OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (2024)





Quest Requirements:

Rune Mysteries
Druidic Ritual
Shilo Village

Skill/Other Requirements:

Level 25 Crafting
Level 18 Herblore
Level 36 Agility
Level 30 Smithing
Must defeat a level 92 Foe

Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:

Swan Song
King's Ransom

Items Needed at Quest Start:


Items Needed to Complete Quest:

25 Coins (more, if you need coins to get to and from Karamja, or need replacement tools/gems), 5 Pigeon cages (you can pick these up on the way), 4 Steel bars, Iron bar, Bronze bar, Bowl of water, Teacup (buy/thieve some tea in East Varrock, and drink the tea), Clean harralander, 2 Clean guam, Clean marrentill, Chisel, Jade, Opal, Red topaz (only if you miss-hit the ones given to you during the quest), Hammer, Empty pot.

Items Recommended for Quest:

A good pickaxe or battleaxe or Runes to cast Air spells, Amulet of Glory (4), 4010 Coins, Varrock teleport method, Skills necklace (4) or Ardougne teleport method, Watchtower teleport method, Ring of duelling (8), logs, Stamina pot(s), and tinderbox .

Items Acquired During Quest:

Blunt hatchet, Herbal tincture, Guthix rest (3), Stodgy mattress, 2 Uncut sapphires, 2 Sapphires, 1 Uncut opals, 2 Opals, 2 Uncut red topaz, 2 Red topaz, 2 Uncut jades, 2 Jades, Comfy mattress, Animate rock spell, Broken vane part (ornament), Broken vane part (pillar), Broken vane part (directionals), Ornament, Directionals, Weathervane pillar, Weather report, Unfired pot lid, Pot lid, Airtight pot, Breathing salts, 5 Chicken cages, Sharpened axe, and Red mahogany logs.

Quest Points:



2 Antique lamps (Each granting 10K XP in the skill of your choice above 30), Steel key ring, access to the Gnome glider route to Feldip Hills, and the ability to make a Pot lid and Guthix rest.

Start Point:

Antiques shop in Shilo Village.

To Start:

Talk to Yanni Salika.


  1. Speak with Yanni in the antique shop, ask him if there is anything else to do in the village, continue talking with him and eventually, he will ask you to do him a small favour. The favour he requests is for you to retrieve some mahogany from a forester, just outside Shilo Village. Can't be that hard, right?
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (1)
  2. Grab 25 coins from the bank. Go to the Shilo Village Fishing shop and go upstairs. Talk to Seravel and purchase a ticket for the 'Lady of the Waves' to save a walk back.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (2)
  3. Exit Shilo Village and talk to any Jungle forester located near the barrier to the Kharazi Jungle. Ask about mahogany. He (or she) says he will give you some mahogany if you do him a small favour... He wants you to take his blunt axe to Captain Shanks, so he can bring the axe to Port Sarim, and get the axe fixed. Captain Shanks can be found west of Shilo Village (south opposite Cairn Island).
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (3)
  4. Talk to Captain Shanks, on the boat west of Shilo Village. He tells you that he does not do favours, and suggest that you take the axe to Port Sarim yourself. If you already bought your ticket, just speak to him again, and choose a ride to Port Sarim. He'll take your ticket, and you'll shove off!
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (4)
  5. Head directly northwest, to the axe shop. Speak with Brian, and ask him if he sharpens axes. Apparently, he normally would, but he is worried about his best friend spending the rest of his life behind bars, after getting in a bar fight. He says he will be able to sharpen your axe for just one small favour...He wants you to go see Aggie the witch and ask her to be a character witness for his friend.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (5)
  6. Head east, to Draynor Village, and speak with Aggie the witch. She says that she will be Brian's character witness, for guess what... A favour! Her friend, Jimmy the Chisel has gone missing, and she wants you to find him. She suggests you head east, and check out this old abandoned building...
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (6)
  7. Head east to the broken down building (H.A.M. headquarters; easily identified by the spiders all around). Picklock the trapdoor and go down. Head southeast to the jail cells, and speak with Johanhus Ulsbrecht. Ask him about Jimmy, and he starts talking about how the organization needs food. Ask him if he needs a favour done, and he will tell you that if you arrange for some chickens, he can let Jimmy go free.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (7)
  8. Head northwest to the Lumbridge farms and find Fred the Farmer (from the Sheep Shearing Quest.) Ask him about giving you some chickens, and he will say that he just doesn't have enough. He suggests you talk to Seth, at the farm over the river, on the way to Varrock.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (8)
  9. Talk with Seth Groats, he says that he will do it. He just needs to get everything organized. First, he needs some cages for the chickens. He suggests you see Horvik, in the Varrock plate/chainmail body store, about the cages. Apparently, Seth owed Horvik three bars of steel, for his last job, and assumes that would