possess. Origin Benefit: Secret Knowledge You have been able to learn something others have not, and may choose a General Perk you meet the prerequisites, if any, to possess.

Cynical No matter what the world throws at you, it only takes a pair of crossed arms and a good eyeroll to deflate the nature of it. You are sarcastic and dry, possibly even jaded from happenings in your life, but nothing strikes you as completely exciting or breathtaking. Even though it hands you new adventures all the time, the world leaves you nonplussed. Starting Health: You have been hardened to all the world might put in your path, and begin with Two Health. Essence Score Increase Options: You may increase either Speed or Social by +1. Bonus Skill Levels: You gain the following list of skills to acquire at the d2 skill die or add a Specialization to said skill if you already possess it.


• Speed-based: Acrobatics, Initiative

You are beloved by most, and it comes as a reflection of your own kindness that you show others. You are generally a good person that wants others to excel at what they are doing, and it hurts you to see anyone suffering or in pain. When people think of you, it is almost always with good connotations in mind. Starting Health: You’ve never needed to be tough or terribly strong because people like you, and you begin with One Health. Essence Score Increase Options: You may increase Smarts or Social by +1. Bonus Skill Levels: You gain the following list of skills to acquire at the d2 skill die or add a Specialization to said skill if you already possess it. • Smarts-based: Alertness, Culture, Science, Technology • Social-based: Animal Handling, Performance, Persuasion Ground Movement: Your base ground movement is 30 feet. Languages: You learned early in life how to communicate with your neighbors and all the people you’d like to help. You are fluent in your native Language, and one additional Language for each three points of Social you possess. Origin Benefit: “I Know A Guy” You have been so nice to so many people in your lifetime, you have friends in the strangest places


with a variety of talents. If you need a favor, some information, or perhaps the use of a skill you and your team does not possess, once per day you can communicate with a friendly acquaintance and attempt a DIF 12 Persuasion skill check. If you are successful, your acquaintance will gladly help you out with whatever you are lacking in the moment.

Oddball You aren’t like anyone else. Sometimes you say things that don’t make any sense to anyone but you and your close friends – and sometimes not even them. You don’t dress like the popular people, you don’t listen to the Top 40 music stations, and when your mind wanders it really wanders. Some people call you eccentric, perhaps unique, but one thing is for certain – you aren’t like anyone else.

• Speed-based: Infiltration • Social-based: Animal Handling, Deception, Performance, Streetwise Ground Movement: Your base ground movement is 30 feet. Languages: While you probably know a few made up languages or those from your favorite television series, real languages haven’t been big on your radar. You are fluent in your native Language, and one additional Language for each three points of Smarts you possess. Origin Benefit: Nobody Like Me You are truly unique, and this is shown by you being able to choose any Perk you have the prerequisites for.

Starting Health: Being different oftentimes means sticking up for yourself, and you begin with Two Health. Essence Score Increase Options: You may increase any Essence score by +1. Bonus Skill Levels: You gain the following list of skills to acquire at the d2 skill die or add a Specialization to said skill if you already possess it. • Strength-based: Intimidation, Might • Smarts-based: Alertness, Culture, Survival





You were born to be raised up on a social pedestal by your peers and looked up at by the rest of the masses. You weren’t necessarily Prom King or Prom Queen, but your name was assuredly on the ballot. Everyone knows who you are, and the majority of people think you are a pretty okay person. There are benefits to being the cool kid, and hopefully you don’t take them for granted.

Punks, delinquents, activists, troublemakers… there are countless different terms for those who just don’t like to get along with the status quo, whether in ideology, fashion, following social norms, or obeying the rules. You have never even wanted to “go with the flow,” nor has the system ever really done anything for you, either. You lash out in your own ways, and you stand firmly in your independence. You are a rebel, and damn anyone who tries to hold you down!

Starting Health: You’re a social machine, not necessarily a physical one, and you begin with One Health. Essence Ability Score Increase Options: You may increase your Strength or Social by +1. Bonus Skill Levels: You gain the following list of skills to acquire at the d2 skill die or add a Specialization to said skill if you already possess it. • Strength-based: Athletics, Intimidation • Social-based: Performance, Persuasion, Streetwise Ground Movement: Your base ground movement is 30 feet. Languages: It looked good to have at least one additional Language on your transcripts and resumes. You are fluent in your native Language, and one additional Language for each three points of Social you possess. Origin Benefit: Are You Who I Think You Are? You have learned, possibly just accidentally, how to use your popularity as a method to get the results you are looking for in social circles. Whenever you are in a position to be recognized as a local social celebrity, you can always consider yourself as having an applicable Specialization in Deception, Persuasion, or Streetwise.


Starting Health: Living against the grain sometimes means sticking up for yourself, and you begin with Two Health. Essence Score Increase Options: You may increase your Strength or Speed by +1. Bonus Skill Levels: You gain the following list of skills to acquire at the d2 skill die or add a Specialization to said skill if you already possess it. • Strength-based: Brawn, Intimidation, Might • Speed-based: Driving, Infiltration, Initiative Ground Movement: Your base ground movement is 30 feet. Languages: The system tried to tell you how much you needed additional languages to excel, but you weren’t having that. You are fluent in your native Language, and one additional Language for each four points of Smarts you possess. Origin Benefit: You Can’t Tell Me What To Learn! You defy the system by learning skills and trades that aren’t of the norm, letting you stand out as truly unique. You gain any Perk you have the prerequisites for.



• Strength-based: Athletics, Brawn

Not everyone has the perfect childhood, the best relationship with their peers, or a carefree life where nothing has happened that leaves a mark forever. Whatever happened in your past, you look back upon it with sadness – but not true depression or regret. Your past is what made you strong, and you know that you can overcome anything in your future because of the lessons you learned from it. Starting Health: Life has been tough, and it made you tougher. You begin with Two Health. Essence Score Increase Options: You may increase any Essence score by +1. Bonus Skill Levels: You gain the following list of skills to acquire at the d2 skill die or add a Specialization to said skill if you already possess it.

• Smarts-based: Alertness, Culture, Survival • Speed-based: Driving, Infiltration • Social-based: Deception, Streetwise Ground Movement: Your base ground movement is 30 feet. Languages: Learning to share your past with others opened you up to new cultures and modes of communication. You are fluent in your native Language, and one additional Language for each two points of Social you possess. Origin Benefit: Capable of Anything You do not let your past define you, but it has made you stronger against the odds. Once per scene, you may re-roll any die result of a 1 – but you must accept the new result.






he energy that makes up and flows through the Morphin Grid takes on different aspects and possesses myriad properties. When filtered through the creative programs of the Grid, this energy is manifested as a wide spectrum of different colors. Unlike a prism splitting white light, the Morphin Grid assigns a specific


color to different wavelengths of power energy. When focused through a specific conduit called a Morpher – say, powered by a Zeo Crystal or Power Coin – the energy takes on particular aspects common with a specific color dominant on all of a Ranger’s possessions.

RANGER SPECTRUM This is collectively known as the Power Ranger Spectrum, and it lends itself to certain colors of energy bonding to certain types of Ranger candidates. This energy becomes so in tune with the recipient Ranger, that the color associated with that person will often become a constant presence in their lives. They will tend to wear the same color outside of Morphin Time, when they give off any show of the energy within them (a flash in the eyes, perhaps), and anytime they manifest something from the Morphin Grid.

It is the different colors of the Ranger Spectrum that somewhat define what kind of role a Power Ranger serves on their team. This, of course, is not an ironclad rule or anything of the sort – but the kinds of powers and Morphin Grid manifestations that are found within that color does tend to lean a Ranger in a certain direction or Role.






A skilled warrior whose charm and personality helps form the bonds between their team

+2 Social & +1 Strength



A clever technology expert with the strongest understanding of the Morphin Grid

+2 Smarts & +1 Speed



Capable of working with a team, but excels at surviving against all odds

+2 Strength & +1 Speed



An eagle-eyed sharpshooter always aware of their surroundings

+2 Speed & +1 Social



A strong fighting spirit that leads from the front of any conflict

+2 Strength & +1 Social



Fast and nimble, this warrior is good at exploiting an enemy’s weakness

+2 Speed & +1 Smarts




Balance Within the Spectrum Each Power Ranger team has a way to focus the Morphin Grid’s energy into themselves, their gear, their constructs, and even special Grid Zords like Zords. The champions of the Grid designed the system to work best when the team is made up of different parts of the spectrum rather than focusing too much of one kind of energy into one place. Traditionally it is the goal of a Power Ranger team to have different energy hues of the Spectrum in each of their team members. Too much of a given color of


energy funneled into a part of the Morphin Grid can be catastrophic. Ultimately it is up to the Game Master as to what sort of troubles can arise when more than one Power Coin, Zeo Crystal or other power source in a given team’s set are aligned to the same energy color in the Ranger Spectrum. Always remember though, as Zordon once said ominously to Kimberly when she was whisked away in time to the Wild West, “Too much pink energy is dangerous.”


BLACK RANGER Rangers that are imbued with the Black energy of the Morphin Grid tend to be social charmers, entertainers, and the real life of the party. They are the personification of team unity, and a lot of what they do helps keep the bonds between members strong and tight. Black Rangers are equally adept at fighting back to back with their friends, showing that the team comes first and always ready to stand up for any part of it.

Dance, Song, Jokes One collective way that Black Rangers tend to reach their teammates with their special brand of reinforcing positivity is through light-hearted behaviors not commonly found in a staunch warrior. Whether that is through telling one liner jokes, harmless limericks or rhymes, singing pleasant tunes, and maybe even just showing with a little personal dance, Black Rangers find their own way to connect their team members to themselves and each other.

Good Leaders When a Ranger more dedicated to leadership, like a Red or White Ranger, isn’t available for the team, Black Rangers often step up and take the role. Their dedication to team strength and cooperation put them in a great place to make collective plans, and their teammates rarely have reason to question what motivates a Black Ranger. While they tend to be the glue between the members of their team, standing at its forefront is just as natural to them.











It’s Morphin Time!, Heart of the Team (1)






Whatever We Need, You Got This! (1)










General Perk





Extra Attack, Heart of the Team (2)





Zord Feature, Grid Power





You Got This! (2)





General Perk









Zord Feature, Heart of the Team (3)





Grid Power, One For All





General Perk, You Got This! (3)









Zord Feature





Heart of the Team (4)





General Perk, Grid Power





Zord Feature, You Got This! (4)





All For One





General Perk





Black Ranger Prime




Stalwart Anchors A Black Ranger’s Zord, whether it hails from the depths as a Dinozord or even a humanoid Shogunzord or Battle Borg, represent being a defensible root or anchor for the team’s other Zords. Animal shapes are often tough, armored, quadruped beasts known for their ability to withstand tremendous adversity. Humanoid Zords are thick-limbed and wield heavier weaponry. Vehicular Zords revolve around being a hard punch, an anvil upon which the other rangers in the team can rely.

Spectrum Role Features As a Black Ranger, you gain the following:

Training Armor: Light and Medium armor Starting Skill Ranks: +1 Might, +2 Performance

Grid Equipment You start with your own personal possessions from your pre-Morphin’ life, but also gain the following items from the Morphin Grid. Those marked with an asterisk are only available when Morphed. • Wrist Communicator • Power Morpher • Blade Blaster* • Versatile Power Weapon*

Power Personal Power Regeneration: 2 per day Personal Power Capacity: +2 per every 5 levels



It’s Morphin Time!

You Got This!

Starting at 1st level, by summoning the energy within you through your Power Morpher and saying the words “It’s Morphin Time!” as a standard action, you are enveloped with a stylized shell of Morphin Grid energy that serves as your armor, grants you access to your Power-based weapons, and many other abilities that require Power to activate.

Starting at 2nd level, a few quick words at the perfect time can keep a teammate in fighting spirit. As a Free action, you can spend one of your Quips & Speeches per day to give any ally within 30 feet a number of temporary Health that last until the end of the current combat scene. The amount of Health increases at 7th level, then again at 12th and 17th levels.

While Morphed, the following traits and features apply: • Your Toughness Bonus is determined by your Armor Training: Light (+1), Medium (+2), Heavy (+4), Ultra-Heavy (+6). • All of your Jump distance maximums are tripled. • As a Free Action, you can summon any single Power-based weapon to your hands. • When reduced to 0 Health, you may choose to avoid Defeat by automatically returning to your natural form, unconscious, and at 1 Health.

Heart of the Team Beginning at 1st level, your natural mirth and positivity can be used to boost your teammates and other allies with just a few words. Whether in the heat of battle or at the peak of a difficult obstacle, your clever words can make the difference between failure and success. As a Free Action, you can apply a 1 shift to the roll of any ally within 60 feet of you that can understand what you are saying. This costs one of your Quips & Speeches per long rest, as noted on the table above. The value of this die rolled increases to the listed amount at 5th, 10th, and 15th levels.

Zord By the time a Ranger reaches 3rd level, their role in protecting the Morphin Grid requires them to battle larger and more devastating foes. When piloting your personal Zord, you cannot suffer Snags when using the Driving skill. You now have access to a powerful construct of a particular kind based upon the Power Ranger team you are a part of. These are the various Zords, Borgs, and Power vehicles that the Rangers summon to aid them when the monsters and other minions of evil are empowered by warlords like Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. Rules and statistics surrounding Zords can be found in the section starting on page 131.

Black Ranger Zords What sort of shape a Black Ranger’s Zord takes depends on the kind of Power Ranger Team they are a part of. Examples of previously chosen Zords are: • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mastodon, Lion • Ninja Power Rangers: Frog • Alien Rangers: Black Battle Borg • Space Rangers: Mega V2 Shuttle

Whatever We Need

Zord Feature

At 2nd level, your charm extends to others when you need to acquire something mundane from a shop, a store, or another normal person in the backdrop of the so-called normal world. You can, by expending one of your Quips & Speeches per long rest and asking the non-player character in question for a favor, you can gain Edge on all Alertness, Deception, and Persuasion skill checks targeting them for 5 minutes.

Upon reaching 6th level, then again at 10th, 14th, and 17th levels, a Ranger’s connection and proficiency with their Zord has strengthened and evolved to a place where their abilities while using it are stronger and more powerful than ever. Each time this Role Perk is acquired by a Black Ranger, they may choose from the list of Zord Features (see page 136 for details) to apply to their personal Zord.



General Perk

Black Ranger Prime

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you have the ability to personalize your Ranger a little further and must choose to gain a generic Perk of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites.

At 20th level, you have become the most advanced version possible of your team’s Black Ranger. Your Morphed form immediately gains the following benefits:

Extra Attack

• Additional point of Damage on Martial Arts Attacks

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This Role Perk only functions while Morphed and fighting as an individual.

• +2 to all Defenses.

• Edge on Social skill checks

Grid Power First upon reaching 6th level, then again at 11th and 16th levels, your understanding and connection to the power that flows from the Morphin Grid in ways other Rangers may not. Each time you acquire this Role Perk, you may choose a Grid Power (see page 99) to add to your Ranger, so long as they meet the requirements, if any.

One For All Upon acquiring 11th level, your connection to and willingness to sacrifice for your team is strong enough to bridge your power into them at a moment’s notice. Once per day, as a standard action while Morphed, you can spend 3 of your current Personal Power to allow all of your teammates to regain 1d2 Personal Power immediately. Unlike other Black Ranger features, this does NOT cost one of your Quips & Speeches.

All For One At 18th level, your Ranger career of always being there for your teammates can be turned into a twoway street when you are in dire need. If you are ever brought to 0 Personal Power or 0 Health, you can immediately call upon your fellow Ranger teammates to help you. When this Role Perk is called upon, each member of your team may choose to give 1d2 Power and/or 1 Health to you immediately, spending the same amount from themselves to do so. This ability may only be used once daily.





BLUE RANGER Those chosen to embody the energy of the Blue Ranger will be the closest member of the team to the inner workings of the Morphin Grid itself. Candidates for becoming a Blue Ranger are selected for their brains far more than their fighting skills, choosing to use the Morphin Grid’s many facets to design all of the tools, technology, and special equipment the team might need. If it runs on the Power within the Grid, the Blue Ranger is likely to be the one to decipher, understand, and ultimately help the team wield it against the forces of evil.

Team Technician Blue Rangers embody the Morphin Grid’s ability to design and create constructs and devices using millennia of knowledge from around the universe. They are the most likely member of the team to discover an alien item, piece of technology, or special construct that will help solve the problem or overcome an obstacle. While other teammates might spend their time working on new fighting techniques or Zord maneuvers, a Blue Ranger is probably seeking knowledge about the past to better deal with the future.

Brains Over Brawn Unlike candidates chosen for other colors of Ranger in the Spectrum, people chosen to be Blue Rangers are rarely looked at save for their most basic fighting abilities or combat instincts. Instead, they are chosen for their brilliant minds and the ingenuity they bring to the team. Blue Rangers embody the logical calculation it takes to see a victory and how to achieve it before the first punch is ever laid on a Putty. As a Power Ranger they will have to battle the forces of evil, but they personify the idea of “fight smarter, not harder.”












It’s Morphin Time!, Eureka!






Helping Hand, Grid Tech I










General Perk









Zord Feature, Grid Power





Grid Tech II





General Perk





Power Infusion (1s)





Zord Feature, Power Burst (1d2)





Extra Attack, Grid Power





General Perk, Grid Tech III









Zord Feature





Power Burst (1d4)





General Perk, Grid Power





Zord Feature, Grid Tech IV





Power Infusion (2s)





General Perk





Blue Ranger Prime




A Stoic Role


For as long as there have been Power Ranger teams, the Blue Ranger has not only been the technician and the inventor for their teammates, but also the stalwart memory of the Morphin Grid itself. The history of all that has gone before flows through their color of the Spectrum, and this is personified in not only their abilities and skills, but in the beasts and creatures from which their Zords take shape. They are animals that embody wisdom and mysticism; the triceratops, unicorn, and sphinx are all infused with the Blue Ranger’s energy.

Spectrum Role Features As a Blue Ranger, you gain the following:

Armor: Light and Medium armor Starting Skill Ranks: +1 Finesse or Targeting, +1 Science, +1 Technology

Grid Equipment You start with your own personal possessions from your pre-Morphin’ life, but also gain the following items from the Morphin Grid. Those marked with an asterisk are only available when Morphed. • Wrist Communicator • Power Morpher • Blade Blaster* • Two-Handed Power Weapon*

Power Personal Power Regeneration: 4 per day Personal Power Capacity: +2 per every 4 levels



It’s Morphin Time!

Grid Tech I

Starting at 1st level, by summoning the energy within you through your Power Morpher and saying the words “It’s Morphin Time!” as a standard action, you are enveloped with a stylized shell of Morphin Grid energy that serves as your armor, grants you access to your Power-based weapons, and many other abilities that require Power to activate.

Aptitude Augmenter: Pick one skill in which you have at least one level. You may re-roll 1s and 2s while using that skill. This Grid Tech may be chosen multiple times.

While Morphed, the following traits and features apply:

Gridspeak Transmitters: You and your Power Ranger team, when Morphed, can speak a form of universal language understandable by any creatures on the Morphin Grid.

• Your Toughness Bonus is determined by your Armor Training: Light (+1), Medium (+2), Heavy (+4), Ultra-Heavy (+6). • All of your Jump distance maximums are tripled. • As a Free Action, you can summon any single Power-based weapon to your hands. • When reduced to 0 Health, you may choose to avoid Defeat by automatically returning to your natural form, unconscious, and at 1 Health.

Eureka! From the beginning of their career as a Blue Ranger at 1st level, you are constantly inspired on ways to do things that exemplify your wit and intelligence. You receive a number of Idea Points per day as listed on the table above. At any point where you are about to make a skill check with a Smarts skill, you may spend an Idea Point to gain Edge on that roll.

Helping Hand Starting at 2nd level, you can use your connection to the technology of the Morphin Grid to patch up the power shell of another team member. As a Free action, you may spend 1 Personal Power to heal any Morphed member of a Power Rangers team within 60 feet one Health.

Grid Tech You have begun to unlock the technological secrets of the Morphin Grid. You acquire this Role Perk in four parts, I, II, III, and IV at 2nd, 7th, 12th, and 17th levels. Upon gaining each version of this Role Perk, you may choose two of the Grid Tech bonuses currently available to them to apply.


Gridspeak Receivers: You and your Power Ranger team, when Morphed, can understand and read any language used by creatures on the Morphin Grid.

Blaster Focusers: You may add a 1 shift to all of the Blade Blaster attacks of your Power Rangers’ team.

Grid Tech II Defensive Shields: You may increase the Morphed Toughness of one member of your Power Ranger team by +1. This Grid Tech can be chosen once per team member. Enhanced Summoner: You and your Power Ranger team reduce the number of rounds it takes to summon your Zords by -1 (minimum of 1). Power Focusers: You may a 1 shift to all of the Power Weapon attacks of your Power Rangers’ team. Vision Focuser: You may add 30 feet to the Enhanced Vision of you and your Power Rangers’ team, while Morphed. This Grid Tech may be chosen twice.

Grid Tech III Aim Apparatus: One member of your Power Ranger team gains a level in the Targeting skill. This Grid Tech may be chosen multiple times, once per team member. Morphin Grid Mapsuite: You are always aware of your local position on the Morphin Grid. Survival Node: Pick one skill you have no levels in. You gain that skill, but only at a special D2 level that cannot be increased further without buying the D2 level normally. This Grid Tech may be chosen multiple times. X-Tech Visor: You now have the ability to see through solid objects (not made out of lead or specifically shielded against radiation) to a distance of 30 feet. When doing so however, you cannot see color or details, just outlines and densities of shapes and objects.


Grid Tech IV Energic Shields: Pick one type of non-physical (blunt or sharp) damage. While Morphed, you gain +3 Toughness to that type of damage. Gridspeak Translator: You and your Power Ranger team, when Morphed, can speak, understand, read, and write all languages used by creatures on the Morphin Grid. Megaform Expeditor: It takes your Zord 1d4 rounds less time to be ready to take part in the formation of any Combined transformation, minimum 1. Zeo Tech Augment: You and your Power Ranger team can collectively choose either your Blade Blasters or your Power Weapons, gaining a 1 shift in any attack that uses them.





Zords By the time a Ranger reaches 3rd level, their role in protecting the Morphin Grid requires them to battle larger and more devastating foes. When piloting your personal Zord, you cannot suffer Snags when using the Driving skill. You now have access to a powerful construct of a particular kind based upon the Power Ranger team you are a part of. These are the various Zords, Borgs, and Power vehicles that the Rangers summon to aid them when the monsters and other minions of evil are empowered by warlords like Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. Rules and statistics surrounding Zords can be found in the section starting on page 131.

Blue Ranger Zords What sort of shape a Blue Ranger’s Zord takes depends on the kind of Power Ranger Team they are a part of. Examples of previously chosen Zords are:

ways other Rangers may not. Each time you acquire this Role Perk, you may choose a Grid Power (see page 99) to add to your Ranger, so long as they meet the requirements, if any.

Power Infusion Upon reaching 9th level, you can pour your Morphin Grid energy into one series of empowered attacks from your team. As a Blue Ranger, your connection to the Grid’s power is almost symbiotic. Once per scene, by spending 1 Personal Power and a Free action while Morphed, you and each of your Morphed Power Ranger teammates within 60 feet re-roll natural 1s on your next successful attack. At 18th level, they may also re-roll 2s.

Power Burst

• Alien Rangers: Blue Battle Borg

At 10th level, the Blue Ranger knows how to tap the Morphin Grid directly once per scene to send a ripple of raw power into his team. You can spend a standard action to have every Morphed member of the Power Ranger team, no matter where they are on the Grid in space and time, to gain 1d2 Power. Upon reaching 15th level, this amount increases to 1d4.

• Power Rangers Zeo: Sphinx

Extra Attack

• Power Rangers Turbo: Mountain Blaster Truck

Beginning at 11th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This Role Perk only functions while Morphed and fighting as an individual.

• Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Triceratops, Unicorn • Ninja Power Rangers: Wolf

• Space Rangers: Mega V3 Rocket

Zord Feature Upon reaching 6th level, then again at 10th, 14th, and 17th levels, a Ranger’s connection and proficiency with their Zord has strengthened and evolved to a place where their abilities while using it are stronger and more powerful than ever. Each time this Role Perk is acquired by a Blue Ranger, they may choose from the list of Zord Features (see page 136 for details) to apply to their personal Zord.

Blue Ranger Prime At 20th level, you have become the most advanced version possible of your team’s Blue Ranger. Your Morphed form immediately gains the following benefits: • +2 to all Defenses.

General Perk

• Additional point of Damage on attacks from Powers

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you have the ability to personalize your Ranger a little further and must choose to gain a Generic Perk of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites.

• Edge on Social skill checks

Grid Power First upon reaching 6th level, then again at 11th and 16th levels, your understanding and connection to the power that flows from the Morphin Grid in



GREEN RANGER Possessing a rare wavelength of energy within the Morphin Grid, Green Rangers are the loners and the outsiders. They join with Ranger teams when they can, but still tend to work on the outside of operations and do so in a way to maintain the sanctity of the team concept. Green Rangers are ready for anything, whether they line up as part of a team – or if they stand alone against the forces of evil.

Still Part of the Spectrum The Green Ranger was once unleashed by General Repulsa as a weapon of her own, but it took her ancient arcane powers to do so. This goes to show that the Green Ranger is not a pawn to be pushed around, but instead a powerful part of the Morphin Grid, same as any other – they just might seem to play on their own better than other members of their team. They are the rogues, the wildcards, and they are good at playing by their own rules.

Fight Hard for Victory Green Rangers, whether they have a Power Ranger team to fall back upon or not, have an uphill battle to prove themselves worthy of the gift that has been placed upon them. They are skilled fighters that take on threats that entire teams might try and face – normally long enough to get the rest of the team involved to achieve victory. Their fighting styles might be less conventional than other Rangers, but no one would argue that it doesn’t get the job done.












It’s Morphin Time!, Solo Strike, Unique Weapon






Survival Boon










General Perk





Extra Attack





Zord Feature, Grid Power










General Perk





Survival Boon





Zord Feature, Team Player





Grid Power





General Perk









Zord Feature, Survival Boon









General Perk, Grid Power





Zord Feature





At All Costs





General Perk





Green Ranger Prime




Unique Connection


Being apart from the common Spectrum for as long as it had been, the Green energy wavelength has a different and truly unique way that it interacts with the Morphin Grid. It can seamlessly bond with other Rangers to be part of a team, linking its Grid Zord to one or more other members’ to form specialized Megazords in some cases, and staying separately devastating when they do battle on their own. It is as if the Morphin Grid itself understands the wildcard nature of the Green Ranger and has adapted to it accordingly.

Spectrum Role Features

Armor: Light and Medium armor Starting Skill Ranks: +1 Might, +1 Conditioning, +1 Finesse or Initiative

Grid Equipment You start with your own personal possessions from your pre-Morphin’ life, but also gain the following items from the Morphin Grid. Those marked with an asterisk are only available when Morphed. • Wrist Communicator • Power Morpher • Blade Blaster*

As a Green Ranger, you gain the following:

Power Personal Power Regeneration: 3 per day Personal Power Capacity: +1 per every 3 levels



It’s Morphin Time! Starting at 1st level, by summoning the energy within you through your Power Morpher and saying the words “It’s Morphin Time!” as a standard action, you are enveloped with a stylized shell of Morphin Grid energy that serves as your armor, grants you access to your Power-based weapons, and many other abilities that require Power to activate. While Morphed, the following traits and features apply: • Your Toughness Bonus is determined by your Armor Training: Light (+1), Medium (+2), Heavy (+4), Ultra-Heavy (+6). • All of your Jump distance maximums are tripled. • As a Free Action, you can summon any single Power-based weapon to your hands. • When reduced to 0 Health, you may choose to avoid Defeat by automatically returning to your natural form, unconscious, and at 1 Health.

Solo Strike Starting at 1st level, the Green Ranger is skilled at picking a single target and going at it one on one. This Role Perk allows you to make a special kind of melee attack. By making only a single attack against an adjacent target which is also not adjacent to any of your allies, you may apply the dice shift listed on the table above. Hit or miss, you may not make any other attacks in the round in which you attempt a Solo Strike.

Unique Weapon To aid you in wielding the Green energy, you are given a special, unique Power Weapon at 1st level. This weapon has a special ability attached to it, but also a risk of some kind. At 1st level, you may choose or roll randomly from the following table to create the different aspects of your Green Ranger Unique Weapon.





Stores up to Ranged 3 Personal Weapon 60/100 Power for (Targeting) wielder to use.

ITEM RISK User loses 1d4 Personal Power upon a roll of natural 1 to hit. DIF12 Performance skill check while possessing weapon to temporarily steal control of Zord.


Small Melee (Finesse)

Calls Zord in half normal time.


Versatile Melee (Might or Finesse, chosen at attack)

Gains 2 shift when attacking targets at least 3 sizes larger.

Does not Morph with user; it always exists in a physical state.

Inflicts energy damage instead of its normal type.

Slows all of wielder’s movement types down by 10 ft.


Two-Handed Melee (Might)

Survival Boon Green Rangers need to have an extra sense of self-protection that other Rangers aren’t offered because of the time they spend fighting on their own. At 2nd level you may choose one of the following self-preservation skills to apply to your Ranger. You may make a second choice at 9th level, and a third at 14th level. 360° Awareness – You cannot be surprised if awake, you gain 1 to your Alertness and Initiative rolls. Enhanced Shell – Your Morphed form’s body shell is slightly more protected, having manifested a shielded mantle. Your Toughness is +1. Like a Shadow – You can become statue-still at a moment’s notice, gaining Edge on all Infiltration skill checks. Move Like a Song – The first attack that targets you each round has a Snag. If that attack already has a Snag, it automatically misses instead. Savant – You have a knack for trying anything and getting it right. If you don’t have any levels in a skill, you can always try a skill check using a D2 as your skill level. You must still purchase the D2 level in a skill to increase it further.



Zords By the time a Ranger reaches 3rd level, their role in protecting the Morphin Grid requires them to battle larger and more devastating foes. When piloting your personal Zord, you cannot suffer Snags when using the Driving skill. You now have access to a powerful construct of a particular kind based upon the Power Ranger team you are a part of. These are the various Zords, Borgs, and Power vehicles that the Rangers summon to aid them when the monsters and other minions of evil are empowered by warlords like Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. Rules and statistics surrounding Zords can be found in the section starting on page 131.

Green Ranger Zords What sort of shape a Green Ranger’s Zord takes depends on the kind of Power Ranger Team they are a part of. Examples of previously chosen Zords are: • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Dragonzord • Power Rangers Zeo: Taurus • Power Rangers Turbo: Desert Thunder Truck

Zord Feature Upon reaching 6th level, then again at 10th, 14th, and 17th levels, a Ranger’s connection and proficiency with their Zord has strengthened and evolved to a place where their abilities while using it are stronger and more powerful than ever. Each time this Role Perk is acquired by a Green Ranger, they may choose from the list of Zord Features (see page 136 for details) to apply to their personal Zord.

General Perk When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you have the ability to personalize your Ranger a little further and must choose to gain a generic Perk of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites.

Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This Role Perk only functions while Morphed and fighting as an individual.

Grid Power First upon reaching 6th level, then again at 11th and 16th levels, your understanding and connection to the power that flows from the Morphin Grid in ways other Rangers may not. Each time you acquire this Role Perk, you may choose a Grid Power (see

page 99) to add to your Ranger, so long as they meet the requirements, if any.

Sidestep At 7th level, you can sidestep danger and dodge certain area effect attacks, such as the slime barrage from the Goo Fish or a strafe from Lord Zedd’s eyebeams. When you are subjected to an attack that has an Area of Effect that targets your Evasion, you may spend a point of Personal Power to reduce the attack result by the number rolled on your Acrobatics skill die.

Team Player Upon reaching 10th level, you are less of a lone wolf and ready to be a better member to your team – so much so that you can transfer your unique Survival Boons to your Power Ranger teammates. By making contact between your Morphed form and a teammate’s Morphed form, and both of you spend 1 Personal Power to make the transfer, you may choose one of your current Survival Boons to pass to that teammate. This transfer lasts until both of you return to your normal form; the next time you use It’s Morphin Time!, all transferred Survival Boons will have been returned to you.

At All Costs At 18th level, you have formed a connection with your team strong enough to surprise you with what you are capable of on their behalf. You can, once per day, fight beyond reaching 0 Health while Morphed. Instead of being Defeated or returning to your normal form, you may continue to fight normally. During this time, when an enemy successfully hits you, you lose 1 Personal Power instead of taking Damage. If, at any time during this Role Perk’s use, you reach 0 Personal Power, you immediately return to your normal form with 0 Health, with the conditions Unconscious and Defeated. This is a dangerous Role Perk, and is normally only called upon when the team is truly in trouble.

Green Ranger Prime At 20th level, you have become the most advanced version possible of your team’s Green Ranger. Your Morphed form immediately gains the following benefits: • +2 to all Defenses • Deal an additional point of Damage on Unique Weapon Attacks • Edge on Social skill checks



PINK RANGER Infused with one of the supporting energies in the Spectrum, Pink Rangers are warriors that specialize in backing up their team from the rear ranks. They are archers, snipers, and markspeople of the highest caliber. When a Pink Ranger is on the team, the rest of their allies can always fight confidently knowing that a Grid-enhanced sharpshooter is watching their back.

Can’t Catch Me! Pink Rangers are solid martial artists, but first and foremost they are ranged combat experts with numerous abilities and talents that benefit the team most when they are outside of the reach of an enemy. They are nimble, agile, and often chosen for their gymnastic talents – skills perfect for dodging out of trouble’s way to get a better vantage point to pick off Putties and Kengas that might threaten their friends!

True Heart It takes a lot of heart and trust in their teammates to stand in the rear or on the flanks, picking off enemies a few at a time instead of wading in and fighting back to back with their friends. They fill their team with hope and good will; sometimes with words, sometimes with actions. When a Power Ranger looks over their shoulder, whether it is at the local juice bar hanging out or in the middle of a field of Eye Guy’s floating minions, and sees their Pink Ranger is watching – they can trust they are in good hands.












It’s Morphin Time!, Volley






Hard Target, Fleet of Foot










General Perk





Penetrating Shot, Group Strike (10’ x 10’)





Zord Feature, Grid Power





Extra Attack, Sidestep





General Perk





Precision Aim (+1 Damage)





Zord Feature, Group Strike (15’ x 15’)





Grid Power





General Perk, Fleet of Foot









Zord Feature





Group Strike (20’ x 20’)





General Perk, Grid Power





Zord Feature





Precision Aim (+2 Damage)





General Perk





Pink Ranger Prime




Best Defense


Pink Rangers are light on their feet and lightly armored within their shell, but their energy and their training makes up for it by simply keeping the enemy from getting their hands on them. They duck and dodge most incoming threats, relying on their teammates to lend a hand when things get thick, but always taking down important targets as they dance, flip, and dart around the battlefield.

Spectrum Role Features As a Pink Ranger, you gain the following:


Armor: Light armor Starting Skill Ranks: +1 Finesse, +1 Targeting, +1 Persuasion

Grid Equipment You start with your own personal possessions from your pre-Morphin’ life, but also gain the following items from the Morphin Grid. Those marked with an asterisk are only available when Morphed. • Wrist Communicator • Power Morpher • Blade Blaster*

Personal Power Regeneration: 4 per day

• Ranged Power Weapon*

Personal Power Capacity: +2 per every 4 levels



It’s Morphin Time!


Starting at 1st level, by summoning the energy within you through your Power Morpher and saying the words “It’s Morphin Time!” as a standard action, you are enveloped with a stylized shell of Morphin Grid energy that serves as your armor, grants you access to your Power-based weapons, and many other abilities that require Power to activate.

By the time a Ranger reaches 3rd level, their role in protecting the Morphin Grid requires them to battle larger and more devastating foes. When piloting your personal Zord, you cannot suffer Snags when using the Driving skill.

While Morphed, the following traits and features apply: • Your Toughness Bonus is determined by your Armor Training: Light (+1), Medium (+2), Heavy (+4), Ultra-Heavy (+6). • All of your Jump distance maximums are tripled. • As a Free Action, you can summon any single Power-based weapon to your hands. • When reduced to 0 Health, you may choose to avoid Defeat by automatically returning to your natural form, Unconscious, and at 1 Health.

Volley At 1st level, your Pink Ranger skills with a ranged Power Weapon are such that you can use your Morphin Grid power to launch a volley of attacks instead of a single shot. By spending 1 Personal Power, you may make a special Volley attack action as long as you do not move. This Volley attack action allows you to make a number of ranged attacks against valid targets equal to the Volley Shots number listed on the table above. Range, cover, and other modifiers apply to these targets individually.

Hard Target At 2nd level, you are particularly adept at making yourself difficult to hit in combat. As part of a Move action, you are allowed to roll your Acrobatics skill to augment your Evasion score by the result until the beginning of your next turn.

Fleet of Foot Starting at 2nd level, your ground movement increases by 10 feet while Morphed. Your Morphed ground movement increases by an additional 10 feet at 12th level.


You now have access to a powerful construct of a particular kind based upon the Power Ranger team you are a part of. These are the various Zords, Borgs, and Power vehicles that the Rangers summon to aid them when the monsters and other minions of evil are empowered by warlords like Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. Rules and statistics surrounding Zords can be found in the section starting on page 131.

Pink Ranger Zords What sort of shape a Pink Ranger’s Zord takes depends on the kind of Power Ranger Team they are a part of. Examples of previously chosen Zords are: • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pterodactyl, Firebird • Ninja Power Rangers: Shining Crane • Alien Rangers: Pink Battle Borg • Power Rangers Zeo: Artillery Tank • Power Rangers Turbo: Wind Chaser Racer • Space Rangers: Mega V5 Hover Rover

Zord Feature Upon reaching 6th level, then again at 10th, 14th, and 17th levels, a Ranger’s connection and proficiency with their Zord has strengthened and evolved to a place where their abilities while using it are stronger and more powerful than ever. Each time this Role Perk is acquired by a Pink Ranger, they may choose from the list of Zord Features (see page 136 for details) to apply to their personal Zord.

General Perk When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you have the ability to personalize your Ranger a little further and must choose to gain a generic Perk of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites.


Penetrating Shot

Precision Aim

At 5th level, your aim with your ranged Power Weapon is so steady that you can direct a number of shots into the same exact point – delivering a punishing amount of damage to one target. By spending an additional 1 Personal Power when using the Volley feature, you can choose to make a single attack roll against a single target that will apply to ALL of the shots from the Volley. This attack gains a number of 1 shifts equal to the additional shots after the first made in the Volley.

At 9th level, your ranged attacks are instinctually well-aimed and seem to seek out the weak points in enemies. If you do not move on your turn, your ranged combat attacks now inflict an additional point of damage if they hit. At 18th level, the bonus damage is increased to two Damage.

Group Strike Upon reaching 5th level, you can split the energy blasts from your ranged Power Weapon into a shower of smaller blasts that saturate an entire area. After spending 1 Personal Power, you choose a 10 foot by 10 foot area within range and line of sight, and make a ranged attack roll against all targets in that area. The area affected increases to 15 feet by 15 feet at 10th level, and again at 15th level to 20 feet by 20 feet.

Pink Ranger Prime At 20th level, you have become the most advanced version possible of your team’s Pink Ranger. Your Morphed form immediately gains the following benefits: • +2 to all Defenses. • Additional point of Damage on Targeting Attacks • Edge on Speed skill checks

Grid Power First upon reaching 6th level, then again at 11th and 16th levels, your understanding and connection to the power that flows from the Morphin Grid in ways other Rangers may not. Each time you acquire this Role Perk, you may choose a Power (see page 99) to add to your Ranger, so long as they meet the requirements, if any.

Sidestep At 7th level, you can sidestep danger and dodge certain area effect attacks, such as the slime barrage from the Goo Fish or a strafe from Lord Zedd’s eyebeams. When you are subjected to an attack that has an Area of Effect that targets your Evasion, you may spend a point of Personal Power to reduce the attack result by the number rolled on your Acrobatics skill die.

Extra Attack Beginning at 7th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This Role Perk only functions while Morphed and fighting as an individual.



RED RANGER Born leaders and warriors through and through, candidates chosen to embody the noble spirit and fighting prowess that each Red Ranger uses to stand proud and strong in the front lines of their Ranger teams. They are fearless fighters that show their teammates how to defend the Morphin Grid personally. Ready with their fists, their blades, and an inspiring show of leadership, Red Rangers are almost always the center of any team conflicts – inspiring others to stand proud and so the same!

Stand Tall and Fierce! Red Rangers personify the kind of proud nobility and martial skill prowess it takes to lead a Power Ranger team. Subtlety and subterfuge are not the kinds of skills that tend to be important to a Red Ranger, as their candidates are chosen for their ability to think on their feet and solve problems directly rather than trying to find ways around them. Red Rangers are, by no means, unintelligent or ignorant – they just tend to excel at taking on trouble head on.

Always Ready to Help The strength and sanctity of the Power Ranger team is, at their core, where a Red Ranger draws its strength. Their fighting styles revolve around teaming up on enemies, dealing decisive blows after a teammate has softened them up, and either serving as the core of a team’s Grid Zord Megaform – or alternatively, standing back to back in their own fighting Zord with a Megaform made up of the rest of the team!












It’s Morphin Time!, Power Strike


+1 Damage




Follow Me!, Weapon Mastery


+1 Damage





+1 Damage



General Perk


+1 Damage



Extra Attack, Let’s Bring ‘Em Together!


+1 Damage



Zord Feature, Grid Power


+2 Damage





+2 Damage



General Perk


+2 Damage



Team Focus (1)


+2 Damage



Zord Feature, Extra Attack (2)


+2 Damage



Grid Power


+3 Damage



General Perk


+3 Damage




+3 Damage



Zord Feature


+3 Damage



Extra Attack (3)


+3 Damage



General Perk, Grid Power


+4 Damage



Zord Feature


+4 Damage



Team Focus (2)


+4 Damage



General Perk


+4 Damage



Red Ranger Prime


+4 Damage


A Long and Noble Line Stretching as far back as to when the Morphin Grid has needed them, Red Rangers have had a place on their most successful champion teams. Across dimensions and across time, these noble warrior leaders have all had the same ideal embossed on their very core – the team comes first, and its enemies cannot be allowed to harm its members. Even if a Red Ranger has had to put themselves directly on the line in the name of their teammates, they would do so gladly for the sake of their friends.

Spectrum Role Features As a Red Ranger, you gain the following:

Training Armor: Light, Medium, and Heavy armor Starting Skill Ranks: +2 Might, +1 Persuasion

Grid Equipment You start with your own personal possessions from your pre-Morphin’ life, but also gain the following items from the Morphin Grid. Those marked with an asterisk are only available when Morphed. • Wrist Communicator • Power Morpher • Blade Blaster* • Versatile Power Weapon*

Power Personal Power Regeneration: 2 per day Personal Power Capacity: +2 per every 5 levels



It’s Morphin Time!

Weapon Mastery

Starting at 1st level, by summoning the energy within you through your Power Morpher and saying the words “It’s Morphin Time!” as a standard action, you are enveloped with a stylized shell of Morphin Grid energy that serves as your armor, grants you access to your Power-based weapons, and many other abilities that require Power to activate.

At 2nd level, you are focused on making the most out of your Power weapon attacks. Whenever you roll a 1 or 2 on a Skill die for an attack you make with your Power weapon, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.

While Morphed, the following traits and features apply: • Your Toughness Bonus is determined by your Armor Training: Light (+1), Medium (+2), Heavy (+4), Ultra-Heavy (+6). • All of your Jump distance maximums are tripled. • As a Free Action, you can summon any single Power-based weapon to your hands. • When reduced to 0 Health, you may choose to avoid Defeat by automatically returning to your natural form, unconscious, and at 1 Health.

Power Strike At 1st level, a Red Ranger’s attacks can be direct conduits to their raw Morphin Grid energy. You can, when making any form of melee attack while Morphed, spend 1 Personal Power to add a number of bonus Damage to the attack if successful. The amount is listed on the table above.

Follow Me! Upon reaching 2nd level, a Red Ranger’s leadership skills are just beginning to shine. At the beginning of any combat, instead of rolling their own Initiative, your teammates may always choose to instead set their Initiative as 1d4 lower than yours (minimum final result of 1). They must choose to follow this Role Perk BEFORE you roll your Initiative result, but each team member who chooses to do this emboldens you and adds +1 to your result. For example, Jason uses Follow Me! at the beginning of a fight with Goldar and a pack of Putties. Trini, Zack, and Billy decide to follow his lead; while Tommy and Kimberly do not. Tommy and Kimberly roll their own Initiative. Jason rolls a 13 for his Initiative, adding +2 from his Initiative modifier, but also adding +3 from his teammates joining in for a final result of 18. Each rolling 1d4 to subtract from Jason’s 18, Trini ends up with a 17, while Zack and Billy both end up at 15.


Zords By the time a Ranger reaches 3rd level, their role in protecting the Morphin Grid requires them to battle larger and more devastating foes. When piloting your personal Zord, you cannot suffer Snags when using the Driving skill. You now have access to a powerful construct of a particular kind based upon the Power Ranger team you are a part of. These are the various Zords, Borgs, and Power vehicles that the Rangers summon to aid them when the monsters and other minions of evil are empowered by warlords like Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. Rules and statistics surrounding Zords can be found in the section starting on page 131.

Red Ranger Zords What sort of shape a Red Ranger’s Zord takes depends on the kind of Power Ranger Team they are a part of. Examples of previously chosen Zords are: • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Red Dragon • Ninja Power Rangers: Red Ape • Alien Rangers: Red Battle Borg • Power Rangers Zeo: Phoenix • Power Rangers Turbo: Red Lightning Racer • Space Rangers: Mega V1 Robot

Zord Feature Upon reaching 6th level, then again at 10th, 14th, and 17th levels, a Ranger’s connection and proficiency with their Zord has strengthened and evolved to a place where their abilities while using it are stronger and more powerful than ever. Each time this Role Perk is acquired by a Red Ranger, they may choose from the list of Zord Features (see page 136 for details) to apply to their personal Zord.

General Perk When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you have the ability to personalize your Ranger a little further and must choose to gain a generic Perk of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites.


Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 10th level and four when you reach 15th level. This Role Perk only functions while Morphed and fighting as an individual.

Let’s Bring ‘Em Together! Starting at 5th level, your connection to the team and all of your Power weapons is strong enough to allow you to collect all of them together to create a special combined form of weapon that unleashes a devastating team-based attack. You may, as a standard action, spend 1 Personal Power to begin the Let’s Bring ‘Em Together process, taking a Contingency action with the trigger of “When all of my teammate’s Power weapons are joined, we will combine our attack on…” naming the target of the attack. For this feature to function, each other teammate must move to be adjacent to you and name the same Contingency action trigger. When all of your teammates have moved to be adjacent, spent the 1 Personal Power, and named the appropriate Contingency action trigger – your team collectively triggers the Contingency actions and the combined Power weapon attack takes place. The ranged attack has a Reach of 100/250, gains an additional 2 to hit using your attack traits and abilities, but inflicts 1 Damage upon a successful hit per participating member. After the attack takes place, the team’s Power weapons are returned to them as normal.

roll your Athletics skill die. You reduce all incoming attacks by the amount rolled until the start of your next turn.

Team Focus Starting at 9th level, Red Rangers are efficient at finishing off enemies that have been damaged but not vanquished by their teammates. You add a 1 to any melee attack that targets a target that has already been attacked by your teammate since your last turn. Beginning at 18th level, this bonus is increased to 2.

Red Ranger Prime At 20th level, you have become the most advanced version possible of your team’s Red Ranger. Your Morphed form immediately gains the following benefits: • Resistance to normal blunt and sharp damage. • Additional point of Damage on Power Weapon Attacks • Gain Edge on Strength skill checks

Grid Power First upon reaching 6th level, then again at 11th and 16th levels, your understanding and connection to the power that flows from the Morphin Grid in ways other Rangers may not. Each time you acquire this Role Perk, you may choose a Grid Power (see page 99) to add to your Ranger, so long as they meet the requirements, if any.

Resilience Upon achieving 7th level, your ability to stand firm against the enemies of your team makes you far more resistant to damage when you willfully defend against it. While Morphed, when targeted by any attack you were aware of, you may choose to spend 1 Personal Power and



YELLOW RANGER Chosen for their understanding of the arts, both creative and martial, candidates to accept the power of the Yellow Ranger should be clever, witty, and full of originality. They are fast thinkers and just as fast on their feet, able to judge where best to apply their skills and get there quickly to do so. The Yellow energy of the Spectrum chooses those with adaptable minds and agile hands to wield its power. Yellow Rangers are not the hammer in the toolbox, they are the paintbrush. Instead of applying a direct single solution that may pass or fail in one fell swoop, a Yellow Ranger is drawn to using many smaller applications of their skills to build up to a more certain solution.

Soul of the Team Where other Rangers of the Spectrum fill certain roles like inventor, leader, or supporting healer, Yellow Rangers are like the water in which their boats sail upon. A Yellow Ranger is a friend, a confidante, and always ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder or back-to-back with one or more of their teammates. Their team can count on them to be there, chipping away at and coming up with solutions for the same problems and obstacles the team might face.












It’s Morphin Time!, Triple Strike Attacks






Nimble Fighter, Strike Bonus (1)










General Perk





Extra Attack, Strike Bonus (2)





Zord Feature, Grid Power





Exploit Weakness I





General Perk, Strike Bonus (3)





Whirlwind Strike





Zord Feature





Grid Power, Strike Bonus (4)





General Perk





Lightning Fast





Zord Feature





Extra Attack (2), Exploit Weakness II





General Perk, Grid Power





Zord Feature





Devastating Strike (x3)





General Perk





Yellow Ranger Prime




Right Place, Right Time Speed. Speed is part of what makes a Yellow Ranger able to be in many places at once, and capable of lending their help when it is needed most. Yet this is not the kind of speed that is measured in races and sprints. It is not merely how far they can run, it is the ability to act on the go, and put their skills to good use here, there, and anywhere they are needed as they maneuver through a conflict.

Hands On Fighter Yellow Rangers have the fastest hands and feet on a Power Ranger team. While other Rangers might hit harder or at a distance, Yellow Rangers are empowered to strike fast and furiously up close and personal. What another warrior might inflict with a single blow that could be turned aside or dodged, these Rangers strike from every different angle, making it impossible to avoid every single strike. Their foes are worn down in seconds nonetheless, and they might never have realized where the tidal wave of blows ever even came from.

Spectrum Role Features As a Yellow Ranger, you gain the following:

Power Personal Power Regeneration: 3 per day Personal Power Capacity: +1 per every 3 levels

Training Armor: Light armor Starting Skill Ranks: +1 Acrobatics or Initiative, +1 Finesse, +1 Alertness

Grid Equipment You start with your own personal possessions from your pre-Morphin’ life, but also gain the following items from the Morphin Grid. Those marked with an asterisk are only available when Morphed. • Wrist Communicator • Power Morpher • Blade Blaster* • Two Light Power Weapons*



It’s Morphin Time!


Starting at 1st level, by summoning the energy within you through your Power Morpher and saying the words “It’s Morphin Time!” as a standard action, you are enveloped with a stylized shell of Morphin Grid energy that serves as your armor, grants you access to your Power-based weapons, and many other abilities that require Power to activate.

By the time a Ranger reaches 3rd level, their role in protecting the Morphin Grid requires them to battle larger and more devastating foes. When piloting your personal Zord, you cannot suffer Snags when using the Driving skill.

While Morphed, the following traits and features apply: • Your Toughness Bonus is determined by your Armor Training: Light (+1), Medium (+2), Heavy (+4), Ultra-Heavy (+6). • All of your Jump distance maximums are tripled. • As a Free Action, you can summon any single Power-based weapon to your hands. • When reduced to 0 Health, you may choose to avoid Defeat by automatically returning to your natural form, unconscious, and at 1 Health.

Triple Strike Attacks Yellow Rangers at 1st level have already begun to show their talent at unleashing flurries of blows. You can, whenever you make an Finesse attack action, spend a Personal Power to make an attack with EACH of your hands at no penalty, and then make a third, Follow-Up martial arts attack at a target of one of the previous strikes. This follow-up attack – often a kick, elbow, or headbutt – has a variable skill die based on your Yellow Ranger level, shown on the table above.

Nimble Fighter Starting at 2nd level, you use the agility of the Yellow Ranger to weave through a combat delivering blows wherever they are needed. After each successful melee attack, you may immediately move 5 feet in any viable direction. This movement is free and additional to any other movement you might make during your turn.

Strike Bonus Upon reaching 2nd level, you are able to infuse your Morphin Grid power into your melee attacks while Morphed. At the beginning of any round you may spend 1 Personal Power to apply a 1 shift to the first melee attack you make during your action. This shift increases by 1 at 5th, 8th, and 11th levels.


You now have access to a powerful construct of a particular kind based upon the Power Ranger team you are a part of. These are the various Zords, Borgs, and Power vehicles that the Rangers summon to aid them when the monsters and other minions of evil are empowered by warlords like Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. Rules and statistics surrounding Zords can be found in the section starting on page 131.

Yellow Ranger Zords What sort of shape a Yellow Ranger’s Zord takes depends on the kind of Power Ranger Team they are a part of. Examples of previously chosen Zords are: • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Sabretooth Tiger, Griffin • Ninja Power Rangers: Bear • Alien Rangers: Yellow Battle Borg • Power Rangers Zeo: Artillery Tower • Power Rangers Turbo: Dune Star Racer • Space Rangers: Mega V4 Rover

Zord Feature Upon reaching 6th level, then again at 10th, 14th, and 17th levels, a Ranger’s connection and proficiency with their Zord has strengthened and evolved to a place where their abilities while using it are stronger and more powerful than ever. Each time this Role Perk is acquired by a Yellow Ranger, they may choose from the list of Zord Features (see page 136 for details) to apply to their personal Zord.

General Perk When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you have the ability to personalize your Ranger a little further and must choose to gain a generic Perk of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites.

Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three


when you reach 15th level. This Role Perk only functions while Morphed and fighting as an individual. Additionally, the extra attacks are NOT split into multiple attacks by the Triple Strike Attacks Role Perk – they are singular attacks added to the standard attack action.

Grid Power First upon reaching 6th level, then again at 11th and 16th levels, your understanding and connection to the power that flows from the Morphin Grid in ways other Rangers may not. Each time you acquire this Role Perk, you may choose a Grid Power (see page 99) to add to your Ranger, so long as they meet the requirements, if any.

Exploit Weakness Upon reaching 7th level, the Yellow Ranger can see ways around a creature’s strengths, turning them into weaknesses. You can, after making a melee attack against a target with augmented defenses of some kind, make a DIF 14 Alertness skill check. If successful, you and your teammates may ignore ONE of the target’s defense bonuses (Resistance, Armor bonus, etc.) with your attacks until the end of the scene. At 15th level, your ability to see weaknesses allows you and your team to ignore all defense augmentative bonuses the target might possess.

Whirlwind Strike Starting at 9th level, Yellow Rangers can unleash a deadly spinning attack at groups of enemies surrounding them. You can, by expending 1 Personal Power while Morphed, allow your attack action’s melee attacks to target every enemy adjacent to you until the end of the round. You still only make single attack rolls, but they are applied equally among all enemies adjacent to you similar to an Area of Effect ranged attack.

Lighting Fast A 13th level Yellow Ranger is capable of flashing like a burst lightning to a specific location in the blink of an eye. By spending 1 Personal Power while Morphed, instead of moving normally, you can instantly appear anywhere within 60 feet and line of sight of your current location. While this is treated like a miniature teleportation, you do actually sprint and/or jump to reach this new location – it is just so fast, no one can see you doing so.

Devastating Strike Upon achieving 18th level, the Yellow Ranger’s melee attacks can find the precise point on a target to inflict maximum damage. You now inflict triple damage when you make a critical hit on a target instead of the normal double damage.

Yellow Ranger Prime At 20th level, you have become the most advanced version possible of your team’s Yellow Ranger. Your Morphed form immediately gains the following benefits: • Resistance to normal blunt and sharp damage. • Additional point of Damage on Finesse Attacks • Gain Edge on Speed skill checks



THE ADVANCED RANGER SPECTRUM Found shining in between the various color wavelengths of the Ranger Spectrum, there are a rare few “colors” of the Ranger Spectrum that manifest only in specific situations – when a candidate is determined to be a perfect fit for that energy. These advanced wavelengths function in the same way as the rest of the Ranger Spectrum, but the Morphin Grid chooses them for its Rangers far less often. In game terms, in order to take on an Advanced Spectrum color, a Ranger must choose the Spectrum Shift Perk. As described in the Perk section of this rulebook (page 98), this will allow the character to effectively “trade in” their levels of another Ranger Spectrum color for an equal number of levels in one of the Advanced Ranger Spectrum. While this core rulebook details the rules for the Advanced Spectrum Role of the White Ranger, future publications will allow for the other, even rarer, Spectrum Roles for Silver Rangers, Gold Rangers, Phantom Rangers, Purple Rangers, and more!

Applying the Spectrum Shift Perk When a player chooses the Spectrum Shift Perk for their character, they immediately exchange all of their character’s Ranger levels for those of another color in the Spectrum. If this is performed at 1st level (chosen as some character’s bonus Perk, for instance), the new color’s level progression table is used completely from Level 1 in all ways.

• Current maximum Health • Role training and current Skill ranks do not change • Previous Skill level advancements, Essence score improvements, Generic Perks, and Grid Powers gained from past levels do not change The following aspects of past levels are newly applied, in level order, with the new values replacing those of the former Ranger Color (including the level acquired that granted the Spectrum Shift Perk): • Power Regeneration Rate • Personal Power Capacity • Zord (and attached Zord Features) • All other Role Perks Unless the Perk is ever taken again, the Ranger character follows the new Spectrum Color for all new levels.




A leader possessing a unique Grid weapon with an advanced connection to their Zord.

If this Perk is chosen at a later level, while the Ranger’s new Spectrum Color applies for all previous levels, there are some specific aspects of the Ranger’s former color that will not actually change from the past. The Ranger that chooses this Perk at a later level does not change the following aspects gained from previous levels:




+2 Strength & +1 Smarts


WHITE RANGER Like the wavelength of light itself that it represents, the White energy of the Morphin Grid is like the raw energy pouring into the prism to be split into the necessary parts for the team to be at its best. There doesn’t always have to be a White Ranger on a Power Ranger team, but it goes without saying that the teams that can draw on the pure and just power of their energy are some of the strongest the Morphin Grid has ever known. They are like a two sided-coin. On one side you have a strong and valiant leader, but on the other you have a noble warrior capable of standing against evil on its own.

Elevated Champion Not just any candidate can become one with the White energy. They need to hold the concept of the Morphin Grid’s power close to their hearts and stand as its very champion. White Rangers are not always the leaders of their teams, but they cannot ignore their will and desire to stand at the forefront and protect their teammates. A White Ranger will fight to the bitter end for their friends.

Valiant Leader White Rangers frequently fall into the role of leading their Ranger teams, and their skills and abilities only augment this. They fight bravely, they defend fearlessly, and they orchestrate their fellow Rangers to work together as a better team. The White energy in the Spectrum comes with a strong need to stand against the enemies of good, and those who wield it are often the legends remembered throughout history.












It’s Morphin Time!, Zord, Grid Relic Weapon






Follow Me!





Zord Feature





General Perk





Extra Attack, Inspiration (1d4)





Grid Power, Zord Feature





Relic Weapon Trait





General Perk, Shining Leader










Zord Feature, Inspiration (1d6)





Grid Power





General Perk, Relic Weapon Trait





Extra Attack (2)





Zord Feature





Inspiration (1d8)





General Perk, Grid Power





Zord Feature, Relic Weapon Trait





At All Costs





General Perk





White Ranger Prime




Ranger and Zord as One

Spectrum Role Features

Unlike the other wavelengths found in the Spectrum, White energy focuses itself through the Grid using unique and powerful relics – like Tommy’s beloved tiger-blade, Saba. This somehow connects the inner essence of the White Rangers to their Morphin Grid constructs tighter than that between a normal Ranger’s Morpher and their Zord, Borg, etc. This is why it seems that White Rangers bring new and special kinds of Zords to fight alongside those of their teams. Their Zords are just as worthy of leading the charge as they are.


As a White Ranger, you gain the following: Personal Power Regeneration: 3 per day Personal Power Capacity: +1 per every 3 levels

Training Armor: Light and Medium armor Starting Skill Ranks: +2 Might, +1 Culture

Grid Equipment You start with your own personal possessions from your pre-Morphin’ life, but also gain the following items from the Morphin Grid. Those marked with an asterisk are only available when Morphed. • Wrist Communicator • Power Morpher • Blade Blaster*



It’s Morphin Time!

Grid Relic Weapon

Starting at 1st level, by summoning the energy within you through your Power Morpher and saying the words “It’s Morphin Time!” as a standard action, you are enveloped with a stylized shell of Morphin Grid energy that serves as your armor, grants you access to your Power-based weapons, and many other abilities that require Power to activate.

Once chosen to wield the White energy of the Morphin Grid, the newly created White Ranger is gifted a powerful and unique Grid relic weapon through which they can control it. At 1st level, you are given this truly wondrous item that inflicts energy damage with its attacks, plus one level in a special Might or Finesse (Grid Relic) specialization. Unlike other skills, this weapon’s skill dice are based upon your level in White Ranger, as shown on the table above.

While Morphed, the following traits and features apply: • Your Toughness Bonus is determined by your Armor Training: Light (+1), Medium (+2), Heavy (+4), Ultra-Heavy (+6). • All of your Jump distance maximums are tripled. • As a Free Action, you can summon any single Power-based weapon to your hands. • When reduced to 0 Health, you may choose to avoid Defeat by automatically returning to your natural form, unconscious, and at 1 Health.

Zords Advanced Spectrum Rangers begin their role of protecting the Morphin Grid with an expectation above those of the common Spectrum. At 1st level, you have access to a powerful construct of a particular kind based upon the Power Ranger team you are a part of. These are the various Zords, Borgs, and Power vehicles that the Rangers summon to aid them in battle. Rules and statistics surrounding Zords can be found in the section starting on page 131. When piloting this personal Zord, you cannot suffer Snags when using the Driving skill.

White Ranger Zords What sort of shape a White Ranger’s Zord takes depends on the kind of Power Ranger Team they are a part of. Examples of previously chosen Zords are: • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: White Tiger • Ninja Power Rangers: Falcon • Alien Rangers: White Battle Borg

Zord Feature Upon reaching 3rd level, then again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 17th levels, a Ranger’s connection and proficiency with their Zord has strengthened and evolved to a place where their abilities while using it are stronger and more powerful than ever. Each time this Role Perk is acquired by a White Ranger, they may choose from the list of Zord Features (see page 136 for details) to apply to their personal Zord.

Additionally, your Grid relic starts with two of the following Relic Weapon Traits: Zord Control: The Grid Relic is key to controlling your Zord, halving the time it takes to summon it and giving you 1 to hit with your Zord’s attacks. Energy Blasts: The Grid Relic is capable of firing three power blasts per day, each one with a Reach of 100 feet and a 1 shift to hit. Fast Draw: You can summon the Grid Relic to your hand as a free action while Morphed, and gain Edge on Initiative rolls while it is in hand. Intelligence: The Grid Relic is a sentient device with a Smarts and Social of 6 that grants Edge on three Smarts or Social skills of your choice. Multi-Strike: The Grid Relic can be used to attack two targets adjacent to one another as a unique Area of Effect, but then it cannot be used to attack on the following round. Proximity Alarm: The Grid Relic senses dangers within 60 feet and will alert the wielder. Shatter Strike: The Grid Relic gains 2 versus objects (not creatures or vehicles). Thunderous: The Grid Relic, once per day, emits a powerful roar, screech, shriek, or other sound that attacks all enemies in an adjacent 15’ x 15’ cube with a 1 shift, deafening targets for 1d6 minutes if successful. Additionally, your Grid relic evolves and grows with you, allowing you to choose an additional Relic Weapon Trait at 7th, 12th, and 17th levels.



Follow Me! Upon reaching 2nd level, the White Ranger’s leadership skills are just beginning to shine. At the beginning of any combat, instead of rolling their own Initiative, your teammates may always choose to instead set their Initiative as 1d4 lower than yours (minimum final result of 1). They must choose to follow this Role Perk BEFORE you roll your Initiative result, but each team member who chooses to do this emboldens you and adds +1 to your result. For example, Tommy uses Follow Me! at the beginning of a fight with Rito and a flock of Tengas. Adam, Kimberly, and Rocky decide to follow his lead; while Billy and Aisha do not. Billy and Aisha roll their own Initiative. Tommy rolls an 11 for his Initiative, adding +3 from his Initiative modifier, but also adding +3 from his teammates joining in for a final result of 17. Each rolling 1d4 to subtract from Tommy’s 17, Adam and Rocky end up with a 16, while Kimberly ends up at 14.



General Perk


When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you have the ability to personalize your Ranger a little further and must choose to gain a generic Perk of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites.

At 7th level, you can sidestep danger and dodge certain area effect attacks, such as the slime barrage from the Goo Fish or a strafe from Lord Zedd’s eyebeams. When you are subjected to an attack that has an Area of Effect that targets your Evasion, you may spend a point of Personal Power to reduce the attack result by the number rolled on your Acrobatics skill die.

Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 13th level. This Role Perk only functions while Morphed and fighting as an individual.

Inspiration When a White Ranger reaches 5th level, they know how to verbally inspire their allies – whether they are in their normal form, Morphed, piloting their Zord, or part of a combined Megaform! By taking a Free action to say something positive and uplifting to a member of their team, that member may add 1d4 to the result of any d20 roll on their next turn. The die increases to 1d6 at 10th level, and to 1d8 at 15th level.

Grid Power First upon reaching 6th level, then again at 11th and 16th levels, your understanding and connection to the power that flows from the Morphin Grid in ways other Rangers may not. Each time you acquire this Role Perk, you may choose a Grid Power (see page 99) to add to your Ranger, so long as they meet the requirements, if any.

Shining Leader When you get to 8th level, you stand as the tip of the shining spear against your enemies, and your teammates know victory is assured if they stand behind you. Once per scene, you can spend 1 Personal Power and a standard action while Morphed to take a flashy posture and make a spectacle out of yourself to embolden your allies. For the rest of that round and the following round, all of your allies gain Edge on their attack rolls.

At All Costs At 18th level, you have formed a connection with your team strong enough to surprise you with what you are capable of on their behalf. You can, once per day, fight beyond reaching 0 Health while Morphed. Instead of being Defeated or returning to your normal form, you may continue to fight normally. During this time, when an enemy successfully hits you, you lose 1 Personal Power instead of losing Health. If, at any time during this feature’s use, you reach 0 Personal Power, you immediately return to your normal form at 0 Health, with the conditions Unconscious and Defeated. This is a dangerous Role Perk, and is normally only called upon when the team is truly in trouble.

White Ranger Prime At 20th level, you have become the most advanced version possible of your team’s White Ranger. Your Morphed form immediately gains the following benefits: • +2 to all Defenses. • Additional point of Damage on Zord (non-Megaform) Attacks • Edge on Strength skill checks




I realized it’s not just the costumes and powers that give me strength. It’s who and what I am inside that empowers me. - Tommy Oliver


he long history of the Power Rangers boasts that they have been selected because they are equipped to deal with Earth’s foes both physically and mentally. Personality and the way Power Rangers use their personal backgrounds to approach conflicts is what makes them so successful. Using knowledge and skills gained from life before becoming a Power Ranger is a


huge part of the attitude and abilities they bring to the table. Your Influences are what makes up your personality and outlook on the world. They contribute strengths in experiences as well as quirks and biases from a life that is unique from others around you. They are what makes you expressly you and the hero that you are today.

Your character’s Influences reveal what type of background you’ve had growing up. You may have been the lead in your school’s theater department and love to be the center of attention, along with practice in bluffing your enemies from your acting lessons. Perhaps you volunteer at a retirement home or vet clinic and have a passion for helping others, as well as amazing first aid skills. Choosing an influence provides you with important story cues about your character’s identity. Unlike a background, influences are things that have stuck with your character and breathe life into them they’re your character’s hobbies and passions, and could begin at any time in the character’s story. When choosing influences, consider questions like: • What was your first experience with this influence? • How have you pursued it throughout your life? • Who do you share these influences with (either other player characters or NPCs)? • What part of this influence keeps you coming back for more? Each influence gives your character an Influence Perk that benefits you when your influences come into play. Each influence also suggests personal characteristics that you can use as a basis of creating your characters story and personality. A character can have up to three influences at character creation and gets the benefits from the Influence Perks as well as the roleplay suggestions from these influences. For every influence after the first, the character must choose a Hang-Up.

Background Bonds Fleshing out your character’s personality—the array of traits, mannerisms, habits, beliefs, and flaws that give a character a unique identity—will help you bring them to life as you play the game. Each influence has a selection of Background Bonds, a mix of benefits and flaws that can quickly help you add flavor and depth to your character. For each influence you choose, roll a d12 to randomly determine or choose one (or more) Background Bond from the options available. Beyond those Background Bonds, think about your character’s favorite words or phrases, tics and habitual gestures, vices and pet peeves, and whatever else you can imagine.

Having Multiple Influences Having multiple Influences gives you some interesting points in your character’s past. Consider carefully how those Influences have interacted. • Is your character a volunteer firefighter (Community Helper) who loves to cook meals for the local firehouse (Artisan)? • Or perhaps your character is an ESL tutor (Teacher) who wanted to help others after living in many different countries as a young child (Nomad)? • Maybe your character is a karate champion (Martial Artist) who used that training to recover from a serious accident (Survivor) that put financial strain on your family due to medical bills (Small Town Roots)?


• Perhaps your character is a nanny (Caretaker) who lives with the family you care for because you are from somewhere far away (Not From Around Here)?

Just as influences enrich the character’s backstory, so do Hang-Ups. Hang-Ups are flaws your character develops as part of their backstory, such as missed opportunities, known weaknesses, and areas your character struggles in.

• Each influence becomes a chapter in your character’s history. Take the time to talk through this with your GM and come up with a cool story about where your Power Ranger came from.

When you select your second and/or third influence, you still get the Influence Perk associated with that influence, but you must also pick a Hang-Up associated with each additional influence beyond the first. There are some suggested Hang-Ups in each influence, but these aren’t the limit - work with your GM to come up with an appropriate Hang-Up for your character’s passions and backstory. Unlike playing into your character’s personality flaws, you do not get a Story Point when your Hang-Ups come into play.

Customizing an Influence You might want to tweak some of the features of an Influence to better fit your character or the campaign setting. To customize an Influence, you can replace one Perk or Hang-Up with any other one. Then choose a Background Bond (or two) to help round out your character’s personality. If you can’t find a Perk and Hang-Up that matches your desired Influence, work with your GM to create one.





You’ve always had an inspiration to create. Whether it’s putting notes to music, paint to a canvas, or another kind of creation, your life’s work is in the art of expressing yourself through making something. You may have been a musician, painter, chef, dancer, sculptor, model, writer, actor, or any of a wide variety of creative pursuits. When you select this background, choose the pursuit your character follows. It can change through play as your character experiments with different forms of art.

Influence Perk You gain an Edge when your Art comes into play, such as when performing, sharing techniques, or applying your art to a mission. You are passionate about your art style, and gain an Edge on Social and Smarts Skill Tests where your art style applies.

Hang-Up You sometimes get absorbed by your work and miss what’s going on around you. You suffer a Snag on Smarts and Social skill checks unrelated to your art while you are actively involved with your art. If you are a solo artist, you hate having to share the spotlight with other artists, and you suffer a snag on Social skill checks when around them. If you are a collaborative artist, your desire to talk about future art projects causes you to lose focus on the task at hand.

Suggested Characteristics Choose an option below, or roll a d8 to determine your specialty. You may also come up with a specialty not on this list with your GM.













Writing Books/Poetry






Music (Instrument, Singing, Songwriting)







I’m happiest when everyone is getting along, and make it my business to defuse out tensions among my team.


I am too competitive with my artistic pursuits.


I regularly recite stories, speeches, and monologues to inspire my comrades.


Someone stole my work and I’m trying to get it back.


I once bombed so badly that a highly respected group has ostracized me.


I have never felt my art was good enough.


I believe art should exist for its own sake, and doesn’t need to serve a function or promote an idea.


I use tools that were handed down to me from a great artist, and I seek another artist to hand them down to.


I’m an incurable gossip, and love to know what’s going on in any group I’m in.


Making people smile makes all my work worthwhile.


I won’t stop creating until my name is known across the world.


My muse strikes at the worst times - in the middle of the night, during missions, and worse.

Caretaker You have a natural bedside manner and a way with those who need a little extra help. Your strong sense of responsibility and ability to act calmly in stressful situations allow you to take care of others with a protective instinct of a parent. Since you were little, you have always felt a need to help those who aren’t as equipped to help themselves. You may have been a nanny, a babysitter, a hospital volunteer, or even have a live-in grandparent that you care for.




The person I care for means more to me than anyone else in the world.


I feel forced into my responsibilities out of a sense of duty and obligation.


Someone got hurt under my care, and I’ll never forgive myself.


I cannot stand to see an animal harmed in any way.


A goal of mine is to one day earn a doctorate degree in medicine.

Influence Perk


I fear that nobody will care for me as much as I care for others.

You gain an Edge for all Medicine and Group Checks and give an extra Edge to those you aid with Lend Assistance.


I will always make sure that people around me are happy and content.


I carry my grandparent’s ring as a reminder of unconditional love.



I was very ill as a child and will always strive to be as nurturing as the person who took care of me.


My quick temper often gets in the way of my bedside manner.


I became a guardian to another at a very young age.


I hope to someday open a home for the needy.

Your commitment to your charge takes priority over others, even those in more immediate danger. You will always ensure the safety of those you are responsible for before engaging in combat or even helping your team.

Suggested Characteristics Think about what type of caretaker you are and who, if anyone, is in your current care. Do you have a standing Friday night babysitting gig that may affect your Ranger duties? Do you play chess every weekend with an elderly man who happens to know the full history of Angel Grove?



Community Helper You are ready and at the scene whenever there is trouble, due to your past as a first responder. You have basic knowledge in medicine and emergency tactics after many experiences dealing with people in need. The service you choose to provide to your community has allowed you to learn how to apply that practical know-how to various situations. You may have been a police officer, firefighter, EMT, National Guard, or the junior volunteer versions of those.

Influence Perk You gain an Edge on any non-combat tasks related to your chosen service when your Influence comes into play. Suggested choices with example tasks are listed below, but ultimately, the GM will determine if a task applies to your service.

Hang-Up You run into dangerous situations to help others without thinking, and your desire to help others above yourself often puts you in harm’s way. If an innocent person is in danger, you feel compelled to aid them before any other task. In combat, you will attempt to heal other’s’ Damage before your own, even if strategically unsound.

Suggested Characteristics What does your character do for the community and what skills do they have from this training?







EMT (Medicine)


Police Officer (Alertness)


Firefighter (noncombat Brawn)


National Guard or other military (Initiative)





Helping others is my calling.


The service I provide to my community runs in my family, and I am following in their footsteps.


I lost my partner/coworker in an emergency situation in the field, and I carry that loss with me every day.


I originally joined my chosen service to impress someone.


I had no good role models in my youth, and I strive to be one for others.


I have an obsession with safety and often annoy others with repeating safety rules.


I never want to fall in love because I am afraid that my job is too dangerous.


I have a rivalry with another associate in my chosen service.


I want to rise to a position of authority and feel challenged and angry when someone else tells me what to do.


I am always prepared with supplies and tools for any sort of emergency.


Any defeat is because someone cheated me.


I’m constantly checking to see how the public reacts to my Power Ranger persona to be sure everyone is impressed by my heroism.

Small Town Roots You come from a simple life in a small town or a remote area that people rarely leave. Whether you came to Angel Grove with your family or on your own for new opportunities, your hard work, wisdom, and ethic brought you to become a chosen member of the Power Rangers. You may have been from a farming, mining, or factory upbringing, or perhaps you had to take a job in a restaurant or shop at an early age to help support your family.

Influence Perk Your wisdom guides you and your hard work pays off. Once per session, when making a choice you may ask your GM which option is better for you - the GM must then answer truthfully which of the two is most beneficial to you, if that is at all possible to estimate.

Hang-Up Sometimes your simple experiences show with lacking eloquence or understanding of the greater world around you. When you meet someone new with whom you don’t share an Influence, you suffer a Snag on your first Social Skill Test with them.




People tell me who they really are by what they do, not what they say.


I show respect to all my friends and enemies.


I keep up with folks back home - they don’t know that I am a hero, but I try to inspire them anyway.


No one is beyond redemption, it just takes giving an honest chance and hard work.


I act on what’s right instead of what’s best for the mission.


I find peace by passing the time playing a simple instrument.


When I need to relax, I seek simple comforts and good friends.


Others may call me stubborn, but it’s my determination that’s gotten me this far.


I’d rather do something and be wrong than hesitate until the exact right moment.


Most folks just need someone to believe in them to succeed.


I truly believe that the early bird gets the worm.


I recognize there are gaps in my knowledge and I seek out mentors to help me be the best hero I can be.

Suggested Characteristics Consider how your character got to this new life, whether by their choice or circ*mstance. How does your character stay connected to their Small Town Roots, and what have they grown out of? If you choose another influence, how did that interact with your Small Town Roots?



Martial Artist


While it may have begun at a mall dojo or a self defense class, you are defined by your time spent seeking the discipline and culture that martial arts provides.


I do all I can to avoid fighting, but if combat erupts, I fight all out.


I apply the same focus I have for martial arts with one of my hobbies that I share with my friends.


I am too quick to anger and feel staggering remorse after a fight ends.


My martial arts master occasionally sends students to me to mentor.


Whenever people hear about my martial arts experience, they want me to show off and perform tricks like a circus animal.



When I’m stressed or need focus, I can be found practicing my martial arts.

You can’t help but be a show-off, and attempts to goad you into action with Social abilities gain an Edge against you.


My art stresses the importance of contributing for the greater good of society.


Martial arts is a respected practice all over the world, and I seek to use my skills to become famous.


I believe the ultimate goal of my martial arts training is to spark the growth and development of the spirit, mind and body.


I must protect others because I have the strength and skills to do so.


I tightly follow the vows of my martial art.


I love martial arts movies and competitions and talk about them incessantly.

Influence Perk Given the opportunity to observe another martial artist for one minute, you can learn information about their capabilities compared to your own. The GM tells you if the creature is your equal, superior, or inferior in Threat Level as well as Toughness and Evasion defense.

Suggested Characteristics Martial Arts Specialty Choose a martial art below, or roll a d20 to determine your specialty. You are free to come up with a specialty not on this list in consultation with your GM.










Kung Fu (China)




Laamb (Senegal)




Lua (Hawai’i)


Arnis (Phillipines)


Mau Rakau (New Zealand


Capoeira (Brazil)


Muay Thai (Thailand)


Dambe (Nigeria)


Savate (France)


Judo (Japan)


Systema (Russia)


Kalaripayattu (India)


Taekwando (Korea)


Karate (Okinawa)


Tire Machèt (Haiti)


Krav Maga (Israel)


Mixed Martial Arts


You’ve grown up moving around from town to town constantly. Whether a military brat who has lived on not one, but many, military bases, a child of a parent whose job moves often, someone in foster care, or even part of a circus troupe, you’ve traveled to more places before adulthood than most people do in their entire lives. Always moving, you’ve been enrolled in more schools than you can count and have had to make new friends in every new city you visit. As a result, you pick up on body language and personalities, and you can always get a good read on new people. You have the ability to adapt to new situations easily but don’t always know how to rely on people or long-term friendships.

Influence Perk


You have a strong ability to read people and their motivations, and due to how fast you have needed to make new friendships, you are a good judge of character. You gain an Edge on Social tests when attempting to gain insight into someone’s motives or see if they are lying to you. Additionally, you have an Edge on any Knowledge tests about cities you have lived in.

Hang-Up You don’t often open up to others because you have learned through the impermanence of your life that it is a waste of time. It takes a while for you to trust new people, and you do not believe any stranger on your first encounter with them.

Suggested Characteristics Moving around a lot has had a huge impact on your life, but aside from the life skills and coping mechanisms that you have picked up along the way, you’ve also had the direct experience and knowledge of living in cities other than Angel Grove.




I write a letter every month to a friend whom I left behind in my last move.


I adapt to new living situations very quickly but have a hard time sleeping soundly.


I’ve never known anyone long enough to call them my “best friend.”


I love learning about new cultures.


I left an item from my childhood in a state I left, and I vow to go back to find it.


I resent my parents for subjecting me to a life without permanent roots.


When I arrive in a new town, I like to find the local library first.


I don’t trust others with my secrets.


I pick up on local accents very quickly.


I miss my nomadic lifestyle and sometimes feel stuck in one place.


My immediate family has never owned property, and I hope to buy a home when I’m older.


I collect figurines from every city I’ve lived in.

Previous Places of Residence Roll a d20 three times to randomly pick three cities in which you have lived before coming to Angel Grove, or feel free to choose your own. You may instead decide to choose cities in other countries if they fit your reason for moving so often.






San Francisco, California


Louisville, Kentucky


Salt Lake City, Utah


Baltimore, Maryland


Houston, Texas


Albuquerque, New Mexico


Chicago, Illinois


Atlanta, Georgia


Jacksonville, Florida


Tulsa, Oklahoma


Phoenix, Arizona


Henderson, Nevada


Columbus, Ohio


Saint Paul, Minnesota


Charlotte, North Carolina


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Portland, Oregon


Madison, Wisconsin


Detroit, Michigan


Buffalo, New York



Not From Around Here Student Whether an alien from another planet, a traveler from a different temporal era, or perhaps even created in a lab - you did not grow up like normal humans do. This gives you a different outlook on humanity and some distinct opinions of your own culture, but it also means you bring new and fresh concepts or even abilities to your team that an average person would not.

Influence Perk You gain an Edge on Skill Tests outside of combat where your distinct upbringing or unusual background comes into play. You know one additional language.

Hang-Up You suffer a Snag on all Social-based Skill Tests about naturally understanding human beings.

Suggested Characteristics Where did you come from and what natural assets does your culture or species give you? You may have a Sirian’s bite, a Horathi’s tough scales, a Time Ranger’s understanding of high technology, a robot-ranger’s hydraulic muscles, or others.

Influence Perk Your expertise in your study of choice gives you superior knowledge in one subject, allowing you to speak eloquently and thoroughly on the topic. You may choose from the list provided or decide on your own choice with your GM’s approval. When attempting to recall facts or performing a task in relation to this subject, you gain an Edge on your skill check. Additionally, you are recognized within learning institutions related to your study and are welcomed readily with assistance in your further research.



I want to someday show my friends where I came from.


I am always nervous when meeting new people.


I often compare myself to my human friends.


New foods or earthly devices fascinate me.

Your confidence in your subject of study often causes you to overlook other possibilities and perspectives of information. When you choose to perform a task in relation to your study to recall information not related to the actual subject at hand, your check will be subject to a Snag. Additionally, at the GM’s discretion, your focus on your area of study may mislead you into ignoring evidence of other information that may help you.


I’m quick to anger when others treat me differently due to how I look.

Suggested Characteristics


I never show my true face to strangers.


I struggle to learn the proper way to fit in with different cultures and traditions and am often perceived as awkward or out of place.

What area of study are you most passionate about? Choose an option below, or roll a d8 to determine your preferred subject.


The society I have left behind resents me, and I fear I have no home to return to.


I keep a secret about my home that I am afraid may be revealed.


I sometimes put on different personalities to help me fit in with others.


I am extremely superstitious, often quoting parables of my culture.


I carry a stone from my home and consider it a goodluck charm and reminder of my roots.



You devote your life to study in ways beyond just having a natural general intelligence. While you pride yourself on your academic studies you have focused on a specific subject in which you are an expert. This knowledge may have come from traditional classes, your parents or guardians, a beloved mentor, or a friend. An eager learner, you thrive on knowing all of the answers about your chosen subject and more, and you spend your free time researching facts for fun.








History (Global, American, or Local)




Science (Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Botany, or Astronomy)


Language (Pick one language of your choice)


Trades (Plumbing, Electrical, Construction, or Auto Repair)


Popular Culture (Music, Movies, Television, Games, or Literature)


Technology (Computer Science, Computer Repair)


Consumer Science (Nutrition, Finance, Civics, or Government)




I feel happy, comfortable, and welcome in schools and libraries.


I often quote books or famous figures related to my area of study.


I will take risks to learn new information.


I have a closer bond with a teacher or mentor than I do with my own parent.


I sometimes look down on others whom I feel aren’t as smart as me.


I have a difficult time discussing topics that aren’t academic subjects.


I feel personally offended when others don’t trust the information I impart to them.


I am always respectful to my elders and to those who have more knowledge than I do.


I tend to over-examine new information, sometimes to a point where I am wasting time.


I believe that emotions can cloud logical thought, so I prioritize logistics over feelings.


I will someday be famous for the knowledge I have in my area of study.


I will always encourage research prior to any impulsive action.





Survivor You’ve escaped a hardship or deadly situation and have both a sense of inner strength and appreciation for life as a result. Some feel that you are more sensitive or frail due to your experience, but you have learned to use the tools you gained to help your determination with everything you face. You may have been forced to live on your own at an early age, survived an accident, escaped extreme financial hardship, or overcome a tragic loss.

Influence Perk




I’ve always looked at my hardship as an opportunity to learn and grow.


It was only when I thought things couldn't get worse that I saw all of the ways that my life could get better.


All of the lasting effects of the ordeal that I survived have contributed to the awesome person I am today.


I still suffer nightmares about my survival experience, but I don’t talk about them much.


People say that I inspire them to overcome their own troubles, but sometimes I still need support too.


Going through the worst of times gave me the opportunity to see who my true friends are.


After my survival, I gave myself a complete physical and mental makeover.


I may have survived my hardship, but someone I loved deeply did not.

After your hardship, you have honed your survival instincts and are able to use sheer willpower to overcome stressful situations. When faced with an emergency situation or instinctual choice, gain an Edge on a Survival or other related check to know how to best navigate the situation. Additionally, at any point where your Smarts would be lowered to 0, roll a Willpower check of 10 or above to keep it at 1.


I make impulsive decisions, because I know that I no longer want to waste a single day of my life.


I regularly make charitable contributions and volunteer my time to good causes.



I strive to eat healthy food and exercise to take care of myself as best as I can.


When I see someone who is sad or other distress, I feel compelled to reach out in friendship.

The hardships of your life have been traumatic and have left lasting effects in your consciousness. This may cause you to stumble over your words or freeze like a deer in headlights. While in the presence of the reminder of your survival experience, you are unable to focus on anything else and suffer a Snag on all Alertness checks.

Suggested Characteristics You have a calm sense of composure when quick decisions need to be made. The idea of danger or even death does not sway you or your actions. Instead, you make methodical choices, compartmentalizing your fears or memories and going with your instincts for survival.



Teacher Teachers come in all ages and love to share their passion for whatever they teach. As a teacher, you strive to inspire others to learn all that they can. You may have been a professor at a college, a T.A. at your high school, an extra-curricular activities instructor, or a tutor for fellow students.

Influence Perk Your passion for passing on knowledge to others allows you to inspire them to achieve greatness. When a fellow Power Ranger must make a non-combat skill check, you may Lend Assistance with an additional Edge. If the skill is one in which you have specialized, you may Lend Assistance with two additional Edges, but the task takes twice as long to accomplish, as you are teaching how to do it.

Hang-Up You cannot resist a teaching moment, and insist on showing others “how it is done” before allowing them to try on their own. In any non-combat situation in which you have more skill than a team member, you will force yourself into doing the task first, even if strategically or socially unsound.

Suggested Characteristics You have learned to have a lot of patience by dealing with the repetitive nature of teaching others. As an instructor, you are focused on technique and complete understanding of the subject at hand to ensure that your student gains the skills you impart to them.






Teaching others about the things I’m passionate about is truly fulfilling.


I cannot say no when asked for help.


Some people think I am bossy, but I am just trying to help them do things the correct way.


I value being a confidant and mentor to others.


I often give unsolicited advice.


I will always take the time to teach others anything I’ve learned that they also want to know.


I believe the best teacher is one who wants their student to surpass them in skill.


Only those who are educated have the ability to make a truly informed choice.


I am secretly jealous of one of my students.


I’m resentful that I am not paid (enough) for sharing my knowledge and experience.


While I have knowledge in certain areas, I still feel like I have a lot to learn.


I’m painfully shy, and I only feel extroverted and confident when I am showing others what I know.


very creature, adversary, and character in the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game is made up of a number of important statistics and numerical values. These statistics are what allow the characters to interact with the game rules, and vice versa.

This chapter looks at two of the most important statistics in the Essence20 Roleplaying System – the primary ESSENCE SCORES and SKILLS.


Essence Scores – The Four ‘S’s At the heart of the Essence20 Roleplaying Game System are the four ‘S’s – Strength, Speed, Smarts, and Social. These are called the primary Essence Scores, and they dictate the core elements of the character (or creature, vehicle, etc.). A character’s Essence Scores will be a number ranging from 1 to 10 as a natural, mundane human being (or similar species), where heroic examples – like individuals with ultra-specialized training, special augmentations, or perhaps fused with the universal power of the Morphin Grid – can range all the way to 15! Other creatures, like many alien lifeforms or robotic entities, may even have higher maximum values in their Essence Scores. This numerical range is NOT a direct correlation or scale of the associated Essence, but rather it shows a creature’s core potential in that aspect of their being. It shows their ability to grow and focus upon that part of themselves, but not a direct comparison. For example, a human with a Strength Essence score of 4 is not necessarily more physically powerful than a human with a Strength Essence score of 2 – but they do possess twice the Strength-based potential than the other. Measuring specific things like exactly how fast does a high Speed score make you, or if a low Social score means you can’t possess proper etiquettes is based upon the various Skill Levels having higher Essence Ability scores grant you.

Essence Ability Scores of 0 Certain game effects might somehow reduce a creature’s Essence Ability lower than 1. When this happens, the creature in question is severely penalized in some fashion based on which Essence has been zeroed out. • A creature with a Strength of 0 is comatose. It cannot take actions of any kind and is unaware of its surroundings. • A creature with a Speed of 0 is paralyzed. It cannot move in any way and suffers a 2 dice shift on all actions it takes. • A creature with a Smarts of 0 is caught in a stupor. It can only take Move actions and suffers a Snag on all Skill Tests. • A creature with a Social of 0 is fully immersed in ennui and malaise. Any Move or Standard actions it takes cost an additional Free action and suffer a 1 dice shift.

Strength A character’s Strength is their collective physical potential. It sets the limits of their athletic prowess, raw physicality, stamina, ability to withstand damage, and the breadth of skills that make all of the above possible. Strength Essence is also how a character’s Toughness Defense is calculated, which is covered in the Combat chapter on page 169, as well as many aspects of melee combat.

Speed A character’s Speed is their natural leaning toward agility, hand-eye coordination, manual dexterity, and physical acuity. How quickly a character can react to outside stimuli, their ability to learn how to move their body and its various parts is all tied to their Speed. Speed Essence is how a character’s Evasion Defense is calculated, which is covered in the Combat chapter on page 169, as well as how proficient a character is with most ranged weaponry.

Smarts A character’s Smarts is their capacity of learning, understanding, logic, and problem solving. The higher a creature’s Smarts, the better their ability to gather and hold learned information like technological workings, scientific applications, cultural specific facts, and their sharpness and attention to detail.



Smarts Essence is how a character’s Willpower Defense is calculated, which is covered in the Combat chapter on page 169 and may affect the number of Languages a character knows at character creation.

Strength-Based Skills


The following are the skills and suggested specializations for each that are associated with a character’s Strength Essence.

A character’s Social is their instincts toward natural charm and charisma, the potential power of their personality, and their overall wit. It is through this part of their core being that they learn how to manipulate others, hide information with half-truths, and turn on the likeability and animal magnetism. Social Essence is how a character’s Cleverness Defense is calculated, which is covered in the Combat chapter on page 169, as well as how a character can wield their own reputation as a tool or even a weapon. Social Essence may also affect the number of Languages a character knows at character creation.

Skills and Specializations While a character’s Essence Abilities set their potentials, it truly is their Skills and subsequent Specializations that show the character’s ability to use that potential. In the Essence20 Roleplaying Game System, skills represent everything a character can do proficiently, as well as a few additional aspects of a character’s life.

Skill Specializations Further defining what a character is especially good at, most skills have Specializations. These show a particular area of expertise, and allow the character to roll more dice when their specialization comes into play. Specializations are available for most skills and are open ended, though this chapter suggests a few for each skill that may come into play more often. See the ‘Using Skills’ section later in this chapter to see how Specializations modify a character’s skills.

Using Each Essence & Skill The following sections describe the Skills characters can gain and learn as their Essence Ability scores improve, broken down into their four different Essence-based categories. Each skill details its most common uses, and lists common specializations that often attach to them, if any.

Athletics This skill dictates a general physical aptitude that makes you at ease with making your body perform actions you need it to. Hurling an object like a football or a rock with a general degree of accuracy would fall under this skill, but so would catching it on the move, or possibly climbing a sheer cliff face, etc.

Sample Specializations • Climbing: The ability to find foot and handholds on surfaces, use lengths of rope, or similar circ*mstances to scale vertical heights. • Jogging/Running: The ability to maintain the Sprint action over extended periods of time or long distances. • Sports Activity: Choose a sport or activity not covered by another skill (such as a biathlon or archery would be covered by Targeting); the character benefits when making Strength skill rolls with that sport. • Swimming: The ability to traverse aquatic situations. • Throwing: The ability to hurl an object with great force.

Brawn This skill is the measure of your prolonged physicality. Unlike a burst of strength, Brawn dictates a general and constant level of physical prowess. This is the ‘marathon effort’ of strength-based applications, and dictates how much weight a character can carry on them normally (see boxed text). Brawn is special in that certain equipment or weapons that are very heavy have a Brawn requirement to use. If a piece of equipment has a Brawn requirement, every level lower than that requirement you possess imposes a 1 shift in the equipment’s use!



Sample Specializations • Drag: The ability to pull significant levels of weight behind you while moving, most often using rope, ties, a yoke, etc. It is a Difficulty 10 Skill Test to drag double your Carrying Weight at half Movement rate for one minute; Difficulty 20 to triple, 30 to quadruple, etc. • Lift: The ability to pick up significant levels of weight to at least shoulder height while stationary. It is a Difficulty 14 Skill Test to lift double your Carrying Weight for 1D4 turns (5-20 seconds); Difficulty 28 to triple, etc. • Stamina: The ability to push yourself beyond the normal limits of physicality, extending the amount of time an exhausting action (like Dragging or Lifting) can last.

Carrying Weight When dealing with the Brawn of a creature, it is relative to their own size and weight. A Brawn skill level of D6 on a human is not as physically potent as a Brawn skill level D6 on a Power Ranger’s Zord, which is not as potent as a Brawn D6 on a titanic monster, etc. Unless noted in a creature’s special rules, the following skill levels in Brawn allow the creature to have the listed Carrying Weight based upon their own body’s physical weight:





10% of Body Weight


25% of Body Weight


50% of Body Weight


75% of Body Weight


Equal to Body Weight


Half-Again (150%) of Body Weight


Double Body Weight

Conditioning This skill represents how much additional physical harm or damage the creature can suffer before becoming Defeated. For each skill level taken in this skill, you gain one additional Health. You may take up to six skill levels in Conditioning. This skill does not have specializations.

Intimidation This skill is used to wield the physical potential of a character as a psychological weapon, implying what the character could possibly do to another creature with that physique. It plays upon the natural instincts of a larger or more imposing figure triggering the fight or flight response in smaller, weaker animals.


Sample Specializations • Distract: The ability to pull another creature or creatures’ focus away from their task through your physical threats. • Frighten: The ability to impose the potential threat of your physique on another so that they might flee, stand utterly still in fear of you, or simply become frazzled with panic. • Taunt: The ability to use your physical threats to egg on and provoke a target to further interact negatively with you, possibly even to the point of attacking if the situation is tense enough.

Might This skill covers bursts of powerful application of your strength. This is not a ‘careful’ skill, but rather a fast use of raw power. Brawlers, boxers, and wrestlers use this skill with great success in close combat, but it is also used to proficiently wield unsubtle weapons like hammers, clubs, and even boulders!

Sample Specializations • Blunt Weapons: The ability to direct significant force to smash through enemy defenses with raw power. • Grappling: The ability to grab, twist, hold, and otherwise physically control another being or object. • Martial Arts: Depending on the Martial Art chosen by the player, this covers any number of martial arts that revolve around direct application of strength over speed, such as Boxing, Greco Wrestling, Judo, Muay Thai, Sambo, or Systema. • Power Weapons: This is the ability to wield a heavier, possibly two-handed, Power Weapon manifested for Power Rangers by the Morphin Grid. • Pushing: The ability to use a single application of force to move another, possibly unwilling, object. See the boxed text for details.

Pushing and Shoving When a character wishes to Push another creature or object, they must spend a Standard action to do so when they are adjacent. They must then perform a Might (Pushing) Skill Test, applying the following dice shift modifiers:

• 1 for each 20 feet of straight-line movement taken toward the target immediately before the action • 1 for each skill level in Might the target possesses IF it has the chance to brace, hold on, dig in, etc. The Skill Test suffers a Snag if the target is rooted, anchored, or otherwise attached to its location. The Difficulty of this Skill Test is 12, with each successful effect moving the target directly away from you a distance equal to your natural Reach (based on Size Class, see page 160), or knocking the target Prone. A critical failure on a Push attempt knocks you Prone at the point of impact.

Speed-Based Skills The following are the skills and their accompanying specializations that are associated with a character’s Speed Essence.

Acrobatics This skill is the general flexibility, agility, and mobility of a creature’s body as well as different applications of those aspects. It is especially useful for using quick reflexes to maintain one’s equilibrium and balance while in motion.

Sample Specializations • Balance: The ability to stay upright and in control of your own movements despite outside stimuli, loose footing, or impractical footwear. • Flying: The ability to turn, dive, and flip in a three-dimensional airspace using personal flight. • Gymnastics: The ability to climb, jump, cartwheel, and move your body quickly across a variety of surfaces. • Maneuverability: The ability to duck, dodge, and twist around obstacles while moving across terrain.

Driving This skill is the ability to operate any number of motor vehicles. Without any specialization, it represents a general concept of how to adapt one’s physical footprint to that of a moving vehicle. This is the skill that is used to operate many of the on board systems and functions of a vehicle while you are a driver or a passenger.

• 1 for each Size Class larger you are than the target • 1 for each Size Class smaller you are than the target



Sample Specializations • Autopilot: Some vehicles are capable of operating on their own when commanded to do so. This is the default skill those vehicles will use when operating without a driver. • Boat: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of surface-stable aquatic vehicles. • Hovercraft: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of vehicle that moves across terrain on a cushion of downward-blowing air pressure. • Motorcycle: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of two or three-wheeled ground vehicle with an open-air co*ckpit. • Rotor: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of aircraft that uses rotors to control altitude and velocity, such as helicopters. • Submersible: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of aquatic vehicles designed to operate under the surface of the water. • Tracked: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of ground vehicles whose locomotion comes from the turning of a plated or segmented belt or track. • Wheeled: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of ground vehicles with four or more singular wheels touching the ground. • Winged: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of stiff-winged aircraft, like planes or hang-gliders. • Zord: The ability to not only operate and manage a Zord manifested from the Morphin Grid, but also the skill a Power Ranger uses to communicate with their own personal Zord. This is an important ability for all Power Rangers. Although characters do not suffer a Snag while driving a Zord, Specialization in this skill will aid in situations, such as combat, when controlling a Zord is most imperative.

Finesse This skill covers a wide range of fast applications of bodily dexterity, agility, and hand-eye coordination. This includes fine movements of a watchmaker or disarming a bomb as well as surges of activity like martial arts strikes and fencing.

Sample Specializations • Escape Artist: The ability to twist, jerk, and bend in ways to undo bonds, slip free of restraints, etc.


• Martial Arts: This covers any number of martial arts that revolve around direct application of speed and flexibility over raw strength, such as Arnis-Eskrima, Jeet Kune Do, Kung-fu, Savate, Taekwondo, or Wing Chun. • Power Weapon: This is the ability to wield a Finesse-styled, one handed, Power Weapon manifested for Power Rangers by the Morphin Grid. This specialization also covers the melee ability of the Blade Blaster, which is a non-unique kind of Power Weapon. • Sharp Weaponry: The ability to use aim and speed to apply the requisite force with a sharp-edged or piercing weapon, slicing or penetrating enemy defenses with skill and precision. • Steady Action: The ability to perform careful or dangerous actions that require precise, tiny movements and as little ambient body shaking as possible. • Throwing: The ability to use steady aim and quick motion to toss something with precision rather than raw force.

Infiltration This skill covers the ability to use one’s bodily dexterity and physical awareness to avoid detection for a variety of purposes. It covers hiding, agile misdirection, and bypassing obstacles while remaining undetected.

Sample Specializations • Burglary: The ability to pick locks, move around an enclosed space without making undue noise, and leave little to no trace behind. • Sleight of Hand: The ability to move small objects in and out of places without being noticed. Picking a pocket or palming a flash drive would fall into this category. • Shadowing: The ability to follow a target unseen. • Stealth: The ability to move and act quietly while also avoiding detection.

Initiative This skill is unique in that it is solely the character’s ability to quickly react at the first signs of conflict. It is used to determine when in the aptly-named Initiative Order a character performs its actions during a Combat Scene. You may take up to six skill levels in Initiative. This skill does not have specializations.


Targeting This skill is a character’s proficiency with judging distance, arcs, wind-drag, and other factors when trying to hit a target at range. This is the overall primary skill when used with Ranged Attacks, but can also be used to judge distances, compare lines of fire, etc.

• Trajectory: The ability to look at the aftermath of a ranged attack and calculate where it came from. • Vehicle: The ability to use weaponry mounted to a hardpoint on a vehicle.

Sample Specializations • Archery: The ability to nock, aim, and fire bows and crossbows proficiently. • Ballistic: The ability to load, aim, and fire a bullet, ball, or other physically propelled firearms proficiently. • Energy: The ability to charge, aim, and fire energy weapons. • Power Weapon: This is the ability to efficiently aim and fire a ranged Power Weapon manifested for Power Rangers by the Morphin Grid. • Specific Weapon: You may choose a specific weapon type aside from your Power Weapon to specialize in and make attacks with that weapon proficiently. • Throwing: The ability to hurl physical, aerodynamic weapons by hand with precision. Throwing knives, shuriken, and similar items can be covered by this specialization.



Smarts-Based Skills The following are the skills and their accompanying specializations that are associated with a character’s Smarts Essence.

Alertness This skill is the collective awareness and perceptiveness of the character. It is their ability to not only see, hear, or otherwise notice things around them, but also to decipher clues, look into mannerisms, and see traps or ambushes.

Sample Specializations • Insight: The ability to judge another’s intentions, see patterns in speech or behavior, and otherwise determine what a creature believes to be true or false in a given moment.

• Investigation: The ability to search an area for clues, specific details, hidden images or items, or other secrets in the scene. • Perception: The ability to take in the overall details of a scene in a quick pass of the senses. This is not a deep search for specifics, but rather the collective make up of information about the present scene.

Culture This skill is a general collection of information about aspects of sentient beings. It can be used to learn a small amount of information on a variety of topics concerning a species, community, or other group of sentient beings. Through its specializations however, a character can focus attention on greater detail of a chosen aspect of culture.

Sample Specializations • Grid Lore: This is a specialization that focuses not on a culture exactly, but instead on the researching and understanding of the collective Morphin Grid. This is an extremely useful skill specialization for understanding the many facets of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers world setting. • History: The ability to recall specific notes or moments in the known history of one’s own history, or the history of a different Specific Culture you have skill levels in. • Language: Each instance of this specialization purchased for this skill is a new Language (or the equivalent) in which the character becomes fluent. While not tied directly to any specific Culture, learning how to communicate in various ways is a major part of cultural communication. It is important to note that these specializations cover non-verbal or code-based languages like sign language, binary, Morse Code, and even Semaphore. • Psychology: The ability to understand the mentality or behaviors of one’s own culture, or the mentality/behavior of a different Specific Culture you have skill levels in. • Specific Culture: Depending on what Culture is chosen to specialize in, this shows a wide knowledge base on that Culture. Unless a specialization in a Specific Culture is chosen, the other applications of this skill are assumed to be rooted in one’s own Culture or people.




LANGUAGE AND NATIVE DIALECT You may notice that in the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game, English is defined as the native dialect or commonly known language for characters and most Threats. While this book is written in English and Power Rangers is set primarily in the United States, as a player, you may be playing in another language or choosing to set your adventures elsewhere. In that case, switch out all given English language Skills for the alternate language you choose for all player and non-player characters.

This skill is the ability to apply what you have learned about the natural world and its many environments. This is the knowledge, understanding, and application of different ways to make use of the environment around you.

Sample Specializations • Cartography: The ability to draw and decipher maps and terrain. • Foraging: The ability to scavenge food and drink from the environment. • Hunting: The ability to track, stalk, trap, or otherwise efficiently deal with animal life. • Specific Environment: Depending on the chosen Environment, such as Deserts, Forests, or perhaps even an Urban location, this is a deeper understanding of how to make use of such an Environment. • Weather Prediction: The ability to notice and decipher natural clues and signs of impending weather patterns.


Science This skill is the general understanding of the scientific method, how hypotheses work, and how to calculate the logical path toward getting a definitive answer to the questions reality sometimes sets before you. Skill levels in this skill reflect one’s overall knowledge of the scientific, but requires more detailed and specific learning to utilize aspects of the different topics or subjects. It is the difference between knowing something is a chemical reaction and what combines to make that reaction and why.

Sample Specializations • Medicine: Knowledge of anatomy, diagnosis, care, and treatment. Science (Medicine) is used by doctors, paramedics, and any others who value life. • Specific Subject: Depending on the specific branch of Science chosen, such as Biology, Chemistry, Xeno-zoology, etc., this is the specialized knowledge and actual applications of that science.

This skill is the understanding and application of invention and technology. It allows for the research, experimentation, design, and use of the various technological advances you might come across. Using this skill can also allow a character to recognize what manner of science or culture a piece of technology hails from, possibly allowing further research using other skills.

Sample Specializations • Computer: The ability to use modern computers for general purposes like internet searches, running programs, games, etc. • Grid Tech: The ability to recognize, utilize, and potentially reverse engineer advanced items that have sprung out of the immeasurable power of the Morphin Grid. This is an important specialization, especially for Power Rangers that might find themselves travelling to other parts of the cosmos or time due to the needs of the Morphin Grid. • Engineering: The ability to use the technological tools and implements at hand to fashion tools and equipment needed to solve specific problems. • Specific Technology: Depending on the chosen type of Technology, such as Artificial Intelligence, Mechanics, Robotics, etc., this shows a deeper understanding of that field.



Social-Based Skills The following are the skills and their accompanying specializations that are associated with a character’s Social Essence.

Animal Handling This skill is the collective intuitive and learned ability to care for, train, ride, and otherwise manipulate animal life using words, gentle mannerisms, and possible harsh sounds.

• Riding: The ability to mount, dismount, and control rideable animals with body language, words, and applied pressure. When dealing with uncommon mounts (bears, giant insects, etc.), the Difficulty to control these animals should be suitably increased, but this Specialization still applies. • Animal Type: Shows focus on one family of animals, such as horses, canines, cattle, and the like. • Training: The ability to teach at least partially domesticated animals certain tricks, behaviors, or talents through repeated reinforcement.

Sample Specializations


• Calming: The ability to coax an animal into a calm or at least less hostile mood with simple gestures, words, and sounds.

This skill is the character’s capacity for believable dishonesty. From speaking downright lies and giving verbal misdirection, to broadcasting body language, this is the skill for those wanting to be less-than-honest.

Sample Specializations • Bluffing: The ability to tell outright lies without giving away tells or accidentally revealing the real truth in the matter. • Disguise: The ability to physically alter one’s appearance to that of a false one. • Distraction: Skill at keeping others’ attention on your rather than the world around them through misdirection.

Performance This skill is the character’s ability to apply any form of artistry, talent, or other creative outlet. Whether your character’s art is dance, singing, comedy, painting, poetry, and perhaps even underwater basket weaving, their specialty can be applied in all sorts of situations to help the team.

Sample Specializations • Visual Arts: architecture, ceramics, drawing, filmmaking, painting, photography, and sculpting • Literary Arts: fiction, drama, poetry, and prose • Performing Arts: dance, music, and acting • Culinary Arts: cooking, baking, chocolate making and winemaking



Persuasion This skill is the character’s raw ability to convince others to do or see things from your point of view through conversation and body language. This is a useful skill for anyone who wants to talk others into what you want them to do or believe.

Sample Specializations • Diplomacy: The ability to interact socially with others in the fashion acceptable for the situation you are currently involved with. • Embellishments: The ability to pad the truth with additional information and slight alterations to the facts in order to make them even more attractive of an option. • Flattery: The ability to use sweet words, friendly descriptions, and potentially sycophantic details to make someone want to acquiesce to you. • Romance: The ability to use the concept of intimacy or other romantic advances to get someone to agree with your point of view. • Truth: The ability to use plain and simple facts to make your point of view the obvious choice to follow.

Streetwise This skill is the character’s ability to see and understand the social interactions, cliques, and eventful happenings in an urban environment. This also represents how proficient a character is at surviving ‘on the streets’ through knowing where to go, who to talk, or possibly more importantly – who not to.

Sample Specializations • Black Market: The ability to acquire goods and/or services outside of regular means; likely less-thanlegal ones. • Crime: The ability to know where, what kind, and who is causing crime in a specific urban area without having to dig into police records or anything ‘official.’ • Gossip: The ability to seed the street-level populace with a topic and listen for what kind of rumors, lies, and possible clues come back about it over a short amount of time. • Transportation: The ability to know how to get from one place to another while overcoming obstacles like traffic, road closures, and authorities.

Gaining Skills and Specializations From the beginning of their existence in Character Creation to every time they level up in their chosen Role, characters in the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game gain skill levels to define what they can potentially do. Universally, a character gains Skill Levels in two ways: 1. Anytime the character receives an Essence Score Increase, including those at the very beginning of Character Creation, they gain a Skill Level to be used in the category of skills from the Essence Ability gained. 2. Special Role or Perk-related additions will happen that will be noted as specific increases or set levels of a skill gained from some kind of Role or added Perk. Unless stated otherwise, every Skill Level gained can do one of three things: 1. Gain a Level in a New Skill - The player chooses a skill in which they do not possess any levels yet and gains it at the D2 level. The exception to this is the Conditioning skill, as noted in its description earlier in this chapter. 2. Increase A Known Skill’s Level – The player chooses a skill in which they possess at least at the D2 level and increases the skill die by one step, to a normal maximum of D12. The ascension ‘staircase’ of dice progression is as follows: D2  D4  D6  D8  D10  D12 A skill possessed at the D12 level is considered to be as proficient as it can get without help from Role or Perk benefits. 3. Learn a New Specialization – The player chooses a skill in which they possess at least at the D2 level and assigns a Specialization to that skill. Skills can have multiple Specializations if desired, and many skills function even more efficiently with multiple overlapping Specializations. Specializations can be anything fitting for the character, but there are several examples listed in the skill descriptions earlier in this chapter.



Using Skills Any time you wish for your character to take an action that has an interesting chance for failure, you perform a Skill Test.

Step One: Choose Skill Based on the narrative situation, determine the best skill to accomplish your goal either by proposing a skill or the GM telling you which skill and specialization are most applicable. In some cases, searching a room over for a hidden wall safe could be accomplished by Alertness to search, Technology’s knowledge of security systems, or Infiltration’s burglary aspect. When deciding on the skill being used in the test, it is important for the GM to allow the player freedom of choice if possible. The Essence20 Roleplaying System is based around the concept of playing and telling a good story as much as rolling high numbers on dice; if a player can narrate how another skill would function better or more entertainingly in a scene, then GMs are encouraged to let them use it.

Step Two: Shift Skill Modifiers The GM determines if there are any outlying special dice shifts against or for the user. Grid Abilities, special abilities, and other effects can apply dice shifts up or down to your Skill Test. Once all applicable dice shifts are calculated, the final skill roll shift(s) are noted. Dice shifts can raise or lower a skill die beyond normal limitations, having specific effects. These are detailed on the Sliding Dice Shift Table 6-2.

TABLE 6-2: SLIDING DICE SHIFT BASE DIE TYPE Critical Success Auto Success (3d6) (2d8) D12 D10 D8 D6 D4 D2 Base Die Auto Fail Fumble

The number of effects on this table that are not just a simple skill dice type are detailed as follows: Single d20 = Single d20: Losing any skill dice, the test is attempted with a single d20. Auto Fail = The test being rolled for is a failure, no dice are rolled. Fumble = The test being rolled for is a failure, and the GM determines some kind of detrimental effect takes place (most often the loss of a Story Point from the player character’s team).

(2d8) = The normal dice for the test are rolled, but an additional 2d8 are rolled as if they were a single dice to be rolled in the normal skill die progression. (3d6) = The normal dice for the test are rolled, but an additional 3d6 are rolled as if they were a single dice to be rolled in the normal skill die progression. Auto Success = The player MAY choose not to roll the dice and take the most basic form of success on the test being rolled for. If they roll the dice, they do so with 3D6 as their bonus dice – but must accept the result of the roll. Critical Success = This is treated as an Auto Success result, but if the player decides to roll the dice, they will attain a Critical Effect if their result would be a success – no matter the results on the dice themselves.  = These are steps on the Dice Shift scale that are not attainable as ‘normal’ positions by Player Characters. They are only used on account of Dice Shifts from traits, equipment, or special circ*mstances.



Lend Assistance Power Rangers as a team earn success or face failure as a team; this means that they’ll frequently work together on a task. One character leads the effort, and another helps. This aid can grant the leader either Edge or ↑1 shift on their roll. A character can only help if the challenge is one they could attempt alone with points in the skill and appropriate equipment when needed.

For example, a character untrained in Science can’t help a doctor stabilize a critical patient. Finally, a character can only benefit from help when two or more characters working together would be productive - no amount of backseat driving helps when there’s only room or capability for a single character to attempt the action.

Group Checks When the whole team works together as a group - such as trying to sneak by a watchful Knasty Knight - those more skilled help teammates who aren’t. When in such a situation, everyone in the group attempts the skill check (either rolling the same skill

or another appropriate one for the situation - in the previous finding a safe example, three characters could roll different skills for the various approaches) against the same DIF. If half or more the party succeeds, the group succeeds.

Step Three: Edge, Snag, or Both?

Step Four: Determine Difficulty

After determining your final skill level, determine if you have any effects that modify your d20 roll: do you benefit from Edge, suffer a Snag, or both?

For every skill check, the GM determines the difficulty of the task, represented by DIF. The more difficult a task, the higher its DIF. The Typical Difficulty table shows the most common DIFs.

When you have Edge, you roll a second d20 and choose the higher of the two d20s for your result. Suffering a snag works similarly: you roll a second d20 but choose the lower of the two d20s for your result. Multiple applications of either aren’t counted unless a Perk specifically allows you to have an “extra Edge.” Otherwise, if you have two sources of Edge or Snags from different sources, you still only roll one additional d20. Any time when you would have Edge and a Snag on a roll, you have neither and you roll one d20 like a normal skill roll.



Extremely Simple










Nearly Impossible


Sometimes the difficulty is set by something else - when affecting another character, the DIF can be set by their defenses (Toughness, Evasion, Willpower, or Cleverness) or through a contested roll.

When you have an ability that lets you reroll a D20 die, such as spending a Story Point or the Lucky Perk, you can reroll or replace one D20 during the skill roll.



There are a few ways to modify how this equation functions however, both positively and negatively. They are as follows:

Rolling With a Specialization D20 + Highest Result of all Skill Dice from your modified level down the dice staircase = Skill Test Result If the Skill Test applies to a character’s Specialization, they are allowed to roll not only their own modified (after dice shifts) skill die, but all of the dice types descending the ‘dice staircase’ (described under Gaining Skills and Specializations, earlier in this chapter) as well – choosing the highest numerical result on any of these dice. For example, Billy is checking out a piece of Sirian technology to see if it can help the team home in on Anubis Cruger. Billy has a Technology (Grid Tech) of D8. He rolls a D20 and receives a 15. He also rolls a D8, D6, D4, and a D2 (the descending staircase from his level), receiving a 3, 5, 3, and 2 – adding the 5 to his roll of 15, for a total of 20.

Rolling Without Skill Levels Lowest Value of 2D20 = Skill Result

Contests When two characters’ efforts are directly opposed - such as when characters reach for the same Grid Artifact or a Red Ranger tries to stop a Super Putty from breaking down a door. In a contest, both characters roll Skill Tests appropriate to their efforts, applying all bonuses and penalties as normal, but instead of a static DIF, they compare totals. The character with the higher total wins the contest. If the contest results in a tie, there is no change to the situation. In some cases, this may mean neither character gets the Artifact, but in others, it may mean the door stays shut despite the Super Putty’s efforts.

Step Five: Roll Skill Test Rolling the actual dice for the Skill Test is an easy equation: D20 + Skill Die = Skill Test Result For example, Bulk is trying to shoulder open the cafeteria door. His player rolls one d20 plus a D6 for his Might skill. He gets a 13 and 4, for a Skill Test result of 17.


If a character is unskilled but still attempts to accomplish a task, they roll the Skill Test normally – but with a Snag. This means two d20s are rolled, and the lower result is the skill result. For example, Skull is trying to restart Alpha-5 and help out the Power Rangers. He has no levels in Technology, so he rolls 2d20 and gets a 19 and a 4. Sadly, the 4 must be chosen and Alpha remains dark and still no matter how many times Skul kicks him!

Step Six: Determine Results Once the Skill Test results have been determined, it is compared to the Difficulty of the test to see if the character is successful. • Success/Failure - If the Skill Test result meets or exceeds the Difficulty, the test is successful. If it does not, it fails. • Fumble – If the result of the d20 part of the roll is a natural ‘1’ AND the Skill Test fails, this is considered a Fumble, and should have some kind of narrative description of a major mistake. In addition to the narrative drawback, the team should learn from these mistakes and also gain a Story Point.


• Critical Success – If the result of the Skill Dice portion (not including the d20 result) of the roll is showing the highest number value on one or more Skill Dice AND the skill roll is successful, this is considered a Critical Success. A Critical Success on a Skill Test should mean the effects of a regular success take place, plus some additional narrative form of excellence.

Spending Story Points

Story Points – The Great Equalizer

• Spend 1 Story Point to add +5 to any Defense (must be spent before die results are announced)

In the Essence20 Roleplaying System, the GM and the players are trying to not only play a game, but they are also collectively telling the narrative story of their characters, the setting they are playing in, and the overall arc the Game Master wishes to create. During game play there will be moments of high tension, comedy, massive success, and tragic failure. In this game system, moments like these can be called upon to create or use what is known as Story Points. The team of player characters keeps track of a pool of these Story Points for themselves, starting each session with 1 Story Point per Character. The Game Master also has a pool of Story Points to use for their NPCs, villains, and their additional cast of thousands. It starts each session at a number equal to the number of Player Characters.

Both the players and the GM may always choose to spend their Story Points during a game session to have special effects on game play: • Spend 1 Story Point to re-roll any dice result of a ‘1’ • Spend 1 Story Point to roll a Skill Test as if Specialized

• Spend 1 Story Point to gain temporary access to a minor piece of equipment or tool useful in the scene • Some Perks, Game Effects or special rules may require the expenditure of a Story Point • The Power Rangers team can spend 1 Story Point per team member to cause a Grid Power bloom, generating 1d2 Personal Power for each team member. Story Points are a way to make sure the rules help move the overall narrative along, keeping things like abnormally poor luck or mediocre dice rolls from turning an otherwise exciting game into an example of tedium or monotony. Players should always remember however, the Game Master is allowed to use Story Points, too!

Gaining Story Points The players’ team Story Point pool will grow based upon a number of factors: • Skill Test Fumbles add Story Points to the pool • Particularly action-packed or exciting scenes should add a Story Point to the pool when the GM calls for everyone to roll for Initiative • Ingenious ideas that result in moving the plot forward should add a Story Point to the pool • Particularly good roleplaying scenes or playing up a PC’s flaws should add a Story Point to the pool The GM’s Story Point pool grows in fewer ways, but at a more steady pace: • If NPC personalities make Critical Successes on Skill Tests, they add a Story Point to the pool • At the beginning of each major Scene, add 1d2+1 Story Points to the pool






s characters progress in levels and gain experience as Power Rangers, they earn new benefits from their Role. These benefits are ultimately what makes each version of the same Spectrum color different from


one another. These customizable features are why Tommy, as a Red Ranger, is different than Rocky as a Red Ranger, and even Jason’s Red Ranger and can be separated into Perks and Grid Powers.

Perks are gained either from special character elements, such as the adaptability of some Origins, or by sacrificing an Essence Score Improvement Role feature, and add unique and interesting traits, proficiencies, or even actions to a Power Ranger.

Always Alert

Grid Powers are special traits, actions, and modifiers that come directly from the Morphin Grid to help make a Power Ranger into more than just the sum of their parts. It is a way for the character to modify themselves to better serve their position in their Power Ranger team.

• You can’t be surprised while you are conscious.

General Perks A General Perk represents a talent or an area of expertise that gives a character special capabilities. It embodies training, experience, and abilities beyond what a role provides. At certain levels, your Role gives you the Essence Score Improvement feature. Using the optional perks rule, you can forgo taking that feature to take a perk of your choice instead. You can take each perk only once, unless the perk’s description says otherwise. You must meet any prerequisite specified in a perk to take that perk. If you ever lose a perk’s prerequisite, you can’t use that perk until you regain the prerequisite. For example, the Wrestler perk requires you to have a Strength of 3 or higher. If your Strength is reduced below 3 somehow—perhaps by a nasty spell cast by Rita Repulsa—you can’t benefit from the Wrestler perk until your Strength is restored.

Acute (Sense) Prerequisite: Choose one of the five Senses (Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, or Smell) Whether it is a natural occurrence or something that has developed in you, one of your five senses is much stronger than those of an average person, and you gain the following benefits: • You gain Edge when rolling a Skill Test for Alertness if your chosen sense can be applied to what is potentially being perceived. • You may gain a 1 dice shift on a non-Alertness Skill Test where you can apply some use of your chosen Sense.

Always aware of your surroundings, you gain the following benefits: • You gain Edge when rolling for Initiative.

Athlete’s Grace You have trained your body with general health training to gain the following benefits: • On hard or solid surfaces, your ground movement rate increases by 5 feet. • When you are prone, standing up uses only 5 feet of ground movement. • Climbing doesn’t halve your movement type.

Adolescent Attitude Finding your place in the world and knowing you are still learning, you gain the following benefits: • You may reroll 1s on Social Skill dice. • Once per scene, you can choose to attempt any skill that you do not possess levels in. Treat that skill as if you had a d2 in it.

Bowl-Over You are adept at throwing your weight around when you’re moving. • When you Sprint, you can use a Free action to Push an adjacent creature at any time along the action. • If successful, targets of your Push are always knocked Prone, if possible.

Defender Prerequisite: Speed 3 or higher No one hits your friends – not if you can help it! • When you are wielding a Finesse-based weapon with which you have Specialization in and another creature hits an adjacent ally with a melee attack, you can roll your Skill Dice and lower the opponent’s Skill Test result by the amount rolled, potentially causing the attack to miss.

• You can choose this Perk up to five times; once for each Sense.



Dig Deep You have a deep reserve of fighting willpower, gaining the following benefits: • Once per scene, you can ignore the 1 Damage by taking an automatic Snag on all Skill Tests until the end of your next turn. • Once per scene, you can heal 1d2 Health by forfeiting your entire turn.

Dodgy Prerequisite: Speed 3 or higher You have learned a lot from being in school, gaining the following benefits • You gain a +2 bonus to your Evasion. • On any turn where you do not move more than 5 feet you may Defend as a Free action.

Educated Prerequisite: Smarts 3 or higher You have learned a lot from being in school, gaining the following benefits: • Gain fluency in 1 Language of your choice. • Add an additional Story Point to your team’s pool each game session. • May act as though Specialized in any Smarts skill once per day.

EMT Crash Course You’re no doctor but you’ve been in enough scrapes to know the basics of trauma care and the value of having a stocked medkit on hand. You gain the following benefits: • Once per scene, as long as you have a medical kit on you, you can spend an action to heal one Damage on yourself or an ally. • As long as you have a medical kit, you may restore an Essence point to an ally • You gain Edge on Science: Medicine checks to learn clues from deceased persons





Prerequisite: Choose a Skill at d4 level or higher You have been practicing with one of your skills, gaining the following benefits to the chosen skill: • Ignore the first Skill Tests


dice shift applied to your

• You may reroll 1s on any Skill Dice rolled

Extra Grid Power You are infused with a slight boost from the Morphin Grid, and gain the following benefits: • Increase your Maximum Personal Power by 1. • Gain one Grid Power for which you meet the prerequisites.

Fast You are incredibly quick, gaining the following benefits: • You gain a 2 bonus to Initiative Skill Tests. • Choose one movement type you already possess and increase it by 10 feet.

Fearsome Reputation • Intimidation is a Social Essence skill for you. • When using Intimidation while morphed, you gain a 2 die shift.

You are unphased by fighting huge enemies, gaining the following benefits: • You have 1 with any attack roll made to hit targets at least two Size classes larger than you. • Additionally, you gain Edge on any attack roll made to hit targets more than five Size classes larger than you.

Grid Champion Prerequisite: You must have previously vanquished a Towering or larger Size enemy. Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd’s minions and monsters are nothing to you, granting you the following benefits: • You cannot be surprised by teleporting Putties or ambushing Tengas. • You have a 1 bonus to hit Putties and Tengas of any variety.

Heavy Armor Shell Prerequisite: Medium Armor Training You have learned how to Morph into a heavier armored shell, and gain the following benefits: • You gain the Heavy Armor Training, changing your Morphed Toughness Bonus accordingly.

Garage Band Prerequisite: Performance d4 or higher You use your musical talents to make extra money and friends, gaining the following benefits: • At or after a performance, you have Edge on Streetwise Skill Tests. • You gain 2 on Persuasion Skill Tests targeting fans of your band.



Heroic Intervention Prerequisite: Level 8 or higher You will always be there for the people that need you. You gain the following benefits:

Inspired You are driven to do great things, and it shows. You have the following benefit: • You may reroll any one die rolled, once per day.

• Add one additional Story Point to the team pool each session.

Instinctual Initiative

• By spending 1 Power, you can move up to 15 feet in any direction if it puts you adjacent to an ally or an enemy currently taking its move.

You are quick-witted a wily when a combat ensues, gaining the following benefits:

• As long as you are adjacent to an ally, you gain +1 on all Defenses.

• You may move OR take a Free action while surprised, but not both.


Iron Hands

Prerequisite: Social 3 or higher

• You gain Edge to roll Initiative.

Prerequisite: Strength Essence 3 or higher

You go out of your way to help people, gaining the following benefits:

Your martial arts practice has really paid off, gaining you the following benefits:

• You have Edge on Insight and Diplomacy skill checks that target humans.

• You inflict +1 Damage to your Might (Martial Arts) attacks.

• You can attempt a DIF 12 Survival Skill Test on any human to heal them of 1 Damage.

Keen Eye

• You gain Edge on skill checks to acquire food, water, medicine, or shelter from human sources.

Prerequisite: Alertness (Perception) Your attention to detail is second to none, granting you the following benefits: • You gain Edge on all Alertness (Perception) tests. • You gain 1 on Skill Tests based on your sense of sight. • You can attempt a DIF 12 Alertness Skill Test to recall any visual detail from the last 24 hours.




Peerless Pilot

You have been busy learning new languages, gaining the following:

Prerequisite: Any Driving Specialization of D6 or higher

• Gain fluency in any 3 languages of your choice.

Your skill at the controls of a vehicle is without competition, giving you the following benefits:

Luck You must have been born under a lucky sign, have a guardian angel, or some kind of karmic boon that keeps you from making terrible mistakes. You gain the following benefit: • You may re-roll any result of a natural 1 on any skill die of d4 or higher. You must abide by the second result, no matter what it might be.

• You have Edge on Initiative rolls while piloting a vehicle you are skilled with at D6 level or higher. • You have Edge on Driving skill checks while piloting a vehicle you are skilled with at D6 level or higher. • You may always automatically pass the Skill Test to emergency disembark from a vehicle you are piloting.

Medium Armor Shell Prerequisite: Light Armor Training You have learned how to Morph into a heavier armored shell, and gain the following benefits: • You gain the Medium Armor Training, changing your Morphed Toughness Bonus accordingly.

Ninja Power Prerequisite: Personal Power Maximum of 4 or higher You have tapped into the eternal spiritual powers of Ninjor, granting you the following benefits: • You can spend 1 Power in conjunction with your It’s Morphin Time! Spectrum class feature to activate your “ninja power.” While Morphed with Ninja Power, the following is true: • Your martial arts attacks inflict +1 Damage. • You have Edge on all Speed-based skills. • You may choose an elemental type of damage your Martial Arts attacks inflict (cold, fire, etc.). • You may, as a Free action, jump up to 20 feet in any direction. This jump does not modify your Movement for the round, nor is it modified by other Perks or game effects. Any attacks targeting you this turn, after this jump, suffer 1.



Righteous Heart

Supercharged Essence

You are closer to the forces of light and goodness than the average Power Ranger, like many champions of the Grid before you. This grants you the following benefits:

Prerequisite: Choose an Essence Score you possess at 5 or higher

• You are completely immune to fear-causing effects.

Your Morphed form is augmented in a way to give you a supernaturally enhanced ability. This gives you the following benefits: • While Morphed, all skills attached to your chosen Essence gains 1.

• While Morphed, you may spend a Free action to gain resistance to any one type of damage. This resistance lasts until the end of your next turn.

• This Perk may be taken multiple times, but only once per Essence.

Sharpshooter’s Grace

Terran Study

Prerequisite: Targeting D6 or higher Your aim is near perfect with ranged weaponry, granting you the following benefits: • You no longer suffer a Snag when making a ranged attack outside a weapon’s normal reach. • You gain a 2 on ranged attacks made at targets within 30 feet.

Spectrum Shift Your color of energy has changed within the Morphin Grid, and now you are a new type of Power Ranger! For rules on how this perk functions, see page 58 in the Role Spectrum chapter.

Prerequisite: Cannot originally be from Earth You have been studying a great deal about the people and cultures of Terra, or Earth. This grants you the following benefits: • You gain Edge when using your Cultures skill about humanity. • You have Edge on Deception, Insight, and Persuasion skill checks that target human beings. • Gain fluency in two Earth-based languages of your choice.

Ultra-Heavy Armor Shell Prerequisite: Heavy Armor Training You have learned how to Morph into the heaviest and most adorned of armored shells, and gain the following benefits: • You gain the Ultra-Heavy Armor Training, changing your Morphed Toughness Bonus accordingly.

Vast Wealth You have access to a large supply of Earth currency, whether from some kind of savings, wages, or a familial fund. Gaining the following benefits: • Once per game session, you may choose to automatically pass any Skill Tests whose success could feasibly be ‘bought’ with enough money. • You gain Edge on Social Skill Tests where you can flaunt your wealth. • You gain Edge on all Wealth Checks.




Boost Initiative

Prerequisite: Strength 3 or higher You are a skilled wrestler, and gain the following benefits: • You have Edge on attack rolls to Grapple. • You can use a Free action to try to pin a creature grappled by you. To do so, make a DIF 12 Might Skill Test (modified by the target’s Size Class). If you succeed, the grappled creature is made Prone in an adjacent square.

Grid Powers

You are able to flood your reflexes with raw energy. Anytime after your Initiative order is determined, you may spend Power to increase your current Initiative standing at a ratio of +2 per Power spent.

Environmentally Sealed Your Morphed form is now fully sealed from external environmental threats. While Morphed, you can survive indefinitely in toxic atmospheres, a vacuum, or underwater. Additionally, you are immune to inhalation-based threats.

Gained through experience levels in a Power Ranger’s Spectrum Role, Grid Powers are unique abilities and modifiers that are chosen by the player to better suit their style and responsibilities of their character. Whenever a Grid Power is gained, it becomes immediately effective and any actions it might allow become immediately available. Unless stated otherwise, a character may only choose any given Grid Power once.

Augment Power Weapon Your summoned Power Weapon is a stronger conduit of your Morphin Grid energy. You may spend 1 Power to enhance the accuracy of your Power Weapon by 1 for 1 minute.



Faster Regeneration

Penetrating Strikes

Your Morphed form can repair damage at an increased rate. You may spend 1 Power to heal 1d2 Damage, usable once per scene.

You can funnel raw Morphin Grid energy into your hand to hand impacts. By spending 1 Power, you allow your Martial Arts attacks to ignore armor bonuses to Toughness for 1 minute.

Illuminate You can shine with the light of righteousness. While Morphed, you may spend 1 Power to emanate bright light in a 30 foot radius for 1 minute. While in effect, your Martial Arts attacks inflict energy damage.

Harden Armor You shield your armored shell with energy from the Morphin Grid. Your armor bonus to Toughness, while Morphed, is 1 point higher. This Grid Power may be chosen up to three times.

Machine Merge You and your Zord can become one body, one mind. When you summon your Zord, you can be considered to be driving it anywhere within 100 feet and line of sight. Aside from you being a safe distance from your Zord, there are no other changes as to how you are driving the vehicle in question (rolling Initiative, using vehicle attacks, etc.).

Mnemonic Recall You have access to the flow of historic details as etched in the energies of the Morphin Grid. You may spend 1 Power to instantly remember one particular detail from your own past from the last 30 days.

Power Blast While Morphed, you can force Morphin Grid energy to coalesce into an unstable bubble, hurling it toward your enemies to explode. After spending between 1 to 5 Power you can make a Throwingbased ranged attack action with a reach of 40/100. If it hits, the target suffers 1 Damage per Power spent in energy damage. If it misses, the attack fizzles and the Power is wasted.

Power Heal By focusing the energy of the Morphin Grid into a living being, you can knit wounded flesh. While Morphed, you can spend Power while touching an injured living creature. Each Power spent heals 1 Damage or removes one negative condition (poison, transformed into a plant, etc.).

Power Quake You can send a ripple across the Morphin Grid itself, possibly knocking enemies – and allies – off balance in the process. While Morphed, you can take an action to punch the ground and spend 1 to 3 Power to send a tremor out in a 15’ radius, radiating from you. Every creature or vehicle caught in the area must pass a Athletics or Acrobatics Skill Test or be knocked Prone. The DIF for this test is equal to 12 plus 3 for each Power spent.

Power Shield You can draw the protective nature of the Morphin Grid around one of your hands, creating a shield. By spending 1 Power to summon the shield, granting the wielder a +2 armor bonus to Toughness. The shield is a physical object that can be transferred to others, and lasts until you return to your normal form.

Power Strike While wielding your summoned Power weapon, you can push raw energy into one of its attacks. You may spend between 1 to 3 Power when making an attack action. If it hits, the target suffers an additional 1 energy Damage per Power spent. If it misses, the attack fizzles and the Power is wasted.



Power Transfer

Super Leap

You can lean upon the linked nature of beings within the Morphin Grid, pushing energy from yourself into other things that might need it. While Morphed and in contact with a creature or object that has a measurable need for energy (Power, charges in an arcane item, battery life, etc.), you may freely donate Power to replenish the creature or object an equitable amount (GM’s discretion).

The force of gravity is even less of a concern on you now that the Morphin Grid pushes and pulls you through the air. Instead of the normal triple maximums on your jumping distances, your Morphed form may now jump to anywhere within 90 feet as a Move action.

Relentless Blows Your mastery of fighting unarmed allows you to attack with speed and precision. If you make an unarmed attack on your turn, you may spend 1 Power to make two additional unarmed strikes as a Free Action.

Repair Zord You spend your own internal Morphin Grid energy to repair damage done to your Zord – or the combined Megaform your Zord is a part of! While piloting your Zord, you may spend any number of Power to repair damage it may have suffered. For each 2 Power spent, you repair 1d2 Damage. If healing a combined Megaform, the cost of this Grid Power increases by 1, but the amount healed is divided evenly amongst all combined parts (minimum of 1).

Sharkcycle Rider Calling upon one of Zordon’s rarer gifts to his Rangers, you gain the ability to summon a Sharkcycle by spending 1 Power, teleporting it to anywhere within 30 feet of you. This vehicle matches your Spectrum color, and you gain Edge on Driving skill checks while using it!

Translation Grid Your Morphed form now taps into the data streams that flow in and out of the Morphin Grid, allowing you to translate any spoken you hear and any written language you see as well as broadcast your own voice in a universally understood language.

Unseen Hand With a little focus, you can use the same invisible forces within the Morphin Grid to move objects as if with an invisible hand. You may summon an invisible, floating hand that appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you, or if you choose to drop concentration over it. You can use a Free action to control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or knock over small objects. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it. The hand can’t attack or carry more than 10 pounds. By spending 1 Power, this weight maximum is increased to 50 pounds for one minute.

Speed Boost You use the Morphin Grid’s energy flow to push your Morphed form to the limit, increasing your ground movement and potentially giving you the jump on your enemies, too. While Morphed, your ground movement rate is increased by 10 feet. Additionally, you can spend 1 Power to gain Edge on an Initiative roll.



08 EQUIPMENT What’s that you usually yell about now? Something about “Morphin’ Time,” isn’t it? - Goldar


he Power Rangers arsenal is a fundamental part of their ability to combat evil. From Power Morphers and Power Suits to their assorted weapons, a Ranger, while heroic in their own right, has little power without these important pieces


of equipment. Given to each Ranger by Zordon upon their calling, this equipment is all stored at the Command Center, ready for assignment to the heroes of the Morphin Grid.

About Equipment A Power Ranger’s most important asset beyond their quick thinking and fast reflexes is their Power Morpher. Your Power Morpher controls everything in your arsenal, including your Zord. The equipment catalogued in this chapter includes: • Power Morphers • Weapons • Power Suits • Gear • Kits • Vehicles Each section details the acquisition and use of such equipment, including rules for customizing and personalizing equipment.

Equipment Assignment and Requisition Unlike in some roleplaying games, Power Rangers characters do not purchase their equipment with a resource like money, credits, or gold pieces. Characters have equipment standard to the type of Ranger they are, and depending on the mission, they are given the opportunity to request access to other items, many of which are either housed in the Command Center or can be crafted over time by Alpha 5 or science and technology-minded characters. While morphed, your character automatically receives a combination of “standard issue” Power Rangers armor and sidearm, specialized weaponry, qualified equipment, and mission critical items. At all times, Power Rangers wear their Wrist Communicator and Power Morpher. Standard Issue: You and every Power Ranger receives the same basic equipment: a Power Morpher, a Wrist Communicator, a Power Suit, and a Blade Blaster. Qualified Equipment: Different equipment requires different training, just as different training requires different equipment. You are assigned gear with which you have qualified training from your Role and other perks. Generally, this Qualified Equipment will be your special Power Weapon. Sometimes, however, you will have the opportunity to choose other Qualified Equipment for your arsenal, and you are allowed to do so as long as you have all of the prerequisite training required.

Vehicles are an exception to this rule. Regardless of qualifications, vehicles are never assigned as qualified equipment, only as mission critical items, and occasionally requisitioned. Personal Gear: You can bring approved personal items along on missions, although it is important to remember that Personal Gear that is not Grid-powered cannot be stored “in the Morphin Grid” as described in the Carry Limits section, below. These items have the potential of being lost or discovered by prying eyes if you are not able to secure them in some other way during combat. As you level up, you gain opportunities to customize and create equipment between missions. Any customized weapons, armor, and gadgetry that you have engineered (yourself or with the help of others) between missions that are Grid-powered can be used like any other Standard Issue or Qualified Equipment. Mission Critical Items: Your team may sometimes receive a limited supply of specialized equipment without which the mission would be impossible. This can include anything from specific vehicles such as the Rad Bug to one-use Power Crystals and other rare equipment. Mission Critical items listed in a mission loadout are assigned to your team, not each Power Ranger, so the responsibility of these items is shared.

Carry Limits While morphed into Power Ranger form, you have the ability to carry all of the equipment granted to you by your Power Morpher. Your Power Weapon can be drawn from what appears to be thin air, but which is in reality, an energy pocket within the Morphin Grid. Beyond this, however, you will have some carrying limits, as you only have two hands, which are needed to fight off your foes! Instead of tracking mass and volume, the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game handles carrying capacity broadly. Assume your character has a pouch attached to your utility belt, which can hold small items. Anything else that you may need aside from your weapon must be carried in hand. Because your Power Weapons can be stored either in the Morphin Grid or in your utility belt holster, you have a capacity of six total “hands” of weapons for your own personal arsenal. Each weapon in the equipment list states the number of hands required to use it effectively. You can have any combination of equipment on you as long as the total number of hands required to yield them all does not exceed six. You can only wear one Power Suit, which you must be qualified for.



Equipment Properties The following terms define and describe how different categories of equipment operate, and how to access them. When a term is not listed, it does not apply to that category of equipment. Category: What the equipment is in the broadest terms. The categories of equipment are: • Weapons • Armor • Gear • Kits • Vehicles Availability: The difficulty in obtaining such equipment. Generally the higher the availability difficulty, the more powerful or versatile the weapon. Most equipment that you will use in your game will be of Standard or Limited availability.















Automatic: Automatic equipment generally covers items that characters would inherently have, such as accessibility and assistive items, like a pair of prescription glasses or a hearing aid. Standard: Equipment assigned to every Power Ranger when they are called upon. This generally includes a Power Morpher, Power Armor, Blade Blaster, your first Power Weapon, and Communication Device. Limited: Complex or expensive items that require additional training or trust, like upgraded Metallic Armor or special or customized Power Weapons. Restricted: Dangerous gear in the wrong hands, or items with limited tactical application without highly specialized training. Prototype: Not-yet-approved items looking for a field test, like Alpha 5’s Defender Wheel or Billy’s Rad Bug.



Unique: One-of-a-kind item, like the Gold Ranger’s Golden Power Staff or the Lightning Cruiser. Before a Unique item can be requisitioned, it must be established, such as on a mission, or created as a theoretical item that is successfully requisitioned, and returned after a mission. Theoretical: Equipment that does not exist yet but the right combination of existing equipment and upgrades could make it exist. Equipment may only be added to your arsenal if you are qualified to use it. Upgrading equipment impacts the availability of equipment. All weapons upgrades have a limit of three modifications. When requesting upgraded equipment, first apply all desired upgrades to the base equipment one at a time, starting with the lowest Difficulty and working up. For example: You decide to upgrade your Power Bow and use all three available modifications. You ask for a Power Bow (standard), adding upgrade 1: a scope (standard), upgrade 2: bladed limbs (limited), and upgrade 3: fire arrows (prototypical). Upgrade 1: Standard + Standard = Standard. Upgrade 2: Standard + Limited = Limited. Upgrade 3: Limited + Prototypical = Theoretical. You’ve managed to design a weapon that doesn’t exist: A bow that shoots fire arrows that at up to 2 targets up to 60 feet away, which can also be used in close combat range. If you can beat a DIF 30 Targeting Skill Test, perhaps Alpha 5 can build it for you by your next mission. Type: The broad terms commonly used to describe the equipment. Classification: More specific terms to describe the equipment. Requirements: Additional qualifications that must be met in order to use the equipment as intended, such as a minimum ability score or skill rank, or character level. More complex equipment has more or higher requirements. Range: The minimum and maximum range at which the equipment is effective. For weapons, the attacker’s reach determines the effective range of a melee weapon, although the weapon may increase the attacker’s reach. Hands: How many hands it takes to use the equipment as intended. A weapon that can use either one or two hands depending on how you use it is labeled “versatile.”

Effects: The intended consequence of using the equipment. Typically a weapon’s effect is a number of Damage, but can also include being stunned, incapacitated, or other debilitating effects. Alternate Effects: Some weapons are intended to be used in more than one way, or can easily be used in unintended ways. Typically, alternate effects have a consequence of using them in this way, such as a downshift in the check. Some weapons have more than one alternate effect. Each option is separated with a comma. When attacking with a weapon with alternate effects, declare which effect you are using before making your attack. For example, the Power Axe can be used as both a melee bladed weapon or as an individual cannon for ranged attacks. Traits: Pertinent information about the operation of the equipment. For example, Silent denotes equipment that makes no noise when used, ideal for stealth missions.

Weapons The Morphin Grid has infused the weapons used by the Power Rangers with specific Grid Power that resonates with each specific Ranger. While there are certain weapons, such as Blade Blasters, which are standard issue for every Ranger, some are specifically attuned to the Spectrum colors attached to a Power Ranger’s Role. In the Essence20 Roleplaying System, rather than providing individual entries with subtle differences for all weapons, weapons are set apart by the Power Ranger’s specific training. Functionally, all Power Swords work the same way and therefore use the same rules (in this case, they are classified as close combat heavy bladed weapons). It is the Power Ranger’s training and how they modify their weapons that set them apart.



About Weapons Weapons have Classifications based on a combination of the skill required to use them, the size of the weapon, and the style of weapon.

Skill A weapon’s Skill describes the Skill used to attack with it. Athletics: Attacking with this weapon takes a strong, steady hand, akin to how an athlete throws a ball. Example: A javelin or empty pistol. Might: The effectiveness of this weapon depends on the physical power behind the attack. Example: An axe or club. Finesse: This weapon requires a swift hand and agile attacks. Example: A katana or a lasso. Targeting: Your steadiness and accuracy close the gap against far targets. Example: A rifle or harpoon. Technology: You are not wielding a weapon, you are using the weapon’s computer system. Example: A drone or laser cannon.

Size A weapon’s Size describes how easy it is to carry, draw, and wield. Weapons sizes, from smallest to largest, are Integrated, Side, Medium, Long, and Heavy. Integrated: A weapon built into the attacker’s body -like a human’s fist or a skunk’s spray- or worn with minimal encumbrance -like brass knuckles, or a wrist rockets. A vehicle’s ramming damage is also considered an integrated weapon. Integrated weapons can not be disarmed, and do not need to be drawn to be wielded. Sidearm: A weapon small enough to be stowed for convenient access, or easily concealed, such as a blaster or dagger. Sidearms can be drawn as a free action. Medium: A manageable size and weight for the average soldier. Most primary weapons are medium. Medium weapons have no special rules; they are the standard against which to judge other sized weapons. Drawing a medium weapon is a move action. However, drawing a medium Power Weapon from the Morphin Grid is a free action. Long: A particularly large but relatively light weapon. A traditional long weapon cannot be stowed and requires two hands to carry.



Drawing a long weapon is a standard action. A long Power Weapon may be drawn from the Morphin Grid as a move action. Heavy: A weapon so cumbersome, training to use the weapon includes how to carry it. A traditional heavy weapon cannot be stowed and requires two hands to carry. Drawing a heavy weapon is at least a standard action. Heavy weapons that require additional setup have the Mounted trait. Drawing a heavy Power Weapon is a standard action.

Style A weapon’s Style describes its broad use in combat. Melee: A hand held weapon used in close combat, such as blades and shafts. Energy: Fires short bursts of focused energy, such as fire, a laser, or an electromagnetic pulse. Extremely effective, though hard to come by. Bladed energy weapons have limited ability to deal energy damage upon activation. Explosive: Self-destructive weapons that deal incredible damage to targets caught in the area, both friend and foe. Projectile: Shoots ammunition at dangerous velocity. Loud, but effective as long as the ammunition lasts.

Weapon Effects and Traits Weapons have the following effects and traits that define what they can do and how. Additionally, weapon upgrades can add, remove, and modify a weapon’s traits.

Anti-Tank Attacks with this weapon ignore plating bonuses to Toughness.

Armor Piercing Attacks with this weapon ignore deflective bonuses to Toughness from armor.

Amphibious This weapon can be used on land and underwater without penalty.

Aquatic Can be used underwater without penalty, and on land with 3.

Area Affects all targets in the listed area, in the way listed.


does have heavy or total cover directly above them.

A small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. When attacking a target outside their close Reach, Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness unless the target is behind cover.


Blunt A dense, flat object that pulverizes on impact.

Consumable Using this weapon destroys it, even if it misses its target.

Cover A nonlethal blast that fills an area with a smoke or other effect that blocks the senses, granting the attacker and allies behind the blast cover for a number of rounds.

Element Element weapons, like most Power Weapons, as well as other weapons like flamethrowers and tasers, deal specialized types of damage: Acid: Acid weapons deal an extra point of damage when they hit a target that defends with Toughness.

Attacking with this weapon can be used in place of an Intimidation check to Intimidate a target.

Maneuver Physically manipulate a target. This weapon can be used equally well to grapple, shove, or trip a target.

Mounted This weapon requires a mount, such as a tripod or shooting rest, that takes a standard action to setup, and a free action to pick up.

Multiple Targets As a single standard action, you can acquire up to the listed number of targets. You can only acquire targets within the listed range (or the weapon’s range if no Multiple Target range is listed).

Poison A long term effect that debilitates as it deals damage.

Psychic Mental manipulation, either through force of personality, physical manipulation of the brain, or even psychic powers.

Cold: Cold weapons add Stun 1 as an alternate effect of the weapon. If the weapon already has a Stun effect, increase the Stun effect by 1.


Electric: High voltage energy that homes in on targets. Electric weapons gain 1 on attacks.

Attacks with this weapon ignore armor bonuses to Evasion.

Energy: Power drawn from the Morphin Grid delivers energy damage that affects Threats infused with magic more easily. Energy weapons gain 1 on attacks against all Threats in their grown form.


Fire: Fire weapons deal an extra point of damage when they hit a target that defends with Evasion. Laser: Laser weapons gain Stun 1 as an alternate effect, and can be used to Spot targets as an alternate effect.

A honed edge for slashing and stabbing.

Silent This item can be used without making noise.

Spot You can use this weapon to lend assistance to allies.


Sonic: A reverberating element that can be subtle or blatant. Sonic weapons gain an alternative effect identical to the weapon’s primary effect, but it targets the Willpower defense with a 2.

Successfully hitting with a Stun weapon means the target is denied their Move action for the listed number of turns. If the listed number of rounds equals or exceeds the number of Health the target has left, they fall unconscious, Defeated.



This weapon allows you to grapple a target from within its listed range.

Indirect Indirect weapons do not need line of sight to acquire a target and ignore cover as long as the target

Knock a target prone with this weapon.

Wrecker On a miss, the area this weapon targeted becomes Rough Terrain.









Might integrated melee

Punches, kicks, headbutts, knees, elbows, bites

Natural weapons or simple wearable weapons that hit with blunt, basic impact.


Finesse integrated melee

Knifehand chops, kicks, pressure points

A more sophisticated and educated manner in which to pummel enemies.

Blade Blaster

Might sidearm melee / Targeting sidearm energy

A side dagger that converts into a small blaster.

Zeo Laser Pistols

Targeting sidearm energy

Sidearms that fire a concentrated beam of red energy able to do lethal damage. Additionally, it can fire a beam dependent upon the color of the Ranger using it.

Auto Blaster

Targeting energy

A blaster which uses an internal turbine to fire supercharged blasts.

Turbo Blade

Melee energy

A sword with a handle that can be pulled back for an extra power boost.

Power Axe

Might medium melee / Targeting medium energy

A single-blade axe to be used for blunt damage that also converts to a mini-energy canon.

Power Sword

Might medium melee

A sharped edge that turns a simple punch into a dangerous attack.

Power Lance

Might medium melee

A double-bladed lance that can split into a pair of trident-like sai blades, the size of escrima sticks.

Power Bow

Targeting medium projectile

Thrown or fired weapons that require precise handling to hit the mark.

Power Blaster

Targeting medium energy

Long-range energy weapon that combines the power of multiple Power Weapons.













Stun 1

Blunt 1 (2), maneuver

Blunt, Silent


Stun 1

Blunt 1 (1), maneuver (1)

Blunt, Martial Arts, Silent

Reach 40ft/75ft


Energy 1 (blaster)

Sharp 1 (blade)

Sharp, Silent, Energy





Energy 1

Black: Psychic 1 Blue: Cold 1 Green: Poison 1 Pink: Energy 2 Red: Fire 1 Yellow: Stun 3

— (see Combined Weapon rules)



Energy 1

Energy 1 to Multiple Targets (2, 1)



Sharp 1

Energy 1

Reach 50ft/100ft

Blunt 1


Energy Attack: 1x/Encounter, Energy 3 (1)

Blunt, Energy

1 or 2

Sharp 2 (two hands) Energy Attack: 1x/Encounter, Energy 3 (1)

Sharp, Silent


Reach x2 (Lance) Reach (Sai Blades)

1 or 2

Energy 1

Finesse d4



Energy 1

— (see Combined Weapon rules)



Energy Attack: Energy x Power Weapons

Sharp 1

Sharp, Silent, Energy

Energy 2 (two hands) Energy 1 Multiple Targets (2, Reach, 1) Energy Attack: Energy 1 Multiple Targets (2, 30ft radius, 1)

Sharp, Martial Arts, Silent, Sniper, Energy









Zeo Power Pod Sword

Might medium melee

Power Daggers

Finesse side melee

Main gauche, Ninjato

Zeo Power Clubs

Finesse side melee

Nunchaku, escrima sticks

Zeo Power Tonfas

Finesse melee

Zeo Power Axes

Might melee

A pair of axes that extend and are used simultaneously.

Zeo Power Sword

Might melee

A short sword that does melee damage and can also fire an energy beam from the star on its hilt.

Golden Power Staff

Finesse medium melee

A staff used in close-combat attacks that can also fire a laser from its end.

Turbo Lightning Sword

Might melee

A long sword with a red hand shield. When it is fully charged it can unleash a devastating attack.

Turbo Hand Blasters

Targeting energy

Large, one-handed blue blasters that each fire a powerful blast of energy.

Turbo Thunder Canon

Targeting energy

A large, two-handed cannon that fires powerful blasts of energy at an enemy.

Turbo Star Chargers

Finesse melee

Devices held in each hand with a metallic pole on the outside that deliver powerful amounts of electricity.

Turbo Wind Fire

Targeting energy

Spiral Saber

Might medium melee

A drill-shaped weapon used as a sword for melee combat. When activated, it can also deal a blue energy slash, dealing Cold damage.

Astro Blaster

Targeting energy

The Astro Blaster can be combined with the Spiral Saber, Lunar Lance, Astro Axe, Star Slinger, or Satellite Stunner to create the weapon's Booster Mode, which fires more potent blasts.

Lunar Lance

Finesse melee

A long lance with a crescent moon shaped blade.

Astro Axe

Might medium melee

A single-blade axe that deals precise sharp damage.

Star Slinger

Targeting medium projectile

A slingshot that fires energy pellets at a rapid rate of 4 pellets per attack.

Satellite Stunner

Targeting medium energy

Shaped like a miniature satellite, it fires pink rings of energy as projectile weapons at foes.

Thunder Slinger

Targeting medium projectile

Powerful blasters that deliver lethal thunder damage to Threats made from putty material.

Limited (continued)


Collapsible sword-like batons that extend from the hilt, and remain inside until the Ranger decides to use it to deal a hefty blow.


Small traditional martial arts blades. The Clubs act as blunt weapons, but can also be used in a way similar to nunchakus. A pair of bladed tonfas used for close combat but can also be thrown as projectiles.

A bow that fires multiple energy bolts.









Stun 2

Blunt 1

Martial Arts, Sharp, Silent

Blunt, Silent



Sharp 1

Sharp 1 Multiple Targets (2, Reach, 1) Energy Attack: 1x/ Encounter, Energy 3 (1)

Finesse d4



Stun 1

Blunt (1), Maneouver

Blunt, Martial Arts, Silent

Finesse d2

Reach, Range 10/30


Sharp 1

Sharp (1), Maneouver

Sharp, Martial Arts, Silent



Sharp 1

Energy 1

Sharp, Enegy, Silent

Reach, Range 30/60


Sharp 1

Energy 2 (Range 1)

Sharp, Energy

Finesse d6

Reach x2 Ranged 30ft/100ft


Stun 2

Blunt 1 Energy 1 (Range 1)

Stun, Blunt, Energy



Sharp 1

Energy Attack: 1x/ Encounter, Energy 3 (1)

Sharp, Energy

Range 30/80


Energy 1

Targeting d6

Range 30/120


Energy 2

Finesse d6



Electricity 2

Targeting d4

Range 30/80


Energy 1

2 Attacks: Energy 1 (1)



Sharp 1

Cold 1 Booster Mode: 1x/ Encounter, Cold 2



Energy 1

Energy 1 to Multiple Targets (2, 1)

Sharp, Energy

Energy, Silent Energy Attack: 1x/ Encounter, Energy 4 (2)

Energy Electricity, Finesse Energy, Silent Cold, Sharp


Reach x2


Sharp 1

Sharp 2, (1) Double Slash Attack: 1x/Encounter, Energy 3 Booster Mode: Energy 2



Sharp 1

Sharp 2 (2) Booster Mode: Energy 2




Energy 1 per 2 hits

Energy 2 per 2 hits, 1 Booster Mode: Energy 2




Stun 1

Energy 1 Booster Mode: Energy 2

Energy, Stun



Stun 1 Thunder Attack: Energy 1

Energy Attack: Energy 1 Multiple Targets (2, 30ft radius, 1)

Silent, Sniper, Stun, Thunder








Anti-Sonic Foam Gun


Power Cannon

Targeting large energy

A large bazooka that shoots powerful balls of energy.

Zeo Cannon

Targeting heavy explosive

Wields the power of five Rangers and fires a powerful paralyzing blast at Threats. The weapon is so enormous that it requires five Rangers to aim.


Athletics side explosive

Concussion Grenade

Athletics side explosive

Flashbang, stun grenade, Sound bomb

A grenade designed to confuse or disable targets.

Close combat heavy blade

Might medium melee

Traditional Sword, Machete

A sharped edge that turns a simple punch into a dangerous attack.


Finesse long melee


Martial Arts long bludgeon

Finesse medium melee

Chain whip

Reach weapons with versatile applications.

Martial Arts short projectile

Targeting side projectile

Boomerang, Shuriken

Tiny projectiles, usually sharp, that require an expert hand to handle and throw.

Ranged short projectile

Targeting medium projectile

Crossbow, Bow, Dart launcher

Thrown or fired weapons that require precise handling to hit the mark

Small thrown weapon

Athletics side projectile

Rock, throwing knife

A simple object that can be lethal when violently thrown.

Large thrown weapon

Athletics medium projectile

Spear, tomahawk

A large or heavy object that lands with an impact.

Martial Arts long blade

Finesse long melee

Claymore, Scythe

A delicately, specifically designed blade that reflects the skill of its user.

Martial Arts medium blade

Finesse medium melee

Rapier, Katana, khopesh

Sword or axe large enough to serve as a primary weapon, but light enough to be used flexibly by a skilled hand.

Close combat bludgeon

Might medium melee

Sledge hammer, Baton

History's oldest weapon: A bludgeon that hits harder than a punch.

Restricted Fires immobilizing foam at Threats.

Other Weapons


Fragmentation greA hand held thrown explosive about the size and nade, stick grenade, aerodynamics of a baseball. Fire bottle







Targeting d4



Stun 2

Brawn/Targeting d4 (3 Rangers)



Energy 4, Energy

Energy 6, 2

Brawn/Targeting d4 (5 Rangers)

200ft/600ft (min 30ft)


Stun 6, Blast (20ft radius)

Energy 4, Blast (20ft radius)



Sharp 1 Blast (10ft radius)

Consumable, Wrecker



Stun 1 Blast (10ft radius)

Stun, Consumable


1 or 2

Sharp 1

Athletics d2

Reach x3



Finesse d6

Reach x2


Finesse d4


Finesse d4

Disrupts Sonic Energy

Sharp 2 (two hands)



Anti-Tank, Wrecker

Sharp, Silent


Martial Arts, Silent

Stun 1 Blunt 1

Blunt 1 (1), Maneuver

Blunt, Martial Arts, Silent


Sharp 1 (1)

Maneouver (2), Sharp 1 Multiple Targets (3, 30ft radius, 2)

Blunt/Sharp, Martial Arts, Silent

Reach, 50ft/100ft


Sharp 1

Sharp, Martial Arts, Silent, Sniper, Energy

Brawn d4/Huge



Blunt/Sharp 1

Blunt/Sharp, Silent



Blunt/Sharp 1

Blunt/Sharp, Silent

Finesse d6

Reach x2


Sharp 1

Sharp 1 Multiple Targets (2, Reach, 1), Sharp 1 Multiple Targets (3, Reach, 2)

Martial Arts, Sharp, Silent

Martial Arts, Sharp, Silent

Finesse d4



Sharp 1

Sharp 1 Multiple Targets (2, Reach, 1), Sharp 1 Multiple Targets (3, Reach, 3)


1 or 2

Stun 1

Blunt 1 (two hands)

Blunt, Silent



Weapon Upgrades

Defining Your Weapons

Weapons can be upgraded any time your character visits the Command Center. These upgrades can be minor modifications, like a flashlight attachment or scary paint job, or completely change the weapon’s function, like by adding an electromagnetic pulse generator, or building the weapon out of rare material that allows it to be used with twice the efficiency.

While certain Power Weapons are traditionally associated with specific Ranger types and colors, once you determine the weapons your character carries, it will take on the color of your Role. All weapons that deal element damage may be customized to deal specific color ray damage with one upgrade, as follows: Black: Psychic, Blue: Cold, Green: Poison, Pink: x2 Energy, Red: Fire, and Yellow: Stun.

When upgrading weapons, you must succeed on a DIF roll for the availability of the new weapon, as listed below: • Automatic 0 • Standard 0 • Limited 10 • Restricted 15 • Prototype 20 • Unique 25 • Theoretical 30 This roll can be made only once per visit to the Command Center, and if unsuccessful, may be attempted again on a different day. Additionally, you must leave the weapon being upgraded at the Command Center for 1d20 days for the time it takes to create the weapon. If you choose to keep your weapon and simply request a new one, the DIF level of the requested weapon goes up by 10.



Ammunition Generally, ranged weapons require ammunition. However, Power Rangers weapons fire energy-based beams and pellets that never need reloading. Occasionally, a weapon will have an energy output that requires recharging, which will be noted in its effects, commonly with a use of a certain number of times per encounter. For other Power Weapons that fire actual projectiles, these reloads are stored in the Morphin Grid, and you can assume you have enough ammunition for your entire mission.


























Combined Weapons Improvised Sometimes Power Rangers need some heavy artilWeapons lery to take down a Threat. As a team, all Rangers may spend their full action to move to the same area (within 5 feet of at least 2 other Rangers) and combine their Power Weapons into one supercharged weapon. There are restrictions for these Combined Weapons, however.

Power Blaster The Power Blaster is an assemblage of at least five Power Weapons, and each weapon must be a different type. The classic Power Blaster is comprised of the Red Power Sword, Black Power Axe, Blue Power Lance, Yellow Power Daggers, and Pink Power Bow. The Power Blaster does Damage equal to the amount of Power Weapons it is made of but only hits if over half of the team succeeds on their Skill Tests.

Astro Blaster Booster Mode The Astro Blaster is a unique sidearm type that allows a Ranger with another In Space-based weapon to combine the two for an additional effect. Combining or separating weapons in this way uses both a move and standard action. The Astro Blaster Booster Mode can only be used twice per encounter and then must be disassembled in order to use either individual weapon separately.

Sometimes characters don’t have their weapons and have to attack with whatever is at hand. An improvised weapon includes any object you can wield in one or two hands, such as a tree branch, a table leg, a frying pan, a can of soda, or even a shoe. Often, an improvised weapon is similar to an actual weapon and can be treated as such. For example, a table leg can be very similar to a club. At the GM’s discretion, a character who is proficient with a weapon can use a similar object as if it were that weapon with the same damage effects, less any Power effects.

An object that bears no resemblance to a weapon deals 1 damage, but is subject to 1 plus a Snag on the roll. If a character uses a ranged weapon to make a melee attack (like hitting an enemy with the hilt of a blaster) or throws a melee weapon that does not have the thrown property, it also deals 1 damage, but is subject to 1 plus a Snag on the roll. An improvised thrown weapon has a normal range of 25 feet and a long range of 50 feet.






Thrown weapon shaped for improved distance.


Grenade or thrown weapon

Double the range of the weapon


A particularly long version of a melee weapon.


Weapon with a range measured in Reach

Add 1 to the weapon's Reach modifier (Reach becomes Reach x2, Reach x2 becomes Reach x3)


A modular flashlight attachment.


Medium or larger weapon

Weapon includes a built-in flashlight.



Power Weapon Element Damage Assignment

A specific assignment of the type of element damage done by any standard Energy weapon


Power Weapon

Choose a Power Weapon that does Energy damage and assign this upgrade to do a specific type of Element damage instead, as follows: Black: Psychic, Blue: Cold, Green: Poison, Pink: x2 Energy, Red: Fire, and Yellow: Stun.


Deco or modification designed to trigger flight instincts.


Weapon without the Intimidating trait.

The weapon gains the Intimidating trait.


A telescope attachment.


Projectile weapon with range mea- Double the ranges of the weapon sured in feet The grenade's range becomes Reach. Setting a bomb is a Standard action. When a time bomb is set, designate a number of turns and an Initiative count. On that Initiative count in that many turns, the time bomb detonates. When a bomb detonates, whoever planted it makes a Technology (Explosives) skill test against anyone in the bomb’s blast radius. This does mean that if the person who set the bomb gets caught in the bomb’s blast radius, they attack themself.

Time Bomb

This explosive is planted instead of thrown, detonating when time runs out.




Modification to make a weapon useable underwater.


Weapon without the Aquatic trait.


Modification to make a weapon useable in hostile conditions.



Modification to make a weapon useable equally on land and underwater.


Weapon without the Amphibious trait.

The weapon gains the Amphibious trait.

Grip modified to line up with specific physical training.


Might or Finesse weapon

Use Athletics instead of the weapon's normal skill.

Engulfs the weapon in fire.


Melee weapon without an Energy The weapon gains the Fire trait. trait.

Coats the weapon with acid.


Melee weapon without an Energy The weapon gains the Acid trait. trait.

Balanced Grip Blazing

Corrosive Tip




The weapon gains the Aquatic trait.

The weapon ignores the penalties for use in a chosen environment.




An especially large explosion.




Chemically freezes the weapon's edge.


Melee weapon without an Energy The weapon gains the Cold trait. trait.


Modified to reposition the target rather than harm them outright.


Weapon without a Maneuver alternate effect.



BENEFIT The blast radius of the explosive's effect doubles.

The weapon gains Maneuver as an alternate effect. The grenade's range becomes Reach. Setting a bomb is a Standard action. Starting after the end of the turn the proximity bomb is set, if any time a character enters the bomb’s area of effect, the proximity bomb detonates. When a bomb detonates, whoever planted it makes a Technology (Explosives) skill test against anyone in the bomb’s blast radius. This does mean that if the person who set the bomb gets caught in the bomb’s blast radius, they attack themself.

This explosive is planted instead of thrown, detonating when someone comes close.



The latest in close combat laser technology.


Melee weapon without an Energy The weapon gains the Laser trait. trait.

Refined Grip

Grip modified for more delicate handling.


Might or Athletics weapon

Use Finesse instead of the weapon's normal skill.

Grip modified to hold up to more brutal swings.


Athletics or Finesse melee weapon

Use Might instead of the weapon's normal skill.

Sparking with shocking energy.


Melee weapon without an Energy The weapon gains the Electric trait. trait.


Reverberates on impact.


Melee weapon without an Energy The weapon gains the Sonic trait. trait.


Even when this weapon misses, it hits something.


Weapon with blast or area effect.

The weapon gains the Wrecker trait.


An operating system computerizes this weapon.


Weapon that uses a skill other than technology

Use Technology instead of the weapons normal skill. Weapon gains the Computerized condition.


Folding legs allow for quick deployment of a bipod or tripod.


Weapon with the Mounted trait

The weapon loses the Mounted trait.

Weapon with the blunt trait

On a critical hit, the weapon deals 1 damage to the target's Cleverness. If this weapon has both the Bewildering and the Traumatic upgrade, the attacker chooses which takes effect on a critical hit.

Proximity Bomb

Reinforced Grip Tasing


A shaft designed to derail a target's thoughts.










Weapon with range measured in feet, with an Energy trait other than Cold.

The weapon gains the Cold trait. This is in addition to any other Energy trait.



The grenade's range becomes Reach. Setting a bomb is a Standard action. The bomb triggers when someone -usually the person who planted the bomb, presses a detonator button. Designate the detonator when setting the bomb. Multiple bombs can be set to be triggered by the same detonator. Using a detonator is a free action. The detonator must be in hand in order to use it. When a bomb detonates, whoever planted it makes a Technology (Explosives) skill test against anyone in the bomb’s blast radius. This does mean that if the person who set the bomb gets caught in the bomb’s blast radius, they attacks themself.


Weapon with range measured in feet, with an Energy trait other than Fire.

The weapon gains the Fire trait. This is in addition to any other Energy trait.


Weapon with range measured in feet, with an Energy trait other than Sonic.

The weapon gains the Sonic trait. This is in addition to any other Energy trait.

A laser scope that can be dialed up to a second weapon option.


Weapon with range measured in feet, with an Energy trait other than Laser.

The weapon gains the Laser trait. This is in addition to any other Energy trait.


Through either magnets or radar, this ammo finds its mark.


Weapon with range measured in feet

The weapon gains the Indirect trait.


Rare, light but durable material makes using this weapon twice as fast without sacrificing accuracy.


Weapon with range measured in feet

One of the Weapon's non-blast Effects gains Multiple Targets (2, 10ft radius), or one of the weapon's Multiple Targets effects increases by 1.


Weapon with range measured in feet, with an Energy trait other than Electric.

The weapon gains the Electric trait. This is in addition to any other Energy trait.

Cryo Tank

Detonator Bomb

This energy weapon is retrofit to also spew liquid nitrogen.

This explosive is planted instead of thrown, detonating when a detonator is triggered.

Ignition Tank

A flame throwing mechanism is added to this energy weapon.

Quake Maker

This energy weapon is equipped with a concentrated vibration generator.

Ray Generator



Voltage tank

A secondary barrel emits electric bolts.

Smart Scope

A computerized scope which accounts for range, wind, weapon drift, drop, digital magnification, night vision, and other benefits.



The weapon gains the computerized trait if it does not already have it. Targeting Weapon Increase effective range by 1.5 and long range by 2. The weapon suffers no penalties for firing in darkness.

Power Armor All Power Rangers in morphed form gain basic armor inherently built into their suits, as well as the innate ability to be proficient in wearing it. In addition to their Power Armor, there are various pieces of armored equipment that will add protection for a Ranger, as well as certain Limited or Restricted suit upgrades available to the Power Armor that change the protection level of the armor without affecting how the suit looks. Every Power Ranger automatically receives Power Armor in a color based on their Role. This armor may be chosen from different types, each with a specific benefit. When you choose your armor, you designate your character’s overall protection. All Rangers are proficient in their standard armor, while Limited or Restricted armor may require additional Training.

Power Armor Traits Power Armor has the following traits that define what they can do and how. Deflective: Dense protective sheets provide some or all of this armor’s protective benefits. Armor Piercing weapons ignore this armor’s bonus to Toughness.








Non Armor

A simple layer of clothing. Not armor, but clothes qualify for certain armor upgrades.



Mighty Morphin Armor

Light Armor

Layered soft armor known for its versatility through modularity.

Toughness +1


Zeo Armor

Medium Armor

Soft goods reinforced with bullet resistant plating.

Toughness +2


Turbo Armor

Medium Armor

Soft goods reinforced with bullet resistant plating.

Toughness +2


In Space Armor

Medium Armor

Soft goods reinforced with bullet resistant plating.

Toughness +2


Stiff, thick armor designed for specific tasks that require more protection than mobility, but can be retrofit for more general purposes.

Toughness +3




Limited Metallic Body Armor

Heavy Armor



Silent: Extremely light or built in a way to minimize sound, wearers of Silent armor can make Infiltration skill checks without penalty. Anyone making an Infiltration skill check while wearing armor without the Silent trait does so with a  penalty equal to its total bonus. For example, wearing a suit with no Silent trait but with an Evasion +2, Toughness +2 confers a 4 on Infiltration checks.

Gear This section describes items that you may pick up or have in your possession that have special rules or require further explanation. Most gear requires either a standard or move action to use, at the discretion of the GM. Acid. As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within your Reach or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, you must succeed on a Targeting Skill Test against a creature or object for a successful hit. On a hit, the target takes 1 acid damage. Binoculars. Binoculars allow a sighted user to see up to 800 feet in bright light or 200 feet distance in dim light. Any objects or creatures within 30 feet of the user cannot be seen while binoculars are in use. Book. A book may contain geographical information, historical lore, scientific information, journal notes or field entries, basic educational information, accounting ledgers, and basically anything that can be written or illustrated.

Caltrops. Caltrops are small, spiked weapons that can be spread across a floor to make crossing the area a painful chore. One bag of caltrops will cover a 5 ft. square area, and any creature that attempts to cross the area must succeed on a DIF 15 Speed (Acrobatics) Skill Test or stop moving and lose 1 Speed point. Candle. A candle will provide bright light in a 5 ft. square area and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Standard candles last for approximately 1 hour. Chain. Chains are 15 ft. long and have a Toughness of 20, whether struck with a blunt or sharp weapon. Climber’s Kit. A climber’s kit includes 50 ft. of rope, 20 climber’s pitons, boot tips, gloves, and a harness. While using a climber’s kit, you cannot fall any further than 20 ft. from where you have positioned a piton, and all climbing Skill Tests have a DIF 10. Computer Tablet. A computer tablet is a handheld personal computer that can be used to store and access any digital information as well as record video, audio, or still photographs. Computer tablets can interface with any other computer device either directly or through satellite, wifi, or other networks. A user with Technology (Computers) gains an Edge on all Skill Tests for hacking while using this device. Crowbar. Using a crowbar grants Edge to any Brawn Skill Tests where the crowbar’s leverage can be used. Crowbars may also be used as improvised weapons and deal blunt damage. Flashlight. A flashlight enables the user to illuminate a 30-foot cone of bright light with dim light extending an additional 30 feet. Flashlights may be mounted to a shoulder, wrist, or head strap as well as most ranged weapons. Lock. Basic locks may be either keyed or digital. For key locks, a key is provided with the lock. Digital locks are set with a specific passcode. Without the key or passcode, a creature may pick or hack the lock with a DIF 15 Sleight of Hand or Technology Skill Test, respectively. There may be more secure locks that the GM decides have a higher DIF, and acquiring these locks may take special connections or a higher wealth check to obtain. Power Morpher. A Power Ranger’s Power Morpher is a custom device that is used to instantaneously transform into their Power Suit, as well as grants them all of their enhanced abilities of their morphed form. Power Morphers include a power source, usually a Power Coin unique to each Ranger.



Rope. Rope, whether made of hemp or silk, comes in 50 ft. lengths and has a Toughness of 16. Rope may only be cut with weapons that deal sharp or fire damage. Wrist Communicator. This watch-like device is used to communicate with other users who have a wrist communicator, as well as with the Command Center. It contains a link to the Command Center’s teleportation system, which allows the user to teleport from any location to the Command Center and vice versa, each trip consuming one charge. Wrist communicators have three charges before they must be recharged, which takes 8 hours.

Kits Engineering Kit This kit is a metallic case with tools necessary for simple engineering and technology repairs, including screwdrivers, wrenches, soldering iron, a hammer, copper wiring, and an assortment of bolts, cogs, nails, nuts, screws, and springs.

Med Kit This kit is a hard plastic case containing bandages, antibacterial solutions, splints, and pain medication. The kit has ten uses before its supplies must be replenished. As an action, you may expend one use of the kit heal 1 Damage, without needing to make a Science (Medicine) check. Users with Science (Medicine) may use the kit to heal 2 Damage.

Power Boxes Power Boxes are backpacks that act as survival packs for the Rangers. They come with rations, water, and a flashlight, as well as a life preserver, a canteen, and a pair of high tech binoculars.

Vehicles With the capability of teleportation, it isn’t often that Power Rangers need vehicular transport on common missions. However, sometimes they face a Threat in a remote location or even in space, where the right vehicle is needed to get the job done. Additionally, since Power Rangers are limited to the number of charges in their Wrist Communicator for teleportation, having a vehicle enables the ability

to travel from location to location without having to spend precious charges. While your Ranger may have access to run-of-the-mill cars, depending on their Wealth Check, there are a few vehicles that they may access from the Command Center if they have the proper training, experience, and need.

About Vehicles Because of everything a vehicle can do, vehicle rules are presented more similarly to characters than other equipment. Like a character, vehicles have a Size, defenses based on Essense Scores, Health, Skills, Perks, and Attacks. The reason vehicles are equipment is that they have no Smarts or Social scores by default, and they do nothing without a character operating them, with rare exception.



Vehicles are almost exclusively given out as Mission Critical Items or captured during a mission, unless your GM allows you to keep one as part of your standard equipment. Vehicles also have the following Statistic: Crew, Hardpoint Weapons, and Firepoints, summarized below: Vehicles come in sizes and move at speeds that make them hard to contain on a typical battle mat. That’s not always a problem. If four PCs on foot face off against an enemy is a flying craft, its ability to leave them in its dust is the point. Similarly, when a vehicle attacks an enemy on foot, regardless of their relative speed, the fight will stay in tight quarters for weapon targeting. However, the average battlemap might not be big enough to contain all of the action of combats dominated by vehicles. Vehicles can take up more than 30 ft, and travel at speeds two or three times that of your PCs’ movement. If you find battles between vehicles outpace their map spaces, you can change the scale. Typically, 1 square = 5 ft x 5 ft. For vehicular combat, you can zoom out, making 1 square = 15 ft x 15 ft, or 30 ft x 30 ft. Why 15 or 30? The average ground movement speed of a Common sized character is 30 ft. By switching to 15 ft or 30 ft squares, characters outside of vehicles can still move about the battlefield, but vehicles dominate. This effectively makes your maps 3 to 6 times bigger, plenty of room for larger combatants.

Crew A Vehicle’s crew represents a combination of its operators and capacity for passengers. Crew falls under two categories: Drivers: The vehicle’s main and most important crew. Without a driver, a vehicle cannot move and is treated as an object. If a vehicle lists multiple drivers, it can move as long as it has one driver, but only at half speed. It can only move at full speed with its full complement of drivers. Only one driver makes Driving Skill Tests. Additional drivers can lend assistance on Skill Tests. Passengers: Gunners, navigators, and anyone just along for the ride all count as passengers. Passengers can lend assistance to the driver’s Driving tests, operate hardpoint weapons, fire out of firepoints, or use their own abilities. Additional information might be provided to clarify what the passengers can do in parentheses. These are optional secondary crew positions. When embarking the vehicle as a passenger, indicate whether you will be filling one of the secondary crew positions immediately. Otherwise it takes a Move action for a passenger to fill a secondary crew position. Similarly, it takes a Move action to move from a secondary crew position to another secondary crew position, or to the passenger area.

Hardpoint Weapons Weapons built into the vehicle. If the weapon has the Targeting System trait, a driver can use this weapon as a Standard action, using the vehicle’s Targeting for the Skill Test. Otherwise, a passenger in a gunner secondary crew position operates this weapon as a Standard action, using their own Targeting skill.

Firepoints Firepoints indicate the amount of crew that can target enemies outside the vehicle from inside the vehicle. Firepoints do not limit the number of crew that can target enemies who board the vehicle.



Vehicle Skills Vehicles have a list of Skills, drawn from the same Skills characters have access to. These represent what the vehicle is capable of when crewed by at least one driver. When the GM calls upon a vehicle to make Skill Tests, determine whether the situation calls for the Skills of the vehicle, a driver, or a passenger filling a secondary crew position. For example, your Red Ranger is driving the Lightning Cruiser. The Lightning Cruiser has Alertness d6, based on its ability to sentiently perceive the world around it. Your character has Alertness d8, mostly based on your eyes. The Lightning Cruiser speeds past a secret hideout that Goldar is using to plan a surprise attack. The GM determines whether you could have spotted the hideout or if the only way you could have noticed it was if it came up on Lightning Cruiser’s radar. Given the speed at which Lightning Cruiser moves, as well as the focus needed for you to drive it, the GM rules it’s unlikely that you saw the hideout on your own, even though your Alertness is pretty high. Fortunately, with this ruling, you may roll for Lightning Cruiser’s Alertness as a backup.

mind-affecting effects, although it is still immune to fear. Its driver’s Willpower and Cleverness can still be targeted. On the vehicle’s turn, it gains a number of Free actions equal to its Smarts minus 2. It can use these Free actions to lend assistance to its crew, along with any Free actions available to the crew from other vehicle Perks, Powers, and Traits. Air: This is a flying vehicle, such as an aircraft, rotarycraft, or jet pack. Amphibious: This counts as both a land and sea vehicle. Armored Cabin: Armor extends to cover the driving cabin. Attacks can’t target the vehicle’s Crew. Autopilot: As long as this vehicle has 1 driver, it operates at full capacity. If this vehicle has a full complement of drivers, a driver can use a free action to have the autopilot lend assistance on a Driving Skill Test. Autopilot, Advanced: If this vehicle has no drivers, it operates like a normal vehicle with at least 1 driver but less than its full complement of drivers.

Vehicle Attacks

Land: This is a ground vehicle, such as a motorcycle, jeep, or tank.

Skill tests for attacking with a vehicle favor the crew. Use the operating crew member’s listed skill, unless two Skills are listed (usually a vehicle Skill and an operator Skill). In that case, use the better of the two Skills. In the case of a sentient vehicle or mounted vehicle weapons, you may opt to use the vehicle’s skill instead of the crew.

Ram: A land vehicle’s natural attack, sideswiping or colliding head on in a way that deals damage to target but not the attacker.

For example, you’ve found Goldar, and you attack with the Lightning Cruiser’s Energy Blast. The Energy Blast lists the Skill Test as Targeting d6 or passenger’s Targeting. Your teammate may have a better or worse Targeting Skill than the Lightning Cruiser, and if it is worse, it is best to choose to let the sentient vehicle shoot for itself.

Vehicle Perks, Powers, and Traits Vehicles have exclusive perks and powers, summarized in its stat block. All vehicles gain the Vehicle trait, as well as a selection of other traits, summarized below:

Sea: This is an aquatic vehicle, such as a boat, submarine, or personal watercraft. Sensors: This vehicle can invest ranks into the Alertness skill, even without a Smarts Essence score. Sidecar: This vehicle has the capability of attaching a removable pod that can hold 1 passenger. When a sidecar is attached, the vehicle gains crew capacity of 1, but its Evasion is lowered by 2 and movement is reduced by 5 ft. Targeting System: The driver can attack with this weapon as a Free action, using their own Driving skill or the vehicle’s Targeting skill, if it has one, for the Skill Test. Take Off: This vehicle needs to move this far in a straight line on the ground in order to use its air movement.

A.I.: This vehicle has Smarts and Social Essence Scores, as well as Willpower and Cleverness defenses. Whether truly A.I. or an actual sentient being, this is the trait for all vehicles that have these Essence Scores. The vehicle can be targeted with



Battle Bike THREAT LEVEL: 2 SIZE: COMMON | HEALTH: 4 GROUND MOVEMENT: 45 feet TOUGHNESS: 14 | EVASION: 12 WILLPOWER: | CLEVERNESS: * Crew: 1 driver (+1 passenger if equipped with sidecar) Firepoints: 1 - The driver can attack with any onehanded weapon (+1 passenger if equipped with sidecar, who can attack with any weapon) Defenses: Light Plating (+1 plating to Toughness) The first Battle Bikes were modeled after the Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops and Mastodon Zords, but Rangers can request the use of Battle Bikes from Command Center to match any color and Zord. Battle Bikes have the option of a sidecar, providing transportation to other Rangers who don’t know how to ride a motorcycle and rescued civilians alike.

SKILLS: Might +d4 Brawn +d2 Initiative +d2

TRAITS: Land: The Battle Bike is a land vehicle. Vehicle: As a vehicle, this is a sophisticated piece of equipment that requires at least one Driver to operate. Without a driver, it is considered a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower or Cleverness only affect this vehicle if it has a driver, in which case they target the driver’s Willpower or Cleverness.It is immune to mind affecting effects and effects that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle damages can be fixed with a Standard engineering kit and a Technology check. VTOL: This vehicle takes off and lands vertically. Wearable: The crew of this personal vehicle wears it rather than rides it. Attacks can target the crew or the vehicle equally, rolling against the defenses of the target.



Vehicle: As a vehicle, the Battle Bike requires a driver to operate. Without a driver, it is considered a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower or Cleverness only affect this vehicle if it has a driver, in which case they target the driver’s Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to mind affecting effects and effects that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle damage can be fixed with a Standard engineering kit and a Technology check.

ATTACKS: Ram (Might): +d4, Reach (2 Blunt Damage to 1 Target or 1 Blunt Damage to 2 Targets) The vehicle must move in a straight line for at least 5 ft in order to Ram. Up to 2 creatures within the area may be affected.

Galaxy Glider

Lightning Cruiser





GROUND MOVEMENT: 40 feet (hover), flying 100 feet

GROUND MOVEMENT: 50 feet, flying 100 feet




WILLPOWER: * | CLEVERNESS: * Crew: 1 driver, 4 passengers Crew: 1 driver Firepoints: 1 - The driver can use any weapon Defenses: Light Plating (+1 plating to Toughness)

Firepoints: 5 - All crew can use any weapon, however, if the driver is using a two-handed weapon, Lightning Cruiser must be on autopilot. Defenses: Light Plating (+1 plating to Toughness)

The Galaxy Glider is a personal spacecraft, ridden much like a surfboard. The pilot of the Galaxy Glider must be adept at driving and acrobatics, as the glider is accelerated by leaning forward and decelerated by leaning backwards, all while maintaining perfect balance. Extremely rare, these can be requisitioned from the Command Center only for special missions.

SKILLS: Acrobatics +d6 Might +d4 Initiative +d8

TRAITS: Air: The Galaxy Glider is an air vehicle. Vehicle: As a vehicle, the Lightning Cruiser requires a driver to operate. Without a driver, it is considered a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower or Cleverness only affect this vehicle if it has a driver, in which case they target the driver’s Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to mind affecting effects and effects that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle damage can be fixed with a Standard engineering kit and a Technology check.

ATTACKS: Flyby (Acrobatics): +d6, Reach (1 Blunt Damage or Trip) The vehicle must move in a straight line for at least 10 ft in order to do a Flyby. Up to 2 creatures within the area may be affected.

Lightning Cruiser is a sentient living being that is able to drive on its own, as well as think and act rationally in any given situation. It can drive on land at great speeds without losing its stability and maneuverability, and boasts a forward-facing fixed cannon mounted on the roof of the car, which fires Energy Blasts. Additionally, the Lightning Cruiser can transform into Jet Cruiser Mode, with the ability to to fly. While in Jet Cruiser Mode, it is able to fire from the four assault guns located on the wings, which are hidden while in its default car mode.

SKILLS: Alertness +d6 Brawn +d4 Might +d4 Initiative +d8 Targeting: +d6

TRAITS: A.I.: The Lightning Cruiser is sentient and is susceptible to any Social or Smarts attacks, as it has both Essence Scores. It is able to act and make strategic decisions on its own. Air: The Lightning Cruiser converts into an air vehicle. Autopilot, Advanced: The Lightning Cruiser does not need a driver to operate at full capacity, including firing its weapon. Land: The Lightning Cruiser is a land vehicle. Targeting System: The driver can attack with this weapon as a Free action, using their own Driving skill or the Lightning Cruiser’s Targeting skill.



Vehicle: As a vehicle, the Lightning Cruiser requires a driver to operate. Without a driver, it is considered a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower or Cleverness affect this vehicle, as it has those traits as a sentient being. It is immune to effects that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle damage can be fixed with a Standard engineering kit and a Technology check.



Defenses: Heavy Plating (+3 plating to Toughness)

Multiple Attacks: The Lightning Cruiser makes four attacks with its wing-mounted assault guns. Ram (Might): +d4, Reach (2 Blunt Damage to 1 Target or 1 Blunt Damage to 2 Targets) The vehicle must move in a straight line for at least 5 ft in order to Ram. Up to 2 creatures within the area may be affected. Energy Cannon (Targeting): +d6, Range 30/80 ft. (2 Energy Damage) The Lightning Cruiser’s mounted cannon is only available when in Land mode and makes one attack per Turn unless damaged. The cannon is destroyed after the Lightning Cruiser takes 6 Damage. Assault Guns (Targeting): +d6, Range 100/300 ft. (1 Energy Damage) The Lightning Cruiser’s assault guns are only available when in Air mode. Each of the four guns may make an attack per round, suffering 1 cumulatively for each attack after the first.

THREAT LEVEL: 8 SIZE: LARGE | HEALTH: 10 GROUND MOVEMENT: 60 feet TOUGHNESS: 18 | EVASION: 15 WILLPOWER: * | CLEVERNESS: * Crew: 1 driver, 8 passengers Firepoints: 0

The Megatank is a 6-wheeled mobile unit capable of terrestrial movement while maintaining atmospheric conditions suitable for human beings. While it can be used on Earth, it was designed for space missions and is stored with the Megaship in a secret remote location in space. The Megatank has two mounted Energy Cannons and a large claw, used for relocating obstructions and the occasional battle. It was designed for Rough Terrain and is not suitable for driving on city streets.

SKILLS: Brawn +d6 Initiative +d4 Might +d10 Targeting +d6

TRAITS: Armored Cabin: Armor extends to cover the driving cabin. Attacks can’t target the vehicle’s Crew. Land: The Megatank is a land vehicle. It ignores all penalties for Rough Terrain. Targeting System: The driver can attack with this weapon as a Free action, using their own Driving skill or the vehicle’s Targeting skill, if it has one, for the Skill Test. Vehicle: As a vehicle, the Megatank requires a driver to operate. Without a driver, it is considered a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower or Cleverness only affect this vehicle if it has a driver, in which case they target the driver’s Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to mind affecting effects and effects that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle damage can be fixed with a Standard engineering kit and a Technology check.



ATTACKS: Claw (Might): +d10, Reach (1 Blunt Damage, grapple) The Claw can be used as an attack or to maneuver large objects such as walls or other vehicles. Energy Cannon (Targeting): +d6, Range 30/80 ft. (2 Energy Damage) The Megatank’s mounted cannon makes one attack per Turn unless damaged. The cannon is destroyed after the Megatank takes 6 Damage. Ram (Might): +d10, Reach (2 Blunt Damage to 1 Target or 1 Blunt Damage to 2 Targets) The vehicle must move in a straight line for at least 5 ft in order to Ram. Up to 2 creatures within the area may be affected.

RadBug THREAT LEVEL: 1 SIZE: LONG | HEALTH: 4 GROUND MOVEMENT: 120 feet, flying 500 feet TOUGHNESS: 12 | EVASION: 20 WILLPOWER: * | CLEVERNESS: * Crew: 1 driver, 4 passengers Firepoints: 4 - The driver cannot use a weapon, but all passengers can use any weapon. Defenses: Light Plating (+1 plating to Toughness) RadBug is an acronym for “Remote Activated Drivingzord for Basic Ultra Geomorphology” and is a Volkswagon Beetle that was originally designed and built by Blue Ranger Billy Cranston. Capable of flight, it can go from 0 to 3,000 mph in less than three seconds. Despite technically being a “Zord,” it was not meant for combat and should always be used for transportation, as it cannot stand up to much damage. The RadBug is stored in the Command Center’s vault.

SKILLS: Might +d2 Initiative +d12*

TRAITS: Air: The RadBug can convert to a flying vehicle. Land: The RadBug is a land vehicle. Take Off: The RadBug must be able to move unobstructed for at least 45 feet to take off into flight mode. Vehicle: As a vehicle, the RadBug requires a driver to operate. Without a driver, it is considered a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower or Cleverness only affect this vehicle if it has a driver, in which case they target the driver’s Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to mind affecting effects and effects that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle damage can be fixed with a Standard engineering kit and a Technology check.

ATTACKS: Ram (Might): +d2, Reach (2 Blunt Damage to 1 Target or 1 Blunt Damage to 2 Targets) The vehicle must move in a straight line for at least 5 ft in order to Ram. Up to 2 creatures within the area may be affected.






Ram (Might): +d4, Reach (2 Blunt Damage to 1 Target or 1 Blunt Damage to 2 Targets)

Crew: 1 driver, 4 passengers

The vehicle must move in a straight line for at least 5 ft in order to Ram. Up to 2 creatures within the area may be affected.

Firepoints: 5 - All crew can use any weapon, however, if the driver is using a two-handed weapon, Storm Blaster must be on autopilot. Defenses: Light Plating (+1 plating to Toughness) Storm Blaster is a sentient living being, able to drive and think on its own, much like Lightning Cruiser. It is a rugged jeep that is equally suited for paved roads and Rough Terrain. Storm Blaster is affixed with a Turbine Laser on its roof rack, and it has a winch attached to its grill with a powerful cable that it can use to pull heavy cargo.

SKILLS: Alertness +d6 Brawn +d8 Might +d4 Initiative +d6 Targeting: +d6

TRAITS: A.I.: The Storm Blaster is sentient and is susceptible to any Social or Smarts attacks, as it has both Essence Scores. It is able to act and make strategic decisions on its own. Autopilot, Advanced: The Storm Blaster does not need a driver to operate at full capacity, including firing its weapon. Land: The Storm Blaster is a land vehicle. Targeting System: The driver can attack with this weapon as a Free action, using their own Driving skill or the Storm Blaster’s Targeting skill. Vehicle: As a vehicle, the Storm Blaster requires a driver to operate. Without a driver, it is considered a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower or Cleverness affect this vehicle, as it has those traits as a sentient being. It is immune to effects


that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle damage can be fixed with a Standard engineering kit and a Technology check.


Turbine Laser (Targeting): +d6, Range 50/200 ft. (2 Laser Damage) The Storm Blaster’s Turbine Laser makes one attack per Turn unless damaged. The Turbine Laser is destroyed once the Storm Blaster takes 8 Damage. Winch (Brawn): +d8, Reach +200 ft. (Grapple, Maneuver) The Storm Blaster’s winch can be attached to anything within 200 ft. and pulled in a straight line up to 30 ft. each subsequent turn. Storm Blaster must willingly allow the winch clasp to be undone or a DIF 15 Might Skill Test must succeed to break the grapple.

Shark Cycles

Turbo Carts



GROUND MOVEMENT: 60 feet TOUGHNESS: 15 | EVASION: 15 WILLPOWER: * | CLEVERNESS: * Crew: 1 driver Firepoints: 1 - The driver can attack with any onehanded weapon Defenses: Light Plating (+1 plating to Toughness) Built for street and offroad use, the Shark Cycles are made from the fossilized fin of a great prehistoric shark. Due to their light weight, these motorcycles are fast and easy to maneuver. The Black and Blue Shark Cycle designs are based slightly on hammerhead sharks, and the Yellow and Pink Shark Cycles are based on sawsharks. Because the Shark Cycles are built from such a rare material, once one is destroyed, it is nearly impossible to obtain another one.

SKILLS: Might +d6 Brawn +d4 Initiative +d6

TRAITS: Land: The Shark Cycle is a land vehicle. Vehicle: As a vehicle, the Shark Cycle requires a driver to operate. Without a driver, it is considered a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower or Cleverness only affect this vehicle if it has a driver, in which case they target the driver’s Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to mind affecting effects and effects that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle damage can be fixed with a Standard engineering kit and a Technology check.


SIZE: LONG | HEALTH: 8 GROUND MOVEMENT: 45 feet TOUGHNESS: 16 | EVASION: 14 WILLPOWER: * | CLEVERNESS: * Crew: 1 driver, 3 passengers Firepoints: 4 - The driver can use a one-handed weapon, and all passengers can use any weapon. Defenses: Light Plating (+1 plating to Toughness) Fast and lightweight, these go-karts are equipped with mounted blasters. While a Turbo Cart may be used independently, Power Rangers with a Turbo Zord have the ability to integrate their Turbo Cart into it, as the Turbo Cart becomes the co*ckpit.

SKILLS: Might +d4 Initiative +d4 Targeting: +d4

TRAITS: Land: The Turbo Cart is a land vehicle. Vehicle: As a vehicle, the Turbo Cart requires a driver to operate. Without a driver, it is considered a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower or Cleverness only affect this vehicle if it has a driver, in which case they target the driver’s Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to mind affecting effects and effects that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle damage can be fixed with a Standard engineering kit and a Technology check.

ATTACKS: Multiple Attacks: The Turbo Cart makes 2 Energy Blaster attacks or one Ram attack per turn.

Ram (Might): +d6, Reach (2 Blunt Damage to 1 Target or 1 Blunt Damage to 2 Targets) The vehicle must move in a straight line for at least 5 ft in order to Ram. Up to 2 creatures within the area may be affected.

Ram (Might): +d4, Reach (2 Blunt Damage to 1 Target or 1 Blunt Damage to 2 Targets)


Energy Blaster (Targeting): +d4, Range 30/80 ft. (2 Energy Damage)

Responsive: With its light frame and design, the Shark Cycle relies heavily on the driver’s survival instinct. The Shark Cycle can use the driver’s Evasion against attacks instead of its own.

The vehicle must move in a straight line for at least 5 ft in order to Ram. Up to 2 creatures within the area may be affected.

The Turbo Cart’s mounted blasters each make one attack per Turn unless damaged. Each blaster is destroyed per 2 Damage the Turbo Cart takes.



Zeo Jet Cycles THREAT LEVEL: 3 SIZE: COMMON | HEALTH: 4 GROUND MOVEMENT: 45 ft TOUGHNESS: 13 | EVASION: 13 WILLPOWER: * | CLEVERNESS: * Crew: 1 driver Firepoints: 1 - The driver can attack with any onehanded weapon Defenses: Light Plating (+1 plating to Toughness) Zeo Jet Cycles are much like the Shark Cycles, but they are not quite as fast or tough. They can be used for both street and offroad use.

SKILLS: Might: +d2 Brawn: +d2 Initiative +d6

TRAITS: Land: The Zeo Jet Cycle is a land vehicle. Vehicle: As a vehicle, the Zeo Jet Cycle requires a driver to operate. Without a driver, it is considered a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower or Cleverness only affect this vehicle if it has a driver, in which case they target the driver’s Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to mind affecting effects and effects that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle damage can be fixed with a Standard engineering kit and a Technology check.

ATTACKS: Ram (Might): +d2, Reach (2 Blunt Damage to 1 Target or 1 Blunt Damage to 2 Targets) The vehicle must move in a straight line for at least 5 ft in order to Ram. Up to 2 creatures within the area may be affected.

POWERS: Responsive: With its light frame and design, the Zeo Jet Cycle relies heavily on the driver’s survival instinct. The Zeo Jet Cycle can use the driver’s Evasion against attacks instead of its own.



Wealth Checks - Choosing Your Socio-Economic Background As teenagers, the Rangers do not need to worry about currency, as they still live at home or may have allowance or jobs that provide them with money for every day living. If your campaign goes into adulthood, perhaps the role of Power Ranger rewards Rangers with basic comforts such as food and shelter provided by the Command Center or a shared Power Rangers living situation. It is up to you to decide what type of socio-economic background your character has. Living a particular lifestyle doesn’t have a huge effect on your character, but your lifestyle can affect the way other individuals and groups react to you. For example, when you lead an wealthy lifestyle, it might be easier for you to obtain the extra things you may need that are not provided by Zordon than if you live in poverty. A Power Ranger that must keep an after-school job to earn money, rather than getting an allowance from their parents, will have many roleplay opportunities to meet other NPCs in town or have certain connections through work. In this game, money is not a focus and the need to roll a Wealth Check will come up rarely. All Power Rangers related gear is provided by the Command Center without cost. Rangers will never need to purchase a new suit of Power Armor or a new weapon that may become available to them. How your character spends their time in their every day life, whether with a job or fully dedicated to the Power will determine a universal Wealth Check whenever a need arises to purchase special goods or services that aren’t provided by the Command Center.




Impoverished or in debt

+1 to +4

Meager Wealth

+5 to +10

Lower Class

+11 to +15

Middle Class

+16 to +20


+21 to +30


+31 or Higher



Behold the power, grace, and beauty of your new Ninja Zords. These Zords are driven by the force of the Ninja, and infused with the power of light and strength. They are far superior to your Zords of the past. Where before your power came from the brute strength of the Dinosaurs, now it comes from the swift, intelligent, cunning of the Ninja. This is more than a restoration of your Ranger powers, your new Power Coins have much more advanced powers. However, as before, it is important that you work together as a team. To that end, all the Zords have the ability to unite as one, to form the Ninja MegaFalconZord! - Ninjor


Named for the original Champion of the Grid to help shape their power and call upon their help, Zordon, the Zords are special constructs tied to the Morphin Grid and to their Rangers. Each Zord is different in its own way, allowing their linked Ranger to summon them from their ancient hiding places no matter upon the Morphin Grid they are, so long as the need is just (i.e. – No calling on your Zord to take you cross country or on vacation!), the giant semi-sentient construct arrives and brings a new kind of fight to the enemy. Zords are divided not only by their color on the Morphin Grid Spectrum, but also by their type – or rather how the different Ranger teams shape the constructs to best serve their needs. For example, the tough and straightforward Dinozords were perfect for Zordon’s “teenagers with attitudes” in the mainstream “Mighty Morphin” team, while the zero-G vehicular Megatype Zords were needed for the Space Rangers, and the natural machine-melding psionics of the Aquitians matched with the Alien Rangers’ Battle Borgs. Each team speaks to a specific array of Zords, as Zordon and the other Champions of the Grid had planned it. There are also Zords that exist outside of a team’s needs – solo constructs that serve their own purpose like the massive Dragonzord, Tor the Carrierzord, and a few others. These Zords might stand as powerful entities on their own power, but as part of the Morphin Grid’s loyal defenders, they are still compatible with other Zords. When it is needed of them, these outsider Zords come together into their own styles of combined Megaforms to defeat evil. Aside from their basic most size, strength, and Grid-empowered attacks, Zords also have a way of taking on new and interesting aspects based upon their individual Ranger. The needs, skills, and special features of a Zord vary as much upon the Power Ranger that drives it! Zord Features are the collective term for these special connections between the Ranger’s experiences and the abilities of their Zord. While all Zords come standard with some traits and abilities, and are effectively treated as vehicles in nearly all ways, these special Features augment the Rangers’ most powerful assets – their gigantic Zords and the combined Megaforms they turn into.



The Zords – Evolving Machines Within each Power Ranger – Zord relationship, there is a connection of Morphin Grid energy that makes their roles and their powers linked in time and space. Just as Rangers are not just people who have been given special powers to fight injustice and evil, Zords are not just machines that have been built to look like animals, myths, and warriors of legendry. This section looks at how to create Zords for your Power Ranger characters, how they grow and evolve, and the statistics of several Zords, showing how they have manifested on the Morphin Grid for several notable Power Ranger teams.

Creating Your Power Ranger’s Zord When a Power Ranger reaches the level in their Spectrum Class that offers them their Zord, they are given one of several types of these glorious machines. Throughout Power Ranger history, the kinds of Zords Rangers receive are matched up through the types of Ranger Team they are a part of, but in these times of extremely chaotic circ*mstances, the Morphin Grid has been forced to adapt. Each Power Ranger must choose the type of Ranger Team their Zord hails from to define its shape, style, and initial Zord Features. In this initial rulebook, there are six Ranger Team types to choose from - the humanoid Battleborgs, ancient Dinozords, conventional MegaVehicle Zords, supercharged Turbozords, mythical Zeo Zords, and the Unique Circ*mstances. Several other Ranger Team types that have their own Zord stylings exist, but those will be revealed in later publications.The Zord begins with a set statistic block, adds one Zord Feature from the Ranger’s Spectrum color, and then applies the standard Zord Features from the type of Ranger Team the player wants their character to represent. In these dangerous times, it must be noted that the Morphin Grid allows for Rangers and Zords of different Ranger Team types to function as one seamless force for good - no matter how physically different they might be, first and foremost, they are all still Power Rangers.



Baseline Zord Statistics

Gaining Levels With Your Zord


Not only will a Power Ranger’s Zord gain new Zord Features as they reach certain levels in their Spectrum Class, but their Zord will also use their Ranger’s growing skills, possible Perks, and so on.

STRENGTH 6 | SPEED 4 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 17 (1 Armor) | EVASION 14 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Call to Action, Recall for Repairs Melee Weapon Attack: Skill to hit1, reach 10 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt/Sharp Damage. Ranged Weapon Attack: Skill to hit1, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

A Zord grows with every fifth level gained by their Power Ranger. Different from the Zord Features that Power Rangers gain as they increase in level, these increase as natural growth between a Zord and their Ranger. A Zord that is linked to a Power Ranger gains one of the following (Ranger’s choice) at 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and then again at 20th level. • +1 Health

*Use the Driver’s Statistic

• +1 Armor Toughness Bonus

Equal to the Driver’s Driving Skill, plus any other modifiers

• +10 feet to any movement type

Spectrum-based Zord Features

• +1 Dice Level to Initiative Skill

The Power Ranger’s new Zord is adjusted by what kind of Spectrum class color the Zord is being created to link to, setting the color of the Zord itself. These are listed below:

Common Zord Features


Black: Hardened Chassis Blue: Enhance (Attack) Green: Additional Attack Type Pink: Movement Booster Red: Increase (Ability) Yellow: Light Chassis Advanced Spectrum: Any of the Above OR Auxiliary Zord

Automatic Zord Features The Power Rangers’ Zords will gain new powers and abilities based on their Ranger, but they also come standard with one or more Features of their own from their Power Ranger team type. These are listed below: Battleborgs: Extra Attack, Martial Zord Dinozords: Combiner, Heavy Chassis MegaVehicle Zords: Combiner, Zero-G Turbozords: Combiner, Crew Compartment Zeo Zords: Combiner, Megaform Trait Unique Circ*mstance: Auxiliary Zord, Enhance (Attack)


Gaining Zord Health and Skills


• +1 Dice Level to Driving Skill • +1 Damage to one Attack Type

The very nature of Zords and how they serve the Power Rangers grants each and every one of the powerful constructs two specific Zord Features as a rule. These features are the bookends of a Zord’s presence on the battlefield; how to summon a Zord to battle, and what happens when it is too damaged to keep fighting. These are called Call to Action and Recall for Repairs.

Call to Action Unlike a soldier’s tank, or a pilot’s aircraft, Zords are not just a method of locomotion. They are fighting machines that exemplify and personify the role of their Ranger and are an honorific of the defenders of the Morphin Grid. This Zord Feature details when and how a Power Ranger summons their Zord to their side for use. There are two rules the Morphin Grid places upon its Power Rangers concerning the summoning of their Zords: • Rule #1. A Zord shall not answer to do a task a Ranger can do on their own. • Rule #2. A Zord shall not answer to fight a battle until the tides have turned and the enemy has the upper hand.

These rules are put in place to keep Power Rangers from abusing their powers and their Zords, and represents the connection and agreement to protect the sanctity of the Morphin Grid. It is up the GM to decide if a situation breaks either of the rules above, at which point the Ranger attempting to summon their Zord will receive a feeling that they have acted in error and to try again when the situation is more right. The first few transgressions however, might come with a message from Zordon, Alpha-5, etc. to remind the Ranger what Zords are used for. Rule #1 is simple; Rangers need to be capable of travel, removing basic obstructions, and dealing with common problems without having to call upon their Zords for help. Rule #2 is a little more complex, as that it is based upon whatever combat the Power Rangers and their allies are up against. One good method to determine if the Zords will answer is whether or not there are other vehicles or Megaform-sized enemies involved in the battle as of yet. If so, the Zords will surely answer the call. If not, it would require a significantly powerful Personal Scale enemy – like

some kind of ultra-enhanced alien being or a devastating spell-slinging warlock – to validate the giant constructs’ need to come to battle.

The Call When it has been determined that a Power Ranger can use this Zord Feature and summon their Zord, they must take a standard action to summon their Zord. Once the call has been made, the Zord in question fills with Morphin Grid energy and rises from a pocket in physical space that embodies their features. For example, the furious red Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinozord springs from a metaphysical volcano, the White Tiger Thunderzord charges in from a sprawling canyon path, and all of the Mega-Vehicle Zords cruise in from outer space. In 3d2 game rounds, the Zord arrives to the border of the conflict, awaiting to be piloted by the Ranger that summoned it. Once the Ranger comes into contact with the Zord, they are placed in a driver’s position and they begin to use the Zord’s stats for vehicular combat immediately.



Recall for Repairs

Additional Attack Type

When most vehicles reach 0 Health, they become a wreck, crash, and potentially explode. Zords are almost like living constructs, however, and are not defeated in the same fashion.

This Zord has evolved and developed an additional method of attacking, whether it is an additional limb that can strike in close combat, a missile rack that hurls volleys of missiles, a frozen spray from its trunk, etc.

When a Zord reaches 0 Health – for any reason – it immediately becomes Prone and its crew are allowed to jump away from it as per an emergency disembark. Once the crew is safely disembarked from their Zord, it lays dormant and Prone for up to one hour – or until its Ranger decides to recall it to its metaphysical lair in the Morphin Grid for repairs. After a Zord as been recalled for repairs, it must stay in its Morphin Grid lair until after the scene is over before it can be called again. When it is available again however, it will be at full Health with no lingering conditions.

Customizing Your Zords – Zord Features Dinozords, Ninjazords, Battle Borgs, Turbozords, etc. all connect a Power Ranger to the strongest elements of the Morphin Grid once summoned, but they are uniquely suited to bring the battle to the enemy in their own ways. Each Zord comes with standard Zord Features based on the kind of Zord they are, but they are also gained as the Power Ranger gains levels in their specific Spectrum class. Zord Features are ways to have the ultra-powerful robotic vehicles of the Power Rangers come to life and reflect the unique styles and needs of the various Ranger teams that summon them.

Zord Features The following are Zord Features that are either found as standard on a Power Ranger’s Zord, or reflect the Ranger’s experience and skill altering how a Zord uses the energy from the Morphin Grid in unique ways. Just as there are more types of Zord that exist in the entirety of the universe that will be revealed in future Might Morphin Power Rangers Roleplaying Game products, additional Zord Features will be introduced in such products as well.



You may choose to add either a basic melee or ranged attack to your Zord, using the baseline Zord attack statistics and choosing the details (damage type, description, etc.).

Auxiliary Zord This Zord is designed as an additional component to one or more team’s Zord Megaform, meaning it more commonly has to fight on its own, without team, until called upon to combine. The following bonuses are added to the Zord: • +2 to Strength • 2 Bonus Health • +1 Damage to Melee Attacks

Blast Attack Your Zord’s ranged attack is designed to deal with groups of targets instead of a single foe. Your ranged attack is now an Area of Effect weapon with a 20’ x 20’ area of attack.

Carrier This Zord is designed to keep other Zords within itself, protecting them from harm until it is time to release them for battle. The following bonuses are added to the Zord: • +2 to Strength • 2 Bonus Health • Contains a metaphysical space that holds up to five Vehicular Scale Zords and their Crew inside itself; carried Zords may not be harmed until released as an action • Automatically releases all carried Zords upon reaching 0 Health

Combiner This Zord is capable of altering its own form and modulating into being part of a larger, combined form with one or more other mechanical beings – a Megaform that is more than the sum of its parts. Full rules for using the Combiner Zord Feature can be found later in this chapter, starting on page 139.

Crew Compartment

Hardened Chassis

The Zord has additional access points and passenger areas that allow up to three additional crew to join the driver. These additional crew should be treated like any other vehicle crew, allowing the Zord to access multiple weapon systems when it takes an attack action. However, the Zord does NOT have external points where these crew can attack with their own weaponry. For more information on Vehicle Crews, see page 175.

The Zord has an armored shell that is tougher and more durable than that of its brethren. Not only does it increase its Strength score by 1, it adds +2 to its Armor bonus to Toughness as well. While in a Combined Megaform, it adds +1 to the Megaform’s Armor bonus to Toughness.

Enhance (Attack) The Zord has an enhanced form of one of its attack types or weapon systems, making it more potent. Choose one of the Zord’s methods of attack. Choose either to add a 1 dice shift to the attack, add 1 Damage, or apply one special effect from the list below to the attack. • Doubles Melee Reach • Adds 30/60 to Ranged Reach • Reduces Target’s Speed by D2 (D4 if taken twice) • Ignores Armor Bonus to Toughness • Gain Multi-Weapon (2) (or add +1 if taken multiple times) • Change Damage Type (energy, fire, etc.)

Extra Attack The Zord has faster than normal reflexes with its melee-style attacks, allowing it to make an additional melee attack when it takes an attack action. This Zord Feature may be chosen multiple times, each time adding another melee attack to the Zord’s attack action. It should be noted that this Zord Feature does NOT carry over as a trait of the attack when combined into a Megaform.

Fast Modulation Prerequisite: Combiner This Zord is always ready to take the next step and transform into their part of a larger, combined form. The Zord Feature speeds up how long the Zord must be in combat before it can join with others using its Combiner feature. Each time this Zord Feature is chosen, the type of die is reduced by one type (d6 to d4, d4 to d2, etc.) to a minimum of 1.

Heavy Chassis This Zord is built for durability and raw power – a real brute force kind of Zord. This Zord Feature increases the Zord’s Strength by 1 and gives the Zord one additional Health.

Increase (Essence) The Zord has an exemplary degree of enhancement in one of its primary Essence Scores; Strength or Speed. This Zord feature increases one of these three ability scores by +2, to a maximum of 15.

Light Chassis This Zord is built for mobility and flexibility instead of durability. This Zord Feature increases the Zord’s Speed by 1 and gives the Zord a level increase to its Initiative skill. While in a Combined Megaform, it provides a level increase to the Megaform’s Initiative skill.

Martial Zord The Zord is of a humanoid shape and links with the Ranger driving it to use their own bodily movements and martial training to pilot its battle movements. The Zord’s melee attacks are more in tune with the driver, gaining an automatic 1 dice shift.

Megaform Trait Prerequisite: Combiner This Zord is designed to function better as a part of the whole. This feature allows you to choose a third Megaform Trait for your Zord to contribute to any Megaform they are a part of.

Movement Booster The Zord is capable of extraordinarily fast movements or a different manner of locomotion than simply walking. This feature adds 30 feet to an existing kind of movement in the Zord’s move, or creates a new kind of movement type (aerial, aquatic, burrowing, etc.) at 45 feet.



Ninja Powered Prerequisite: Ranger Must have the Ninja Power Feat The Zord has been joined with the mighty power of Ninjor and infused with light and strength, transforming it into a new animal form and granting it one of the following special powers (you may choose one):

Upgraded Zord

Balance of Justice: Grants Edge to allies who attack a target already attacked by this Zord in the same round.

The Zord has been chosen to receive an upgrade to its entire form and function by the Morphin Grid. It completely changes the shape, spirit, and efficiency of the Zord in question. Depending on the type of Upgrade being granted by the Morphin Grid, there are specific bonuses granted to the Zord in question:

Deep Wisdom: Edge on attacks versus targets with Damage Resistance/Invulnerabilities

• Thunder Upgrade: +1 Speed, +1 skill level to Driving, increase all attack damage by one

Mighty Strength: Increase Strength score by 2; increase the skill for one Melee Attack by two dice levels.

• Shogun Upgrade: +1 Strength, 1 to melee attacks, ability to Defend as a Free action

Raw Ferocity: May choose to take a Snag on melee attacks to inflict two damage (of the appropriate type). Shining Light: Snag to ranged attacks targeting it specifically. Stealthy Misdirection: Can take the Defend action as part of any move action that is more than 20 feet.

Relic Key Prerequisite: Auxiliary Zord The Zord has a connection to an ancient item known only to the Champions of the Grid and some of its most dire enemies. This connection makes possession of this Relic Key necessary to pilot the Zord, but it also grants it two very distinct bonuses: • The Zord may choose to have Edge on any one roll in the scene. • The Zord has a default Smarts and Social of 3 when the Relic Key is present but no crew is currently driving

Titan Body The Zord is built on a much larger frame than others, standing nearly as large as some team’s Zords’ Megaform. The following rules apply to the Zord with this feature: • The Zord is of Towering Size class • The Zord’s gains 2 Health • The Zord’s base attacks deal 3 Damage. • The Zord’s Strength increases by 1, but its Speed score is reduced by 2.


• The Zord cannot benefit from the following Zord Features: Hardened Chassis, Light Chassis, Ninja Powered, Upgraded Zord


• Super-Zeo Upgrade: +2 Toughness, +2 Health, 1 to ranged attacks • Rescue Upgrade: +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +20 feet to all movement types, +1 Armor bonus to Toughness

Warrior Mode The Zord can shift into a different fighting form by spending 3 of its Ranger’s Personal Power, changing from its animal, mythological, or other shape into that of a gigantic humanoid fighting form. When it does so, it makes the following adjustments: • Now is considered a Towering Size combatant • Grants 2 to Initiative Skill Tests • Melee attacks deal 1 additional Damage while in Warrior Mode • Warrior Mode lasts until the Zord is involved in a Combiner Megaform or is subject to Recall for Repairs

Zero-G The Zord is ready and equipped to leave its planet and venture into the vacuum of space. Upon acquiring this Zord Feature, the Zord gains an aerial movement type of 60/30’ and is fully capable of moving unhindered in the vacuum of outer space. Additionally, as ranged combat is a necessity in outer space combat, this Zord’s ranged attacks all receive a 1 dice shift.

Zord Mega-Weapon System The Zord has a special weapon, be it like a giant sword for melee or a fire-throwing dragon’s head for ranged, that it can call into being from the Morphin Grid. It costs a total of 5 Personal Power expended from any combination of the Crew to bring into being, and lasts for 1d2+1 attacks (hit or miss) before it would need to be “paid for” again. This special weapon inflicts a base of 5 Damage. The weapon system and its kind of damage (energy, fire, etc.) are decided when the Zord Feature is acquired. This Zord Feature CAN be used while part of a Megaform.

Creating Your Megaform – Choose Your Megaform Traits Once the combination of participants in the Megaform has finished, it operates as if one single creature with a statistic block made up of specific elements from its combined parts. When designing a Power Ranger’s Zord with the Combiner Zord Feature, they may choose one Megaform Trait from the following list to be the special element their Zord contributes to the Megaform: • Core Body: Double this Zord’s Health while in a Megaform.

The Combiner Zord Feature – Bringing Your Zords Together While not present in every Zord provided to the Power Ranger teams, the vast majority of Zords possess the Combiner Zord Feature. This feature allows them to connect and attach to other Zords – even those without the Combiner trait – to form more powerful Megaform Zord combinations. History only shows Zords from the same Power Ranger team types combining with few exceptions. Ever since the Morphin Grid was shaken to its core by the forces of evil, Zords have been able to do so with their allies from all across the Grid, regardless to their Ranger Team stylings. There are even whispers of Zords connecting and combining with alien technology in order to defeat local evils! Much like how a Zord will not answer the call to battle unless it is for a worthy adversary, the Zords will not combine into a Megaform without a suitably worthy foe to battle. To determine whether or not a foe is worthy, the collective Zords must have already been in a combat scene for a standard length of 1d6+1 game rounds before they are “ready” to combine into their Megaform. Each participant in the Megaform rolls a separate amount of time, with the highest roll result setting when the combination will take place (at the end of that round).



• Move: If the Zord has a special type of movement or higher movement rate than the rest of the Megaform, it grants +10 feet to one of the Megaform’s movement types. • Core Ability: Choose Strength or Speed when the Zord Feature is gained; the Megaform uses this Zord’s Essence ability score of that type +1. If multiples of this benefit are chosen, each instance grants and additional +1. • Core Defenses: The Megaform uses this Zord’s Toughness or Evasion with a +1 bonus. If multiples of this benefit are chosen, each instance grants and additional +1 to one of the Defenses. • Enhanced Melee Attack: The Megaform has an enhanced melee weapon or attack type that may only be used once per scene, but the attack inflicts three times the normal level of damage as this Zord’s strongest melee attack with a damage type of your choice (energy, fire, etc.), doubles the attack’s Reach. If multiples of this benefit are chosen, either the number of times it may be used per scene increases by 1 or add an additional form of this attack. • Enhanced Ranged Attack: The Megaform has an enhanced ranged weapon or attack type that may only be used once per scene, but the attack inflicts three times the normal level of damage as this Zord’s strongest ranged attack with a damage type of your choice (energy, fire, etc.), and uses twice its Reach numbers. If multiples of this benefit are chosen, either the number of times it may be used per scene increases by 1 or add an additional form of this attack. Megaform entities, like the Dinozord Megazord or the Zeo Mega Battlezord, follow specific rules when combined and are treated as a single combatant. These rules apply to all creatures using the Combiner Feature to become one fighting being: • The Megaform has the highest ability scores of each type from its participating Combiner components and Crew, to a maximum score of 15. • Only specifically noted Perks, Grid Powers, etc. apply to the Megaform. • The Megaform has a base starting Armor bonus of +3 before any modifiers. • All Crew retain their own Skills if called upon to somehow use them.



• The Megaform acts as if it was a single creature in the combat round, rolling Initiative on its own, making one move, one standard action, etc. • The Megaform moves as quickly as its slowest participants movement, but possesses only a basic ground movement type. • The Megaform may choose any of its participants’ attack types to use when it makes an attack action, using its Megaform ability scores instead of the Combiner participant’s. • Each Combiner participant possesses its own Health. When the Megaform suffers damage, divide the damage equally (rounding up; minimum 1) between all Combiner participants – unless the attacks voluntarily takes a Snag to focus the attack on a specific Combiner participant. • If a Combiner participant in a Megaform reaches 0 Health, they can no longer contribute in any way to the Megaform’s abilities, attacks, features, etc. Additionally, they no longer take any damage away from the other participants when attacked, meaning the rest of the Megaform will take larger portions of damage, etc. • When more than half of a Megaform’s Combined participants are reduced to 0 Health, the Megaform is Defeated and falls apart to its participant pieces, each one becoming prone.

Example Zords The following are stat blocks for existing Zords in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers universe. While we encourage players to use this chapter to create their own Power Ranger character’s Zords, the following pre-made Zords are available for players and GMs alike to call upon for easy use.

The Dinozords Tyrannosaurus Dinozord Prerequisite: Red Ranger SIZE Gigantic | HEALTH 8 STRENGTH 9 | SPEED 4 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 22 (3 Armor) | EVASION 14 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Brawn D8, Conditioning IV, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Additional Attack Type, Call to Action, Combiner (Core Body), Heavy Chassis, Increase (Strength), Recall for Repairs Claws: D8 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Sharp Damage. Laser Beam Eyes: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage. Roar: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Sonic Damage.



Mastodon Dinozord Prerequisite: Black Ranger SIZE Extended II | HEALTH 7 STRENGTH 8 | SPEED 4 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 21 (3 Armor) | EVASION 14 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Blast Attack, Call to Action, Combiner (Core Defenses), Hardened Chassis, Heavy Chassis, Recall for Repairs Tusks: D8 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage. Freezing Trunk Mist: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Area of Effect 20’ x 20’. Effect: 2 Cold Damage.

Triceratops Dinozord Prerequisite: Blue Ranger SIZE Extended II | HEALTH 7 STRENGTH 8 | SPEED 4 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 18 (1 Armor) | EVASION 14 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Brawn D8, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Additional Attack Type, Call to Action, Combiner (Enhanced Melee), Enhance (Tail Cannons), Heavy Chassis, Recall for Repairs Horns: D6 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Sharp Damage Tail Cannons: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage Chain Hurler: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: Target is Restrained



Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord Prerequisite: Yellow Ranger SIZE Extended II | HEALTH 7 STRENGTH 7 | SPEED 5 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 18 (1 Armor) | EVASION 15 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Athletics D2, Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D8 Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Enhanced Ranged), Crew Compartment, Heavy Chassis, Light Chassis, Recall for Repairs Bite: D8 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Sharp Damage. Tail Laser: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

Pterodactyl Dinozord Prerequisite: Pink Ranger SIZE Extended | HEALTH 7 STRENGTH 7 | SPEED 4 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 17 (1 Armor) | EVASION 14 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. | AERIAL MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Athletics D2, Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Move), Enhance (Lightning Cannons), Heavy Chassis, Movement Boosters, Recall for Repairs Wing Bash: D6 Skill, reach 10 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage. Lightning Cannons: D8 Skill (Ignores Armor), reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Electric Damage.



The Dino Megazord SIZE Towering Size (Combiner) | HEALTH (16/7/7/7/7) STRENGTH 9 | SPEED 5 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 22 (3 Armor) | EVASION 16 GROUND MOVEMENT 50 ft. Skills: Brawn D8, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6, Might D6 Participant Melee Attack: D8 Skill, reach 20 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage. Participant Ranged Attack: D8 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage. Power Sword (1/scene): D8 Skill, reach 40 ft., Effect: 9 Sharp Damage. Cranial Laser (1/scene): D8 Skill (Ignores Armor), reach 100/240 ft., Effect: 6 Energy Damage.

The Dragonzord Prerequisite: Green Ranger or Relic Key Holder SIZE Towering | HEALTH 11 STRENGTH 9 | SPEED 2 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 19 (1 Armor) | EVASION 12 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Brawn D8, Conditioning IV, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Additional Attack Type, Auxiliary Zord, Call to Action, Combiner (Core Body), Enhance (Tail Drill), Recall for Repairs, Relic Key, Titan Body Tail Drill: D8 Skill, reach 40 ft., Effect: 4 Sharp Damage. Energy Beam: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage. Knuckle Missile Racks: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Area of Effect 20’ x 20’. Effect: 3 Fire Damage.



The Dragon Megazord SIZE Towering (Combiner) | HEALTH (22/7/7/7/7) STRENGTH 9 | SPEED 5 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 22 (3 Armor) | EVASION 16 GROUND MOVEMENT 50 ft. Skills: Brawn D8, Might D6, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Participant Melee Attack: D8 Skill, reach 20 ft., Effect: 4 Sharp Damage. Participant Ranged Attack: D8 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage. Power Staff (1/scene): D8 Skill, reach 40 ft., Effect: 12 Sharp Damage. Energy Fin Beam (1/scene): D8 Skill (Ignores Armor), reach 100/240 ft., Effect: 6 Energy Damage.

White Tigerzord Prerequisite: White Ranger SIZE Extended II | HEALTH 8 STRENGTH 9 | SPEED 4 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 22 (3 Armor) | EVASION 14 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Athletics D4, Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Auxiliary Zord, Call to Action, Combiner (Core Defenses), Enhanced (Claws), Hardened Chassis, Recall for Repairs, Relic Key, Warrior Mode Claws: D8 Skill, reach 15 ft., Multi-Weapon (2). Effect: 3 Sharp Damage. White Tiger Thunderbolts: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Electric Damage.



The Mega Tigerzord

White Battle Borg

SIZE Towering (Combiner) | HEALTH (8/7/7/7/7)

Prerequisite: White Ranger


SIZE Towering | HEALTH 10

GROUND MOVEMENT 50 ft. Skills: Brawn D8, Might D6, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Participant Melee Attack: D8 Skill, reach 20 ft., Effect: 3 Sharp Damage. Participant Ranged Attack: D8 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage. Golden Claw (1/scene): D8 Skill, reach 40 ft., Multi-Weapon (2). Effect: 9 Sharp Damage. Phoenix Firebolt (1/scene): D8 Skill (Ignores Armor), reach 100/240 ft., Effect: 6 Fire Damage.

STRENGTH 9 | SPEED 2 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 20 (1 Armor) | EVASION 12 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Athletics D4, Brawn D8, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Auxiliary Zord, Call to Action, Extra Attack, Martial Zord, Recall for Repairs, Titan Body Martial Strikes: D8 Skill with 1, reach 20 ft., Effect: 4 Blunt Damage. Focus Blast: D4 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage.

Black Battle Borg

Aquitian Battle Borgs

SIZE Towering| HEALTH 9

Red Battle Borg


Prerequisite: Red Ranger


SIZE Towering | HEALTH 8 STRENGTH 9 | SPEED 2 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 20 (1 Armor) | EVASION 12 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Athletics D6, Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D4, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Call to Action, Extra Attack, Increase (Strength), Martial Zord, Recall for Repairs, Titan Body Martial Strikes: D8 Skill with 1, reach 20 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage. Focus Blast: D4 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage.


Prerequisite: Black Ranger


Skills: Athletics D2, Brawn D6, Conditioning IV, Driving (Autopilot) D4, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Call to Action, Enhance (Focus Blast), Extra Attack, Martial Zord, Recall for Repairs, Titan Body Martial Strikes: D6 Skill with 1, reach 20 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage. Focus Blast: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 4 Energy Damage.

Blue Battle Borg

The Ninja MegaFalconzord

Prerequisite: Blue Ranger

SIZE Titanic (Combiner) | HEALTH (20/10/9/8/8/8)

SIZE Towering | HEALTH 8


STRENGTH 7 | SPEED 2 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 20 (1 Armor) | EVASION 12 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Athletics D2, Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D6, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Call to Action, Extra Attack, Enhance (Focus Blast), Martial Zord, Recall for Repairs, Titan Body Martial Strikes: D6 Skill with 1, reach 20 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage. Focus Blast: D6 Skill (Ignores Armor), reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage.

GROUND MOVEMENT 50 ft. | AERIAL MOVEMENT 60 ft. Skills: Athletics D8, Brawn D8, Might D8, Acrobatics (Flying) D4, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Participant Melee Attack: D10 Skill with 1, reach 25 ft., Effect: 4 Blunt Damage. Participant Ranged Attack: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage. Ape-Wolf Punch (2/scene): D10 Skill with 1, reach 50 ft., Effect: 12 Blunt Damage. Flaming Sword Strike (1/scene): D10 Skill with 1, reach 50 ft., Effect: 12 Fire Damage.

Yellow Battle Borg Prerequisite:Yellow Ranger SIZE Towering | HEALTH 8 STRENGTH 7 | SPEED 4 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 18 (1 Armor) | EVASION 14 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Athletics D2, Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D4, Initiative D8 Zord Features: Call to Action, Extra Attack, Increase (Speed), Martial Zord, Recall for Repairs, Titan Body Martial Strikes: D8 Skill with 1, reach 20 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage. Focus Blast: D4 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage.





The ZeoZords

Zeo Sphinx

Zeo Artillery Tank

SIZE Extended II | HEALTH 6

Prerequisite: Pink Ranger SIZE Extended II | HEALTH 6 STRENGTH 6 | SPEED 4 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 17 (1 Armor) | EVASION 14 GROUND MOVEMENT 70 ft. Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Blast Attack, Call to Action, Combiner (Enhanced Melee Attack), Megaform Trait (Move), Movement Booster, Recall for Repairs Ram Attack: D6 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage. Artillery Blast: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Area of Effect 20’ x 20’. Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

Zeo Cannon Lander Prerequisite: Yellow Ranger SIZE Extended II | HEALTH 6 STRENGTH 6 | SPEED 7 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 17 (1 Armor) | EVASION 17 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D6, Initiative D10 Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Enhanced Ranged Attack), Increase (Speed), Light Chassis, Megaform Trait (Core Ability Strength), Recall for Repairs Ram Attack: D6 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage. Turret Cannons: D8 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

Prerequisite: Blue Ranger STRENGTH 7 | SPEED 4 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 20 (3 Armor) | EVASION 14 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Core Body), Enhance (Claws), Hardened Chassis, Megaform Trait (Enhanced Ranged Attack), Recall for Repairs Claws: D6 Skill, reach 15 ft., Multi-Weapon (2), Effect: 2 Sharp Damage. Forehead Lasers: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

Zeo Taurus Prerequisite: Green Ranger SIZE Extended II | HEALTH 7 STRENGTH 7 | SPEED 4 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 18 (1 Armor) | EVASION 14 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. Skills: Brawn D8, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Additional Attack Type, Call to Action, Combiner (Core Ability Strength), Heavy Chassis, Megaform Trait (Enhanced Ranged Attack), Recall for Repairs Horns: D8 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Sharp Damage. Hooves: D6 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage. Lightning Arc: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Electric Damage.



Zeo Sky Phoenix Prerequisite: Red Ranger SIZE Extended | HEALTH 6

Red Lightning Turbozord


Prerequisite: Red Ranger



Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Acrobatics D4, Driving (Autopilot) D4, Initiative D6


Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Enhanced Ranged Attack), Increase Ability (Speed), Megaform Trait (Core Ability Speed), Movement Booster, Recall for Repairs Talons Attack: D6 Skill, reach 10 ft., Effect: 2 Sharp Damage. Laser Blasts: D8 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

The Zeo Megazord SIZE Towering (Combiner) | HEALTH (7/6/6/6/6) STRENGTH 9 | SPEED 7 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 20 (3 Armor) | EVASION 17 GROUND MOVEMENT 80 ft. | AERIAL MOVEMENT 55 ft.

SIZE Extended | HEALTH 6

Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D4, Initiative D8 Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Core Body), Enhance (Ram), Increase Ability (Speed), Movement Booster, Recall for Repairs Ram Attack: D6 Skill, reach 10 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage. Blasters: D8 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

Mountain Blaster Turbozord Prerequisite: Blue Ranger SIZE Extended | HEALTH 7 STRENGTH 9 | SPEED 4 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 22 (3 Armor) | EVASION 14 GROUND MOVEMENT 70 ft.

Skills: Brawn D8, Might D6, Acrobatics (Flying) D4, Driving (Autopilot) D4, Initiative D6

Skills: Brawn D8, Conditioning IV, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6

Participant Melee Attack: D8 Skill, reach 20 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage.

Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Enhanced Ranged Attack), Hardened Chassis, Increase Ability (Strength), Movement Booster, Recall for Repairs

Participant Ranged Attack: D8 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Area of Effect 20’ x 20’. Effect: 3 Energy Damage. Zeo Megasword Saber (1/scene): D8 Skill, reach 40 ft., Effect: 9 Sharp Damage. Cannon Helmet Blast (1/scene): D8 Skill, reach 100/240 ft., Effect: 9 Energy Damage. Rocket Helmet (1/scene): D8 Skill, reach 100/240 ft., Effect: 9 Fire Damage. Pyramid Helmet Crush (1/scene): D8 Skill, reach 100/240 ft., Effect: 9 Blunt Damage. Gravity Helmet Arcs (1/scene): D8 Skill, reach 100/240 ft., Effect: 9 Electric Damage.


The Turbozords


Ram Attack: D8 Skill, reach 10 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage. Blasters: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

Desert Thunder Turbozord

Wind Chaser Turbozord

Prerequisite: Green Ranger

Prerequisite: Pink Ranger

SIZE Extended | HEALTH 6

SIZE Extended | HEALTH 6





Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Additional Attack Type, Call to Action, Combiner (Core Ability Strength), Enhance (Ram), Movement Booster, Recall for Repairs Ram Attack: D6 Skill, reach 10 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage. Grinder: D6 Skill, reach 10 ft., Effect: 2 Sharp Damage. Blasters: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

Dune Star Turbozord Prerequisite: Yellow Ranger

Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Move), Enhance (Blasters), Movement Booster x2, Recall for Repairs Ram Attack: D6 Skill, reach 10 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage. Blasters: D6 Skill (Ignores Armor), reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

The Turbo Megazord SIZE Towering (Combiner) | HEALTH (12/7/6/6/6)

SIZE Extended | HEALTH 6





Skills: Athletic D6, Brawn D8, Might D6, Acrobatics (Flying) D6, Driving (Autopilot) D4, Initiative D8

Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D8 Zord Features: Blast Attack, Call to Action, Combiner (Core Ability Speed), Light Chassis, Movement Booster, Recall for Repairs Ram Attack: D6 Skill, reach 10 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage.

Participant Melee Attack: D10 Skill, reach 20 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage. Participant Ranged Attack: D8 Skill (Ignores Armor), reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage. Cannonade (1/scene): D8 Skill, reach 100/240 ft., Area of Effect 20’ x 20’. Effect: 6 Energy Damage.

Sandblaster: D8 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Area of Effect 20’ x 20’. Effect: 2 Energy Damage.



Artillatron Turbozord Prerequisite: Black Ranger SIZE Towering | HEALTH 8 STRENGTH 7 | SPEED 2 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 18 (1 Armor) | EVASION 12 GROUND MOVEMENT 70 ft.

The Mega-Vehicle Zords Mega-V1 Prerequisite: Red Ranger SIZE Gigantic | HEALTH 8

Skills: Brawn D8, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D4


Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Enhanced Ranged Attack), Enhanced (Cannons), Megaform Trait (Enhanced Ranged Attack), Movement Booster, Recall for Repairs, Titan Body


Ram Attack: D8 Skill, reach 20 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt damage. Cannons: D4 Skill (Ignores Armor), reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning V, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Blast Attack, Call to Action, Combiner (Core Body), Increase (Strength), Recall for Repairs, Zero-G Gravity Punch: D8 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage.

Robo Racer SIZE Extended | HEALTH 10

Shoulder Missile Racks: D6 Skill with 1, reach 50/120 ft., Area of Effect 20’ x 20’. Effect: 2 Energy Damage.



Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning V, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6

Prerequisite: Black Ranger

Zord Features: Auxiliary Zord, Call to Action, Combiner (Enhanced Ranged Attack), Movement Boost, Recall for Repairs, Warrior Mode


Riot Shield Bash: D10 Skill, reach 10 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage. Synergizer Blaster: D6 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

SIZE Extended III | HEALTH 7

GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. AERIAL MOVEMENT 60/30 ft. Skills: Brawn D8, Conditioning IV, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Core Defenses), Hardened Chassis, Increase (Strength), Recall for Repairs, Zero-G Gravity Slam: D8 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage. Energy Blasters: D6 Skill with 1, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.





Prerequisite: Blue Ranger

Prerequisite: Pink Ranger

SIZE Titanic | HEALTH 6

SIZE Extended III | HEALTH 6





Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6

Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6

Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Move), Enhance (Gravity Slam), Movement Booster, Recall for Repairs, Zero-G

Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Enhanced Melee Attack), Crew Compartment, Movement Booster, Recall for Repairs, Zero-G

Gravity Slam: D6 Skill, reach 25 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage.

Ram Attack: D6 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage.

Energy Blasters: D6 Skill with 1, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.

Energy Blasters: D6 Skill with 1, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 2 Energy Damage.


Mega Winger

Prerequisite: Yellow Ranger

SIZE Towering | HEALTH 9

SIZE Extended III | HEALTH 6


STRENGTH 6 | SPEED 5 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 17 (1 Armor) | EVASION 15 GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. AERIAL MOVEMENT 60/30 ft. Skills: Brawn D6, Conditioning III, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D8 Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Enhanced Melee Attack), Enhance (Rim Lasers), Light Chassis, Recall for Repairs, Zero-G Gravity Slam: D6 Skill, reach 15 ft., Effect: 2 Blunt Damage. Rim Lasers: D6 Skill with 1, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage.

GROUND MOVEMENT 40 ft. AERIAL MOVEMENT 60/30 ft. Skills: Brawn D8, Conditioning IV, Acrobatics (Flying) D4, Driving (Autopilot) D2, Initiative D6 Zord Features: Call to Action, Combiner (Core Body), Enhance (Wing Blaster), Recall for Repairs, Titan Body, Warrior Mode, Zero-G Gravity Slam: D8 Skill, reach 20 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage. Wing Blaster: D4 Skill with 1 (Ignores Armor), reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage.



The Winged MegaVoyager SIZE Titanic (Combiner) | HEALTH (18/8/7/6/6/6) STRENGTH 10 | SPEED 7 | SMARTS * | SOCIAL * TOUGHNESS 23 (3 Armor) | EVASION 18 GROUND MOVEMENT 80 ft. AERIAL MOVEMENT 100/50 ft. Skills: Athletic D6, Brawn D8, Might D6, Acrobatics (Flying) D8, Driving (Autopilot) D4, Initiative D8 Participant Melee Attack: D10 Skill, reach 25 ft., Effect: 3 Blunt Damage. Participant Ranged Attack: D8 Skill, reach 50/120 ft., Effect: 3 Energy Damage. Flying Rocket Attack (2/scene): D10 Skill, reach 100/240 ft., Effect: 9 Energy Damage.



Other Zords… There are many other Zords scattered across the universe, each lurking in their own metaphysical pocket on the Morphin Grid, just waiting for their own Power Ranger to earn the right and the ability to call upon their power and summon them forth.

COMBAT 10 Isn’t The Smallest Chance Of Victory Enough Of A Reason For Us To Keep Fighting? - Jason Lee Scott, Red Ranger


rom the first time Rita Repulsa dropped a pack of Putties on some Angel Grove teenagers with attitude, Power Rangers reveals itself to be a setting full of action packed martial arts combat that evolves and grows – oftentimes literally – into epic battles seen for miles around. In essence, combat is a driving factor to the Power Rangers.

This chapter explains the rules you will need for your character teams to engage in combat with the many enemies of the Morphin Grid, whether it is a few minions of darkness against a team of skilled civilians or a large scale battle between giant monsters and titanic robots that crosses several city blocks. The Game Master controls all the creatures and nonplayer characters involved in battle, and each player controls a Power Ranger.


The Flow of Combat A typical combat encounter is a battle between two sides of the conflict, a flurry of punches and kicks, energy blasts, gigantic sword slashes, and sparking two-story tall explosions. The game organizes the crazy, back and forth madness of combat into a cycle of rounds and turns. Each round collectively represents about 6 seconds’ worth of simultaneous actions in the game world. During a round, each participant in the conflict takes their turn. The order of turns is determined at the beginning of a combat scene, when all participants roll an Initiative skill check. Once everyone has taken their turn, the fight continues on to the next round, unless one side can be considered left in Defeat.

A Combat Scene in Steps 1. Set the Scene. The GM decides where all the characters and creatures are physically located at the beginning of the scene. Depending on the narrative situation leading up to this moment, the places where all participants are, how far they are from each other, and in their ultimate current status decided by the GM. 2. Determine Any Surprised Combatants. The GM determines whether any combatants in the combat scene should be considered surprised. 3. Initiative Skill Tests. Everyone involved in the combat encounter rolls an Initiative Skill Test, setting the initial order of the combatants’ turns.



4. Combatants Take Turns. Each combatant in the scene, in current Initiative order from highest to lowest, takes a turn. 5. Next Round. Once all of the combatants involved in the scene has had a chance to take a turn, whether they chose to use it or not, the round ends. Repeat step 4 and then 5 until the GM determines the combat is considered over.

Surprise A Power Rangers team is jogging through the park when suddenly a pack of sinister Putties teleports in around them to begin their attack. Fully Morphed, the Rangers are slinking through the outskirts of the Dark Dimension unseen, ready to spring upon Goldar, who is tending Lord Zedd’s latest machination. These situations are solid examples on how one side would likely gain Surprise over the other in a given scene. The GM has the ultimate say who might be surprised. If no side of the conflict is being stealthy or attempting to get the jump on the other, everyone is automatically considered to be aware of one another. Any character or creature that doesn’t or cannot notice a possible threat is considered Surprised at the start of the combat scene. When Surprised, you cannot move, take an action, or roll any Skill Tests on your first turn of the combat scene. If the GM thinks the situation calls for it, some members of a group can be Surprised even if other members are not.

Setting the Initiative Taking Your Turn Order Actions Rolling the combatants’ Initiative skill checks determines the initial order of combatant turns during the scene. When the combat starts, every combatant makes an Initiative check, to determine their place in the Initiative order. If a combatant does not have any levels in the Initiative skill, they instead roll a baseline d20 roll with a Snag – showing their complete lack of preparedness for combat. The GM should make single Initiative checks for smaller, easier to handle groups of identical creatures, having a few of their kind take their turn at the same time instead of bogging down a scene with dozens of individual identical actions. This also helps avoid a tidal wave of actions taking place on one side with no way for the characters to adapt or properly defend against them. The GM ranks all of the combatants’ Initiative skill check results in order from highest to lowest to create the Initiative Order. This is the order in which the combatants will take their turns. Unless somehow altered by a game effect or action, the Initiative Order remains the same. If there is a tied score between combatants on the players’ side, the players get to choose in what order the combatants take their turns. If the tied scores are on the opposing side of the scene, the GM chooses what order the combatants will take their turns. If the tied scores are on different sides, using the tied participants’ Speed scores to break the tie. If a further tie between Speed scores occurs, roll offs with similar-sized dice should occur until the tie is broken.

Reset Your Initiative During a combat scene, after the first round of combat has taken place, combatants can choose to try and reset their Initiative in lieu of their Move action. Instead of taking their Move, they roll a new Initiative skill check. If the result is higher than their current place in the Initiative order, it becomes the combatant’s new place in the Initiative order on the following turn.

On your turn, you take a number of actions that comprise your part of the 5 second round. These actions are collectively all taking place at the same time, narratively speaking, but take place individually as per the game rules. Doing them in any other fashion would be far too chaotic for the GM and the players to keep up with. On their turn in Initiative order, they are allowed to take a number of actions equal to their Speed score – with the following limitations.

Types of Actions (Speed 1) Move – The character moves a number of feet equal to their movement type. The “Combat Movement” section later in this chapter explains the rules and options for your move. Alternatively, a character may trade in this Move action for a Standard action. (Speed 2) Move + Standard – The character takes a Move action and take one Standard action. You decide how much of your move to use before and/ or after taking your Standard action. Your speed is noted on your character sheet, or within the statistics of the vehicle you are piloting or co-piloting. The most common standard actions you can take are described in the “Combat Actions” section later in this chapter. Many Role Perks, Grid Powers, and situational game effects may add other action options for the characters. Alternatively, a character may trade in a Standard action for two Free actions. (Which DOES include a Standard action gained from trading in a Move action). (Speed 3+) Move + Standard + Free – The character takes one Move action, one Standard action, and a number of Free actions equal to their Speed minus 2. You decide how much of your move to use before and/or after taking your Standard action. Free actions can take place at any time during your turn, and represent a number of split-second or momentary involvements with your surroundings. Various sources such as Role Perks, Grid Powers, equipment, and other effects allow you to perform specific effects as Free actions, such as the summoning of a Power weapon to one’s hands while Morphed. If you do not have any sort of trait or game effect that offers the use of a Free action, it will be noted as such.





Free Actions/Activities on Your Turn Six seconds can seem like a very long time in the heat of combat, and there will be turns in which you wish to perform minor activities and interactions with the world around you, requiring neither a Standard action or your Move. Instead, these interactions take up Free actions. You can always interact with an object or narrative feature as a Free action, during either your Standard action or a Move. For example, you could open a high school locker as part of your Move action to take cover behind as you perform your attack, or you could trigger a spaceship sliding door to close as you run beneath it to get to safety. Some good examples of random Free actions are: • Opening/closing an object, container, door • Reloading a standard weapon • Safely putting a weapon/item away • Inputting a passcode • Cutting/untying a prisoner’s bonds • Eating/drinking a single item • Finding a specific item in a backpack/container • Playing a short tune on a musical instrument • Joining two combinable technological components • Pick up a 5’ square’s worth of objects The GM has final say as to whether a specific activity counts as requiring more than one Free action interaction to utilize, often because it takes additional care or focus to perform. For example, the GM could rule that Billy needs to use two Free actions or even a Standard action to interact with an Aquitian hydration pump, as that it is a legitimately alien device and not just a simple tool to use. Throughout this chapter (and others) there will be references to game affects and modifying elements that cost Free actions. The use of these Free actions do not interrupt other actions or anything of the sort, they are simply additional costs to do something special or additional during your turn.

Combat Movement In a combat scene, characters and creatures are often in constant motion, using leaping, gymnastic, and tactical movements to take useful positions and get the better over their opponents.

On your turn, you can move a distance up to your current movement. You can use any amount of your movement on your turn, so long as you follow the rules detailed here. Your movement can include any form of locomotion you are capable of; jumping, climbing, flying, swimming, etc. These can be combined with your normal ground movement, or they can be your entire turn’s move. When you move however, you subtract the amount of your move from your current movement until you can move no longer or until you decide to be done moving. The “Special Movement Types” section later in this book gives the particular rules for alternate locomotion like jumping, climbing, swimming, and flying. During your move, you can choose to perform a Standard action and/or Free actions at any time while moving. This means you can use any amount of your movement before and after your actions. For example, if you have a ground movement of 30 feet, you could leap 20 feet, take a Standard action, move 5 more feet, take a Free action, then continue moving another 5 feet. If you take a Standard action as an attack action that includes more than one attack, you can choose to break up your movement between the individual attacks. For example, a Red Ranger with a 30 feet ground movement who can make two attacks with one Standard action due to their Extra Attack Role Perk. They could move 10 feet, begin their action by attacking once, then move 5 more feet before using the extra attack, then moving their last 15 feet to end their turn. During a Move action, whenever you change movement types however, you must subtract the distance you have already moved from the new movement type. If the result is 0 or less, you can no longer use that type of movement during the current move. For example, Slippery Shark has a ground movement of 40, an aquatic movement of 60, and an aerial movement of 15. The Rangers are fighting Putties 20 feet into the beach. Currently 50 feet from shore, he zooms across that distance underwater using his aquatic type of movement, then leaps out onto land to surprise the Putty-fighting Rangers. However, as that 40 minus 50 is less than 0, Slippery Shark cannot move any further and cannot engage the pesky do-gooders!



Buying Additional Movement During a creature or object’s Move action, they can choose to spend Free actions in conjunction with their Move action to ‘buy’ additional movement. While not as expedient as a Sprint action (see page 163), each Free action spent along with a creature or object’s Move action adds 5 feet to whatever type of movement they are using during the action. This additional movement is treated exactly as the rest of a normal Move action. Due to the existence of the Sprint action, someone cannot spend Free actions on buying additional movement that would double their one of their movement types.

Getting Knocked Prone Combatants in a combat can get knocked to the ground, or sometimes might choose to lie down on their own accord to hide better or become a smaller target. Whatever the reason, a creature that is lying horizontally upon the ground (or on a table, the back of a truck, etc.) is considered to be Prone, a condition described on page 187. You can choose to drop Prone without subtracting any of your movement – gravity is really doing all the work! Standing up from being Prone however, isn’t as effortless; doing so spends 15 feet worth of your movement types for the turn. If your movement types are 30 ground and 40 aerial normally, the turn in which you stand up from being Prone your movement types are modified to 15 ground and 25 aerial. If, for any reason, your movement types are reduced to 0 while Prone , you are unable to stand up that turn.

You may also choose to move while Prone, requiring you to make a crawl. While crawling, every foot you move costs an additional foot of movement, cumulative with other movement penalties.

Moving Nearby Other Creatures Unless you are two Size Classes larger than a creature (see Size Classes, below), moving through a space adjacent to a non-allied creature (note – NOT just hostiles!) is considered to be moving through Rough terrain. No matter if the creature is opposing you or not, you may never end your move in the same occupied space as another creature, unless permission is given in the creatures’ own rules – like hanging onto the side of a Megazord or boarding a moving vehicle.

Creature Size and Scale In the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game, creatures come in a variety of sizes that take up different amounts of space. The Size Classes table shows how much space a creature of a particular size controls in a combat scene. Non-creature objects, when measured for some purpose, should use the same categories.

Map Footprint While a creature or object’s Size Class is determined by its physical size, its Map Footprint is the defined area in 5 foot squares that it effectively inhabits during a combat scene. This is not necessarily the creature’s actual physical dimensions, but merely a graphic representation of it within the confines of combatting others. A typical human










Less than 4’ tall

1 Square1

2 feet

Dogs, Gremlins, Children


4’ – 8’ tall

1 Square

5 feet

Humans, Putties


8’ – 15’ tall

2x2 Square

5 feet



8’ – 10’ in length, up to 10’ in height

1x2 Rectangle

5 feet

Automobiles, Horses, Sharkcycle


15’ – 30’ tall

3x3 Square

10 feet

Giants, Smaller Upright Zords


10’ – 20’ in length, up to 15’ in height

2x4 Rectangle

10 feet

Semi-Trailers, Tanks, Elephants, Smaller Horizontal Zords

There are no penalties applied for two creatures of this Size Class sharing one Square


(Common size class) is not actually 5 feet in width, but instead moves around within and pays attention to a 5 foot by 5 foot area – 1 Square – plus can Reach an additional amount of space with their attacks, talents, and equipment.

normal map squares) for its punches and kicks, but when it wields the might Power Sword – an attack that is noted as having a x2 Reach – the MegaZord can strike at enemies up to 40 feet (8 normal map squares) away!

All 5 foot squares on the map that are touching the Map Footprint of an object/creature are considered to be adjacent to it.

Momentarily Acting Smaller

Adjustable Map Sizes? In the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game, there might be times where an entire battle takes place between larger-scaled combatants like Zords or Megazords. Their enlarged footprints and reaches can make most combat scene maps seem almost too small for any kind of tactical combat movements or maneuvers. When this occurs, it might be helpful for players to condense or adjust their map square equivalents to better accommodate these larger Size classes on a normal grid.

As that a creature’s Size Class and the space they take up is not ironclad in the narrative sense, creatures can push themselves through an area or space that is up to two Size Classes smaller than they are. Thus, a Huge-size creature that is trying to push itself through a garage entrance that is only 10 feet across can do so, but treats the entire movement as Rough Terrain.

For this to occur, one merely needs to change the map scale on an individual square basis. If the combatants are all roughly of a Gigantic Size class, a GM could treat each map square as 20’ x 20’ instead of 5’ x 5’, scaling up the map size by an amount that makes movement and maneuvering more applicable. When adjusting a combat scene’s map square equivalence, ALL other ranges and distances must have their numerical values adjusted as well. This is not necessarily a perfect way to scale things and can often leave partial map square remainders, but it tends to be more exciting and strategic than having huge chunks of a normal combat scene map taken up by two combatants’ footprints.

Reach Just as an object/creature takes up a general area on the combat scene map, they also have an area around them in which they are capable of interacting with. This is noted as the object/creature’s Reach. This value is the distance that extends from the object/creature’s Map Footprint for the purposes of being able to physically perform actions – most notably basic melee attacks. If another creature or object is within something’s Reach, it can be directly touched, grappled, punched, bitten, etc. Many melee attacks – notably those with weapons – can extend a creature’s Reach, but only for the purposes of that attack. As an example, the Towering size MegaZord has a normal Reach of 20 feet (4



While making this kind of movement, the moving creature has a Snag on all physical actions, as it is difficult to move around and act normally. Additionally, anyone targeting the creature moving in this hindered way automatically have Edge. The GM has final say as to whether or not a creature can squeeze at all however, as it would be impossible for a Megazord to squeeze into a cavern tunnel – even if it was a Gigantic-sized cavity!

Combat Actions During a combat scene, you will most often use your Standard action on your turn to take various Combat actions. Combat actions include the actions presented in this section, actions you gained from your Role Perks, other game effects, or even actions you might improvise. For GMs, many creatures and other adversaries have special Combat action options of their own in their statistic blocks. If these actions are drastically different than what are normally available, their individual information will give the details on how to use them in a combat scene. Based on the narrative situation and scene, the GM decides whether an action is possible and what you will need to do, in game terms, to determine its success or failure.

Attack Action The most common Combat action is the Attack action. Whether you are punching a foe, firing an energy arrow from a Power bow, or blazing away with blade blasters, this is covered as an attack. With this action, you normally make one melee or ranged attack. The “Attack Action” section details how the dice mechanics work to determine hits, damage, and other effects. Certain features, such as the Extra Attack Role Perk of several colors of Power Ranger, allow you to make more than one attack with this action. When this occurs, the individual attacks can take place at any time during the action/turn – as described in the chapter on Roles (starting on page 28).

Contingency Action Sometimes a character may want to get the jump on a foe or wait for a particular situation or circ*mstance to take place so they can take their action. To do so, you



can take a Contingency action on your turn. This lets you perform a predetermined action after your place in the Initiative order, but before the start of your next turn. When setting up a Contingency action, you decide what sort of situation will trigger your action – with as clearly a description as possible. Then, you choose the kind of Standard, Move, or Free action you will take when and if that trigger takes place. Examples include “If the Putty Patroller tries to grab the mayor, I’ll lay into it with my attacks,” and “If Goldar grabs the crystal, I run for the door.” When the trigger occurs, you can either take your Contingency action right after the trigger finishes or forfeit your Contingency altogether. You must take your Contingency action before the beginning of your next turn or it is automatically forfeited.

Defend Taking the Defend action allows a character to increase their defenses momentarily against any incoming attacks they are aware of. After announcing a Defend action, all attacks the character can possibly figure out how to proactively avoid or mitigate the effects will suffer a Snag on their attack roll. This benefit lasts until the beginning of the Defending character’s next turn. In the case where an attack is already suffering a Snag from another source and the target has Defended, the attack also suffers a 1 dice shift.

Hide Taking the Hide action allows you potentially duck into darkness, cover, or somewhere else where your enemies might not be able to be seen. You move into position and make an Infiltration skill check. Your numerical result on this Skill Test sets the Difficulty for other creatures’ Alertness Skill Tests to notice where you are located. You gain certain benefits when attacking from being hidden, as described in the “Hidden Attackers and Targets” section, later in this chapter.

Lend Assistance There will be times when a character might not have exactly what it takes to hit a target or complete a specific task; at least not on their own. A character may take the Lend Assistance standard action to help another character in either a specific Skill Test OR in hitting an enemy target in combat.

In a Combat scene, one character takes the Lend Assistance action while a specific target is within the acting character’s Reach. Until the beginning of that character’s next turn, the first friendly character to make an attack against the specific target gains Edge on their attack. Alternatively, a character with any levels in a given skill can Lend Assistance to another character to give them an automatic 1 shift to their use of that given skill.

Use a Non-Combat Skill This type of standard action is a sort of catch all section that covers characters deciding to do things within a Combat scene that are not combat actions. There will be times that a character needs to perform duties while the rest of the team are fighting all around them, or perhaps spotting a specific clue about a monster in the middle of the fight.

or a Snag against or for the target. In addition, Grid Powers, special abilities, and other effects can apply dice shifts up or down to your attack roll. Once all applicable dice shifts are calculated, the final skill roll shift(s) are noted. 3. Determine Applicable Defense: There are all sorts of Skill Tests that seek to impose game effects on their targets. From direct attacks that damage an opponent’s Health to mental assaults that might apply further dice penalties, or even social quips that could cripple some skills for entire scenes. In order to decide how a Skill Test or attack affects the target, the GM (and sometimes the acting player) decides which of the target’s four Defense scores is the effective Difficulty – Toughness, Evasion, Willpower, or Cleverness.

Collectively, using a non-combat skill in the middle of combat can be hectic and frustrating unless your allies can keep enemies away from you while you do whatever it is you need to do. Taking this standard action allows you to use the chosen skill normally, but for every enemy adjacent to you, your Skill Test suffers an automatic 1 dice shift for the distraction.

Sprint The Sprint action is nothing more than a way to cross more ground quickly during your turn. By taking a Standard action as a Sprint, you effectively take a Move action. Aside from special actions granting additional locomotion, this is the only way to gain additional movement during your turn.

Attack Actions No matter how you are attacking a target or targets, you must overcome one of their defenses for an attack to have any effect. Whether you’re striking with a melee weapon, firing a weapon at range, or making an attack roll as part of a Grid Power, attack actions have a simple structure. 1. Acquire Target(s): Pick a target within an attack’s Reach: a creature, an object, or a location. 2. Shift Skill Modifiers: The GM determines if there are any outlying special dice shifts, Edge,



For a target to be valid for being attacked, it must be within the potential Reach of the attack and not completely blocked by cover or other obstacles. In the case of melee attacks, that is easy to determine. If the target is within the attack’s noted Reach and not behind complete cover, it is a valid target. In the case of a Ranged Attack, the target must also not be protected by complete cover, but must be within the higher Reach value as listed (ideally within the smaller value). More on Ranged Attack Modifiers are listed later in this section. Aside from specific modifiers or traits of an attack, these factors are universal when choosing targets.

Area of Effect Attacks Some attacks will be noted as being Area of Effect attacks. These attacks will not only have a Reach, but will also note a geometric area in feet that can be arranged in a way so as to potentially hit multiple targets at once. When using an Area of Effect attack, you apply personal attack modifiers only – as that the targets of your attack are not being struck individually, their own modifiers are irrelevant. The whole area is being saturated with the attack’s effects, so the targets’ sizes and individual talents are less effective than simply the size of the area being attacked. The single attack roll result on an Area of Effect attack is applied to the targets’ Defense scores all at once. Individual targets within the area might not be affected while others are, based on their specific Defense scores.

4. Roll Attack Skill Test: Rolling a d20 and the applicable skill dice to try and equal or surpass the target’s Defense. 5. Apply Effects (If Successful): Every attack – no matter what the target’s Defense – has an applied effect if successful. Some might have multiple effects, or potentially applied multiple times; all detailed in the Skill Test involved in the attack.

Step One – Acquire Target(s) For you to make any attack, you must choose one or more valid targets – based upon the attack in question. Most attacks are simple; one attacker is trying to injure or harm one target.



For example, The Dragonzord launches a missile salvo against a parking lot full of rampaging Putties and Super Putties. The Dragonzord’s Targeting skill is an impressive D10. This attack has a natural 1 shift and an Area of Effect of 20’ x 20’, meaning it catches two Super Putties and three regular ones. Due to the Dragonzord’s Towering size trying to strike the Gigantic area, this imposes a 1 shift. The Dragonzord rolls its D20, getting an initial result of 9. It then also rolls its skill die as a D10 (with an effective 0), rolling a 5 for a total of 14. Considering all of the Super Putties in the Area of Effect have Evasion scores of 15, while basic Putties have 13s, the Putties are blown apart by the mini-missiles, but the Super Putties remain unharmed!

Multiple Targets Unlike an Area of Effect blast, attacks that target multiple foes individually with the same attack are more susceptible to individual penalties and bonuses applied per target. Instead of making a single attack skill roll versus everything in a given area, multiple skill rolls are made as part of the same attack. An attack that can have multiple direct targets will be noted as such, along with how many targets it can possibly affect. This will be noted as Multiple Targets (X), where the (X) is the maximum number of targets potentially being attacked. The attacker calculates their own personal modifiers for the attack Skill Test, and then rolls once against each target – applying any individual modifiers for each target and applying the results individually as well. For example, the Snizzard’s Tonsil Snakes attack states that it has the Multiple Targets (5) trait, allowing him to cough up an energy-draining serpent missile for each of the Power Rangers. The attack has no natural dice shift, and the Snizzard’s Large size class offers no bonus to the Rangers’ Common size. With a base Targeting of D8, each attack will roll a D20 plus a D8 and compare that result against the situational Evasion of each Power Ranger – fully modified for Reach, Cover and their own individual abilities; five separate rolls with five separate possible outcomes.

Melee Attacks Melee attacks allow you to attack a foe within an attack’s Reach. A melee attack typically uses a handheld weapon such as a Power Sword, a creature’s special equipment, or even the sword-form of a Blade Blaster. A few Grid Powers and Role Perks also involve making a melee attack. Determining if something can be the target of a Melee attack is as easy as knowing if it is within an attack’s specified Reach. Melee attacks will either use the attacker’s Size Class (see page 160) to determine its Reach, or have a numerical adjustment like +10’ or x2 Reach.

Unarmed Attacks and Martial Arts Instead of using a weapon or specified attack type to make a melee weapon attack, all creatures can potentially use an Unarmed attack: an unskilled punch, kick, head-butt, or similar lashing out. These attacks, if somehow augmented with claws, horns,

special equipment and so forth, will be noted as such in the attack itself. Aside from something especially noted, a basic Unarmed attack will use either the Might or the Finesse skill to potentially make a valid attack. However, in Power Rangers, trained use of different martial arts is completely commonplace. In fact, Power Ranger candidates are chosen for and augmented with extensive martial arts ability. It is one of the primary ways they will defend the side of good, even when caught unawares in their normal, non-Morphed state. Power Rangers, no matter when they are targeted by General Repulsa’s or Lord Zedd’s minions, are never considered to be without a weapon – they are the weapon. This is reflected in each and every Power Ranger Role having bonus Specializations they are given to focus on the martial arts they know.

Multi-Weapon Attacks Some attacks will be defined as being MultiWeapon (X) attacks. This means the attack actually comes from two or more separate weapons or implements at the same time – the (X) being the number of implements involved. Multi-Weapon attacks can take two forms – striking (X) targets or striking one target multiple times. If targeting multiple targets at once – up to (X) – then each target receives its own attack roll, with its own modifiers, etc. Multiple rolls with potentially multiple outcomes. If targeting a single target with (X) implements of the attack, a single attack roll is made against the target with a number of 1 dice shifts for the attack equal to (X) minus one. For example, the four-armed Vitruvian Man Giant has an attack, Body Blows, with the Multi-Weapon (3) trait. When going toe-to-toe with the Alien Rangers, both of equal size, it chooses to focus all of these attacks on Corcus’ Black Battle Borg. The Man Giant’s Might skill is already a D8, meaning that focusing all of these punches on a single target grants a 2 (3-1) dice shift on the attack – allowing the alien monster to roll a D20 and a hefty D12 to land blows on the Black Battle Borg!

Grappling When you want to grab a creature or wrestle with it, you can use a special Melee attack in the form of a Grapple action. The target of your grapple must be no more than



two Size classes larger than you and must be within your basic Reach. This is a special Unarmed attack that specifically applies against the Evasion defense of the target. Additionally, there is a 1 dice shift for each Size class larger the target is (up to two!). If successful, the target is Grappled. A Grappled target: • Can, as a Standard Action, try to escape with Athletics, Brawn, or Finesse Skill Test versus the Grappler’s Toughness. • Suffer a Snag on all other Skill Tests. • Grant Edge to all Melee attacks that target their Evasion defense. • Cannot use Move actions.

Ranged Attacks When you make a ranged attack, you fire a Power Bow or a Blade Blaster, hurl a piece of debris, or otherwise send projectiles to strike a foe at a distance. A creature might blasts from its eyes, launch pineapple missiles, or project a concentrated stream of goo.


The primary difference between any melee attack and a ranged attack is how its Reach is defined. Ranged attacks instead have two numerical values listed – Reach 50/200, for example. The first number is the effective normal Reach of the attack. Any target at that Reach or closer can be attacked with no Reach penalty. The second number is the maximum Reach the attack can target. If the distance is greater than the first number but still within the second, the attack can still be made – but with a Snag. RANGED ATTACKS IN CLOSE COMBAT

Ranged attacks require the user to be a little further away from the target to be truly well-aimed. If an attacker targets something with a Ranged attack that is within its own Size Class’ natural Reach, the attack suffers an automatic 1 dice shift on the attack. AIMING RANGED ATTACKS

Unlike the chaotic blur of blocks, parries, and physical movements of a close combat, making a ranged combat attack will sometimes have moments of calm or preparation that can be used to aid in taking the shot. During a combat scene, if a combatant does not move on their turn and spends Free actions to Aim their ranged attack, they receive a 1 dice shift per Free action spent, to a maximum of 3 from aiming. After all, a shot can only be so focused upon!

Step Two – Shift Skill Modifiers Once an attack’s targets have been chosen and verified as being valid by the GM, the attacker needs to determine what dice they will be rolling to try and affect the target with their attack. Skill modifiers will come in four varieties – Shift Up, Shift Down, Edge, and Snag – just like with any other Skill Test (See Skills, page 79). These modifiers can come from a number of different sources, and are all applied to the Skill Test. Like the weight calibration on a manual scale, each modifier moves the type of Skill Die being rolled up and down the scale of dice – eventually landing on the final Skill Die that will be rolled alongside a D20 (plus all lower skill dice, if Specialized). While the GM has final say on what should be a Skill Test/attack’s modifiers, this section explains where the primary skill modifiers come from.





















































































































Attack Classification

• Low wall

Some attacks, or equipment that provides attacks, will have natural dice shifts worked into their description. This can be from particularly powerful strikes, specialized munitions, or the commonplace accuracy – or inaccuracy – of the weapon.

• Large piece of furniture

Some attacks might actually have multiple shift skill modifiers, each one based upon a certain circ*mstance. For example, the anti-tank rifles that U.S. military troops wield against the gigantic monsters that Rita and Zedd unleash upon the world (before the Power Rangers arrive to save the day, of course!) have a natural 1 dice shift when attacking Huge Size class or larger targets, but are noted to suffer a 2 dice shift when trying to hit targets of any smaller Size class.

Cover Walls, trees, creatures, and other obstacles can provide Cover during combat, making a target more difficult to hit with ranged attacks. A target can benefit from cover only when an attack or other effect originates on the opposite side of the cover. There are two levels of cover. If a target is behind multiple kinds of cover, only the highest level of cover applies. Cover imposes a 2 dice shift on ranged attacks against the character taking cover. In order to have cover, at least half or more of their body mass, such as a:

• Car or other vehicle • Tree trunk A target with Total Cover can’t be targeted directly, although some special attacks may mitigate or eliminate this. A target has total cover if it is completely concealed by an obstacle or much larger creature.

Size Class Variations There will be many situations in the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game where combatants of drastically different Size Classes will be fighting against one another. Just as it is easy for a mosquito to land on and bite a human, or a human to hit the side of a building with a baseball, it is easier for smaller targets to land attacks upon larger targets. Conversely, it takes special tools or focus for a human to swat said mosquito – especially when it is trying to get out of the way! The Table 10-2 shows the basic skill dice shifts for attacks based upon the creatures’ Size Class. It should be noted that, in the case of Area of Effect attacks, the attacker compares his own Size Class to the Size Class of the Area being affected – NOT the Size Classes of the targets within.



Hidden Attackers and Targets Stealth can be key in a Combat Scene, and combatants often try to get the better of their enemies by hiding, activating a cloaking device, or lurking in shadows. Attacking a target that you can’t fully see, like shooting at shadows, imposes an automatic Snag on the attack Skill Test. This happens when you’re guessing the target’s location or you’re targeting a creature you can hear but not see. You automatically miss if the GM determines the target isn’t in the location you targeted. A crafty GM will not tell you if you miss from a lack of target or simply a poor roll. Conversely, when a combatant can’t see you, you gain Edge on any attack Skill Tests targeting it. Unless you have some kind of stealth-based attack (a silenced weapon, for example) to use with the attack while

hidden—taking care to be both unseen and unheard— when you make an attack, you automatically give away your location when the attack hits or misses.

Situational Modifiers There will be moments where the GM decides an attack should be easier or more difficult to make a successful attack that do not fall under an existing rule or special trait. These are collectively called Situational Modifiers, and are under the jurisdiction of the GM as to whether or not they should be applied. Some good examples of Situational Modifiers are: Skill Shift Up (1) • Attacker on higher ground in Melee • Target is mired in mud or quicksand • Attacker has surprised the target • Defending target is drunk or inebriated • Attacker has weapon poised and touching target Skill Shift Down (1) • Terrible weather in combat scene • Fighting with a weapon too large or too small for attacker’s Size • Attacker fighting while prone • Attacker partially bound/tied up • Defending target is moving incredibly fast

TABLE 10-3: THE SKILL LADDER BASE DIE TYPE Critical Success Auto Success [3d6] [2d8] d12 d10 d8 d6 d4 d2 Base Die Auto Fail Fumble



Possible Dice Shifts Beyond Skill Levels When shifting up or down the “Skill dice type”, the progression looks like the following table. This does not reflect what player characters can have normally, but rather more shows the adjustable nature of certain effects from abilities/monsters/ NPCs/Size Class differences, etc. There are a number of effects on the Table 10-3 that are not just a simple skill dice type. These are detailed as follows: • Single d20 = The test is rolled with a single d20 as if you have levels in the skill, but without any Skill Dice. • Auto Fail = The test being rolled for is a failure, no dice are rolled. • Fumble = The test being rolled for is a failure, and the GM determines some kind of detrimental effect takes place. • (2d8) = The normal dice for the test are rolled, but with the skill die replaced by 2d8 as if they were a single dice to be rolled in the normal skill die progression • (3d6) = The normal dice for the test are rolled, but with the skill die replaced by 3d6 as if they were a single dice to be rolled in the normal skill die progression. • Auto Success = The player MAY choose not to roll the dice and take the most basic form of success on the test being rolled for. If they roll the dice, they do so with 3D6 as their bonus dice – but must accept the result of the roll. • Critical Success = This is treated as an Auto Success result, but if the player decides to roll the dice, they will attain a Critical Effect if their result would be a success – no matter the results on the dice themselves. •  = These are steps on the Dice Shift scale that are not attainable as ‘normal’ positions by Player Characters. They are only used on account of Shifts from Size, skills, equipment, or special circ*mstances.

Step Three – Determine Applicable Defense In the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game, there are four standard Defenses that all creatures possess. These four Defenses are calculated based upon a creature’s primary Essence Scores – Strength, Speed, Smarts, and Social.

Each primary Essence Ability has a Defense associated to it, calculated simply by adding 10 to the Essence Ability’s numerical value. • Toughness Defense = 10 + Strength • Evasion Defense = 10 + Speed • Willpower Defense = 10 + Smarts • Cleverness Defense = 10 + Social Whenever being targeted by an attack’s Skill Test, one of these Defenses must be determined to be applicable against the attack. In most cases, the attack’s situation itself will determine what Defense is used against it. Toughness is used whenever the target is not trying or unable to avoid the attack, but instead trying to physically shrug off or ignore the effects of the attack. This is also used when a target cannot possibly evade an attack (held in place, lightspeed munitions, etc.). It should be noted that some targets may choose to use their Toughness against an attack by actively NOT dodging and “absorbing the blow” or some such, only to discover that the attack has more effects based on making any form contact – not just the normal physical damage of the attack! Evasion is used whenever the target is simply getting out of the way of an attack somehow. Deftly dodging, outpacing, agile contortions; all that matters is the target is not touched by the attack. Unless specifically noted by a special ability or situation, the target must be aware of the attack in order to use its Evasion Defense – if it cannot, the GM may choose the Toughness Defense can be used in its place, and oftentimes with a dice shift up for the attacker! Willpower is used when the target must mentally weather an attack. Potentially caused from psychic manifestations, mentalism, or even just extremely confusing mathematics, attacks that target Willpower rarely inflict traditional damage, but instead impose other forms of penalties or game altering effects upon the target. Cleverness is used when a skill or attack specifically harms the reputation, posturing, or immediate popularity of a target. Rarely used as the target of a normal combat attack, but are more likely to happen as a sort “social combat” scene where sides are taking conversational shots at one another instead of those with firearms. The “damage” inflicted versus Cleverness is chalked up in penalties to other skills, loss of clout with contacts, and a number of narrative effects.



Step Four – Roll Attack Skill Test Once the GM agrees on the applicable Defense for the attack, the attacker can grab his appropriate dice and make the roll! This is treated just as any other Skill Test in the game, except the Difficulty is set as the applicable Defense of the target. Just like with any other kind of Skill Test, if the attacker has an applicable Specialization in the skill being used for the attack, they are allowed to roll all Skill Dice equal to AND lower (d2, d4, etc.) than their current adjusted Skill Dice Level (after modifiers), keeping the highest individual result. Success/Failure - If the attack roll result meets or exceeds the target’s Defense, the attack is successful. If it does not, the attack fails to negatively affect the target in any substantial way – although the GM could describe some narrative effects of near misses and the like. Fumble – If the result of the d20 part of the roll is a natural ‘1’ AND the skill roll fails, this is considered a Fumble, and should have some kind of narrative description of a major mistake. Lost footing, jammed firearm, dropped weapon, etc. Characters learn from their mistakes, so a Fumble also grants them a Story Point for their pool to reflect this. Critical Success – If the result of the Skill Dice portion (not including the d2 result) of the roll is showing the highest number value on one or more Skill Dice AND the skill roll is successful, this is considered a Critical Success. Whatever kinds of base effects the attack could have – the attacker may choose to stack on an additional attack effect. In many cases this will simply be choosing the damaging effect a second time, but many attacks will have alternate and additional effects like skill penalties, knocking Prone, forfeiting actions, etc. These will be noted in the attack’s profile.

Step Five – Apply Effects (If Successful) If the attack is successful, some kind of negative effect is applied. Depending on what exactly the dice roll result, there are varying levels of game effects as a result of the Skill Test. Most attacks will simply inflict one or more damage. Others might have narrative or other game effects that take place if they are successful, as detailed in the attacks themselves. Some examples of non-damage based effects are as follows:



• A Toughness-based toxin that knocks the target unconscious • A Toughness-based stunner that reduces Initiative • An Evasion-based webbing that reduces Move speed to 0 • An Evasion-based tracker that will allow the target to be tracked remotely • A Willpower-based hypnotic attack that forces a target to waste actions • A Cleverness-based stink attack that makes others want to avoid the target and not speak with them.

Degrees of Success Any attack’s effects that can be given a numerical value can also be applied multiple times if an attack Skill Test result is particularly high, the target’s Defense is low, or a mixture of both. If the attack roll doubles the target’s Defense, apply the numerical effect (Damage, lost actions, etc.) twice. If the attack roll triples the Defense, apply the numerical value of the effects three times, and so on. This allows better skill levels to be rewarded for particularly good aim, larger doses administered, etc.

Damage and Healing Injury and the risk of death are constant companions of those who take on the forces of evil on behalf of goodness and light. The thrust of a sword, a well-placed laser blast, or a volley of energy baseballs from Babe Ruthless; all have the potential to damage, or even kill, the hardiest of creatures.

Health Health represents a combination of physical and mental durability, the will to live, and luck. Creatures with more Health are more difficult to defeat. Those with fewer Health are more fragile and easier to force into submission. A creature’s Health can be any number from the creature’s maximum Health to a numerical value of 0. This represents how bruised, battered, or otherwise injured they are. Whenever a creature takes damage, that damage is subtracted from its current Health. When someone or something reaches zero Health, it is Defeated.

Damage Types While all physical damage affects Health, different attacks and damaging abilities deal different types of damage. Damage types have no rules of their own,

but other rules, such as a target’s special Resistance to types of damage, rely on the types to be defined. The damage types follow, with examples to help a GM assign a damage type to a new effect. Acid: The corrosive spray of Oysterizer’s and Finster’s chemicals deal acid damage. Blunt: Bludgeon-based force attacks—hammers, falling, constriction, and the like—deal blunt damage. Cold: The infernal chill radiating from an ice alien’s blasts and the frigid Snow Monster’s very touch deal cold damage. Electric: A high voltage bolt loosed by Snizzard’s apple or the crimson bolts from Lord Zedd’s staff deal both would be said to deal electric damage. Energy: Laser blasts, raw energy beams, and many other Morphin Grid items unleash raw energy attacks. If an attack is not a physical force, but cannot be defined by any other type (Cold, Fire, etc.), it is considered to be simply energy damage. Fire: The Flame Head monster emits fire, and many game effects create flames to deal fire damage.



Ceramics, Cloth, Glass


T-Shirt, Home Window

Flimsy Wood, Drywall


Thin Board, Internal Apartment Wall

Standard Wood, Thin Plastics, Reinforced Glass


Household Door, Plastic Toy, Shatterproof Windshield

Thick Wood, Standard Plastics, Weak Stone, Thin Metal


Fancy Door, Picnic Table, Fiberglass, Roadsign

Reinforced Plastics and Wood, Standard Stone and Weak Metal


Riot Shield, Heavy Banded Door, SemiTrailer Wall

Formidable Plastics, Thick Stone, Standard Metal, Advanced Composites


Bulletproof “Glass”, Detroit Steel Car Body, Kevlar Plating

Reinforced Metal and Composites, Alien Superdense Materials


Titanium, Bulkhead Door, Horathi Alloys, S.P.D. Capture Cuffs


Poison: The spray and bites of the Goo Fish breath deal poison damage. Psychic: Mental abilities such as a psionic blast deal psychic damage. Sharp: Puncturing, slicing, and impaling attacks, including spears and monsters’ bites, swords, axes, and the like deal sharp damage. Sonic: A concussive burst of sound, such as the roar of the Tigerzord, deals sonic damage.

Resistance to Damage Types If something is Resistant or has Resistance to a specific type of damage, that means that any form of that damage always has a Snag when rolling tests to apply to the creature or object. If there is not a test being rolled, the damage is automatically halved (round up). DAMAGING OBJECTS AND ITEMS

Although most targets of Attack actions will be creatures, vehicles, and other characters with their own stat blocks to compare and contrast with, there can be many situations where an object or item is attacked directly in the hopes of destroying it, or a portion thereof. If the object/item being targeted is being held by a creature or character, the attacker should use the



holding creature’s Evasion defense to try and strike the item specifically, but applying the effective Size class of the object, NOT the holding creature’s, to modify the attack Skill Test. If successful, the object takes the effect(s) of the attack. In the case of a character or creature targeting an object or item that is not possessed by another individual, the object/item may only defend against the attack with its inherent Toughness. In some cases, GMs could apply dice shifts to the attack based on particularly big or small objects being targeted. The base Toughness defenses of objects are based on what they are predominantly made of, based on the examples on Table 10-4. The amount of damage an object can suffer before it is utterly destroyed is ultimately determined by its Size and the Size of the source of the damage. If the source of the damage is a Ranged attack, each point of damage inflicted ruins (broken, shattered, not utterly disintegrated) up to a 5’x5’x5’ volume of that object OR the listed Area of Effect of the attack (whichever is larger) worth of the object. For example, Flame Head wants to clear away a section of construction site outdoor toilets to find Bulk and Skull. The GM states the walls of the green



water-closets are Standard Plastic, so a Toughness of 15. Flame Head rolls his Breathe Fire attack and gets a 17 - success! Normally the ranged attack would simply blow up a single outdoor toilet, but because the attack has an Area of Effect of 25’x25’, the whole row of porto-potties are melted and destroyed, leaving the two cowardly troublemakers exposed and frightened! If the source of the damage is a Melee attack, each point of damage inflicted ruins up to the attacker’s Map Footprint worth of the object. It should be noted that this could lead to the mass destruction of property like buildings and sections of wooded forest, etc. Depending on how this sort of thing is handled by the player characters, such wanton disregard for public property could cause problems for them in the future! For example, Trini the Yellow Ranger needs to bash through locked wooden double doors in an office building to save Jason, who is being held on the other side. The GM explains that the doors have a Toughness of 10 for standard wood. Trini rolls her Finesse (Karate) skill and gets a 21 - a Critical Hit! Her Martial Arts attacks normally inflict 1 Damage, making this worth 2! Two, 5’x5’ sections of the object - both double doors - splinter and buckle open from the power of her kick!

Defeat and Healing Damage Damage isn’t permanent. When a creature is reduced to zero Health, it is Defeated. When a creature is Defeated, it can no longer take actions normally, but can spend one of their team’s Story Points to momentarily act as though they have not been Defeated. All kinds of Defeat, even death, is theoretically reversible through powerful technology or mysterious magics. When defeated, you and your GM determine what manner of way the defeat is done. When defeated, no matter how much damage is done to defeat you, you are reduced to zero Health (i.e. a 4 damage hit when you have 1 Health remaining reduces you to 0, not -3). Rest can restore a creature’s Health, and Power-based methods such as the helping hand Spectrum Role feature or a nanotech healing kit can remove damage in an instant. When a creature receives healing of any kind, Health regained are added to its current Health. A creature’s Health can’t exceed its potential maximum. For example, a Blue Ranger grants their teammate 3 points of healing. If the target has 4 current Health and has a maximum of 6, they regain 2 Health from the Blue Ranger, not 3.

GMs should have their monsters, minions, and other enemy creatures become Defeated the instant it drops to 0 Health. This does not necessarily mean they are killed, it could be a more narrative end – like Putties exploding into their clay chunks, a summoned monster returning to where it came, a recurring character being transported away by its watchful masters on the Moon, etc. Mighty villains and special nonplayer characters are common exceptions; the GM might have them simply fall unconscious and follow the same rules as player characters to see if they are truly defeated. A creature that the GM determines Defeated means dead or destroyed cannot regain Health until something truly powerful has been applied, such as a revivify matrix, has restored it to life.

Natural Healing In addition to the benefits of Perks, Powers, and skills, a character who rests for six hours heals all Damage and recovers one Essence Point, if applicable.

Getting Knocked Out of Your Morphed Form As explained under the It’s Morphin Time! Spectrum Role Perk that all Power Rangers possess, your Morphed power shell protects your normal body from harm. When reduced to 0 Health, you may choose to avoid Defeat by automatically returning to your natural form, unconscious, and at 1 Health.



For example, Tommy goes to take a roundhouse kick at a Putty who just teleported into the parking lot next to him. Tommy’s Might (Karate) is a D8. Both Tommy and the Putty are of Common size, so no modifier is applied. This normal close combat attack doesn’t have any special modifiers. Tommy rolls a d20 as normal, plus his skill die of D8. Because the kick falls under his Karate specialization, meaning that he also rolls a D6, D4, and a D2. The d20 result is an 11. The respective dice rolls for the skill dice are 5, 6, 3, and 2. The 6 is the highest result, adding to the d20 result of 11 for 17. The Putty has a Toughness (Strength-based defense plus their Ping! armor trait) of 15. 17 is greater than 15, so Tommy’s roundhouse kick hits perfectly and the Putty, having only one Health, explodes into pieces!

Other Forms of Combat Mounted Combat A wild west Power Ranger charging into battle on a mustang, a Horathi guerilla scouting the area from the back of a rock drake, or an Aquitian surfing the coral reef from between the fins of a dolphin all enjoy the benefits of speed and mobility that a mount can provide. A willing creature that is at least one Size class larger (and not two Size classes smaller) than you and that has an appropriate anatomy can serve as a mount, using the following rules.

Mounting and Dismounting


Controlling a Mount While mounted, you can either personally control the mount or allow it to have independent action. Intelligent creatures, such as some aliens or sentient constructs, prefer to act independently – whether or not there is a rider involved. During a Combat scene, the mount’s place in the Initiative order changes to match yours when you mount it. It acts as you direct it, but every action you impose the mount to take costs you one Free action. An independently acting mount rolls and keeps its own place in the Initiative order. As that having no rider puts no restrictions on the actions the mount can take, and it moves and acts as it wishes – but clever characters might use their Animal Handling or Persuasion skills to try and convince it to act a certain way.

Underwater Combat When Rangers pursue Goo Fish into a polluted lake, fight off Slippery Shark in an ancient shipwreck, or find themselves in a flooded Dark Dimension chamber, they must fight in a challenging environment – Underwater. The following rules apply. When making a melee attack action, something without an aquatic movement type suffers a Snag on the attack skill roll unless the weapon is specifically crafted for underwater use. Making a ranged attack action suffers a 3 dice shift beyond the weapon’s normal Reach. Even against a target within normal Reach, the attack roll has a Snag unless the weapon is a Power weapon, or any weapon designed to shoot through water.

Once during a Move action, you can Mount or Dismount a non-hostile creature that is within your Reach. This expends 15 feet of ground movement. For example, if your normal ground movement is 30 feet, you must expend 15 feet of movement to mount a horse. If you don’t have 15 feet of ground movement left, you cannot mount the horse.

Fire type attacks against creatures and objects that are fully immersed in water suffer an automatic 2 dice shift.

If something moves your mount against its will while you’re mounted upon it, a Difficulty 12 Athletics or Acrobatics Skill Test is necessary to avoid falling off the mount, landing Prone in a space within 5 feet of it. If you’re Defeated or somehow made forcibly Prone while similarly mounted, the skill check remains the same.

Characters will frequently board vehicles of various kinds, from taking a city bus across town, to hopping in an army hum-vee, and of course – their Zords. Oftentimes, they will have to engage combat while mounted within a vehicle.


Vehicle Combat

Vehicle combat is treated much the same way as combat between normal creatures and characters, except for a few specific rules differences and notations. Vehicles are treated like special creatures with their own stat block. This explains the basic

functions of the vehicle, like speed, Defenses, Health, etc. But it also shows some vehicle-specific information including how many drivers/passengers it can hold, how many hardpoint (attached and integral) weapon attacks it’s passengers can call upon, and any special rules the vehicle might possess.

Embarking and Disembarking Getting in and out of a vehicle requires a little attention, fast feet, and a vehicle to not be moving too fast. Embarking and disembarking a vehicle functions the exact same way as mounting and dismounting a creature, except the vehicle in question must have room enough for the character to do so and it must not have moved in the same turn.

Crew Each vehicle has a listed Crew statistic in a numerical format. Some vehicles might show two numbers here, separated by a slash. The first number is the required number of proficient drivers the vehicle needs in order to move at full movement, otherwise it may only reach half its listed movement per turn. The second crew number is the number of passengers that the vehicle can comfortably fit. For example, an armored car might have a crew statistic of 1/5 – one driver, and five riding passengers.

Alternatively, if the vehicle has any hardpoint weapons, or weapons that are built into the vehicle itself, they can be used to make the attack action instead. In this case, the weapon is designed to compensate for the locomotion of the vehicle, and the crew member makes the attack normally. Each hardpoint weapon may only be selected to make one attack action per turn, no matter how many crew are available to use them. For hardpoint weapons, there are also a number of additional weapon properties that can affect how the weapon is used, but the general method of attack does not otherwise change. Take note, these attacks are still effectively coming from the vehicle for Size class modifier purposes, but the crew members use their own Targeting skills.

Seacraft Combat Whether or the back of a jet-ski, on board a giant private yacht, or maybe just rowing across the lake to sneak into the old summer camp on the other side – there could always be a chance that a conflict could erupt while floating or skimming along the surface of the water. Combat while on board seacraft is treated exactly like common land vehicle combat, with two important exceptions.

Attacking From a Land Vehicle

Disembarking From Seacraft

Keeping in mind the attacking vehicle and target’s Size-class for overall modifiers, everyone on board a vehicle can, on their own Initiative, attack from their vehicle, if the GM determines it possible.

If a crew member on a seacraft wishes to disembark in a turn that it has moved, or wishes to make an emergency disembark (see Defeat of a Vehicle, below), it must pass a DIF 10 Athletics or Acrobatics Skill Test to dive in and swim normally starting from any adjacent space to the seacraft. Creatures with a natural aquatic movement pass this Skill Test automatically.

Drivers with at least a D4 level in the Driving skill are allowed to use their own Initiative modifiers to determine their Initiative. If they are not skilled and are just making do, they are forced to use roll Initiative for it separately instead, replacing their own as they try to control the vehicle. On a crew member’s individual Initiative, they may choose to take their turn and perform a Standard action as normal – if the GM allows that sort of action to take place while embarked. Of these actions, vehicle crew can make an attack action.

Sink or Swim When a seacraft is reduced to 0 Health, whether or not it explodes, it begins to sink. An unexploded seacraft sinks at a rate of 1d4 feet per round. An exploded wreck sinks much faster, at a rate of 2d6 feet per round. Any crew remaining on board or within a sinking seacraft will potentially begin to drown, at a rate to be noted by the GM.

Crew can attack with their own handheld weaponry (if the GM decides there are fire ports, windows, etc.), making the attack as normal but with a Snag, due to the rocking, rolling, and overall motion of the vehicle.



Aerospace Combat

Zero-G Combat

Zooming around in airplanes, riding in helicopters, or blasting off with a personal jetpack, there are many instances where combat takes place far above the ground and in the clouds. While automatically more dangerous than simple rolling down the highway on four wheels, the concept of aerospace combat is rudimentarily the same – merely with higher consequences.

While the real life physics and science behind vehicular combat in space are extremely important and required to survive such maneuvers, like regular Aerospace combat, such things are handled in a more simplified form.

In reality, most aerospace combat is extremely fast and offers milliseconds to act as they blast by their targets, or perhaps hover nearby to unleash payloads upon ground targets. In the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game,, a more simplified version of flying-based combat is used in order to grasp a more action-packed and narrative feel to these kinds of combat elements. For game purposes, treat all aerospace combatants simply as vehicles using an aerial movement instead of a ground movement as locomotion. Like creatures with an aerial movement, they must always move forward unless they possess a way to specifically hover (VTOLs, helicopters).

Disembarking From Aerospace Vehicles

Combat between spacecraft, alien beings in zero-G situations, and or a combination thereof, is treated basically like common aerospace combat in all ways, save that a vehicle that can travel in zero-G will have a second, lower aerial movement in parenthesis after the first. This number is the mandatory amount of movement the flyer must use in a zero-G combat per turn, unless it is able to hover. Additionally, unless the GM determines the environment to account for it, it is not possible for a flyer in zero-G to be made Prone or crash.

Defeat of a Vehicle Being inside a heavily armed and armored vehicle can be a great source of protection for the crew inside – until something breaks through that protection. That is when a racing vehicle can suddenly become a fiery death trap.

It makes a certain amount of sense that crew that wish to disembark – emergency or otherwise – from a flying aerospace vehicle had better possess some way to either fly on their own or have safety gear that will allow them to float somehow harmlessly to the ground.

When a vehicle in combat is somehow made Prone or is moved into a space containing narrative elements that are impassible for that vehicle (a building, for example) – it crashes.

Wheoeoeoeo… and Boom!

• The vehicle is considered to have all movement types reduced to 0 until repaired

Aerospace vehicles are infinitely more dangerous because of their speeds and their altitude. Unless they are slowed down and are falling down from a height, they will surely end in a fireball of combusted fuel and mechanisms. Aerospace vehicles that crash – for any reason – automatically explode (see Defeat of a Vehicle, below). Vehicles that currently are hovering ignore this, but still take the appropriate amount of falling damage. Note, hovering does not mean the vehicle cannot explode normally, merely that it does not do so automatically!

A vehicle that crashes has the following effects applied:

• Each hardpoint weapon must pass a DIF 14 Brawn Skill Test or become useless until repaired • The vehicle suffers 1 Blunt Damage per 10 feet of movement it had taken on its last move before crashing (this could be from earlier in a round or on the previous round). • Each crew member must pass a DIF 13 Athletics or Acrobatics Skill Test to emergency disembark and leap free of the crashing vehicle. Success places them in an adjacent space to the vehicle, prone, and inflicts 1d2 points of Blunt Damage. • Crew members that remain in the vehicle when it crashes suffer half the damage the vehicle does from the impact.



When a vehicle reaches 0 Health for any reason, it must immediately make a DIF 14 Brawn Skill Test. If it succeeds, the vehicle merely crashes (if it had not already). Unless it has protection noted against it (as Morphin Grid Zords do), a vehicle failing that save instead explodes. When a vehicle explodes, it inflicts a randomly rolled amount of fire damage to everything in a given area of effect, both of which are based on the Size-class of the vehicle in question. Everyone and everything in that area of effect can pass a DIF 14 Athletics or Acrobatics Skill Test for half damage. This table shows how large and damaging the explosion is.

What About Megazord Combat? Fighting in a Combined Form, like what happens when a Power Ranger team combines their Morphin Grid Zords into larger, more powerful forms, functions more like fighting as an individual combatant with a few additional rules. This is discussed under the Combiner Zord Feature, found on page 139.





Common – Long

15’ from edge of vehicle’s 2d2 Damage Footprint

Jet Pack, Motorcycle, Skimobile, Automobiles

Huge – Gigantic

30’ from edge of vehicle’s 2d4 Damage Footprint

Construction Rigs, Small Speedboat, Lift Crane

Extended II – Towering

45’ from edge of vehicle’s 2d6 Damage Footprint

Jet Plane, Semi Truck, Tanker

Extended III Titanic

Entire Scene

Aircraft Carrier, Bullet Train, Orbital Rocket


2d8 Damage

This explosion is so large, everything in the combat must try and avoid damage.






hile it may seem like the Power Rangers are always embroiled in some sort of combat, there is a lot of time in which your character will be investigating for a mission, learning about what Threats may be coming to Angel Grove, traveling


to other areas where there is trouble, or just participating in normal every day activity. During these activities, you will be interacting with the environment around you, and certain rules of time, physics, and biology apply.



It will be a rare occurrence when keeping track of the passage of time is important, but in those cases, the GM determines the time a task requires. The GM will determine how long a task takes and what scale of time will be used. For example, when exploring a laboratory or cave, the characters’ movement may happen on a scale of minutes but it may take hours to trek by foot across the city.

Movement is an integral part of every day life, let alone thrilling adventures as a Power Ranger. Whether you need to swim out to a boat off-shore, sneak down a darkened school hallway, scale the walls of a hidden lair, or climb up the side of a volcano, all sorts of movement will come into play as you go on missions.

On the whole, for basic investigation of an area, the scale of time used is in minutes. It is safe to assume that it takes about a minute to creep down a long hallway, another minute to check for locks or traps on the door at the end of the hall, and a good ten minutes to search the room beyond for anything interesting or valuable to a mission. When traveling by foot in a large city like Angel Grove or out in the wilderness, a scale of hours is often more appropriate. Rangers eager to reach the secret hideout in the middle of a sandy desert hurry across those fifteen miles in just under four hours’ time. For long journeys, a scale of days works best. A long road trip by car across the country would take four uneventful days, including resting and eating but without other stops. It could easily be a few days into the travel time before a Putty Patrol would ambush interrupts their journey. The use of air travel can cut down on long distance travel time significantly, but many Rangers would not have access to the funds it would require to purchase plane tickets and would generally rely on their own vehicles, Zords, tools from Zordon, and their own two feet to get around. In combat and other fast-paced situations, the game relies on rounds. Each round is a 6-second span of time, with 10 rounds equaling one minute. Certain Perks and Powers last a number of minutes, so it is handy to remember that if you are in combat and a Perk lasts for 1 minute, you have 10 turns before it goes away.

While movement in combat is covered in that chapter, between all of the action, characters still need to move from one place to another. Because the exact amount of time isn’t as important out of combat, the GM can summarize the Rangers’ movement without calculating exact distances or travel times. For example, the GM may say, “You travel from Angel Grove to the National Park and find where the meteor crashed late in the evening of the third day.” Even in a city, particularly a bustling area like downtown Angel Grove, the GM can summarize movement between encounters: “After killing the putty patrollers at the entrance to the Angel Grove Aquarium, you consult your map, which leads you through the darkened city streets to an unsuspecting candle shop flanked by two pawn shops.” Sometimes it is actually important to know how long it takes to get from one spot to another, whether the answer is in days, hours, or minutes. The rules for determining travel time depend on three factors: the Movement Rating, the travel pace of the creatures moving, and the terrain they are moving over.

Movement Rating Every character and Threat has a Movement Rating, which is the distance in feet that they can move in 1 round, which is six seconds of time, as described in Chapter 10: Combat. This number assumes short bursts of energetic movement in the middle of a life-threatening situation. With adrenaline pumping, these types of movements are quite reasonable. A normal person, no matter how many Powers, would not be able to keep up that pace for very long, however. The following rules determine how far someone can move in a minute, an hour, or a day.



Travel Pace While traveling, a group of Rangers can move at a normal, fast, or slow pace, as shown on the Travel Pace table. The table states how far the party can move in a period of time and whether the pace has any effect. A fast pace makes characters less perceptive, while a slow pace makes it possible to sneak around and to search an area more carefully. The Travel Pace table assumes that characters travel for 8 hours in a day. They can push on beyond that limit, but they will get tired. For each additional hour of travel beyond 8 hours, the characters cover the distance shown in the Hour column for their pace, but each character must make a DIF 12 (+ 1 for each hour past 8 hours) Exhaustion (Brawn) Skill Test at the end of each hour. On a failed check, a character loses one Strength Essence until they have slept for at least six hours.

Mounts and Vehicles For short spans of time, generally up to a few hours, most animals move much faster than people. A character riding a horse can ride at a gallop for about an hour, covering twice the usual distance for a fast pace. If fresh mounts are available every 8 to 10 miles, characters can cover larger distances at this pace, but this is very rare in most urban areas, as most people do not own horses or other mounts. Characters in ground vehicles, such as cars or motorcycles, can travel at much faster speeds, but they will need to purchase fuel, which is generally an easy Wealth Check but may be unavailable in remote locations. Characters in a waterborne vessel or aircraft are limited to the speed of the vessel, but they don’t suffer penalties for a fast pace or gain benefits from a slow pace since they are not exerting effort on their own and can sleep while traveling. Depending on the vessel and the size of the crew, ships might be able to travel for up to 24 hours per day, rotating captains to pilot the way while others rest.

Zords allow characters to travel more swiftly but are subject to their own limitations of use, outlined in Chapter 9.

Rough Terrain Despite some of the tales from Angel Grove, combat cannot always take place in a wide open field or park. City streets dotted with cars, alien valleys full of crystals, rocky gorges cast with boulders; there are no limits as to what might be the next place the Rangers find themselves embattled. These sorts of places will be littered with rough terrain. The travel speeds given in the Travel Pace table assume relatively simple terrain: roads, open plains, or clear hallways. But Rangers often face dense forests, sandy beaches, destroyed buildings, steep mountains, and ice-covered ground—all considered rough terrain. Moving through rough terrain costs 1 extra foot of movement per foot traveled, cumulative with other movement penalties. This is a blanket rule, applying no matter how many types of rough terrain are present in a given area being moved through.

Special Types of Movement In addition to base Ground Movement, your Ranger may need to swim, crawl, climb, or jump to get to wherever they need to go. Perhaps your Ranger needs to crawl behind some cover to avoid being seen or jump up onto a tall structure to gain some advantage on a direct line of sight. There are guidelines for every special type of movement, so your character can accomplish whatever you need them to do.








Slow (foot)

200 ft.

2 mi.

18 mi.

20 ft.

Able to use Infiltration

Normal (foot)

300 ft.

3 mi.

24 mi.

30 ft.


Fast (foot)

400 ft.

4 mi.

36 mi.

40 ft.

 dice shift to Alertness Skill Tests

Ground Vehicle

1 mi.

60 mi.

1440 mi.

528 ft.

Driver receives Snag on Alertness Skill Tests



Climbing, Swimming, and Crawling While climbing, swimming, or crawling your character’s movement is halved, unless a creature has a climbing or swimming speed or has special equipment to help them, such as Climbing Gear. At the GM’s discretion, climbing certain surfaces, such as the side of a glass building or a wall without sufficient handholds requires a successful Athletics Skill Test. The GM may assign other applicable Skill Tests for specific circ*mstances, such as sidling across narrow ledges or swimming against a strong current.



Standing Long Jump

DIF 10

Running (10 ft) Long Jump


High Jump

DIF 18

Running (10 ft) High Jump

DIF 13

Characters with multiple movement types, such a character with a ground Movement of 50 and a Swim Movement of 30, can swim for 30 feet and then use their ground movement to swim an additional 10 feet (their 20 feet of Ground Movement remaining halved).

Jumping Jumping requires an Athletics Skill Test whenever your character attempts a jump of longer than 5 feet. Your roll, less the DIF listed, equals the distance you can jump, according to the Jumping Table. If you take a running start before your jump, that movement is deducted from your Ground Movement.





Falling Sometimes situations arise where a creature or object is higher than ground level and comes crashing down. Whether it is a flying creature getting its wings clipped or running out of fuel, someone that miscalculated a jump between buildings, or maybe Dora Talos has caught a ranger in his telekinesis and tossed the WAY up in the air – and what goes up, must come down. Falling damage is calculated based upon the falling creature/object’s Size class and the effective “Size class” of the fall. For each Size class higher the fall is than the falling creature/object, it potentially suffers two Blunt Damage (to all parts in the case of a Combined Megaform). Any creature that falls any distance also ends up Prone, unless other rules say otherwise. For example, a Common size teenager can fall less than 8 feet without suffering

any damage, but a 30 foot drop off a balcony – a Huge size fall – could result in six Damage upon impact. However, when Mega-Goldar shoves an Angel Grove school bus (Extended size) off a 100 foot cliff (a Titanic size drop), it might take ten Damage! Those poor students! Whenever a creature falls, they are allowed to try and mitigate the falling damage they will suffer by “rolling with the impact,” if the GM believes it is possible. This requires a success on an Athletics or Acrobatics Skill Test with a DIF 10 plus the potential Damage being suffered. If successful, the damage is halved (round up). A critical success would result in the damage being halved again, whereas a fumble would double the damage. Objects however, as they cannot nimbly absorb some of the damage, take the full amount of damage



Flight is pretty common in the Power Rangers setting. Flying creatures gain many benefits of added mobility and ignoring ground-based terrain, but risk the possibility of falling from a height if something bad happens.

Power Rangers have the ability to teleport using their Wrist Communicators. Teleportation is limited to the Ranger’s current location to the Command Center or from the Command Center to a specific location where a Threat is attacking. Because this method of travel relies on the Command Center’s teleportation system, this can only be done three times before a Wrist Communicator needs recharging, as defined on page 121.

If a flying creature is knocked Prone by a game effect, has its aerial movement reduced to 0, or somehow has its ability to move nullified – unless it is able to hover or be held aloft in some way – it falls.



The Environment Power Rangers often have to search darkened caves, make their way through strange forests, and explore places that are dangerous with many unknowns. The rules in this section cover some of the most important ways in which you may interact with the environment while on a mission.

Vision and Light Darkness or certain effects hinder a character’s ability to see well, and characters in areas obscured by dim light, dense fog, and other conditions suffer a Snag when they can’t perceive the task at hand. In bright light, most sighted people can perceive the area around them at close-range and longer distances. Daylight, well-lit rooms, campfires, torches, and flashlights all provide sources of bright light at varying degrees and distances. Dim light can be defined as shadowy areas, the middle ground between where bright light ends and pitch-darkness begins, such as just outside the beam of a flashlight or in a room with low, flickering candlelight, or as the sun is nearly set or just rising while outdoors. Darkness is described as any area in which a person cannot see beyond a foot in front of themselves. This occurs outside at night, in underground caves with no light source, inside buildings with no windows or at night, and other places with no natural or manufactured light. The following chart gives examples of DIF Alertness (Perception) tests to see in various conditions, although the GM may adjust these DIF levels based on the situation at their discretion.





Complete Darkness

DIF 20

Dim Light

DIF 15

Dense Fog

DIF 10

Heavy Foilage

DIF 10


Interacting with the World Around You Throughout play, your character will need to interact with all sorts of objects you come across, whether a simple doorknob that must be turned to open a door or hacking a computer with vital information on its hard drive. When you want to manipulate an object or perform a task, you simply need to tell the GM what you intend to do and what skill you would like to use to assist you, if any. The GM then tells you if you need to roll the particular Skill Test or not and tells you what happens. For example, you might encounter a switchboard in an enemy lair and determine that you must push a particular button to open the security doors. If the button is stuck, and you need to force it, the GM may ask you for a Brawn Skill Test to see if you are strong enough to push it down. In prewritten adventures, certain obstacles will have a set DIF for your Skill Test, but sometimes there will be items you may want to interact with that have no preset difficulty. In these cases, the GM will set varying DIF levels, depending on the difficulty of the challenge they have set for you. In addition to manipulating objects, there are items, structures, vehicles, and more that can be damaged when a character hits them with weapons, accidentally drops them, or breaks them with their own Might. Certain area effect weapons can wreck the entire area, including the ground, causing Rough Terrain. All objects have their own Toughness, determined by the GM, and can be broken with one Damage or completely destroyed with multiple points of Damage. Objects can’t be affected by things like poison, but they also may have inherent resistances to certain types of damage, which will be ruled by the GM. For example, you likely cannot cut through or destroy cloth or rope with a blunt object like a baton or hammer.



Breathing All creatures can hold their breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + their Brawn die type. If you run out of breath and begin to suffocate, you begin to lose Smarts, Social, Speed, and Strength, in that order, every turn until you are fully incapacitated. For example, if you have a d4 Brawn, you can hold your breath for 5 minutes. Once that 5 minutes is up, you will begin to lose Smarts at a rate of 1 per 6 seconds, followed by the rest of your Essence Scores.

Eating and Drinking All characters need to eat and drink to stay alive. It can be assumed that if any missions stay within Angel Grove or the immediate area in which your character lives, you have eaten for the day, barring any extenuating circ*mstances in the adventure or your own personal backstory. If your Ranger team is out on a long mission or traveling, however, you will need to pack rations or find a way to obtain food and water. Purchasing food at a local restaurant shouldn’t be too much of a problem with a basic Wealth Check, but if there are no businesses around if you are out in the wilderness, a lack of food and water may become a problem. A character needs to consume a pound of food and a gallon of water per day to maintain a healthy level of Strength. Once a character has gone three days without either the full amount of food or water, they will begin to lose one Strength Essence per day until they are able to eat or drink again. If a character is missing both food and water for three consecutive days, they will lose Strength Essence at a rate of two per day. Strength Essence lost in this way will be restored immediately after consumption of both food and water.

Diseases Power Rangers are susceptible to illness, just like the time that Kimberly got the flu and had to stay home from the mission to Edenoi. Sickness comes and goes and can be healed with basic Science (Medicine) tests or Power Heal, but sometimes something more sinister is afoot. Perhaps a plague, triggered by one of Finster’s monsters, ravages the Angel Grove, setting the Power Rangers on a quest to find a cure. Maybe a Power Ranger awakens from a nightmare where Rita Repulsa has cast a spell on her, and finds herself now suffering from a wasting illness or evil seeds planted by Goldar have contaminated the food supply with a rapidly spreading disease. These occurrences can kickstart a new adventure or add to an existing one as characters search for a cure, stop the spread of the disease, destroy the source, and deal with any consequences.

Sample Diseases The diseases listed here are examples to help illustrate the variety of ways disease and other sickness can work in the game. Depending on the cause or severity, the Brawn DIF may change drastically from one to another at the GM’s decision.

Tetanus This illness targets living creatures through bacteria found in soil, dust, and manure. Once afflicted, usually after being cut by or stepping on dirty metal, victims frequently succumb to stiffened joints and jaw muscles, high fever, trouble swallowing, and a severe headache. Symptoms manifest 1d4 hours after infection and include involuntary stiffening of muscles throughout the body. The infected creature gains one level of exhaustion that can’t be removed until the disease is cured. Any event that causes the infected creature to move more than half its normal speed forces the creature to make a DIF 15 Brawn check. On a failed roll, the creature loses one Strength Essence point and becomes paralyzed for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the check at the end of each of its turns, regaining the ability to move its muscles and ending the paralyzed condition on a success. The lost Essence point remains until it is otherwise recovered through healing or sleep.



Conditions Asleep Sleeping characters are Prone and unconscious. They can be awoken with loud noise, an action, or by taking damage.

Blinded Blinded characters are unable to perceive the world around them. They consider all movement to be Rough Terrain and suffer a Snag on all Attack Skill Tests. As they are unaware of their attackers, any attacks against them enjoy Edge.

Deafened Deafened characters automatically fail any Skill Tests relying on hearing.

Defeated Defeated characters are Prone. Acting while defeated - if possible based on the nature of the defeat - requires a Story Point.

Invisible Invisible characters are impossible to see without special equipment, but can be detected by the tracks they leave or noises made. All attack tests made by an Invisible character enjoy Edge and all attack tests against them suffer Snag.

Mesmerized Mesmerized characters view the character who mesmerized them as a trusted ally, and will not attack them or subject them to harmful effects. Any Social tests by the mesmerizer enjoy Edge on mesmerized characters.

Prone Prone characters are on the ground. While Prone, ranged attacks against you suffer a Snag, but melee attacks have Edge against you. When you fight using a melee weapon while Prone, you suffer 1 shift on your attack rolls.

Restrained Restrained characters are immobilized, and attack tests against them enjoy Edge.



Frightened characters suffer a 2 die shift penalty when in sight of their fear and cannot move closer toward it.

Stunned characters can’t take actions (standard, movement, or free). Attacks against them enjoy Edge.

Grappled Grappled Characters have a movement of 0. This condition ends when the grapple ends, if the grappler is defeated or unconscious, or if the grappled character is moved out of the grappling character or effect’s reach.

Immobilized Immobilized characters have a Movement Rate of 0 and cannot gain any benefits to their Movement Rate. All attackers enjoy a 1 die shift against the immobilized character.

Impaired Impaired characters suffer a 1 die shift to all Skill Tests.

Unconscious Unconscious characters are unable to act, move, or perceive the world around them. Attack tests against them gain Edge, and a successful track becomes a critical hit.

Between Missions and Downtime Heroic though they might be, Power Rangers can’t spend every hour of the day in the thick of exploration, social interaction, and combat. Between missions and battles against monsters sent by Rita or Lord Zedd, Power Rangers need time to rest, eat, recuperate, and prepare for their next assignment. Many characters also use this time to perform other tasks, such as studying the Morphin Grid, performing research, or making contacts by volunteering at the youth center. Rangers who are still in school may attend classes at Angel Grove High, keeping their ears to the ground for the latest disturbances around town.



The GM may ask what your character intends to do between missions or during any character downtime in-game, such as long travel or resting while waiting for mission information. This is where you may want to think of any long term goals or projects for your character. Generally speaking, unless there is something specific that you want to have happen between adventures or during downtime, the time passes uneventfully. Oftentimes, however, whether your character chooses to do something with this superfluous time or not, the GM is keeping track of time that is passing as events already in motion continue to develop, even if miles and miles away. Nevertheless, here is a list of examples that your character may want to accomplish during this time.

Crafting You can craft or build everyday objects, including new gear, special gadgets, and works of art. You must have the tools necessary to create whatever you are attempting to make, and success is determined by a Skill Test related to the object itself. If you need access to special materials or a specific location to build your object, this must be secured before you begin. For example, even if you have the engineering skills necessary to craft a new Power Sword, you will still need access to a computer connected with the Morphin Grid in order to do so. The GM will determine how long it will take to craft the item you wish to make, with items like weapons and other powerful pieces taking many months to create with just your tools alone. Multiple characters can combine their efforts toward the crafting of a single item, provided that the characters all have the skills and materials required and are working together in the same place.

Healing You can use downtime between adventures to heal Damage or recover Essence Points that were temporarily lost due to suffering conditions such as suffocation, disease, or poison. If you have a persisting condition such as poison, you may attempt a DIF 15 Brawn check after a total of 18 hours sleep to end the effect.

Practicing a Profession Your character may have a job, and you can work between missions, which will justify your basic wealth. This result lasts as long you continue to practice your profession. Depending on whether



your job is part-time, full-time, or sporadic gig work, your basic wealth will change. A character with a full time job who does not go to school will be able to maintain the same basic wealth as a character with a part-time after-school job who is also supplemented by an allowance from their parents. A performer who works at parties or plays in a band on weekends can earn a decent basic wealth as well. Your chosen profession can help build upon your character’s Influences or backstory.

Researching The time between adventures is a great chance to perform research, gaining insight into mysteries that have unfurled over the course of the campaign. Research can include browsing through Zordon’s archives in the command center, looking up city records or history in the university library, or hanging out at Ernie’s Juice Bar to listen in on rumors and gossip from other patrons. When you begin your research, the GM determines whether the information is available, how many days of downtime it will take to find it, and whether there are any restrictions on your research (such as needing to seek out a specific individual, book, computer file, or location). The GM might also require you to make one or more Skill Tests, such as an Alertness (Investigation) check to find clues or information, or a Diplomacy (Persuasion) check to get someone’s help. Once those conditions are met, you learn the information if it is available.

Sleep Every hero needs a good night of sleep to feel their best for a day of combat and investigation ahead of them. In the Essence20 Roleplaying System, the minimum amount of sleep needed per night without suffering ill effects is six hours. For each day beyond three days in a row of less than six hours sleep, you lose a Strength Essence. This continues and Essence will not be regained until you have slept for a combined total of 6 hours sleep within a 24 hour period. With every six hours of sleep within a 24 hour period, a character heals all Damage and recovers one Essence Point, if applicable.


Power Rangers! Against our best efforts, Rita Repulsa and other fell beings have traced the energies of one of the Zeo sub-Crystals to a small city that humans call “Angel Grove.” Since this seems to be the focus of our enemy’s attacks we have set up a Command Center to both protect this city and to train those worthy of becoming Power Rangers. You will need to acquaint yourselves with Angel Grove to better respond to threats as they become apparent. Alpha-5, please upload a GPS overview to the Power Rangers. -Zordon


for coastal fog and cooler temperatures. Here the mountains have a number of recreational areas and hiking trails which are enjoyed by the nearby communities exploring the many trail’s flora, fauna and wildlife which include birds, coyotes, bobcats, rattlesnakes and the occasional mountain lion. Further east stand the higher peaks, dotted with natural caves, though the lack of public roads, inhospitable landscape and intolerable heat make hiking and exploring far less enticing. There are two major roads servicing Angel Grove through the San Angeles Mountain Range, the Mountain Pass Highway to the East and the smaller Pacific Coastal Highway that skirts the west along the coast. Ay yi yi! If Rita Repulsa ever figures out how to block off access through the San Angeles mountains, Angel Grove could be cut off from major suppliers! We - Alpha-5 better keep an eye on that, Rangers!

Mount Aziz San Killki Channel - Angel Grove Angel Grove is separated into two major but unofficial regions (North and South) by the San Killki Channel, an aqueduct built in 1908 which runs southwest joining the Pacific Ocean at Angel Bay. The San Killki channel is owned and operated by the Angel Grove Department of Water and Power. The San Killki channel is not only responsible for funneling river runoff from the San Angeles mountains, but collecting land runoff-water and transporting it along it’s over 230 miles (370k) of aqueduct to farms and neighbouring communities including its final destination, Angel Grove.

ANGEL GROVE (NORTH): The San Angeles Mountain Range The Northern border of Angel Grove, the San Angeles mountains are a coastal mountain range running east/west and perpendicular to the Pacific Ocean. The range extends approximately 80 miles from the Pacific ocean eastward, with its highest point “Tutor Peak” reaching 6’516 ft (1,987m). The majority of the mountain range is primarily rocky and dry save near the Angel Heights district where the mountain range’s coastal proximity allows



Standing over 4000 feet (1.21k), Mount Aziz (pronounced ah’zeez) is an active shield volcano deep in the San Angeles mountains. Its last full eruption was between 1993 and 1996. It is thought to be around 180,000 years old. As an active volcano has caused considerable property damage to the surrounding mountain region and though there are no communities built in this area, the eruptions were accompanied by strong quakes felt in Angel Grove and the surrounding townships. It is rumored that this is the home of the Power Ranger’s flying Zords, though how a massive mechanical battle mech could rise from liquid lava unharmed and take flight makes such suppositions highly unlikely. Ay yi yi yi yi! Uh… Zordon? I think it might be time to find a new mountain exit for our Flight Class Zords…. - Alpha-5

The Power Chamber: Power Ranger Command Center Perched high in the San Angeles mountains just north of present-day Angel Grove, California stands The Power Chamber. The Power Chamber (originally called Power Ranger Command Center) was built over eight millennia ago by Zordon to stand guard over the powerful Zeo Crystal as well as to watch for threats to the Earth, which he now calls home.

This ancient building of alien design houses incredible technology, including a multitude of supercomputers, generators, extreme sensory and detection arrays, an 80k holographic viewing globe, replication printers, labs, and communications arrays. It has several med-bays, training and test chambers, and weapon production facilities that are built deep into the mountain itself, as are several Battle Zord bays that have access port exits that emerge several miles away from the Power Chamber itself. More importantly, the Power Chamber is the Power Ranger’s base of operations as well as home to Alpha-5. The Power Chamber also houses a crystal cylinder made of Zeo Crystal that allows Zordon’s essence and consciousness to communicate to this plane of existence directly from the Morphin Grid. The Power Chamber can neither be perceived nor entered by those who do not possess a Power Coin or the express permission of Zordon or Alpha-5. It is this force field and non-detection cloaking ability that keeps the command center safe from human and alien threats alike. That same cloaking protection also conceals the location of the Zeo Crystal that lies somewhere beneath Angel Grove.

Angel Heights Community Beach Club Angel Heights The Angel Heights Community Beach Club is a public beach facility open to all. The Beach House is located on what once was an impressive 100 room mansion, destroyed by a massive General Repula’s massive sea creature named the Oysterizer that rose out the sea (its rampage later halted by the Power Rangers). When the Beach Club was subsequently built in its place the original pool was rehabilitated by the charitable yet enigmatic Morazord Foundation. Today, the modernized complex houses several amenities open and available to the public including a playground, beach restrooms, water fountains, wifi, pool and changing rooms, canopies, volleyball courts, gallery and recreational classes. Though highly favored by the public, the local residents have succeeded in forcing the city to significantly limit its hours of operation.

The Power Chamber is most commonly entered by the use of its teleporters, usually operated by Alpha-5.

Angel Heights Suburb of Angel Grove (North) On the western most edge of the San Angeles mountain range is the Community of Angel Heights. An odd combination of “laid back surfers” meet “upscale corporate CEOs” known for its beautiful beaches, mountainside vistas and Mediterranean climate. Most residents in Angel Heights live from half a mile to a few hundred yards of the Pacific Coastal Highway which services this community and its surrounding area. A beautiful beach community with apartments and houses alike make up the majority of this district’s population. Higher up, the mayor of Angel Grove as well as many of Angel Grove’s most affluent families build magnificent homes on the south face of the San Angeles mountains with sweeping views of Angel Grove and the Pacific Ocean. At the southern tip of Angel Heights resides Angel Grove’s Bernette Airport.



Bernette Airport

Industrial Bay

Angel Heights

Suburb of Angel Grove (North)

Angel Grove Airport (formerly marketed as Bernette Airport) is a public local airport 15 miles (22.5km) northwest of downtown Angel Grove on the southern edge of Angel Heights district of Angel Grove. The Airport services Angel Grove, and the surrounding areas Reefside, Harwood County, Stone Canyon, and the Summer Cove.

The Industrial Bay District (often referred to simply as Angel Grove Industrial District or “The Bay”) is the industrial suburb of Angel Grove in northern Angel Grove, California. It is home to over 1000 businesses and 20,000 jobs. There are very few permanent residents in this part of Angel Grove and Industrial Bay appears to become nearly abandoned after work hours. This district of Angel Grove is largely zoned for business: 85% industrial, 15% commercial, with those commercial businesses catering to the nearby Bernette Airport, Arktech Valley and the many nearby factories and warehouses. This area has become a popular business investment area for forgeign interests and is currently emerging as a high-tech import/export center.

Bernette Airport services both national and intrastate travel. The airport covers 700 acres at an elevation of 230 feet above sea level. It has two asphalt runways, serviced by two terminals, A and B each with 7 gates. Bernette Airport has a strict noise abatement procedure to reduce the noise of aircraft arriving and departing from the airport. Commercial flights are never scheduled between the hours of 10 pm and 7 am.

Port Industry Harbor Industrial Bay Central to the industrial district’s livelihood is Port Industry Harbor. The Dockyard, seaport and harbor provides a great number of jobs and an impressive amount of commerce via import/export of seabound goods both nationally and internationally. After the harbor’s mass destruction in the battle between the kaiju sized Goldar, Scorpina, Dragon Zord and the Power Rangers, Port Industry Harbor was rebuilt, this time proudly incorporating “Green port/clean air” policies that protect Angel Grove and the world from pollution normally associated with busy seaports.



Angel Grove Department of Water & Power Plant Industrial Bay Founded in 1918, Angel Grove’s Water and Power Plant serves the over one million residents of Angel Grove. Delivering up to 4 megawatts of power and 45 billion US gallons (170 cubic meters) of water per year. Of the power generated 60% is from renewable clean “green” sources (wind and solar farms, with 75% of all buildings in “The Ark” district covered in solar panels!) and the rest natural gas. Angel Grove DW&P has proudly phased out the use of coal as a power supply in the early 2000’s. The water supply for Angel Grove comes from via the San Killki Channel Aqueduct, recycled and processed at the AGDWP and pumped out through the over 5000 miles of pipe below Angel Grove. In addition to Angel Grove, the AGDWP also provides services to the neighboring communities of Stone Canyon, Harwood County, Reefside and the Summer Cove.

Kotaro Hills

Kotaro Hills was born. A large portion of the population of Angel Grove now calls Kotaro Hills home, especially those working in Arktech Valley and Industry Bay.

Trang Canyon Suburb of North Angel Grove Trang Canyon is a large, hillside suburban residential neighborhood in northern Angel Grove that encompasses part of the San Angeles mountains. Trang Canyon (often referred to simply as “The Canyon”) has excellent access to the primary freeway making it one of the most populated residential areas in Angel Grove. Originally the land was largely used as dry-farm vineyards and though few have survived to present day, there are still a handful of historic distilleries and wineries hidden among the hills of “The Canyon.” The warmer climate here also makes for a number of nurseries that specialize in exotic flowers and plants. Trang Canyon’s proximity to the sprawling Fielding Park and the schools and Youth Center of Middleton Heights make this a first choice for families looking to make their homes in Angel Grove.

Suburb of Angel Grove (North) Kotaro Hills is a suburban residential neighborhood in northern Angel Grove. This community tucked into the foothills of the San Angeles mountains was at one time mostly farmland and orchards growing apricots, oranges, walnuts and beans. Later, oil was found in the northern most foothills which quickly cultivated a community and the suburb of



Tophet Stone Quarry Trang Canyon Tophet Stone Quarry started as an iron/gravel mine in 1912. Just east of the main freeway (which at the time was the closest railroad) the Tophet Stone Quarry (locally called “The Pit”) became a solid source of employment for those moving into the area. The Stone Quarry expanded its operations to include mining of sand, gravel, crushed stone, and building stone, as what little iron that was mined from the area seemed to vanish from the mines. They would say “it’s as if the mountains themselves were reclaiming that iron.” More recently, Tophet Stone Quarry has become a favored battle ground for the Power Rangers, as they have led numerous monsters of enormous size away from population dense areas in Angel Grove and battled them here where little harm can be done to the population, wildlife or environment or property. Lastly, because of those battles against alien forces, Tophet Stone Quarry has areas that are deemed unsafe as alien energy cores, dangerous biotech and the unknown alien weapon technologies of countless battles litter parts of the land here. This makes it toxic and dangerous for most, but a tech/bio cornucopia for those brave and/or resourceful enough to dare salvage the



detritus of war, which then can be sold to the highest bidder. And there are many, many bidders for alien tech and biotech in Angel Grove and around the world.

The D. Fielding Community Park District of Angel Grove (North) The Angel Grove Fielding Community Park is a large municipal park bordering the western edge of Middleton Heights. The park covers 3000 acres and is home to the bright, crystal-clear Lake Angeles. Fielding Park offers several popular attractions including volleyball and basketball courts, a soccer field, jogging/biking paths, a dog park, hiking trails, playgrounds, picnic tables, bbq grills, an equestrian center, and an old-time mechanical merry go round. The Fielding Park is home to a plethora of community events with concerts, movies in the Park, art festivals, fireworks, and holiday celebrations. The Fielding Park is also home to a great deal of flora and fauna as well as a beautiful spectrum of statuary artwork celebrating the diversity of Angel Grove. One of these celebrated artworks, a stone sculpture of a raised fist known as the “Sentinel Statue,” is a powerful symbol of pride and diversity for all.

Lake Angeles Fielding Community Park Sitting snugly at the center of Fielding Park rests the crystal-clear waters of the charming Lake Angeles. A favorite spot for summer boat rides and picnics, Lake Angeles is circled by a paved service road for walkers, joggers, and bikers allowing lakeside access. The pathways create a nearly 2.5-mile loop around the lake. Lake Angeles is unusually deep with depths reaching 473 feet (144m) although that is only a best-guess estimate and could be potentially deeper. Though a beloved spot for all in Angel Grove, it is also a favorite topic of ghost stories and “monster sightings” as boaters and late-night swimmers report the odd bump or fleeting glimpse of something just beneath the waters there.

Arktech Valley Tech and Business District of Angel Grove (North) Often referred to as “The Ark ‘’ or “Silicon Valley South,” Arktech Valley’s numerous Skyscrapers and highrises serve as this region’s center for high technology and innovation. The high-tech elite compete for office space and bandwidth in this population dense portion of Angel Grove. With commanding views of Fielding Park, Angel Heights and the distant coast, the companies here are often responsible for spearheading leading high-tech research and enterprise. Originally a commercial and business district, the appearance and destructive nature of highly advanced and often, “alien” technologies of unknown origin created countless opportunities for the study and advancement of the

many technological and bio-tech debris left behind by years of battle with the Power Rangers over and around Angel Grove. Companies with multiple government contracts were tasked with deciphering and applying the alien tech that was being discovered. Chief among these are Emegren Tech and Vitaelogica Laboratories, the former boasting the tallest skyscraper in Angel Grove, the latter, the largest underground facility that is said to reach from Fielding Park to the Pacific Ocean (though that is purely rumor and speculation to those without the proper security clearances) . Many credit the numerous companies of the Arktech Valley for breathing new life into Angel Grove. If it wasn’t for the intense competition fueled by widespread recovery of found alien battle wreckage (energy, tech, chemical and bio-samples), the City of Angel Grove would have never have recovered from the enumerable battles in the name of saving Earth that have taken place here over the decades. If anything, the City in spite of the apparent danger has grown as a result of these dangerous opportunities creating something of an “alien tech goldrush.” Ay yi yi yi yi! We’ve been picking up weird energy signals in the vicinity of Arktech Valley recently! Even though the Power Ranger’s have repeatedly saved the city from monsters, battle mechs, bio-weapons and alien warcraft… someone else has been busy collecting all that leftover battle debris! We’d better look into this before things get out of control! - Alpha 5



Middleton Heights Suburb of Angel Grove (North) Founded in 1912, The flourishing neighborhood of Middleton Heights, once devoted to agriculture has grown into one of the most beloved communities in Angel Grove. Home to the largest public high school (Angel Grove High) in the AG, Middleton Heights’ central location, excellent public transportation and impressive safety record (it is, for whatever reason, apparently the only district of Angel Grove that hasn’t faced large scale destruction from alien attack) make it the most popular area to settle in Angel Grove. The Youth Center and nearby restaurants and businesses make for a comfortable life for the over 100,000 residents in this relaxed suburb.

Angel Grove High School Middleton Heights Angel Grove High School is a public high school in the Middleton Heights neighborhood of Angel Grove, California, in central AG. The school serves several of the surrounding neighborhoods and is well respected for both it’s scholastic achievements (including several award-winning Academic Decathlon placements) as well as it’s safety and security protocols centered around giving students a protected environment in which to study and grow.



AG High’s Principal, Mr. Caplan manages over 1200 students of diverse backgrounds promoting the ideals of community service, scholastic excellence, and athletic pursuit. He has a very involved faculty including the ever strict chemistry teacher Wilbur Wilton and one of the most veteran teachers on staff, Ms. Applby. AG High boasts a number of exceptional scholastic students, notably early graduate Billy Cranston (Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger) and later, Justin Stewart being admitted into 9th grade at the age of 12. Angel Grove High enjoys an intense scholastic, athletic rivalry with it’s nearest neighbors Reefside High and Stone Canyon High. Ay yi yi! If only the teachers of Angel Grove High knew how many times that their students, -young Power Rangers- saved the city! I’m sure those teachers would be so proud! Or… at least they might have excused them from detention for missing class to fight evil… Being a masked superhero isn’t easy!

- Alpha-5

Angel Grove Youth Center

Angel Grove Juice Bar

Middleton Heights

Middleton Heights

A popular local meeting place for kids and teens, The Angel Grove Youth Center should be monitored and protected because of the high number of innocents that regularly spend time there. Within the 16,000 square foot, Youth Center complex are weight lifting, gymnastics, basketball, and pool facilities. There are many types of training offered including yoga, dance classes, rock climbing, indoor basketball court and several types of martial art instruction.

Nestled within the AG Youth Center complex is one of the most popular after school hangouts in Angel Grove. The once small juice-bar has grown into a full-service Cafe specializing in everything from juices and smoothies to the famous Spaghetti and Meatball sandwich, affectionately renamed “the Bulkwich”, after one of its most loyal customers.

The AG Youth Center and it’s staff are often busy organizing and hosting parties, school activities, special events, and community charity events. Its busiest hours of operation tend to be after school hours and weekends, becoming even busier during the summertime.

The Angel Grove Juice Bar also happens to be where many teenagers gain their first job and as such is an excellent resource for local information and gossip. The Angel Grove Juice Bar is owned by Ernie, a well-loved and hard-working friend to the many customers and youth that regularly frequent the Juice Bar.





The Surf Spot Middleton Heights Another popular establishment, this Polynesian themed cafe and surfboard/skateboard shop is across the street from Angel Grove Youth Center. The Surf spot primarily specializes in burgers and shakes and is the choice of juniors, seniors, and “skaters” as well as those working in the vicinity looking for a quick lunch option with a nice pacific island motif. The Surf Spot is owned and operated by Adelle Ferguson, a woman who is known for possibly the best french fries recipe in all of Angel Grove.

Civic District (North) District of Angel Grove (North) Located at the Northern edge of Downtown Angel Grove is the northern section of the Civic District, The administrative core of Angel Grove, California. Civic District is a complex of city, county, state and federal government offices, buildings, and courthouses. Notable buildings here include Angel Grove City Hall (including the office of the Mayor), The Angel Grove Municipal Library, Angel Grove Superior Court, and the Angel Grove Police Department. The Civic District is well served by public transportation that connects this downtown hub to all but the most remote locations (i.e. upper Angel Heights and the eastern most part of Trang Canyon). The Civic District is located on the site of the mostly battle demolished business district, an area that was destroyed in the battle against Cyclopsis and a series of brutal attacks from Goldar and General Repulsa. This was before Emegren Tech unveiled its “Aegis Core” a government funded tech that theoretically projects an invisible “force field” above the highest density areas in Angel Grove (i.e. Downtown and its surrounding area. Many say, there is another “Aegis Core” protecting the “Ark” district) protecting those areas from General Repulsa and her attempts at direct invasion and attack from above.

The Angel Grove Municipal Library Civic District (North) Built in 1937, The Angel Grove Municipal Library holds more than 750,000 volumes, circulating books, zines, periodicals, computer access and audiovisual materials are available to the over one million residents of Angel Grove. Books, magazines and audiobooks are loaned for three weeks, with other media (cds, dvds, holo-chips, etc) loaned for one week. Fines are charged only if materials are returned late. The library also offers online programs that allow adult patrons who have not completed high school to earn their diploma. Library cards are free to California residents.

Angel Grove Police Department HQ Civic District (North) The Angel Grove Police Department (AGPD) is the principal law enforcement agency serving the city of Angel Grove. Aside from the normal duties of well trained police officers, the AGPD are well initiated in emergency evacuation procedures. After decades of alien attacks in populated areas such as Downtown, the Civic District and Industrial Bay, the AGPD along with Fire and emergency services have become incredible first responders in the organizing and evacuating of people to safety during invasion crises. The 2000 police officers of the AGPD are divisioned over 5 substations (Arktech Valley, Downtown AG, Bernette Airport, University District and Kotaro Hills). Utilizing 1000 marked police vehicles, 40 motorcycles, 2 police boats and 2 helicopters the protect and serve the residents and citizenry of Angel Grove well.



Angel Gate Bridge Civic District Angel Grove Originally built in 1936, the Angel Gate Bridge is a multilevel bridge connecting the north and south sections of Angel Grove in the Civic District of Downtown Angel Grove. The bridge was designed by the firm Johnson & Yost based in Council Bluffs, Iowa. At 5280 feet long (1609m) and 470 feet high (143m), The Angel Gate Bridge has 2 levels with the upper level transporting freeway traffic as a part of the 401 Freeway through Angel Grove, while the lower level serves local automotive traffic. The lower level also has a pedestrian walkway and bike path for ease of access between north and south Angel Grove making it popular with joggers and cyclists. The bottom section of the bridge is enclosed in a chain link fence for the safety of pedestrians. The Angel Gate is notable for its distinctive Beaux Arts arches, light standards and railings. Upon the base of the lower level of the Angel Gate Bridge is a plaque: ”The City of Angel Grove wishes to once again thank the Power Rangers for on this spot, stopping the menace known as The Twin Man. May we never doubt your heroics again.”

ANGEL GROVE (SOUTH) Civic District (South) District of Angel Grove (South) The Civic District South continues just on the other side of San Killki Channel. Amid the many shops and restaurants in this part of the Civic District is the St. John’s Community Hospital of Angel Grove, the Hall of Records, The Department of Health as well as the AG Museum of Art, the AG Natural History Museum, and the Wasserman Concert Hall, as well as many parks, statuary and fountains.



St. John’s Community Hospital of Angel Grove Civic District (South) The St. John’s Community Hospital serves the needs of the Angel Grove community, providing general acute care, advanced emergency services, labor and delivery services, health education and outreach programs alongside other services including radiology, laboratory and blood bank services. The hospital is well versed in dealing with the heavy load of disaster level events that are visited upon the Angel Grove area, and the hospital is outfitted with a helipad on its rooftop to assist in such events. The hospital has won many awards due to its “Heal first, ask questions later” policies as it has been well known to help the entire community including those that might be underinsured or uninsured patients. This altruism is further made possible by grants from companies in “The Ark” chief among these, Vitaelogica Laboratories. St. John’s Community Hospital of Angel Grove is named after the brave paramedic that selflessly rushed in and out of several collapsing buildings struck by the creature later called “Babe Ruthless” to rescue those trapped by the destruction. His bravery has helped to save 79 people over his career. A true leader and inspiring citizen of Angel Grove, the hospital was renamed in his honor. Apparently, not all heroes wear helmets.

The Financial District District of Angel Grove (South) The sheen and shine of the Financial District nearly rivals that of “The Ark”, but where The Arktech Valley has a modern edge, the many skyscrapers of the Financial District have a distinctly more classical tone. Home to corporate offices, hotels, banks, law firms and real estate companies, the Financial District is the cornerstone to some of Angel Groves oldest and most respected institutions. With a commanding view of Angel Bay and the Harbor Bridge, it is with a great mutual interest that many top tiered organizations have invested in Emegren Tech’s “Aegis Core” defense system, providing a (theoretical) invisible layer of protection from General Repulsa’s direct assaults from above. That said, there has been a recent raid by General Repulsa’s forces from the sea that was narrowly but decisively routed by the timely intervention of the Power Rangers before major casualties were incurred.

Playa De La Paz Suburb of Angel Grove (South) The beachfront community of Playa De La Paz (Peaceful Beach) is popular for its laid back communal style even as it rests in the shadow of a bustling city that is often plagued by intergalactic invasion. Called “Playa” by the locals, this largely residential community has a healthy commercial face that caters to the both tourists and Angel Grove locals that regularly visit the beach. The Pacific Coastal Highway runs along the beach down the coast here (though travel speed through the Playa De La Paz section of town is capped at 25mph (40kph)). On one side of the PCH are the many stores, hotels and restaurants that serve beach goers and locals alike. On the beach side of the PCH is a paved path called “The Path of Paz” (The Path of Peace) or simply “The Path” which runs along Playa De La Paz’s beach from The University District in the south to the end of the beach where Playa de la Paz curves eastward towards Playa Rocosa.

Playa De La Paz’s beach is popular for sunbathing, beach volleyball, surfing, paddleboarding, bars, cycling and running. With excellent weather year round. Average temperatures of 80F (26C) in the summer and 60F (15.5C) in the winter makes Playa De La Paz a choice vacation spot for those looking for a relaxing vacation, while hoping to catch a glimpse of the Power Rangers in action (from a safe distance!)

The Pier at Playa De La Paz Playa De La Paz One of the main stops along “The Path” is The Pier at Playa De La Paz, one of the most popular spots for visitors in the Playa. Offering many shopping, dining and entertainment areas the Pier at Playa De La Paz (built in 1935) was originally constructed entirely of wood, even to the pilings and extended 500 feet out into the ocean. It was destroyed by a creature named Pirantishead in 1994. But thanks to the Power Rangers, casualties were kept to a minimum. In 1998, the pier was rebuilt, this time entirely of concrete 1,000 feet long (300m) and paved with Asphalt it’s entire length. Several establishments catering to the pier’s visitors now call the pier their home. The ocean in front of the pier has been fitted with sub-aquatic early detection warning devices made by Emegren Tech to warn pier and beach goers and officials of any attacks by General Repulsa that might come from the sea. These precautions have been valuable and effective three times in the last 2 decades, and thanks to the Power Rangers and emergency response teams, damage has been minimal.



University District Suburb of Angel Grove (South) Surrounding the University of California, Angel Grove, the University District (commonly, the “U District”) is an eclectic mix of urban shopping areas; historic homes and architecture. Add to that a plethora of cafes, pubs, restaurants and theaters, and the youthful charm of the “U District” comes to vibrant, bustling life. The outer edges of the “U District” are replete with condominium towers, especially on the U District’s western borders near Civic District South and Downtown AG. Moving toward the central UCAG area finds well manicured residential areas of multifamily and single family housing on the outer edges of the UCAG campus, with some of the historic homes in this area dating back to the 1920’s.

University of California, Angel Grove University District The University of California, Angel Grove (UCAG) is a public research university in Angel Grove California. UCAG offers 310 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in a wide range of disciplines, enrolling about 15,000 undergraduate and 5,000 graduate students. The undergraduate colleges include the School of Music, School of Theater, Film and Television, School of Nursing, School of Arts and Architecture, School of Engineering and of course the College of Letters and Science. One of the top ranked public schools in the country UCAG has had 5 Nobel laureates, 4 Turing Award Winners, and 10 Chief Scientists affiliated as UCAG faculty. The University excels at the sciences both applied and theoretical. Bolstered by grants from major tech and research industries like Emegren Tech and Vitaelogica Laboratories, the potential for the future’s next great scientists and discoveries abound at UCAG and the competition to gain entrance into the science programs here is fierce. The Dean of Sciences at UCAG, Prof. Anahita Tabaddor, expects the highest level of dedication from those few accepted into these demanding and competitive fields of study.



University of California Angel Grove Athletics: Ranger Stadium University District With all of the higher learning, the UCAG athletic division is not to be overlooked. The UCAG Rangers are the athletic teams that represent UCAG and do so with a fierce pride. School colors are in the tradition of their namesake (The Power Rangers) Red, Yellow, Blue, Black and Pink. From Baseball, Basketball, Football and Track and Field to Gymnastics, Soccer, Tennis, Volleyball, Waterpolo, Rowing and Cross Country, the Rangers are as competitive as they are spirited. This part of the campus is dedicated to athletic excellence and is home to the tracks, fields and courts that the UCAG Rangers practice and play home games on.

Sorority Row: UCAG Campus University District The UCAG Greek life community consists of 10 sorority “Houses” or “Chapters” and 1 associate member chapter. Each “chapter” or house is unique and consists of diverse, accomplished women. Sorority Row is situated on the northern edge of the UCAG campus in 11 multifamily houses. Philanthropic activities, hosting parties, and “finishing” training for new members such as instruction on etiquette, dress and manners, as well as creating networking opportunities for their newly graduated members are all part of these Greek letter Organizations.

Fraternity Row: UCAG Campus University District The Fraternal Greek letter organizations of UCAG consist of 14 fraternal “Houses” or “Chapters” with each chapter or house’s style varying wildly from another. Each of the fraternal houses consists of diverse and accomplished men. Fraternity Row is situated on the eastern edge of the UCAG campus in 14 multifamily houses. Philanthropic activities, hosting parties, and “finishing” training for new members such as instruction on etiquette, dress and manners, as well as creating networking opportunities for their newly graduated members are all part of these Greek letter Organizations. Note: This area may be actively avoided by the locals of the University District and Playa De La Paz during what is known as “Rush Week.”

AG Country Club University District The ultra-exclusive, ultra-private 9-hole golf course and country club on the palisades of the University District’s eastern edge overlooks the Pacific Ocean. The Angel Grove Country Club is where the powerful, the influential and the very, very rich meet, dine, play golf, discuss world events, and make (and break) business deals that often decide the fate of industry that can affect Angel Grove and beyond. The security here is state of the art, making sure the movers and shakers of The Ark, Angel Heights and the Financial Districts are free to discuss, play and plot to their heart’s content while here in the AG Country Club. With initiation fees starting around $200,000 (and that’s assuming that one’s application is even considered) only the creme de la cremeV of Angel Grove’s “elite” are considered for membership. Members are rumored to include CEOs of Emegren Tech, Vitaelogica Laboratories, top tier bankers, law firm partners, land moguls and a handful of movie stars with summer homes in Angel Grove. It is notable that in the long and prestigious history, the distinguished Country Club has never been directly attacked or harmed by the numerous invasions of General Repulsa, to which Country Club members attribute excellent location (high above the ocean upon the palisades and far from dense population centers of the hoi polloi) while many of the residents of Angel Grove site more conspiratorial opinions.

Downtown Angel Grove District of Angel Grove (South) Founded in 1875 in the midst of several sprawling orange groves, the community that would eventually grow to become the heart of Angel Grove began as a simple Spanish Mission. That Spanish Mission grew and expanded, exploding in size from 1906-1929 with urban expansion into what would become the Financial District and residential and academic roots taking hold in what would eventually become the University District. Present Day Downtown Angel Grove (DTAG) is the central business district of Angel Grove, California, as well as a diverse residential neighborhood to some 30,000 Californians. The DTAG District is home to over 175,000 jobs as locals caught in the weekly traffic can attest to. Downtown Angel Grove is viewed as an interconnected grouping of dense urban and residential center city districts that, while unique in

their own right, also share strong urban linkages to each other and collectively participate in their role as the DTAG.

Arts District Downtown Angel Grove The Arts District is a neighborhood on the northern edge of Downtown Angel Grove. Largely composed of industrial buildings dating from the early 20th century the area has been revitalized and rebuilt following devastation after devastation at the hands of General Repulsa and her wanton attacks on the city of Angel Grove. When all other investment groups had given up, it was the artists that returned to the area, and from the ashes of war grew what is now one of the most inspiring and beautiful urban areas in all of Angel Grove, the Arts District. With an energetic street scene, the vibrant lofts and old warehouses have recently been converted into stunning art galleries, theatres and museums. Through the financial and energetic backing of the Corazon Foundation from fashion media mogul Ms. Cynthia Corazon, the artists of the Arts District are able to realize their vision as their work is turned into reality, to the benefit of all who visit this incredible and vibrant neighborhood, where artists are able to live, work and create.

Restaurant Row Downtown Angel Grove Featuring many upscale restaurants, Restaurant Row is a street in Downtown Angel Grove known for a variety of exquisite cuisine experiences. Some of the best (and in some cases oldest) bistros, trattorias, steakhouses, cafes, and cantinas grace these 5 blocks of DTAG with the incredible scents of savory culinary mastery. From the blade of a Sushi master, to a perfectly flame kissed prime rib, or extravagant revels in the vegan fashion, there are restaurants for every style of food imaginable along the Restaurant Row. Some notable mentions of international renown include the romantic Le Petit Bistro, or if you wish a bit of dancing with your dessert, perhaps the Cafe De Paris.



Angel Gate District of Angel Grove This beachfront portion of Downtown Angel Grove has become quite the famed resort area. Between the favorable climate, beautiful hotels and beaches, ample shopping, amazing entertainment of the Angel Gate Pier and Angel Grove Aquarium and the proximity to the “Home of the Power Rangers” Angel Grove itself (and the dangerous allure of possible “Monster” and Power Ranger sightings, and of course, the bragging rights for being able to say “you were there!”) Angel Gate offers tourists entertainment, adventure and thrills with the peace of mind that comes with knowing that the Power Rangers, for whatever reason, are watching over this city in particular. With the Pacifc Coastal Highway running alongside the beachfront, this is the tourist and entertainment center of Angel Grove. Angel Gate also has a thriving residential area. With a wide distribution of apartment buildings (none over 3 stories tall) and single and multifamily housing, there is a delicious diversity that adds to the exciting and vibrant energy of Angel gate.

Angel Street Promenade Angel Gate A four block section of pedestrian only shopping area that ends at the three-level Angel Gate Mall gives this outdoor environment a farmers market meets high fashion energy. The Angel Street Promenade has 3 movie theatres (all of which host the annual Angel Grove Film Festival), dozens of small eateries, and shops, shops, shops. Everything from shoes to sunglasses can be found here with the smaller brands on the Promenade and the larger department stores and brands in the newly reopened Angel Gate Mall. The Promenade is also buzzing



with street performers. Buskers of every type including dancers, singers, instrumentalists, and specialty acts can be found spread here and there dazzling the crowds with song and skill year round.

Angel Gate Mall Angel Gate Angel Gate Mall (formerly “Angel Grove Mall” before its destruction at the hands (and feet) of first a giant sized Goldar then later a giant Rito Revolto) is a newly rebuilt, open air mall reconstructed in Angel Grove’s beautiful “Angel Gate” district. The mall spans three levels anchored by major department stores on its south and northern ends. The first two floors are a mix of predominantly upscale retail clothing, fashion accessory and jewelry shops alongside a specialized auto show room and bicycle shop. The third floor is dedicated to entertainment including an old time “arcade” and VR experience as well as a state of the art multiplex movie theatre. Also on the third floor are many upscale restaurants for those special evenings as well as a full food court filled with every type of fast food, snack food and drink.

Angel Grove Aquarium Angel Gate Angel Grove Aquarium is a public aquarium and popular attraction in the Angel Gate section of Angel Grove, California. This 5-acre (20,000m) aquatic wonderland sees over a 500,000 visitors a year. The Aquarium staff numbers over 1,000 including 700 volunteers and about 300 employees. The Aquarium features an impressive collection of over 10,000 animals from over 500 species in crystal clear seascape exhibition tanks ranging in size from 5,000 to 350,000 gallons, with one of the most popular exhibitions being the “Shark Lagoon” which features over 125 sharks and rays in

a 15,000-square-foot exhibit tank. The Angel Grove Aquarium also has a natural ocean tank for special research and marine biology which is connected to the Pacific Ocean via an “ocean gate” which can be opened or closed by controls in the control tower of the Aquarium. The gate normally remains closed unless they are bringing in wounded animals or conducting routine cleaning or experiments.

Angel Gate Pier Angel Gate One of the most popular places in all of Angel Grove is the Angel Gate Pier. Arguably the heart of tourism in Angel Grove and a point of pride in the city, the Pier is one of the oldest structures in Angel Grove. Notably the Angel Grove Pier is one of the few original structures that has never fallen to General Repulsa’s repeated attacks. This has not gone unnoticed by General Repulsa as attacks around the area have seemed to increase (as do the early warning defenses by the city and the effort to protect the Pier by the Power Rangers). The Angel Gate Pier is a 1,500 foot (457m) long, 200 foot (61m) wide large double jointed wooden pier built in 1910. Though it has been expanded and improved over the last century, it retains some of its original wood pilings. The Angel Grove Pier is best described as The Circus meets the Street Fair on a cruise ship! Jugglers, clowns, music, art, rides, food and shopping, the Angel Grove Pier is always a great choice for fun during nights and weekends. The Pier has several rides including a Ferris Wheel, 2 roller coasters, a fun house, and an underwater submarine tram tour. There is also an old original merry go round with mythological wooden (unicorns, hippogriffs, dragons) creatures to ride. There are shows in the Big Top pavilion including traveling circus reviews and local magic shows. There is a games area full of street fair games and prizes as well as several concession stands with every sort of treat. And for the exhausted parents that want to relax, there is a foot massage shop that apparently sells a Mighty Morphin Mai Tai that is not to be missed.

Angel’s Bluff Suburb of Angel Grove (South) Angel’s Bluff (also called “The Bluffs”) is a largely residential neighborhood, which is in stark contrast to the bustle of the surrounding Financial, Downtown and Angel Gate districts. The northern border consists largely of upscale condominiums which give way to townhouses and then finally, single and multi-family homes. The majority of residents live up on “the bluffs”, the high cliffs that rise above the Pacific Coastal Highway and the beaches below. That said, this area has been largely sheltered from the destruction of General Repulsa’s attacks for the most part.

AREA 52 Unknown Base - Affiliation Unknown Ownership Unknown It is rumored that there is a secret Military installation, a secret government test facility, the Power Rangers HQ, and/or an Alien Probe base “somewhere” beyond the foothills of the north of the Playas. What is known is that the road that does exist leading to that remote desert area is secured with gates, drones, cameras and motion detectors. Many are the weekend warriors that thought they would “storm the playa” as it is called and attempt to gain entry to that area. In almost every case they wake up somewhere near Playa Rocosa in their vehicle with a hangover and no memory of what vhappened the day before. The area does have a very strict, no negotiable “No fly Zone” in place and is very secure. Neither the government, nor any private sector group has publicly taken responsibility or ownership for this area. Ay yi yi! We are getting some strange readings from that “Area 52” again! But I still can’t geta fix on what’s there! I wonder what they are hiding? And how can they evade our detection? Humans don’t have the technology to... oh boy... who, or what, else could be out there? And are they friend or foe? Ay yi yi yi yi! - Alpha-5



13 THREATS This should have been a sure thing! I can’t believe they beat the Sphinx! Destroy the world is all I ask, but do they do it? NO! - Rita Repulsa


Chunky Chicken (normal) THREAT LEVEL: 5 SIZE: LARGE | HEALTH: 5 TOUGHNESS: 16 | EVASION: 14 WILLPOWER: 12 | CLEVERNESS: 11 GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 ft. Chunky Chicken is a cruel monster who will do anything to please its master’s bidding. A cunning and spiteful fiend, it also has the ability to rip holes in the Grid, which it uses to teleport. It is a vicious fighter, using its giant shears against its opponents, and it has no qualms harming even innocent bystanders if they serve it no purpose.

SKILLS: Brawn +4 Melee +d8* Perception +d4* Stealth +d4 Languages: Putty

ATTACKS: Giant Scissors (Melee): +d8*, Reach (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage) The Chunky Chicken has a giant pair of shears that it uses both as a melee weapon in combat and as a shield to deflect ranged attacks with single swings.

POWERS: Teleportation (2/Scene, Move): Chunky Chicken can cut a hole in the Grid with its Scissors and enter to teleport to another place up to 100 ft. away. Levitate (Move): Chunky Chicken can float up to 60 ft. in the air, but it cannot fly.



Chunky Chicken (grown)










Chunky Chicken is a cruel monster who will do anything to please its master’s bidding. A cunning and spiteful fiend, it also has the ability to rip holes in the Grid, which it uses to teleport.

Hailing from the peaceful alien planet of Claydoious, Finster is a high ranking henchman and advisor to Rita Repulsa and her family. When he grew tired of his simple life as an artist in his small village, he started to experiment with creating monstrous forms and using them to cause fear and havoc within his community, even setting his village aflame just to see how the people would fear him. Out of control with his terrorism, he accidentally killed his wife, Plepra, in his blind rage when she attempted to stop him, and he fled his home, joining up in the cause to take over the galaxy.

SKILLS: Brawn +6 Intimidation +2 Melee +d10* Perception +d4* Stealth +d4 Languages: Putty

PERKS: Super Strength: When Chunky Chicken grows, it gains Edge on all Brawn and Might Skill Tests.

ATTACKS: Giant Scissors (Melee): +d10*, Reach The Chunky Chicken has a giant pair of shears that it uses both as a melee weapon in combat and as a shield to deflect ranged attacks with single swings.

POWERS: Teleportation (2/Scene, Move): Chunky Chicken can cut a hole in the Grid with its Scissors and enter to teleport to another place up to 100 ft. away. Levitate (Move): Chunky Chicken can float up to 60 ft. in the air, but it cannot fly.



Finster is an extremely wise scientist and talented sculptor, whose artistry meets no end with his countless creature designs, which he sculpts from putty and brings to life with a combination of science and wizardry. He is remarkably intelligent and can create machines and monsters to his commander’s every whim. His obedience to his commanders supersedes his conscience, which has all but faded to nothing, and he is directly responsible for creating many of the monsters that wreak havoc on Angel Grove and the rest of the Earth.

SKILLS: Alertness (Insight) +d4 Alertness (Investigation) +d4 Brawn +d4 Initiative +d4 Might +d4* Performance (Sculpting) +d12 Persuasion +d4 Science +d10 Conditioning x6 Languages: Putty, understands most Earth-based languages

PERKS: Reliable Advisor: As a keen manipulator and wise advisor, Finster gains Edge on any Persuasion Skill Tests. Inventor: Knowledgeable about both machines and magic, Finster gains Edge on any Skill Tests related to making or fixing inventions or magical items and potions.

ATTACKS: Unarmed Strike: Might +d4*; Reach 5; 1 Blunt Damage




compared to most other monsters, they are still far stronger than an average human and their multiple numbers can easily overpower even the strongest Power Rangers. Mass casualties of putty patrollers do not matter to their creators, as their broken down clay is just recycled to make more.

SKILLS: Alertness +d2, Might (Martial Arts) +d4*

“The Putty Patrollers will make space dust out of those kids! And the beauty is, if they don’t, we can always make more. Now into the Monster-Matic they go. Ten seconds should do it.” – Finster

Languages: Putty, understands English

PERKS: Surprise Attack: The Putty gains Edge on attack rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Putty Patrollers, commonly referred to as “putties,” are the foot-soldiers of Rita Repulsa and other evil space aliens who are set to destroy the Power Rangers and take over Earth. Made of putty clay in Finster’s Monster-Matic, putties serve as fodder and distraction as deadlier monsters carry out their nefarious plans. Putty patrollers are sent to Earth in groups, appearing as if out of nowhere, and while they are not intelligent, they carry out their orders without question and are loyal to their masters.


Each putty patroller is a molded clone, with no individual personality. While physically weak


Power in Numbers: The Putty gains Edge on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the putty’s allies is within 5 ft. of the target. Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts): +d4* (Toughness, 1 Damage) Putties are naturally skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Easily Distracted: Deception checks to divert a Putty’s attention elsewhere using a prop or something happening in the scene gain1.

Putty Patrollers (changeling) THREAT LEVEL: 2 SIZE: COMMON | HEALTH: 1 TOUGHNESS: 13 | EVASION: 11 WILLPOWER: 10 | CLEVERNESS: 13 GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 ft. Certain putty patrollers have the ability to take alternate forms, including human disguises convincing enough to fool an average onlooker. While in these disguises, the putty inherits the ability to speak the language of whatever form it has taken. Changeling putties have superior intelligence to their regular counterparts, although they still do not act on their own accord and only serve those who control them.



SKILLS: Deception +d4 Diplomacy +d2 Might (Martial Arts) +d4* Targeting +d2 Languages: Putty, English (while in human form)

ATTACKS: Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts): +d4* (Toughness, 1 Damage) Putties are naturally skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

POWERS: Changeling Powers (2/Scene, Free): The Putty Patroller may change into any form, and any onlooker within 5 ft. becomes Impaired.

Putty Patrollers (z-putties) THREAT LEVEL: 3



Surprise Attack: The Z-Putty gains Edge on attack rolls against any creature it has surprised.

TOUGHNESS: 16 | EVASION: 13 WILLPOWER: 12 | CLEVERNESS: 11 GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 ft. “Your putties are as useless to me as you are. I have my own army of putties.” – Lord Zedd Z-Putty Patrollers are a much stronger, nearly invulnerable form of ordinary Putty Patrollers. Although made of the same material, these footsoldiers of Lord Zedd’s creation are tougher and quicker. As creations of Zedd’s, the Z-Putties were not created in the Monster-Matic by Finister but were instead formed from putty and infused with life-giving energy from Zedd’s lighting directly into the Z emblem in their chest armor. Because of this, their most vulnerable point of weakness is their chests.

Power in Numbers: The Z-Putty gains Edge on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the putty’s allies is within 5 ft. of the target.

ATTACKS: Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts): +d6* (Toughness, 1 Blunt Damage) Z-Putties are naturally skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

HANGUPS: Weak Point: Any hit made against a Z-Putty that exceeds its toughness by more than 10 is considered a direct hit to its chest, exploding it on impact.

SKILLS: Might (Martial Arts) +d6* Athletics +d4 Acrobatics +d4* Alertness +d4 Languages: Putty, understands English



Pineapple the Clown (changeling) THREAT LEVEL: 2 SIZE: COMMON | HEALTH: 4 TOUGHNESS: 13 | EVASION: 11 WILLPOWER: 11 | CLEVERNESS: 13 GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 ft. “Don’t frown, my fellow clown. We’ll get them. We’ll get them all! MuahahahahaHA!” - Pineapple Pineapple the Clown is the changeling form of his grown form: the monster Pineoctopus! He likes to terrorize his victims by turning them into cardboard after taunting them with his clowning antics. Once Pineapple has been wounded twice, he will generally opt to change into his monster form for protection and revenge!

SKILLS: Might (Martial Arts) +d4* Deception +d4 Diplomacy +d2 Perception +d2 Targeting +d2 Languages: Common, Putty

PERKS: Charming Personality: Pineapple gains Edge on any charm or deception checks against children under 14 years old or any targets within 5 ft. of a child.

ATTACKS: Multiple Attacks: Pineapple may make two ranged attacks or one melee attack per action. Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts): +d4*, Reach (Toughness, 1 Blunt Damage) Pineapple is naturally skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Egg Attack (Targeting): +d2, Range 25 ft. (Evasion, Stun) Pineapple’s eggs do not cause Damage, but any hit targets are stunned for one round. Cardboard Powder (Targeting): +d2, Range 10 ft. (Evasion) Any target hit with Cardboard Powder is instantly turned into a cardboard cutout.

POWERS: Changeling Power (2/Scene, Free): Pineapple may change into any form of common or smaller size, stunning and disorienting any onlooker within 5 ft.. Creatures stunned in this way may not be attacked but will be subject to a 1 shift for the first roll that Pineapple makes to deceive them during the same scene. Gridblink (2/Scene, Move): Pineapple magically teleports, along with any equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 120 ft. to an unoccupied space he can see. Monster of the Week (1/Scene, Move): Pineapple the Clown may turn into his monster form, Pineoctopus, as a move action. Once grown, he inherits all of the stats of his new form. He may change back using his Changeling Power.




SKILLS: Targeting +d6 Might (Melee) +d8* Languages: Common (?)

ATTACKS: Energy Balls (Targeting): +d6, Range 30 ft. (Evasion, 1 Energy Damage) Pineoctopus fires a barrage of light pink colored energy balls from his vine arms. Each attack releases two balls to the same target, each of which must successfully hit to afflict 1 Damage. Cardboard Powder (Targeting): +d6, Range 20 ft. (Evasion) Pineoctopus can fire his special powder from his head and tentacle petals, turning any hit targets into cardboard. Vine Arms (Might): +d8*, Reach 15 ft. (Toughness, 1 Blunt Damage) Pineoctopus uses his vine-like arms to batter his enemies. Instead of inflicting Damage, he may alternatively choose to grapple the target.


Pineoctopus (grown)

Energy Balls (Targeting): +d8, Range 30 ft. (Evasion, 1 Energy Damage)


Pineoctopus fires a barrage of light pink colored energy balls from his vine arms. Each attack releases two balls to the same target, each of which must successfully hit to afflict 1 Damage.


Cardboard Powder (Targeting): +d8, Range 20 ft. (Evasion)


Pineoctopus can fire his special powder from his head and tentacle petals, turning any hit targets into cardboard.

Targeting +d8 Brawn +d6 Might (Melee) +d10* Languages: Common (?)

Vine Arms (Might): +d10*, Reach 15 ft. (Toughness, 1 Blunt Damage) Pineoctopus uses his vine-like arms to batter his enemies. Instead of inflicting Damage, he may alternatively choose to grapple the target.



Polluticorn (normal) THREAT LEVEL: 7 SIZE: LARGE | HEALTH: 12 TOUGHNESS: 16 | EVASION: 16 WILLPOWER: 13 | CLEVERNESS: 16 GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 ft. AERIAL MOVEMENT: 60 ft. The Polluticorn is a unicorn monster with massive wings, determined to pollute every planet it visits. It is aggressively destructive, with a strong will and a daring personality. Although it does a great amount of damage easily with its Toxic Winds pollution, it is also a skilled fighter in hand-to-hand combat.

SKILLS: Initiative +d4 Intimidation +d4 Melee +d6* Perception +d4* Stealth +d4 Targeting +d4

PERKS: Powerful Leap: The Polluticorn’s long jump and high jump is up to 40 ft. with or without a running start. Super Strike: Polluticorn is a trained combatant and receives Edge on all unarmed combat as long as it is not wounded.



ATTACKS: Unarmed Combat (Melee): +d6*, Reach (Toughness, 1 Blunt Damage) Blasting Horn (Targeting): +d4, Range 30 feet (Evasion, 1 Energy Damage) Polluticorn shoots an energy ball from his horn, dealing energy damage. Lightning Vision (2x/scene, Targeting): +d4, Range 20 ft. (Evasion, 1 Electric Damage) Polluticorn emits blue and yellow lightning from its eyes in a 20 ft. line, targeting all creatures in that area.

POWERS: Power Winds (Move Action): Polluticorn beats his wings. Each creature within a 20 ft. radius of Polluticorn must succeed on a DIF 12 Brawn Skill Test or receive a point of Damage and be knocked prone. Polluticorn can then fly up to half its flying speed.

HANGUPS: Weak Point: Polluticorn’s strength resides within his horn. Any hit made against Polluticorn that exceeds its Toughness by more than 10 is considered a direct hit to its horn, taking away its ability to use its Toxic Winds.

Polluticorn (grown)



Power Winds (Move Action): Polluticorn beats his wings. Each creature within a 20 ft. radius of Polluticorn must succeed on a DIF 12 Resistance Skill Test or receive 1 Damage and be knocked Prone. Polluticorn can then fly up to half its flying speed.

SIZE: GIGANTIC | HEALTH: 18 TOUGHNESS: 17 | EVASION: 17 WILLPOWER: 13 | CLEVERNESS: 16 GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 ft. AERIAL MOVEMENT: 60 ft. The Polluticorn is a unicorn monster with massive wings, determined to pollute every planet it visits. It is aggressively destructive, with a strong will and a daring personality. Although it does a great amount of damage easily with its Toxic Winds pollution, it is also a skilled fighter in hand-to-hand combat.

HANGUPS: Weak Point: Polluticorn’s strength resides within his horn. Any hit made against Polluticorn that exceeds its Toughness by more than 10 is considered a direct hit to its horn, taking away its ability to use its Toxic Winds.

SKILLS: Initiative +d4 Intimidation +d4 Melee +d8* Perception +d4* Stealth +d4 Targeting +d6 Languages:

PERKS: Powerful Leap: The Polluticorn’s long jump and high jump is up to 40 ft. with or without a running start. Super Strike: Polluticorn is a trained combatant and receives Edge on all unarmed combat as long as it is not wounded.

ATTACKS: Unarmed Combat (Melee): +d8*, Reach (Toughness, 1 Blunt Damage) Blasting Horn (Targeting): +d6, Range 30 ft. (Toughness, 1 Energy Damage) Polluticorn shoots an energy ball from his horn, dealing energy damage. Lightning Vision (2x/scene, Targeting): +d6 against Evasion, Range 20 ft. (Toughness, 1 Electric Damage) Polluticorn emits blue and yellow lightning from its eyes in a 20 ft. line, targeting all creatures in that area.



Rito Revolto

SKILLS: Alertness +d2



Deception +d2


Diplomacy +d4


Intimidation +d8

Rito Revolto hails from a family legacy of villainy, along with his father Master Vile, sister Rita Repulsa, brother-in-law Lord Zedd, and nephew Thrax. His relationship with Rita Repulsa is a volatile one, and although they do sometimes work towards the same goal, they have competed for their father’s approval and adoration since they were children, leading to much tension. A mighty opponent in battle, his brawn and aptitude for combat is directly opposed to his intelligence, and strategic planning is certainly not his strongest skillset. Rito looks like a giant skeleton, which aids him in his intimidation of others, but his absent-mindedness and buffoonery often destroys those attempts. More often than not, Rito Revolto’s plans are thwarted by his own unwise actions.

Initiative +d6 Might (Melee) +d8* Brawn +d4 Targeting +d6 Languages: English

PERKS: Commanding Call: Rito Revolto has a command over any other Threats in a scene. All Threats gain +2 to their Initiative when he is within sight. Mighty Resilience (1x/scene): Rito Revolto can shake off heavy attacks that would otherwise destroy others. When a successful hit would do two or more Damage to Rito, he suffers only one Damage instead. Jetpack Pilot (limited/scene): As long as Rito Revolto has not used his Flamethrower Canon in a scene, he can use the fuel tank as a jetpack, allowing him to fly at a movement of 30 ft. per round.

ATTACKS: Bone Sword (Melee): +d8*, Reach (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage) Rito Revolto’s main weapon is a giant sword made of bones intersected with each other. Flamethrower Cannon (Targeting, 2x/scene): +d6, Range 30 ft. (Evasion, 2 Energy Damage) This large camo flamethrower cannon fires massive bolts of red energy. Lightning Ball Blast (Targeting): +d6, Range 50 ft. (Evasion, 1 Electric damage) Rito’s Bone Sword creates a powerful energy attack when he raises it to the sky to conduct lightning into red spheres.

HANGUPS: Buffoon: Rito Revolto blunders socially to the point that even those under his command are irritated by him. Rito suffers a Snag on all Intimidation and Diplomacy Skill Tests.



Slippery Shark (normal) TOUGHNESS: 15 | EVASION: 14 WILLPOWER: 12 | CLEVERNESS: 14

When Slippery Shark succeeds on a Boomerang Fin hit against two targets in a row, the second target is mesmerized by the fin. That creature will be compelled to make its next attack against the first target. Ramming Blow (Might): +d6, Reach (Toughness, 1 Blunt Damage)

GROUND MOVEMENT: 40 ft. | SWIM: 60 ft.



Slippery Shark is a cunning foe, using its clever resourcefulness to track and trap its potential victims. In its normal form, it can swim underground, using its swim movement to tunnel through all types of earth unnoticed. Slippery Shark’s Boomerang Fin not only deals serious blows to its enemies, but it also has the ability to cause strife between two people who touch it. Slippery Shark’s keen manipulation of this ability gives it a substantial advantage in combat and negotiations.

Charging Attack (2/Scene, Free): If Slippery Shark moves at least 30 ft. straight toward a target and then hits it with a Ramming Blow attack on the same turn, it gains Edge on that attack. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DIF 13 Brawn Skill Test or be knocked prone. Gridblink (2/Scene, Move): Slippery Shark uses the Grid to teleport, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 ft. to an unoccupied space it can see, as a move action. It can do this twice per encounter.

SKILLS: Alertness +d4 Brawn +2 Might (Natural Weapons) +d6* Stealth +d4 Languages: Putty, English

PERKS: Amphibious: Slippery Shark can breathe air and water. Tunneller: Slippery Shark can burrow through unworked earth and stone using its swim speed. While doing so, Slippery Shark doesn’t disturb the material it moves through. However, it cannot attack while moving in this way and therefore must stop all movement for the turn and be above ground before taking any action. Sense Weakness: Slippery Shark gains Edge on melee attack rolls against any creature that is wounded. Immunity: Poison

ATTACKS: Multiple Attacks: Slippery Shark makes two Claw or Ramming Blow attacks or one Boomerang Fin attack. Claws (Natural Weapons): +d6*, Reach (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage) Boomerang Fin (Natural Weapons): +d6*, Reach (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage)



Slippery Shark (grown) THREAT LEVEL: 8 SIZE: GIGANTIC



SKILLS: Alertness +d6* Brawn +d6* Might +d6* Stealth +d4 Languages: Putty, understands Common (?)

PERKS: Amphibious: Slippery Shark can breathe air and water. Tunneller: Slippery Shark can burrow through unworked earth and stone using its swim speed. While doing so, Slippery Shark doesn’t disturb the material it moves through. However, it cannot attack while moving in this way and therefore must stop all movement for the turn and be above ground before taking any action. Sense Weakness: Slippery Shark gains Edge on melee attack rolls against any creature that is wounded. Immunity: Poison

ATTACKS: Multiple Attacks: Slippery Shark makes two Ramming Blow attacks or one Boomerang Fin attack. Claws: +d6*, Reach (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage) Boomerang Fin (Natural Weapons): +d6*, Reach (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage) When Slippery Shark succeeds on a Boomerang Fin hit against two targets in a row, the second target is mesmerized by the fin. That creature will be compelled to make its next attack against the first target. Ramming Blow (Brawn): +d6*, Reach (Toughness, 1 Blunt Damage)

POWERS: Charging Attack (2/Scene, Free): If Slippery Shark moves at least 60 ft. straight toward a target and then hits it with a melee attack on the same turn, it gains Edge on that attack. If the target is a creature,



it must succeed on a DIF 13 Brawn Skill Test or be knocked Prone. Gridblink (2/Scene, Move): Slippery Shark uses the Grid to teleport, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 ft. to an unoccupied space it can see, as a move action. It can do this twice per encounter.

Snizzard THREAT LEVEL: 3 SIZE: COMMON | HEALTH: 5 TOUGHNESS: 17 | EVASION: 12 WILLPOWER: 16 | CLEVERNESS: 14 GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 ft. A vile reptilian monster, the Snizzard is a creation of Finster with a torso that opens up like a mouth to shoot “tonsil snakes,” at anyone who threatens it. Its arms and his legs are made up of snakes that coil around each other, and anyone who are ensnared by his snake attacks are drained of their energy.

SKILLS: Brawn +4 Might +d8 Insight +d4* Perception +d4* Stealth +d4 Targeting +d4 Languages: Putty

PERKS: Summon Putties (2/Scene, Free): Snizzard can use its full action to summon two Putty Patrollers to any spaces within 15 ft., which begin their turn at the end of Snizzard’s next turn. If Snizzard is destroyed, all summoned Putty Patrollers disappear. Immunity: Ranged Energy

ATTACKS: Multiple Attacks: Snizzard makes one ranged or two melee attacks: one with its claws and one with its tail. Claws (Might): +d8, Reach (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage) Razorbow (Targeting): +d4, Range 80/300 ft. (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage) Tail (Might): +d8, Reach (Toughness, 1 Blunt Damage)

POWERS: Projectile Snakes (3/Scene): As a full action, Snizzard can shoot two tonsil snakes out of its mouth. The tonsil snakes take their turn at the end of Snizzard’s turn in which they were spawned. Zapper Apple: The Zapper Apple on Snizzard’s crown is his source of energy. As a free action, Snizzard use it to charge an arrow with Energy, giving a subsequent attack with it 1 and doing Energy Damage on a successful hit. The Zapper Apple gives Snizzard immunity to any ranged Energy Damage.



Tonsil Snakes

Spit Flower (normal)










The Spit Flower is a carnivorous plant monster with a tough organic armor-plated body. It drains energy from its opponents by shooting biting flowers at them. Its massive pincer claws are deadly in combat, as they both wound and grapple its targets, and its antennae should blasts of energy that can take down even the most powerful of Power Rangers.

Alertness +d2 Might +d4 Stealth +d4

ATTACKS: Bite (Might): +d2, Reach (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage) Constrict (Might): +d2, Reach (Toughness, grapple) On a successful hit, the target is grappled. Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and the snake can’t constrict another target.

SKILLS: Grappling (Might) +d6* Initiative +d4 Natural Weapons (Might) +d6* Perception (Alertness) +d4* Infiltration +d4 Targeting +d4 Languages:

ATTACKS: Multiple Attacks: The Spit Flower makes two claw attacks or one energy blast attack. Claws: Might (Natural Weapons) +d6*, Reach 5 (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage, grapple) Upon a successful hit, the target is also grappled. Spit Flower has two claws, each of which can grapple only one target. Energy Blast (2x/scene, Targeting): +d4, Range 60 ft. (Evasion, 2 Energy Damage) The Spit Flower emits a beam of light from its antennae, dealing energy damage to one target within range.



Spit Flower (grown)

Biting Flower











Grappling +d8* Initiative +d6 Melee +d8* Perception +d4* Stealth +d4 Targeting +d6 Languages: -

ATTACKS: Multiple Attacks: The Spit Flower makes two claw attacks or one energy blast attack. Claws (Natural Weapons): +d8*, Reach (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage, grapple) Upon a successful hit, the target is also grappled. Spit Flower has two claws, each of which can grapple only one target.

Might +d2 Stealth +d6*

PERKS: Telepathic Bond: The biting flower can telepathically convey what it senses to its master as well as other biting flowers, and they all can communicate telepathically. Immunity: Poison

ATTACKS: Bite (Might): +d2, Reach (Toughness, 1 Poison Damage) Constrict (Might): +d2, Reach (Toughness, grapple) The biting flower’s vines wrap around the target, who is grappled. Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and the Biting Flower can’t constrict another target.

Energy Blast (2x/scene, Targeting): +d6, Range 60 ft (Evasion, 2 Energy Damage) The Spit Flower emits a beam of light from its antennae, dealing energy damage to one target within range.

POWERS: Create Footsoldier (3x/scene, whole Turn): As a whole Turn, the Spit Flower (Grown) can eat up to two flowers growing in the vicinity and spit out biting flowers in their place. The biting flowers take their turn at the end of the Spit Flower’s turn in which they were spawned.



Terror Toad (normal)



Energy Shield: Terror Toad has incredible defense, easily shrugging off most attacks and deflecting laser blasts with an energy shield projected from its belly.


Amphibious: The Terror Toad can breathe air and water.

GROUND MOVEMENT: 20 ft. | SWIM: 20 ft. An especially cruel creature, the Terror Toad is known for his biting words and appetite for swallowing people whole! The Terror Toad will trap its victim psychically by mocking them and breaking down their willpower, eventually consuming them to increase its attacks. Terror Toad is incredibly powerful, especially once it has eaten, but its horn is the source of that power. If damaged, it can no longer use its energy attacks.

SKILLS: Might +d6 Diplomacy +d4 Intimidation +d6 Perception +d4 Targeting +d4 Languages: Putty

Immunity: Poison

ATTACKS: Claws (Might): +d6, Reach (Toughness, 1 Sharp Damage) Terror Toad’s clawed hands do piercing damage, even through armor or metal. Tongue (Might): +d6, Reach 25 ft. (Evasion, grapple) Terror Toad’s long tongue is used to incapacitate his enemies. On a successful attack, the target is grappled and pulled up to 30ft towards the Terror Toad. Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and the Terror Toad cannot constrict another target. Energy Beam (Targeting): +d4, Range 60 ft. (Evasion, 1 Energy Damage) The Terror Toad emits a beam of light in a 60-foot line, affecting all targets within the area. Energy Sphere (Targeting): +d4, Range 50 ft. (Evasion, 1 Energy Damage) Terror Toad emits an energy tongue from the horn on his head that turns his foes into energy spheres. Any creature successfully turned into an energy sphere receives 1 Energy Damage and is paralyzed for 1 round, able to be consumed by the Terror Toad until the end of their next turn.

POWERS: Devour (4/Scene, Move and Attack): Terror Toad may use both his move and attack actions to devour any creature it has Grappled or trapped in an Energy Ball. The creature is still alive but loses 1 Essence for each round they remain inside Terror Toad’s large stomach. Any creature that is devoured may try to escape with a DIF 30 Brawn or Might Skill Test or if Terror Toad is defeated. Terror Toad gains 1 shift to all Energy attacks for each creature it has devoured.

HANGUPS: Weak Point: Any hit made against the Terror Toad that exceeds its toughness by more than 12 is considered a direct hit to its horn, taking away its ability to use its Energy Beam or Energy Spheres.



RUNNING AN 14 ADVENTURE It is your duty as a Power Ranger to save the universe. Now is the time. - Zordon


Individual adventures are what make up the ongoing story of a Power Rangers Roleplaying Game campaign. Every adventure is an encapsulated tale of heroics, and while some finish in one shot, most can be connected to other adventures to make a continuous storyline. Whether you are running a published adventure or creating a story of your own, there are some important factors you will want to consider before beginning: 1. Read the Core Rulebook: As the GM, it is important that you know the rules of the game. While the main job of the GM is to be a storyteller, you are also the game’s referee. If a player wants their character to do something, you must be able to make a judgment call as to whether it falls within the scope of the rules of the game. Of course, fun should always outrank strict rules, and as the GM, you may determine that allowing a fantastic outof-the-box idea is much better than pigeon-holing a character’s actions to the strict rules, and that is perfectly ok! However, a basic understanding of those rules will help you make that determination, so a thorough read of this book is important. The three most important parts of the rules that a GM must know are how combat works, action resolution (how Skill Tests work), and while you don’t need to memorize them all, an understanding of how Perks and Powers are used. If the player tries to punch a Tenga Warrior, what happens? If the player tries to open a door, what happens? If the player tries to sidle across a ledge, what happens? Knowing how to resolve these situations automatically will allow for smooth and fun gameplay without the interruption of having to look up the rules. 2. Prepare: If you are using a pre-written adventure (sometimes referred to as a “module”), read through it entirely, so you will have a good understanding of all of its sections, including the various Threats and options your players will come across. This is important so that if your players decide to do something outside of the given story or decide to go to a location that isn’t in the adventure, you will have the knowledge of how to roleplay the NPCs to get them back to where the action is. The Adventure Breakdown, below, will help you learn the different ways information is presented in an adventure. Telling the story of the adventure comes down to communicating details, and in order to do so, you have to know those details. Sometimes a choice that is perfectly reasonable to the character isn’t in the adventure, and it is ok to just say that you don’t have that type of material prepared.


3. Adjust: It is important to look at the adventure’s recommended character levels and adjust for your group of players and the overall campaign that you are running. Modifying the adventure to have lower level Threats for novice Rangers or adjusting motivations for NPCs to fit into your overarching story is a great way to create a custom and engaging game for your players. One of the main goals of a GM is to create a rich world in which PCs can explore and interact. This book provides many resources to keep you equipped as a GM: sample Threats, descriptions of locations your players may visit, and information on the history of the Power Rangers and their enemies. Once you get used to adjusting adventures for your players, you will start to become comfortable making them your own, changing Threats or even adding your own continuing story hooks and plots for future sessions. 4. Session 0: Gather your players, whether in person or virtually, for a quick pre-adventure session. This is a good time to guide them through making their characters. For experienced players, you may not need to have much oversight, but you will want to review their final choices to make sure they are done correctly as well as to make any further adjustments to the story like you did in step 3. Often, a player’s character choice will inspire a side quest or fun backstory in a mission, and it makes players feel more engaged and involved when an adventure applies to their character’s motivations. Session 0 is also a perfect time to talk to your players about comfort levels, including “lines and veils.” Lines and veils is a term that is used to cover sensitive topics or situations that players don’t feel comfortable having in their game. A player may have a serious phobia of spiders, for example, so knowing this ahead of time will allow you to adjust any adventures that may have a spider in them to a different type of Threat. 5. Make It Your Own: Power Rangers is a setting that means different things to different fans. Players who grew up with the television show may want a campy and humorous vibe in their game, while players who read the comic books may want a grittier game with daring heroics. This discussion can be had in your Session 0, but ultimately, it is up to you as the GM to decide the type of story you will tell. Even while running a pre-written adventure, you can easily scale how silly or dark the story will be played out. Want a game full of laughter and cheesy one-liners? Go for it! Want a game full of mystery and frightening outcomes? You can do that too.


6. Have Fun: The rules of the game are what makes the “game” part of roleplaying games work. However, if a story and all the action is being held up by a rule? Just go with what you feel works best. Remember, you are the referee and storyteller here! The object of playing a game is to have fun. That being said, it is important to remember that while as the GM, you are playing the role of the team’s adversaries, you are not and should not be “against” your players in any way. This is not a game of players vs. game master. RPGs are cooperative storytelling games, and that includes everyone. While the GM provides conflicts for the players to overcome to make the game exciting, there are no “winners” in these games. The way to win is to have a great time!

Adventure Balance Some play groups prefer an action-packed, combat-heavy game. Power Rangers is an action story, after all. There are many players who like the intrigue and exploration of figuring out clues and secret motives of those they are fighting against. Of course, the word “roleplaying” in the game refers to taking on a role and interacting with others, in character, to accomplish tasks. These three concepts are key in any adventure, and are commonly referred to as the three “pillars” or “aspects” of play: Combat: Any scenario in which the characters must fight their way out of a situation with physical conflict is combat. Resolved in turns with Initiative dictating the order of play, combat is where Power Rangers use their expert martial arts skills and cool Power Weapons to take down Threats. Exploration: When characters must explore and investigate their surroundings, whether outside in a natural environment or indoors searching through files, it is exploration. Players decide to visit a location and what they intend to do there, and the GM presents them with options, clues, and results of their choices. If players are tasked with finding an underground vault, the journey and all obstacles they meet along the way is all part of exploration.

A well-designed adventure that keeps players engaged and having fun will include all three of these aspects of game play in some way. They often overlap in different combinations, and some adventures may lean heavily on one over another. To keep the interest of all types of players, it is best to encourage them to participate in all three, as well as include them when thinking about your own adventures you want to run.

Adventure Breakdown Essence20 Roleplaying System adventures have a specific format that can be followed to find the information you need. Here are the basics: Text for the GM’s eyes only will be written like this and is not meant to be shared with players. This is information for you to know in case you need to describe an area, reveal a Threat, unveil a clue, or have any other knowledge on hand in case your players ask a question about the scene. These are things for the characters to discover on their own, through exploration or social interaction, using their Skill Tests as they see fit. Text for the GM to describe to the players (verbatim, if you wish) will be written like this and placed in this type of box. Italicized text like this is something an NPC might say in the scenario, which you may read aloud in character, if you choose to.

Area Descriptions Area Descriptions will give basic highlights of the location in the adventure. This may include lighting, flooring, and key points of interest in the room. These are also not meant to be read aloud, but instead, revealed as characters explore the area. If a character makes an Alertness Skill Test to look around a room, it is then that the GM will decide, based on the results of the roll, what that character discovers.

Social Interaction: Conversations, interrogations, diplomacy, and even stopping at a nearby gas station for directions are all social interaction. Any time a character must talk to another person, whether it is a teammate or an NPC, they are playing the role of their character, gaining valuable information or accomplishing tasks for their goal.



NPCs and Stat Blocks Key NPCs will always be bolded in the text. This signifies that the NPC will have a stat block available that the GM can use to learn how to play that character. If the NPC is a friend or someone who is willing to discuss information, a good look at their Social-based Skills will help you roleplay the character. If the NPC is a Threat, most of the important

Stat Block information will be what they do in combat. Stat Blocks for adventure-specific NPCs are often found either in the part of the adventure where they show up or in the appendix of the adventure, all condensed together. For common Threats or canon NPCs that show up in many adventures, Stat Blocks can be found in the Threats Chapter, beginning on page 206 of this book.

Gaming Terms: Campaign vs. Session vs. Adventure vs. Scene Campaign: A campaign is your complete storyline from the beginning, when your players’ characters all first meet (or get together for the first time) to the final session that they play in, concluding the overarching story. A campaign can last just a few play sessions to many years of weekly playing, depending on the story and the group playing it! Many GMs string together various adventures and missions to make a very long campaign, fitting everything inside an intricate storyline. Like the Power Rangers television series with multiple seasons, there are many episodes with different small encapsulated objectives and stories, but the entire show, from the premier to the season finale, is the campaign. Session: A session is the commonly used word to describe a full play session with a group of players. Some players only have time for a one-hour session during lunch at school or work. Some groups will play for an eight-hour (or more) day! There are 3-4 hour sessions at conventions, and everything in between. It doesn’t matter how long a session lasts, but for the play for the day, it is defined as a session. Part: A part is a segment of an adventure. For example, in the adventure in this book, A Fool’s Errand, there are three parts. Parts sometimes have a designation of how long they will take to play on average, so a GM and their players can plan for the length of their play session for the day. You may only be able to play for a part or two in a shorter session, but since adventures are broken up into segments like this, it is easy to continue where you left off in your next session. Often, parts can be played in non-linear order, allowing a group to decide where to go next and giving the GM tools for an adventure in case the players stumble upon it. Sometimes parts are skipped over altogether if a group chooses a different path to their goal. Parts are filled with various things for the players to do and hurdles for them to overcome, which are called scenes. Scene: A scene is usually an event, person (or group), place, or thing that the players come across and must interact with during an adventure. A group of Putty Patrollers in the park, a strange glowing stone on the beach, or a Threat on the loose all make up scenes, and players resolve them through combat, exploration, or roleplaying – often even a combination of these things. A series of scenes in one area or story within the overall campaign that all go together generally make up an adventure, with the end of that series a good place to stop and move on to the next one.



A FOOL’S ERRAND “The secret of the successful fool is that he’s no fool at all.” - Isaac Asimov

Objectives: Race to save the victims and their families and possibly the entire city Angel Grove.

This adventure is designed for three to five 1st first level characters. This adventure takes place in the city of Angel Grove and is a perfect jump off point for your players’ first adventure in the Power Rangers Universe.

Beginning the Adventure

Special note: This introductory adventure was designed for Power Rangers of the regular spectrum (Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, Green and Pink). Advanced Spectrum Rangers may have Role Perks that may not be immediately useful in this introductory adventure.

Preparing the Game

The adventure begins at the Command Center. Alpha 5 has finished giving the new Power Rangers team their basic training, but the very last step is to pass the Power Ranger Battle Simulation. He addresses the team: Ay yi yi! You’ve successfully completed most of your Ranger Training! Now all that is left is the Power Ranger Battle Simulation. This room is designed for you to test your skills against a holographic A.I. opponent. Remember, you’re stronger as a team! Good luck Rangers!

To prepare this adventure, the GM (and ONLY the GM) should read this adventure in its entirety to fully understand what to expect. Sometimes clever players can come up with some interesting solutions and knowing what this entire adventure is about ahead of time will better help you (and your players) stay on track.

Part 1: The Battle Simulation

Adventure Overview

Story Objective

This adventure takes place in 3 Parts. Part 1: Your new team of Power Rangers have just finished their basic training and get to practice in a simple battle simulator under the guidance of Alpha-5. Zordon will inform them all that the Power Rangers are needed to investigate distortions in the Morphin Grid, followed by kidnappings in 3 separate locations across Angel Grove. Objectives: Survive the Battle Simulator and then answer Zordon’s call for heroes. Part 2: The Rangers will be teleported to the locations of the kidnappings to follow up on clues. Later, they will follow those clues to their source, learning what the common denominator between all of the missing persons really is and where they may have all gone. Objectives: Investigate clues about victims and follow those clues to learn about what is really happening in Angel Grove. Part 3: The Rangers make their way to the Angel Grove Pier where the final showdown takes place. There, they will have to battle their way through a small army to its leader, who does not clown around, hopefully in time to save the kidnapped victims and their families.

The objective of Part 1 is to survive the Battle Simulator and then answer Zordon’s call for heroes to investigate the missing people in Angel Grove.

Command Center Battle Simulator This room is white and sterile while all of the machines are powered down. Made from special material to enhance holographic projections, all simulations created while the simulator is running seem indistinguishable from reality. With the lights on, this room is brightly lit. Without any warning, the lights go out and then come back on. Alpha is gone, replaced by a behemoth patchwork of grey clay and stone! Standing head and shoulders taller than anyone you’ve ever seen, it looks at each of you. Smashing its cinder block sized fists together, it stalks towards you, the metallic ground echoing its substantial weight! The Mongo-HoloPutty sets its sights on the PCs and prepares to attack. Roll initiative!






GM Tip: Allow the newly formed team of Power Rangers to test their prowess. Any damage received in this battle simulation is temporary for the duration of the simulation and will be healed as soon as the simulation concludes, whether the Rangers win or lose.

Mongo-HoloPutty THREAT LEVEL: 3

HANG-UPS: Overfocus: The Mongo-HoloPutty’s programming is a work in progress. The Mongo-HoloPutty will go after whomever damaged it last, even turning its back on dangerous foes. Those who recognize this behavior with a DIF 11 Alertness Skill check gain an Edge on all attacks against Mongo-HoloPutty, as long as MongoHoloPutty has not attacked them in this round.


Story Point:

TOUGHNESS: 15 | EVASION: 12 WILLPOWER: 16 | CLEVERNESS: 10 GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 ft. Standing 7 feet tall, the holographic digital combat simulation named Mongo-HoloPutty is a creation of Alpha 5. Although only an ultra-realistic, holographic combat simulator, (complete with synaptic feedback) the Mongo-HoloPutty is a slam and crush beast. No guile. No finesse. No fear. The Command Center’s combat A.I. comes at you in a straight line, swinging its cinder block-sized fists until you fall. Then, it moves on to the next target.

SKILLS: Alertness +d4, Athletics +d4, Brawn +d4, Might (Martial Arts) +d6* Languages: Putty, understands English

PERKS: Power in Numbers: The Putty gains Edge on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the putty’s allies is within 5 feet of the target.

ATTACKS: Crush (Martial Arts): +d6*, Reach (1 Blunt Damage)

If the players defeat the MongoHoloPutty using the Overfocus Hang-up against it, they are awarded a Story Point for teamwork, which is what being a Power Ranger is all about!

Upon battle conclusion read the following: The battle concludes, and the lights fade to darkness, then brighten again. Alpha 5 excitedly enters the room from the opposite end and exclaims: Congratulations Rangers! Your Ranger Recruit training is now complete! Oh, I am so proud of you all! Next week you will begin… Once Alpha 5 has congratulated the team, an alarm rings loudly throughout the Command Center. Zordon appears in the air behind Alpha 5, announcing that there is an emergency in Angel Grove.

A physical attack, the Mongo-HoloPutty swings its cinderblock like fists to crush opponents. Slam (Might), 3x/Scene: +d6, Reach (2 Blunt Damage, grapple) Mongo-HoloPutty uses its huge hands to grab an opponent by a limb. If the target is grabbed, it becomes grappled, and Mongo-HoloPutty will swing the target into the nearest wall or the ground. Mongo-HoloPutty can attempt to Slam the grappled creature into another creature within Reach by making an additional Might Skill test. If a 2nd creature is targeted this way, each creature takes 1 Blunt Damage on a successful hit.

Story Point: The first character to volunteer to help Zordon with this emergency gains Edge to their next roll. If all Rangers immediately agree to help without question, the team is awarded a Story Point.



Whether the team volunteers its services or Zordon decides that the players can handle it themselves, read the following: Rangers, I am sensing distortions in the Morphin Grid in several locations around Angel Grove. I am afraid that General Repulsa is up to something. We are now picking up reports of kidnappings at each of the distortion locations around Angel Grove. I want you to go investigate and see what you can find out. I do not believe this will be dangerous as the distortions have since passed. Alpha 5 will support you from here in the Command Center should you require assistance.

Luka Franko Age: 20

Student: University of California Angel Grove GPA: 3.3

Last Seen: Job Fair on the UCAG Campus yesterday at approx. 11:30 a.m. Notes: Attending UCAG on a Soccer scholarship. Major: Economics. The school notified Luka’s parents that Luka missed soccer practice. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franko, filed the missing person report.

Missing Person Dossiers Alpha 5 is able to pull up missing persons information on his computer and will give this information to characters who ask about the mission. Rangers! I’ve pulled information from Angel Grove Police Files about the distortion kidnappings. I’ll transfer that information to your wrist communicators so you know who you are looking for! Go find those three missing people, and bring them home!

Maya Lopez Age: 14

Student: Angel Grove High School GPA: 4.0

Last Seen: Angel Grove High School’s Student Council (Room 19B) yesterday at approx 3:45 pm. Notes: Honor student in 10th grade (skipped 9th grade). Her mother, Lola Lopez, filed the missing person report and is extremely worried.


Xin Lilin Age: 19

Student: University of California Angel Grove GPA: 2.6

Last Seen: Playa De La Paz Beach yesterday approx 2:23 p.m.

Notes: Major: Liberal Arts. Missing person report filed by “BFF” Wendy Yi, who states she walked away to record a video for “social media.” When she turned back, Xin Lilin (and her dog, Clementine) were gone, but Xin’s phone was left behind, laying on the ground where she was last seen. Wendy Yi reported, “That is what tipped me off that there was a problem. She would never go anywhere without her phone!”

Maps of Angel Grove While most characters will already be familiar with the layout of the city and its surrounding areas, they are able to access and download basic information and maps on key locations with a DIF 10 Technology Skill Test. Characters who wish to rely on their own knowledge of the area can do so with a DIF 13 History Skill Test.


Ok Rangers! You have everything you need to begin your investigation. I’ll teleport you to within a safe distance of wherever you wish to start your investigation, but you’ll be far more successful using your alter egos, at least at first. Law Enforcement and others won’t necessarily cooperate with us, as we have no official jurisdiction, especially since you are new Rangers! But if you’re as clever and resourceful as we believe you to be, you will figure out what’s going on and more importantly, why, here in Angel Grove! If you have questions, need information, or require forensic scans on evidence you find, or if you need to be teleported to a new location, I’m only a communicator call away! Ay yi yi! I almost forgot! Above all, don’t forget the Power Ranger Directive! FIRST: Never use your power for personal gain. SECOND: Never escalate a battle unless your enemy forces you to. And finally, THIRD: Keep your identity secret. You must never reveal your identity. Ever.

Command Center Laboratory The Command Center is equipped with a laboratory so that Alpha 5 can create new technology, analyze foreign substances, and do forensic scans. Anything brought to the Command Center for analysis is taken to this room, where the most up-to-date equipment is able to reduce any Skill Test difficulties by 5.

Part 2: Missing in Action Characters will follow the information in the dossiers to various locations around Angel Grove. These areas may be explored and investigated in any order, and players may wish to revisit them if more information is needed.

Story Objective Investigate clues about victims and follow those clues to learn about what is really happening in Angel Grove.

Ok, Rangers! Where do you want to start your investigation!?



Area 1: Angel Grove High School Yesterday at 3:44, clowns appeared at the end of the school’s main hallway and asked a young boy, Louis Jennings where to find Maya Lopez. At that moment, Maya walked out of the Student Council meeting and the boy told the clowns, “That’s her.” One of the clowns pulled out some “magic dust,” blew it over Maya and Louis, and they both turned to life-sized cardboard cutouts. Then, the clowns grabbed Maya Lopez (as petrified cardboard) and teleported away, leaving the life-sized cardboard Louis Jennings leaning against a wall with a slight look of surprise on his face. The police have already come and gone, finding no leads on who or what could have done this. During school hours, the classrooms and hallways are packed with students. After 3pm, very few are left in the hallways. There are many posters for school events on the walls.

Room 19B This room contains 25 desks that are nearly empty, save for a few stray papers and pens. An ordinary classroom, there is nothing to see or learn inside room 19B. The Student Council meeting yesterday had finished, and Maya left. Nothing out of the ordinary happened here. POSTERS

Just outside room 19B, there are more posters on the walls. Investigations of the posters reveal the following: DIF 11 Alertness Skill Test: The area has been filled with high school kids several times since yesterday. The floors have been swept and trash emptied. There are many posters on the walls, mostly relating to after school activities and clubs. DIF 15 Alertness Skill Test: the character will notice a life-sized thick poster of a teenage boy in front of the other posters. The hallway of Angel Grove High School is like that of countless other highschools. Posters line the walls, and there is an inspirational one featuring a cat in a Power Rangers suit that says “Climb and realize your dreams.” Next to it is another poster that says,“Join the Science Club,” beside a life-size poster of a teenage boy. At the other end of the hall, lockers line the walls.



Upon closer inspection, any Ranger will see that the cardboard standee is not attached to the wall and is just leaning against it. If anyone touches it, they may be surprised to find it’s extremely heavy for a “cardboard poster.” It weighs 45lbs (20kg). It is printed on both sides: on one side the front and face of the boy and on the backside, the back of the boy. DIF 13 Insight Skill Test: The face of the cardboard cutout boy reveals surprise and a strong touch of fear. It is unnervingly realistic. DIF 13 Science or Technology Skill Test: The character knows that high schools generally don’t have access to the type of printer that is required to print such a high-resolution print. And even if it did, there is no reason why it should be so heavy. This may require a forensic scan with the help of Alpha 5. If a character takes the standee and brings it to Alpha 5 in the Command Center, he will scan the life-sized cardboard standee and reveal that it is Louis Jennings, who was also recently reported missing. The scan will determine that something has removed all the water from his system, reducing him to a two-dimensional image, and that the cardboard itself is susceptible to destruction and fire. He’s alive but in a type of stasis. Alpha 5 will work to return the teenager to his normal self, but he suggests that the Power Rangers continue their investigation., especially in the face of this new dehydration development. If the players discover and return Louis Jennings to Alpha 5, they earn a Story Point for doing what Power Rangers do: save people.

Main Office The main office of the school is a large room at the end of the hallway. All school administrators have private smaller offices and cubicles in this area, situated behind a large reception desk, which is scattered with various flyers, school sign-out forms, and teacher conference request sheets. The school principal, Mr. Caplan, has a private office with windows facing the reception area in the corner of the large room. During school hours and until 5pm, the door to the office is propped open. At night and until school faculty comes in at 7am, the door to this office is locked.



Mr. Caplan is the Principal of Angel Grove High and led the Student Council that day. He is very protective of his students and their privacy. Any charismatic PC attempting to get information from him or his faculty will need to make a DIF 15 Persuasion or Deception Skill Test. Current or recent students of Angel High receive an Edge on these rolls. Otherwise, Mr. Caplan will not speak to anyone that isn’t police, a family friend, or involved with the investigation of Maya Lopez. What does the NPC know?

• Mr. Caplan only praises Maya Lopez as an honor student. If asked about her accolades, he will mention that it’s no wonder that Maya is brilliant. Maya’s mother works for Emegren Tech, and they only take the best and the brightest. • Mr. Caplan is very worried because now it seems another student, Louis Jennings, has gone missing. Apparently, no one has seen him since yesterday.

Computers There are computers at every desk in the main office, all networked to the school’s main server. All student records, including those of Maya Lopez and Louis Jennings, are stored on the server, protected under a password known only to the Mr. Caplan and other select administration. Characters may attempt to hack a computer found in the office, but they must be able to sneak past the faculty members to an empty desk out of sight. While more difficult, players may also attempt to hack the school’s server from a remote location. DIF 14 Infiltration Skill Test: The character is able to sneak into an empty office and gain access to a computer. Failure of this test during school hours will result in the character being kicked off the premises. DIF 13 Technology (Computers) Skill Test: Upon success, the character will gain access to Maya’s records and see the following information: 1. Maya has excellent grades (Louis was in detention down the hall) 2. Maya’s single mother (Ms. Sophia Lopez) works for a company called Emegren Tech (a famous leading-edge tech company here in Angel Grove’s “Ark” district) 3. All contact info and address for Sophia Lopez and Maya.

DIF 18 Technology (Computers) Skill Test: Upon success, the character is able to remotely hack the school’s server and gain access to Maya’s records, listed above. In order to accomplish this, the character must be at a computer or other device that is connected to the internet. A character will gain Edge on this Skill Test if assisted by Alpha 5 in the Command Center.

Area Assets These assets may be found through exploration and social interaction with students and school faculty. WITNESS STATEMENTS

Maya was last seen leaving “Student Council” (in Room 19B) at 3:45pm to be picked up by her mother. Maya never arrived. GM Tip: While it’s ok if characters don’t discover the information about Maya’s mother’s workplace, they will eventually need to know that Emegren Tech plays a role in the kidnappings. If players skip past this discovery and leave the school, they should be given the opportunity to learn this information at another location in town.

Area 2: University of California Angel Grove Yesterday, between 10:15 and 10:30 am, the job fair was in full swing when Luka Franko came to have a look around and meet with some prospective finance and hedge fund employers. Then, at about 11 am, Luka saw some of his father’s friends at the booth for Emegren Tech and stopped by to say hello, where he spent 20 minutes talking to them about potential employment, but Luka declined, stating, “Tech isn’t for me.” As he headed to his next class, Luka turned the corner and collided with a clown, who blew a bit of dust onto both him and a woman nearby. Luka and the other student immediately flattened into two-dimensional cardboard standee cutouts. The clown grabbed the cardboard Luka, walked around a corner, and disappeared. The other now-cardboard student, Andrea Muller, still leans against the bottom of an employer’s tent at the fair. She has not been reported missing, yet. When the Power Rangers teleport to this location, they appear in an alley behind the University Architecture Department, within eyesight of the courtyard.



Ay yi yi! Rangers! I have had to teleport you to a nearby alley. It seems that the area you wish to investigate is also the site of the UCAG Job Fair! Be careful Rangers! Bring those kids home and find out what’s going on!

Job Fair in the Courtyard The UCAG Courtyard is a paved area, flanked with orange trees and situated between large brick lecture halls used for large university classes. A job fair is in progress, with booths set up in rows, each representing a local business looking to recruit interns and soon-to-be college graduates. A few food vendors have booths, and performing jugglers and clowns walk around, entertaining the crowd. The sprawling campus of the University of Angel Grove is buzzing with activity. The Job Fair of UCAG is in full swing with hundreds of students moving from booth to booth interviewing and networking with prospective employers. It seems like you will be searching for a needle in a haystack. But then you spot the police tape. Beyond it, a couple of officers interview students in the midst of the job fair.

Police The police interviewed people in the area after Luka’s disappearance, but few remember seeing anything special beyond seeing some entertainers, a juggler, and a multitude of students interviewing at the employer booths. The police left behind junior police officers in the small police cordon to take statements. These officers are named Junior Officer Bulkmeier and Junior Officer Skullovitch. They are less than entirely competent but take junior “policing” seriously. The police have no leads in this case. Junior Officers Bulkmeier and Skullovitch. BULK AND SKULL

Farkas “Bulk” Bulkmeier and Eugene “Skull” Skullovitch, better known as Bulk and Skull, have a copy of the full police report from the occurrence at UCAG, but they have been ordered not to share this information with the public under any circ*mstances. Good day “civilians.” As you can see, we -Policeare on the job. We are behind the yellow tape guarding the “important area.” Do you have anything important to report? If not… moooove along.


• They are both obstinate, but take pride in their positions as officers of the law (they forget they are only Junior Officers in training and act like fully active police officers armed with stun prods.) • They can be easily “sweet-talked” with compliments or flirtation, giving PCs Edge on Persuasion or Deception checks. • They can be “called out” for not properly doing their job giving Edge on Intimidation checks. To which, they will bargain if PCs promise not to tell their Lieutenant. (Showing up as a Power Ranger will make them fanboy and they will automatically answer questions to say that they helped the Power Rangers solve a crime!) • Are you sure you don’t want to leave us your number, just in case you remember something!? What do the NPCs know?

• Luka Franko was some “football scholarship guy.” He disappeared yesterday, but nobody saw what happened. The last people to see the victim are at the Emegren booth. • There was supposed to be entertainment at this “fair,” but they haven’t seen any entertainment today. At least yesterday there was a juggler, but there aren’t even any rides! • Apparently, Luka’s mother works in finance and his father is some kind of “big wig” over at “Emegren Tech.” • They have the Franko family details on a clipboard that Skull holds. • They have seen a cardboard cut out of a girl but have no idea it is related to the disappearance. Skullovitch was thinking about taking it home for his room. It’s on the ground over there.

Emegren Booth The Emegren booth is at the job fair to represent Emegren Tech, a leading tech company with its headquarters based in the Angel Grove “Ark” district. The two recruiters that work here, Esther and Madeline, are busy with students but happy to answer questions to help find Luka. They are open about knowing his father but don’t know what project Prof. Franko is working on. They verify the story that they spoke with Luka for about 20 minutes trying to get him to come to Emegren Tech, but he really wanted to follow in his mother’s footsteps and get into the financial world. They don’t know anything else.


DIF 13 History or Technology Skill Test: The character is familiar with Emegren Tech and knows that they are the crown jewel of tech in Angel Grove. Any science-based or engineering student would want to work there. CARDBOARD STANDEE

There is a cardboard standee of a young college student, kneeling with her bag on the ground. It is leaning against one of the job booth tents. If anyone touches it, they may be surprised to find it’s extremely heavy for a “cardboard poster” It weighs 54lbs (24kg). It is printed on both sides, with her face on one side and her back on the other. DIF 15 Alertness (Investigation) Skill Test: The character finds the standee while searching the booths for clues. If the character is specifically looking for a standee, this Skill Test becomes DIF 12. If player takes the standee and brings it to Alpha 5 in the Command Center, he will scan the life-sized cardboard standee and reveal that it is Andrea Muller, who was also recently reported missing. The scan will determine that something has removed all the water from her system, reducing her to a two-dimensional image, and that the cardboard itself is susceptible to destruction and fire. She’s alive but in a type of stasis. Alpha 5 will work to return the young woman to her normal self, but he suggests that the Power Rangers continue their investigation., especially in the face of this new dehydration development. If the players discover and return Andrea Muller to Alpha 5, they earn a Story Point for doing what Power Rangers do: help those in need.

UCAG Library Adjacent to the courtyard stands a beautiful brick library, a cornerstone of the university’s campus. Inside, books on nearly every subject can be found, and the attending librarian prides herself on helping students research for their courses. The library is equipped with the latest technology and cataloging system, with banks of computers occupying the center floor among the stacks of books. The library is filled with college students, some perusing the book choices, some sitting at computers, and some at the tables provided for quiet study. COMPUTERS

There are computers in the library, available to all students and faculty. Entering the library doesn’t require any sort of identification, but to use a computer, a person must swipe their student or faculty ID card at the terminal. Characters may attempt to hack a computer found in the library, but they must

have a way to bypass the ID security system. While more difficult, players may also attempt to hack the school’s server from a remote location. DIF 15 Technology (Computers) Skill Test: As long as a character has access to a computer terminal that has been unlocked with a student or faculty ID swipe, they are able to hack into the UCAG main server. If the character attempts to access information on Luka Franko, they will see the following information: • Luka has good grades and is on a Soccer Scholarship. His college major is Economics. • Luka’s mother, Andrea Franko, is a Financial Analyst. Luka’s father, Prof. Brando Franko, works for Emegren Tech. • All contact info and address for the Franko family. If the character attempts to access information on Xin Lilin, they will see the following information: • Lilin has average grades and spotty attendance. • Lilin’s single father, Mr. Xin Huang, works for a company called Emegren Tech. • All contact info and address for the Xin family. DIF 18 Technology (Computers) Skill Test: Upon success, the character is able to remotely hack the UCAG server and gain access to Luka’s records, listed above. In order to accomplish this, the character must be at a computer or other device that is connected to the internet. A character will gain Edge on this Skill Test if assisted by Alpha 5 in the Command Center.

BONUS ADVANCED HACK: MyFace Social Media If a character decides to look at Xin Lilin’s up-to-date MyFace social media page, they may make a DIF 14 Technology (Computers) or Streetwise Skill Test to see how Xin Lilin, Maya Lopez and Luka Franko are “socially” connected. Although they don’t know each other directly, it is obvious that their parents all know each other and are linked vvia their jobs at Emegren Tech.





Area 3: The Beach at Playa De La Paz Yesterday at 2:10pm Xin Lilin, her pomeranian purse dog, Clementine and her “BFF” Wendy Yi skipped the Job Fair on campus at UCAG and went to the beach to tan. Wendy walked away to get a better shot of herself for her social media post with Lilin and the Playa De La Paz Pier in the background. While she was shooting the video, Pineapple the clown and a mime appeared and walked up to Lilin, who promptly informed them that they were “blocking her sun.” The mime pretended to open an umbrella, while Pineapple the Clown did a magic trick for Lilin, turning a flower into magic dust, which he threw on her, turning her (and Clementine) into two-dimensional cardboard standees. The clown in the red hat took Xin Lilin standee, and the mime took the cardboard Clementine and tossed it into a nearby beach trash can. Witnesses from a distance claim that the clowns looked like they just “disappeared.” DIF 10 Alertness Skill Test: Playa De La Paz is a beach with a lot of space and no obvious clues where the disappearance happened. The character notices that there is an area of the beach that looks different than when they were here not long ago, and this same area is within 100 feet of the distortion point. DIF 15 Alertness Skill Test: The character notices some trash on the beach and a trash can about 60 feet away. If the character chooses to walk towards the can, they will also see the Playa De La Paz Pier in the far distance. WENDY YI

Wendy Yi has also not been seen since she filed the police report, but she has not be turned into cardboard like her friend. Her parents are worried about what happened to Xin Lilin and have taken her “off the grid” until things can be sorted out. This information can be learned directly from her “MyFace” social media account if a character thinks to check it. DIF 15 Alertness (Investigation or Insight) OR Computer Skill Test: A character who checks Wendy Yi’s MyFace page will see that her last post reads, “Hi guys! Ook so, my parents are totally freaking out and they’re like, taking away my phone. Soooo… I’ll see you when I see you! Love you all! Mean it! #Notfair!”

Below the above post is the video that Wendy recorded from the beach at the time of the kidnapping. In the video, Wendy is talking directly to the camera in the foreground, but in the background, a clown and a mim can clearly be seen approaching Xin Lilin. They talk to her, do a little dance, then do something, after which the clown picks her up. The mime then picks up an oddly shaped object, walks it over to the trash can, and dumps it. They both then pop out of existence carrying a flattened Xin Lilin.

Trash Can Not far off from the main beach is a trash receptacle, in which there is a cardboard standee of Clementine, Lilin’s pomeranian dog. Someone has since tossed an ice cream cone on the poor pet, but aside from being sticky, the cardboard standee looks like it is in good shape. DIF 15 Alertness (Investigation) Skill Test: There is a standee of a small Pomeranian dog in the trash can. It’s sticky, and it looks like someone dumped a melted ice cream cone on it. If the character touches it, they may be surprised to find it heavy for a little cardboard dog. It weighs 1lbs (0.454kg). It is printed on both sides, with the front of the standee bearing the cute doggy face, and the back side picturing a well groomed Pomeranian wearing a bedazzled tutu. DIF 15 Alertness (Insight) or Animal Handling Skill Test: Thhe face of the Pomeranian on the cardboard cutout reveals a snarling growl, as if the dog was scared, angry, or protective. If the players discover and return the cardboard Clementine to Alpha 5, they may all have to wash their hands, because melted ice cream is sticky. Also, the character who pulled Clementine out of the trash can gains a Story Point. Because that’s what Power Rangers do: protect those in need.

Area 4: Emegren Tech The tallest skyscraper in Angel Grove proudly belongs to Emegren Tech. This tech company built its fortune on finding, retrieving, and in many cases, reverse-engineering fallen debris from battle crafts, robots, and monsters that have been defeated by the Power Rangers and others in and around Angel Grove over the years. Emegren Tech (and companies like it) are responsible for the “gold rush” boom that has not only sustained Angel Grove but made it a virtual boomtown and battleground for tech



Power Rangers 2nd Directive - “Never escalate a battle unless your enemy forces you to.” If the characters want to fight their way in, they will receive a call on their wrist communicators from Alpha 5, warning them against doing so and reminding them that fighting innocent security personnel doing their job is definitely frowned upon. If the characters insist on fighting their way in, they will lose 1 Story Point and receive a lengthy lecture from Zordon at this adventure’s end!

and bioresearch companies from which to profit. The most successful of the tech companies being Emegren Tech. Unfortunately, for the PC’s first foray into finding answers, Emegren Tech’s resources and security (both virtual and real) put the tech giant company well out of reach of our nascent heroes. No amount of sneaking, hacking, or cleverness will get them onto Emegren Tech’s compound much less inside the building. Furthermore, all of the heavily redacted files and projects that the characters might attempt to hack via computer are well locked away and protected from prying eyes. If the characters attempt to enter the building to find any of the missing peoples’ parents, either while it is open for business or by sneaking in afterhours, they will immediately be met by a friendly security guard, who will tell them there is no information here. He will state that they are not in the building and advise them to ask the employees they seek directly.

Area 5: Victims’ Family Homes If the characters were able to hack into any of the computers, they will have successfully obtained the addresses of each of the three victims’ homes: The Lopez Household, The Franko Household, and the Xin Household. Whether the characters want to talk to the parents, spy on the suspects, track their cell phones, steal their laptops, or any other plan they concoct, they will have the following outcome when approaching a home:


EVENT 1 will happen at whichever home/family they visit first. EVENT 2 will happen at whichever home/family they visit second. EVENT 3 will happen at whichever home/family they visit third. It is entirely possible that the characters find everything they need after (or in some cases before) visiting the Home in Event 1. If the characters somehow find a way to track a parent or make their way to the Funhouse on Angel Grove Pier, go directly to Part 3.

EVENT 1: No matter which location (either the Xin, Lopez, or Franko family home) the characters approach first, read the following. You make your way to Kotaro Hills, a cozy upscale neighborhood in the northern part of Angel Grove. As you approach the family home from a safe distance you notice several black SUVs parked about the street near the house. Around the gated home, a professional security detail of men and women, wearing black suits, stand quietly guarding the two story house. The SUVs sport the logo of Emegren Tech.



The two story house is a part of a suburban tract, with each of its neighbors about 30 feet away. Inside, the parent(s) are in the kitchen of the first floor talking to the police on the phone, worried about the status of their missing child. Emegren Tech has supplied this family with security to protect them during this difficult time. The suited Emegren Tech Security professionals stationed outside are armed, well-trained security personnel. The victim’s parent is on the phone, demanding to the police that more be done to find their child. Emotions are high and tense, and they are focused on the call, so sneaking around the house is relatively easy. If the Rangers succeed on a DIF 12 Alertness (Perception) Skill Test, they may notice an open window on the second story on the west side of the house that leads to a sibling’s bedroom. The open window is atop an ivy covered trellis that appears to be climbable. However, there are Security Guards on every side of the building. EMEGREN PHONES AND LAPTOPS

“Distance hacking” (attempting to hack a phone or computer via the internet) Emegren Tech phones and laptops requires a DIF 30 Technology (Computers) Skill Test because of the level of security Emegren Tech uses to protect its assets. Given enough time, Alpha 5 could eventually get through, but time is working against the players now. Every moment the missing children are getting further away.

Emegren Tech Security Personnel There are four security guards surrounding the home. THREAT LEVEL: 0 SIZE: COMMON | HEALTH: 1 TOUGHNESS: 13 | EVASION: 12 WILLPOWER: 11 | CLEVERNESS: 11 GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 ft.

SKILLS: Targeting (Handgun) +d4* Might (Martial Arts) +d4* Languages: English

ATTACKS: Handgun (Targeting) +d4* Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts): +d4*

Professional Security personnel are trained in basic combat fight arts.

PERKS: Communication device: Radios and Cell phones connect Security Personnel to each other and will call for backup. Call for Backup: (Cleverness) +d4* By using a Move Action, Security Personnel can use their Communication Device to Call for Backup. This requires a Cleverness Skill Test vs DIF11 and if successful will summon 2d4 more Emegren Tech Security Personnel in 1d4 rounds. Emegren Tech Security Personnel are armed and communicate with each other regularly via headsets that connect to communicators with wire that travels under their suits. They can be seen occasionally touching their left ear when talking or listening to each other. Hacking Emegren Tech Communicators requires a successful DIF 17 Technology (Computers) Skill Test. Emegren Tech Security are under strict orders to not allow anyone to pass for any reason at this time. They will stop all couriers and visitors at the door, accepting deliveries and condolences themselves, on behalf of the family. The exception to this rule is that the family will insist upon seeing a visitor whom they believe knows the missing person’s 15 year old sibling, Jon, who is inside his bedroom on the second floor. A DIF 13 Diplomacy or Deception Skill Test will allow a character to pass security to wait for Jon to come downstairs. Since Jon is not expecting visitors, a character’s time inside the house this way will run out in 10 minutes, at which time they will be escorted from the premises. JON’S BEDROOM

Jon is the 15 year old brother of the victim, and his room is on the upper floor of the house. He is inside the attached bathroom, taking a show, with the bathroom door closed. Whether the characters enter through the open window or through the front door of the house, he will remain in the shower for approximately ten minutes before coming out and doing his homework in his room. Jon will remain in his room unless he is called downstairs by his parents. Jon does not have any valuable information related to the incident, but he does know his parent’s password for their phone and laptop. However, if he is surprised or feels threatened, he will call for help to his parent and security.




The study is located on the first floor of the house. The walls in the study are lined with book cases, and many of the books cover various subjects on technology, computers, satellite systems, and other similar topics. The desk in this room is remarkably neat, with no stray papers at all. A single laptop sits on the desk, plugged into a hub connected to two large monitors. It is powered on, but the screen is locked with the Emegren Tech logo on it. This laptop belongs to the parent that works at Emegren Tech. A DIF 15 Technology (Computers) Skill Test will allow a character to hack this laptop, bypassing the lock screen. Even though the laptop can be successfully hacked, an Emegren security backup system locks down use of the computer immediately. Only bits of information can be seen in a scrambled code which cannot be deciphered. What can be learned is the following: $%!$#%!Project:#^($#%!AEG!S %#!C0RE%#$!!%!)_(*)!#@&%)_()&*()#@!$ An internet search of “Project: Aegis Core” reveals no knowledge or evidence of anything called Aegis Core at all. However, Alpha 5 and Zordon know it to be one of Emegren Tech’s Primary products. Either in person or via Communicator, they will explain as follows: Ay yi yi! Project: Aegis Core!? That’s serious Tech! I better let Zordon explain! Rangers! The Aegis Core is a protective technology reversed engineered from years of collecting fallen battle debris in and around Angel Grove. Emegren Tech has used this information to create the Aegis Core: a protective “shield” above the most densely populated portions of Angel Grove, protecting the city from attacks and assaults from General Repulsa. It is this technology that has greatly slowed the number of giant monster assaults over the last few years here in Angel Grove. Though the Aegis Cores have protected the city, it has also made Emegren Tech very wealthy. The owner of this computer must be one of Project Aegis Core’s lead engineers.” But that doesn’t make any sense! Why would someone take the child of an “Aegis Core” engineer??? If a character attempts to steal the laptop to bring to Alpha 5, hacking the laptop will be a DIF 10


Technology (Computers) Skill Test, but it will also require a DIF 15 Infiltration (Burglary) Skill Test to get the laptop out of the house. THE MASTER BEDROOM

The Master Bedroom is located on the second floor of the house. Decorated in sage green and oak furnishings, the room is well organized. There is a phone sitting in a charging cradle next to the bed. Upon close inspection, it can be seen that this is a company “work phone” used by the parent who works for Emegren Tech. Without the phone’s password, a character must succeed on a DIF 15 Technology (Computers) Skill Test to bypass the lock screen and get into the phone’s data. The hacked phone can mirror the laptop, giving characters access to the same garbled message, above. In addition, a text is received on the phone not long after hacking it. Although the message was obviously meant for the owner of the phone, the heavily coded text can barely be deciphered. You may show the players the following: )(&*$%#Y0)uR(%$#&(*)#@ch1lD&*+)+FuNhnou$e^(*$#_*()+t0n1te(*&)() r-e1se GM Tip: The code deciphered seems to say: (Your - Child - Funhouse - tonight - or else) THE KITCHEN

The victim’s parent(s) will remain in the kitchen on the phone with the police unless specifically called away. They have no interest in talking to the characters, and if presented with a believable story of how the characters know their son Jon, they will try to call him downstairs to speak with them. If the characters approach the parent(s) as Power Rangers, the characters will need to succeed on a DIF 12 Alertness (Insight) Skill Test to see that they at first appear hopeful, but the suddenly fearful at the sight of the Rangers. They will nervously say they don’t know anything and then ask the Power Rangers to leave. If the characters press the issue to stay, the parent(s) will show them a message on the cell phone while simultaneously putting a finger to their lips as if to say “Be quiet! They are listening…” With a DIF 18 Diplomacy (Persuasion) Skill Test, a character gains the parent’s trust. At that point, the parent will quickly show the characters their personal cell phone, with a text opened that reads, “We have your child. You have something we want.


Angel Grove Funhouse. Tonight. No funny business. Don’t tell a soul, or else.” The message ends with the emojis of a pineapple and a smiling clown. In every case, once the characters have left the house, Pineapple the Clown will come for the parent that works at Emegren Tech, teleporting directly into the house, grabbing the parent, and teleporting directly back to his lair. If the characters are still outside when this happens, they will see it with their own eyes. If the characters have already left the area, they will learn of it later in the story.

EVENT 2: No matter which location (either the Xin, Lopez, or Franko family home) the characters approach next, read the following: Again you find yourself in the upscale neighbourhood Kotaro Hills. As you approach this second house, you once again notice the Black SUVs of Emegren Tech. Standing close to the front door are 4 dark suited men standing shoulder to shoulder. The four black suits in front of the front door are disguised Putty Patrollers (changeling), shaped into the “security professionals” that they just beat down and threw into the bushes. Four more of them have entered the house with Pineapple the Clown, who is dressed in a black suit with wild blonde hair, a red

clown hat, and a red nose and shoes. Pineapple is about to take this parent away via teleportation. The parent has already received the text message and has resolved to go peacefully, to save their child. A DIF 12 Alertness (Insight) Skill Test allows a character to believe that something is unnatural about these new security guards. A DIF 16 Alertness (Insight) Skill Test makes a character confident that the security guards here are different than the last house and that these guards aren’t what they appear to be. A DIF 16 Alertness (Perception or Investigation) Skill Test allows a character to notice the four unconscious, suited security guards half hidden in the landscaped bushes of the front yard. If anyone approaches one of the “guards” in front of the house within 10 feet, they attack. The commotion outside will trigger Pineapple the Clown to turn the parent to cardboard and teleport away using his Gridblink Power. A character may spot this happening with a DIF 15 Alertness (Perception) Skill Test, which the GM may call for mid-combat. GM Tip: If the characters haven’t already morphed into the Power Rangers, now might be the time. Consider mentioning to them that if they intend to morph, they will have to say the words: “IT’S MORPHIN TIME!” If they do this on their own, consider giving them a Story Point for upholding the spirit of the game and of the Power Rangers!





This house is a single story home with four bedrooms. Large bay windows allow passersby to see inside the open living room, where a figure can be seen, sitting in an armchair, talking to a clown dressed in a suit, flanked by four additional security guards. In addition to the front door, which is guarded, there is a sliding glass door that leads into the same living room from the backyard. If the characters choose to enter the home from the back door, they must all make a DIF 20 Infiltration (Stealth) Skill Test to enter unnoticed. The Putty Patroller “guards” will attack once the characters are seen, and Pineapple the Clown will take the first opportunity to Gridblink out of the living room in a pop of confetti, with a cardboard standee of the parent in hand.

Pineapple the Clown and his Putty Patrollers have already been here and gone. They thrashed the security detail, broke down the front door, and have already left with the final parent. The only security guard that is left standing is on her radio reporting what happened. She reports to her HQ that a group of agents have just stormed the home, taken the client and disappeared. HOME #3


This house is a single story home with three bedrooms.The injured security guard here is the ony one still conscious, and she will talk to the characters only if they are morphed into their Power Rangers suits. Otherwise, she will just wave them off as meddlesome bystanders. Either way, she is too weak to stop them from poking around the house and is waiting for an ambulance to arrive for her and her colleagues.

A search of the home leads to nothing out of the ordinary, but there is a laptop on the desk inside the home office. The laptop has an Emegren Tech logo engraved on the case.

Searching the house will yield only a laptop and a cell phone, which follows the same exact rules as in Event 1 if the characters did not find them or have not hacked them already.

If players have already hacked the laptop found in the first house, they will find the same message on this one. Otherwise, characters must attempt to hack this laptop in the same way as outlined in Event 1. However, this laptop does have a “find my cellphone” app on the desktop that can be found with a DIF 15 Technology (Computers) or Alertness (Investigation) Skill Test. The tracking reveals that the last location of the parent’s phone before it lost its signal was the Funhouse on Angel Grove Pier.

EVENT 3: The last house is the home of the final victim. As characters approach the house, read the following: Security Professionals lie strewn about the street and the front lawn, their weapons discarded and broken. SUVs are parked haphazardly with doors open and engines smoking. It looks like a war zone. Many of the Security Professionals here look like life-sized, cardboard cutouts. They lie flat in the street and on the lawn, with grimaces or looks of terror frozen on their faces. A single injured agent is on her radio calling for backup. The front door of this house hangs on its hinges broken inward.


IF ALL ELSE FAILS: In the event that the characters manage to end up with zero leads, or they don’t know how to put together all the clues that they have found, either have Alpha 5 help them put the clues together to advance on to Part 3 - OR You may simply decide to have Alpha 5 offer to track the cell phone signal of one of the missing parents to its last known location before losing signal: The Funhouse on Angel Grove Pier.


Part 3: The Funhouse Pineapple the Clown and his clown posse arrive at the front of the Funhouse on Angel Grove Pier, holding one of the parents against their will and guiding them towards the Funhouse entrance. Two of the Angel Grove Police officers witnessed the struggle and approached Pineapple the Clown asking what was going on. Pineapple turned towards the police (and the now gathering crowd) and did a simple magic trick for them. With his hands in full view, Pineapple the Clown produced a bouquet of flowers from his sleeve, but with the flowers came out an immense burst of Clown Dust! The Clown dust hit the two police officers and much of the crowd directly, immediately turning them into cardboard cutouts, which promptly fell like dominoes to the ground, flat! Those who witnessed this event quickly realized that this was no “trick.” With horror settling in, the crowd turns into a stampede to escape the bizarre clown cadre.

Alpha 5 radios the characters through their wrist communicators, unless they are currently at the Command Center. Ay yi yi yi yi! You’ve uncovered the kidnapping plot! Great work Rangers! Now it’s time to find out why and to SAVE THOSE KIDS! Get to the Funhouse at Angel Grove Pier and help those parents bring their kids home safely!

Angel Grove Pier Angel Grove Pier is bustling with vacationers, tourists, and locals who love to spend the late afternoon and evening with great fair food and entertainment. Along with a large ferris wheel and other rides, the Funhouse is one of the highlights of the pier. With its large clown-head entrance and inviting red carpeted entryway, it is often a gathering spot for people since it is so noticeable.




Screams are the first thing you notice when you arrive at the Pier. Not the screams of delight from the many roller coasters and rides here, but the screams of the people you now see running off the pier in wild panic! This mass of fleeing people seem to be running away from one point in particular: the Funhouse. But in the front of the Funhouse, a macabre scene plays out. There is a group of clowns, some juggling and some performing on stilts, with others who are dancing with life-size cardboard cutouts. One clown in particular, with wild blonde hair wearing a bright red derby hat, red nose and red suspenders with a giant green tie seems to suddenly turn and become very aware of you, cackling, “Don’t frown my fellow clowns! Turn your frowns upside-down. Get them!” Pineapple the Clown knows that the Rangers can’t shoot at him with all of the fleeing people in the way. He drags the parent inside with a handful of clowns following him, leaving the Stilt Walker Clown, the Mime, and four dancing clowns (all disguised Putty Patrollers) out front to block the Rangers’ way.


Because the Putties are not surprised, the Mime will initiate combat by pretending to throw a bowling ball down the red carpet towards the characters. There is nothing actually in his hand, but he and all of the clowns “watch” as the imaginary bowling ball makes its way towards the Power Rangers. The mime holds his bowler stance like a pro, and the unseen force of the bowling ball strikes the characters with a Might attack, knocking them prone upon a successful hit. The four clown Putty Patrollers will fight to keep the Rangers outside. They will close distance to the Rangers as quickly as possible as they have no ranged weapons. The Stilt Walker Clown has Reach and will fight from behind the front line of Putty Clowns, expertly kicking any Ranger he has a chance to hit with his elongated stilt legs. As the clown Putty Patroller (changelings) are defeated, they lose their clown shape and revert back to standard gray Putty Patrollers before falling apart.


1. The Funhouse The only entrance and exit to the Funhouse is its large, clown “mouth,” with a tongue that is unfurled into a long red carpet entrance. Inside, there are two wooden gates, one from above and one from below, shaped in the form of white teeth that close behind groups of people who enter the attraction. The main entry room is an open area with colorful polka-dot flooring. It looks to be a staging room for visitors to wait their turn, and it has only one option ahead, which is a long, circular hallway that is striped with red and white, heading further forward into the colorful Funhouse.

2. Hallway Tunnel The red and white striped hallway is a circular tunnel of sorts, which appears to be the “throat” of the clown-shaped Funhouse. It is a narrow 10 feet across, but it is rather long 120 feet down the stretch to the next room. The diameter of the tunnel is a mere 7 feet, so taller visitors need to duck to enter. At the far end of the hallway, Pineapple the Clown is shoving his hostage into a clown car filled with other people. The clown car is half his height but somehow manages to hold what looks to be all of the other scared parents. Once someone steps into the tunnel, it begins to spin, alerting Pineapple to the Rangers’ presence. He raises his hands like a grand magician, and three cardboard standees of Xin Lilin, Luka Franko, and Maya Lopez suddenly appear to stand upright in the hallway, blocking a clear path. The cutouts are stuck to the floor, spinning along with the tunnel. Pineapple will squeeze into the clown car, which pulls away at an absurdly slow speed of 10 feet per round, vehicle a clown juggling fiery torches guards his ridiculous getaway.




REMEMBER THE RULE: ROUGH TERRAIN Moving through rough terrain costs 1 extra foot of movement per foot traveled, cumulative with other movement penalties. This is a blanket rule, applying no matter how many types of rough terrain are present in a given area being moved through. If a character’s ground movement was 30 feet, it is now 15 until they exit the Rough Terrain area.

The three cardboard standees here are Xin Lilin, Luka Franko, and Maya Lopez in cardboard form. In their current state, they are unable to move or speak. While they are immune to Blunt Damage, they can be cut, shredded, or burned with only 2 Health each. TOP HAT

For every “cardboard hostage” between the characters and Top Hat, the juggling Putty, Top Hat gets a +1 Evasion bonus for cover. For example, Top Hat gets a +3 Evasion bonus at the start of combat vs. ranged attacks. Top Hat’s attacks ignore cover from the cardboard standees. In addition to the standard Putty Patroller (changeling) stats, Top Hat has the following special attacks: Fire Torch (Targeting, 3x/scene): +d2, Range 20/60 (1 Fire Damage)


Every 10 feet of floor in the hallway tunnel moves at a different speed and direction and is considered Rough Terrain. Because of the low ceiling height of the circular tunnel, it is not high enough to jump distances of longer than 10 feet. If the PCs walk through the tunnel they are simply affected by Rough Terrain as above. Running through the tunnel at a higher speed, requires a successful DIF 14 Athletics or Acrobatics Skill Test. Failing this check knocks the character Prone.

Top Hat can hurl a burning torch of fire at a creature or object within range. On a hit, the target takes 1 Fire Damage immediately but will catch on fire. If the fire isn’t put out by the end of Top Hat’s next turn, the unchecked fire automatically causes another 1 Fire Damage. Putting out a torch fire requires 1 Free Action. A flammable object hit by a Fire Torch ignites if it isn’t being worn or carried. If Top Hat the Fire Juggling Clown is defeated, he will revert to his basic gray Putty Patroller form then begin to fall apart into clay.

REMEMBER THE RULE: PRONE Standing up from being Prone isn’t effortless; doing so uses 15 feet of your movement for the turn. If a character’s ground movement is normally 40 feet, the turn in which they stand up from being Prone reduces their movement to 25. If, for any reason, a character’s movement types are reduced to 0 while Prone, they are unable to stand up that turn.



GM Tip: Allowing any of the cardboard standees to burn results in the loss of a Story Point for the team!

3. Hall of Mirrors The Hall of Mirrors is a low lit, shadowy room in the Funhouse, filled with mirrors on nearly every surface. Some of the mirrors here are normal mirrors, while others are distorted, curved mirrors. This room is made to be very confusing and distorienting for those entering it for the first time. Visitors may think they are walking down a hall but find that they have just walked into a dead end. When a person thinks someone is directly in front of them, they may actually be several feet or even aisles away. This will affect the characters in three ways: 1. This area is considered rough terrain for all characters unless they succeed on a DIF 16 Alertness Skill Test to be aware of the mirrors’ tricks. 2. Threats gain +3 Evasion bonus for the first round of combat, losing +1 of the bonus for each subsequent round until they are down to their normal Evasion score. 3. If a ranged Energy weapon is fired in the Hall of Mirrors and misses its target, it will cause a random ricochet attack against all creatures in the room at the weapon’s attack and damage stats.

The Mime can, through her pantomiming, create an invisible oversized Clown Hammer which the Mime must then wield with 2 hands. Though the Mime Hammer cannot itself be seen, it appears to be heavy for the Mime to wield. A target hit with the Mime Hammer is pushed back 10 feet and knocked Prone. Mime Ball (Performance): +d6, Range 60/80 ft. (1 Blunt Damage) The Mime can, through her pantomiming, create an invisible baseball-like Mime Ball and catcher’s mitt. Acting like a baseball player, the Mime can throw her Mime Ball at a target with deadly accuracy. Mime Umbrella (1x/Scene): As a reaction, the Mime can, through her pantomiming, create an invisible Mime Umbrella. This Mime Umbrella is an invisible barrier that protects the Mime. Until the start of her next turn, the Mime has a +5 Evasion bonus. If the Mime and the clown Putty are defeated, they will revert to their basic gray Putty Patroller forms then begin to fall apart into clay.

There are two Threats stationed in this room: the Mime and a Putty Patroller (changeling), disguised as a clown. All mirrors in this room have 10 Toughness with 1 Health. They may be shattered and are immune to Energy Damage, causing the ricochet effect, above. A DIF 13 Alertness Skill Test allows a character to see that Pineapple is still slowly driving his clown car past this room and into the next area, but the mirrors make it difficult to see where that area actually is. A DIF 16 Alertness Skill Test allows a character to notice that the Mime is in the room, acting as if she is carrying something large and heavy. MIME

The Mime Putty Patroller is an especially annoying foe, as she can create “weapons” using her imagination and miming abilities. In addition to the standard Putty Patroller (changeling) stats, the Mime has a +d6 Performance skill and the following special attacks and Power: Mime Hammer (Performance): +d6, Reach 10 ft. (1 Blunt Damage)



4. Captain Wobble’s Wacky Byway Highway Captain Wobble’s Wacky Byway Highway is a bridge that spans across a giant ball pit filled with thousands of plastic balls, deep enough in some places to disappear even when standing up. The bridge stretches from the entrance on the south end to the exit on the north end and suspends 10 feet above the ball pit. It has no handrails and is only 5 feet wide. From the ceiling swing six large, plush punching bags These punching bags constantly pendulum back and forth across the wobbly path from east to west. They are normally filled with a soft mixture of foam and feathers, but the Pineapple the Clown has replaced that mixture with wet sand, guaranteeing that anyone hit by one of these swinging bags will be knocked off of the bridge and into the ball pit below. You finally manage to exit the room of mirrors. Passing through several layers of hanging, rubbery, spaghetti-like decoration, you pass a signpost that reads: Captain Wobble’s Wacky Byway Highway. Emerging from the rubber spaghetti you spot the Clown Car! Pineapple the Clown is already halfway across a long unstable bridge suspended above a giant pit filled with plastic balls. The parents trapped in the back of his car start to yell to you for help! Pineapple the Clown sees you in his rearview mirror, and his smile turns into a snarl. Without stopping the car, Pineapple steps out of the moving clown car and squares off with you in the middle of the bridge. He shouts, “Ok, Power Rangers. No more clowning around!” The Clown Car keeps moving down the wobbly path. Without a driver, it is only a matter of time before one of those swinging bags sideswipes the car off Captain Wobble’s Wacky Byway Highway and into the depths of the ball pit below! SWINGING BAGS

The Swinging Bags get their own Initiative. On the 1d4 round of combat, a swinging bag will knock the clown car off the bridge and into the ball pit. The car will slowly sink below the surface with the parents still locked inside. SUSPENSION BRIDGE

The bridge does not provide secure footing, causing characters to become off balance. If any character chooses to make a ranged attack while standing on the bridge, they must succeed on a DIF 15 Acrobatics Skill Test first or suffer a Snag to their attack. Fighting from atop the bridge: If the Rangers are able to attack Pineoctopus from Captain Wobble’s Wacky Byway Highway, they gain () to their Skill Die on the attack, as long as they are within range.

5. Ball Pit The ball pit is two feet deep, except for a seemingly endless depth just below the right side of the bridge. Unbeknownst to the Power Rangers, Pineapple the Clown has been retrofitting the Fun House as his lair, and he has made the ball pit more to his needs for when he needs to turn into Pineoctopus, the giant monster. The ball pit is deep where Pineoctopus stands, but the majority of the pit is shallow enough for a child to manage. This is considered rough terrain for the Power Rangers and any Putties including Pineapple, but Pineoctopus ignores this. BOSS COMBAT 1: PINEAPPLE THE CLOWN

Pineapple is ready for combat as soon as he emerges from the clown car. He is not surprised, nor does he surprise the Power Rangers, as they have been tracking him through the Funhouse (and his car has moved amusingly slow). On his turn in Initiative, Pineapple the Clown’s first attack will be to move to within 10 feet of the nearest Power Ranger (Morphed or not) and douse them with the same Clown Powder that turned everyone else to cardboard cutouts. If Pineapple attacks a Morphed Ranger in this way, the powder will do nothing, to his surprise.

Captain Wobble’s Wacky Byway Highway is meant to be an amusem*nt park experience that is mildly wobbly for those that walk across it. The swinging bags are easily avoided under normal circ*mstances, but now they are swinging fiercely and full of wet sand that packs a serious punch.



When Pineapple realizes that his powder does nothing to a Morphed Power Ranger, he will exclaim, “So, your suits protect you from my dust! Well I have other tricks up my sleeve!” Pineapple the Clown will fight until either: 1. He is reduced to 0 Health, causing him to fall from the bridge and into the ball pit 2. He is knocked off the bridge from an attack, falling into the ball pit At the end of this combat, the characters see Pineapple the Clown fall into the ball pit below and sink out of sight, seemingly defeated. GM Tip: Pineapple the Clown may use his Gridblink to move around the area, but he won’t attempt to escape as he has the home advantage here. He will transform into Pineoctopus only upon being “defeated” or knocked into the ball bit.

REMEMBER THE RULE: HIDE A creature’s result on a Hide Skill Test sets the difficulty for other creatures’ Alertness Skill Tests to notice them. In this scenario, when Pineoctopus takes the Hide action, characters must make an DIF 15 Alertness Skill Test to spot Pineoctopus below the surface of the Ball Pit. If they don’t see Pineoctopus, they are unable to attack until Pineoctopus either attacks again or a character that has successfully beat the Alertness Skill Test uses their Free Action to point out the monster’s location to the other team members. As always, while hidden, a creature gains Edge on any attacks they make.






Pineapple the Clown appears to have been defeated and disappears into the ball pit, but what the characters may not know is that the clown is going through a metamorphosis of his own. Beneath the surface of the ball pit, Pineapple the Clown has transformed into the monster Pineoctopus and is about to rise up to finish these fledging Rangers once and for all! In this fight Pineoctopus will remain in the Ball Pit and attempt to defeat the Rangers, or worse, attempt to escape with one or all of the scientists he trapped in his clown car. Standing up in the deepest area of the pit, Pineoctopus’ looms about 10 feet above the bridge. A deep, guttural laughter rises out of the pit below you. The laughing rumbles, as plastic balls begin to rise where Pineapple the Clown fell. A new deep, gravel-like voice is quite different than his former clown voice. This is the voice of a monster… Plastic balls fall away as a creature -- part Pineapple, part octopus -- rises to its full height! It is as colorful as the multicolored plastic balls around it! Pineoctopus’ strategy is to immediately attempt to Grapple a character with its Vine Arms, while launching Energy Ball attacks at more distant Rangers. In addition to Pineoctopus’ normal stat block, he has the following Perk: Master of the Pit (3x/Scene): The Ball Pit is Pineoctopus’s current lair! He can move through the plastic balls not unlike a shark moving through water, disappearing below the surface of the plastic balls and reappearing to attack any unsuspecting person in the room! Pineoctopus can take an extra Move Action on each of his turns in combat. This Move action can be used to Move or Hide (below the surface of the plastic balls).

Adventure Conclusion Alpha 5 contacts the Power Rangers as soon as the combat is over:

Ay yi yi! Rangers! You did it! You defeated the Pineoctopus! Oh, I’m so proud of you! We were able to save all of the people affected by the cardboard dust! All of Pineapple the Clown’s victims have been transported home, well and safe! Report back to the Command Center as soon as you are finished there, Rangers! You may want to tell those parents that their children are safe! If the characters rescued the parents who work for Emegren Tech and deliver the good news about their children to them, read the following: We can’t thank you enough, Rangers. We work on the Aegis Core, a project that protects the city by blocking the transmissions that allow monsters to grow within the city and attack unexpectedly. That evil clown tried to force us to give up the location and inner workings of the Aegis Core so that General Repulsa can send her monsters here anytime she pleases. You haven’t saved just us. You’ve saved the whole city. Thank you! Once the Rangers return to the Command Center, they will learn that all of the people turned into cardboard standees (unless some were lost/ destroyed along the way) have been revived and turned back to human form and that the parents of the three missing students have returned home safely, due to the Power Rangers’ teamwork and smart thinking. Until the next time something threatens the city of Angel Grove, all is well! Alpha 5 greets you at the Command Center, exclaiming: Ay yi yi! You stopped Pineapple the Clown from forcing those scientists to turn off the Aegis Core. Because of you, General Repulsa can’t attack Angel Grove directly by dropping giant monsters! Ohhh, I’m so proud of you all! Turning to Zordon, he bestows great approval on all of you: Rangers! You have gone above and beyond what was expected of you! You have risen to the challenge, not only defeating Pineoctopus but saving Angel Grove from yet another of General Repulsa’s devious plans. You have truly earned the right to bear the name Power Rangers.



INDEX A Abilities..............................................................................78 Acrobatics..........................................................................81 See: Speed Advanced Ranger Spectrum................................................58 Alertness.............................................................................84 See: Smarts Angel Grove.....................................................................189 See: Locations, Angel Grove Animal Handling................................................................86 See: Social Armor.................................................................................18 Power Armor.................................................................119 Artisan................................................................................66 See: Influences Athletic...............................................................................22 See: Origins Athletics.............................................................................79 See: Strength Attack...............................................................................164 Area of Effect................................................................164 Contingency.................................................................162 Defend..........................................................................162 Hidden Attackers..........................................................168 Hide.............................................................................162 Lend Assistance............................................................162 Multiple Targets.............................................................165 Multi Weapon Attacks...................................................165 Roll Attack Skill Test......................................................164 Situational Modifiers.....................................................168 Sprint............................................................................163 Unarmed Attacks..........................................................165 Attack Action....................................................................163 Attack Roll..........................................................................18

B Baboo.................................................................................11 Background Bonds.............................................................65 Black Ranger......................................................................31 Blue Ranger........................................................................36 Grid Tech........................................................................38 Brainy.................................................................................23 See: Origins Brawn.................................................................................79 See: Strength

C Caretaker............................................................................67 See: Influences Cleverness........................................................................169 Cleverness Defense..........................................................169 Climbing..........................................................................181 See: Movement, Special Types of Movement Combat............................................................................155 Actions.................................................................157, 162



Flow of Combat............................................................156 Free Actions..................................................................159 Initiative........................................................................157 Possible Dice Shifts Beyond Skill Levels........................169 Shift Skill Modifiers.......................................................166 Surprise.........................................................................156 Combat Actions................................................................162 Comedic.............................................................................23 See: Origins Community Helper.............................................................68 See: Influences Conditioning......................................................................80 See: Strength Conditions........................................................................187 Cover...............................................................................167 Crawling...........................................................................181 See: Movement, Special Types of Movement Creating A Character..........................................................13 Critical Success................................................................169 Culture...............................................................................84 See: Smarts Curious...............................................................................24 See: Origins Cynical...............................................................................24 See: Origins

D Damage And Healing.......................................................170 Damage Types..............................................................170 Damaging Objects and Items........................................171 Health...........................................................................170 Resistance to Damage Types.........................................171 Damage Type...................................................................170 Deception..........................................................................86 See: Social Defeat..............................................................................173 Defeat of a Vehicle........................................................176 Defeated...........................................................................173 Defense............................................................................169 See: Toughness, Evasion, Willpower, Cleverness DIF Check..........................................................................89 See: Difficulty Check Diseases...........................................................................186 Downtime........................................................................187 Crafting.........................................................................188 Healing.........................................................................188 Practicing a Profession..................................................188 Researching..................................................................188 Sleep.............................................................................188 Driving...............................................................................81

E Effect................................................................................170 Environment, The..............................................................184 Equipment........................................................................103 Carry Limits..................................................................103

Equipment Properties....................................................104 Equipment Requisition..................................................103 Starting Equipment..........................................................18 Essence Damage...............................................................169 Essence Points....................................................................16 Essence Score.....................................................................78 Score of 0.......................................................................78 Essence Skills......................................................................79 DIF.................................................................................89 Edge................................................................................89 Gaining Skills and Specializations...................................87 Group Checks.................................................................89 Lend Assistance..............................................................89 Shift Skills.......................................................................88 Skill Ranks......................................................................17 Skill Specialization..........................................................79 Snag................................................................................89 Using Skills; Skill Test......................................................88 Evasion.............................................................................169 Evasion Defense...............................................................169 Exploration.......................................................................178

F Falling..............................................................................183 Finesse...............................................................................82 See: Speed Finesse Weapons..............................................................106 Finster................................................................................11 Flying...............................................................................183 See: Movement, Special Types of Movement Free Action.......................................................................159

G Game Master......................................................................12 Gear.................................................................................120 Goldar................................................................................11 Grappling.........................................................................165 Green Ranger.....................................................................42 Unique Weapon.............................................................44 Grid Powers........................................................................99 Grid Tech............................................................................38 See: Blue Ranger

H Hands (As In Equipment)..................................................104 Hang-Ups...........................................................................65 Healing............................................................................188 Natural Healing............................................................173 See: Damage and Healing See: Downtime, Healing See: Downtime, Sleep Health..............................................................................170 Hide.................................................................................162


Caretaker........................................................................67 Community Helper.........................................................68 Customizing Influences...................................................65 Having Multiple Influences.............................................65 Martial Artist...................................................................70 Nomad...........................................................................70 Not From Around Here...................................................72 Small Town Roots............................................................69 Student ..........................................................................72 Survivor..........................................................................75 Teacher...........................................................................76 Initiative.............................................................................82 See: Speed Intimidation........................................................................80 See: Strength

J Jumping............................................................................181 See: Movement, Special Types of Movement

K Kind...................................................................................24 See: Origins Kits...................................................................................121

L Languages..........................................................................22 Lend Assistance..................................................................89 Level Up.............................................................................19 Locations..........................................................................189 Angel Grove North.......................................................190 Angel Grove South........................................................200 Lord Zedd.............................................................................7

M Martial Artist.......................................................................70 See: Influences Martial Arts.......................................................16, 70, 81, 82 See: Attack, Unarmed Attacks Melee Attacks...................................................................165 Melee Weapons..................................................................18 Might..................................................................................81 See: Strength Morphin’ Grid......................................................................9 Mounted Combat.............................................................174 Mounts And Vehicles........................................................180 See: Example Vehicles Movement........................................................................179 Combat Movement.......................................................159 Ground Movement.........................................................22 Knocked Prone.............................................................160 Movement Rating..........................................................179 Moving Other Creatures Special Types of Movement...........................................181

Infiltration...........................................................................82 See: Speed Influences...........................................................................64 Artisan............................................................................66



N Nomad...............................................................................70 See: Influences Not From Around Here.......................................................72 See: Influences

Running An Adventure......................................................223 Adventure Balance........................................................225 Conclusion...................................................................251 Part 1: The Battle Simulation.........................................227 Part 2: Missing in Action...............................................231 Part 3: The Funhouse.....................................................243



Object Toughness.............................................................171 See: Damage and Healing See: Damaging Objects and Items Oddball..............................................................................25 See: Origins Origin Benefit.....................................................................22 Origins...............................................................................20 Athletic...........................................................................22 Brainy.............................................................................23 Comedic.........................................................................23 Curious...........................................................................24 Cynical...........................................................................24 Kind................................................................................24 Oddball..........................................................................25 Popular...........................................................................26 Rebellious.......................................................................26 Tragic..............................................................................27

Scale................................................................................160 Science...............................................................................85 Scorpina.............................................................................11 Size..................................................................................160 Acting Smaller..............................................................161 Reach...........................................................................161 Size Classes..................................................................160 Size Class Variations.....................................................167 Skill....................................................................................79 Skill Rank...........................................................................17 Skill Shifts...........................................................................88 Skill Test.............................................................................90 Skill Training.......................................................................15 Small Town Roots...............................................................69 See: Influences Smarts................................................................................78 Alertness.........................................................................84 Culture............................................................................84 Science...........................................................................85 Survival...........................................................................85 Technology.....................................................................85 Social.................................................................................79 Animal Handling............................................................86 Deception.......................................................................86 Performance...................................................................86 Persuasion......................................................................87 Streetwise.......................................................................87 Speed.................................................................................78 Acrobatics.......................................................................81 Diving.............................................................................81 Finesse............................................................................82 Infiltration.......................................................................82 Initiative..........................................................................82 Targeting.........................................................................83 Standard Action................................................................157 Story Points........................................................................91 Gaining Story Points.......................................................91 Spending Story Points.....................................................91 Streetwise...........................................................................87 See: Social Strength..............................................................................78 Athletics..........................................................................79 Brawn.............................................................................79 Brawn: Carrying Weight..................................................80 Conditioning...................................................................80 Intimidation....................................................................80 Might..............................................................................81 Might: Pushing and Shoving............................................81 Student...............................................................................72 See: Influences Surprise............................................................................156 Survival..............................................................................85 See: Smarts

P Performance.......................................................................86 See: Social Perks..................................................................................93 Persuasion..........................................................................87 See: Social Pink Ranger........................................................................46 Popular...............................................................................26 See: Origins Power Coin...........................................................................8 Protection Of The Power.......................................................8 Putty Patrollers............................................................11, 210 Z Putties........................................................................211

R Range...............................................................................104 Ranged Attack..................................................................166 Ranged Weapons................................................................18 Ranger Spectrum................................................................29 Reach...............................................................................161 Rebellious..........................................................................26 See: Origins Red Ranger.........................................................................50 Rita Repulsa.........................................................................7 Role Perks..........................................................................15 Roles..................................................................................28 See: Black See: Blue See: Green See: Pink See: Red See: White See: Yellow Rough Terrain...................................................................180



Survivor..............................................................................76 See: Influences Swimming........................................................................181 See: Movement, Special Types of Movement

T Targeting............................................................................83 See: Speed Teacher...............................................................................76 See: Influences Technology.........................................................................85 See: Smarts Teleportation....................................................................183 See: Movement, Special Types of Movement Temporary Health..............................................................33, The Skill Ladder................................................................168 Threats.............................................................................206 Chunky Chicken...........................................................207 Chunk Chicken (grown)................................................208 Finster...........................................................................208 Putty Patrollers (normal)................................................210 Putty Patrollers (changeling)..........................................210 Putty Patrollers (z-putties)..............................................211 Pineapple the Clown (changeling).................................212 Pineoctopus (normal)....................................................213 Pineoctopus (grown).....................................................213 Polluticorn (normal)......................................................214 Polluticorn (grown).......................................................215 Rito Revolto..................................................................216 Slippery Shark (normal).................................................217 Slippery Shark (grown)..................................................218 Snizzard........................................................................218 Tonsil Snakes................................................................220 Spit Flower (normal)......................................................220 Spit Flower (grown).......................................................221 Biting Flower................................................................221 Terror Toad (normal)......................................................222 Toughness........................................................................169 Toughness Defense...........................................................169 Tragic.................................................................................27 See: Origins Trait..................................................................................105 Travel Pace.......................................................................180 Turn..................................................................................156

W Wealth.............................................................................130 Basic Wealth Check......................................................130 Weapons..........................................................................105 Combined Weapons.....................................................115 Improvised Weapons....................................................115 Weapon Upgrades.........................................114, 116-118 Weapons Chart......................................................108-113 White Ranger.....................................................................58 Grid Relic Weapon.........................................................61 Willpower........................................................................169 Willpower Defense...........................................................169

Y Yellow Ranger....................................................................54

Z Zeo Crystal...........................................................................7 Zords................................................................................131 Combiner Feature.........................................................139 Common Zord Features................................................134 Example Zords: Aquitian Battle Borgs...........................146 Example Zords: Dinozords............................................141 Example Zords: Mega-Vehicle Zords.............................152 Example Zords: Turbozords...........................................150 Example Zords: ZeoZords.............................................149 Zord Features................................................................136

U Underwater Combat.........................................................174 Upgrade...........................................................................114

V Vehicle Combat................................................................174 Vehicles............................................................................121 Vehicle Attacks.............................................................123 Vehicle Perks, Powers, Traits.........................................123 Vehicle Skills................................................................123 Vision...............................................................................184 See: Exploration, Vision and Light





























D2 D4 D6 D8 D10 D12

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D2 D4 D6 D8 D10 D12









+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6






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D2 D4 D6 D8 D10 D12














10 +


D2 D4 D6 D8 D10 D12






















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D2 D4 D6 D8 D10 D12




















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Become a Power Ranger and protect Angel Grove and the Earth against the evil forces of Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, Master Vile, and more in the epic world of Power Rangers! Whether you interrupt Rita’s monster attacks in her attempt of world domination or defeat the forces of the Machine Empire from invading Earth, there is no limit to the heroic stories you will tell. In the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game, create your ultimate Power Ranger persona by combining personal traits, childhood influences, and your chosen Ranger color to make a hero worthy of the Power! This book contains everything you need to create your own Power Rangers character and play the game - just add dice, some friends, and your imagination: • Complete rules for players and Game Masters focused on fun storytelling and epic combat • Character creation tools, weapons, equipment, Zords, and more from the Zordon era • Combat and exploration information, detailed locations in Angel Grove, and tools to get your campaign started • An introductory adventure for 1stlevel characters that is ready to play with your new character

May the Power protect you!

13+ LOT# 070121-1 $55.00 ISBN 978-1-7368843-1-7

renegadegames.com /PlayRGS




Manufacturer: Renegade Games, LLC. 306N West El Norte Parkway #325, Escondido, California 92026. Importers: Renegade France 52 Avenue Pierre Semard 94200 Ivry sur Seine France. P:+33 (0)1 77 37 60 47. Renegade Games, LLC. Juxon House 100 St Paul’s Churchyard, London, England EC4M 8BU. © 2021 Renegade Game Studios. All Rights Reserved. TM & © 2021 SCG Power Rangers LLC and Hasbro. Power Rangers and all related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are the exclusive property of SCG Power Rangers LLC. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. MADE IN SHENZHEN, CHINA.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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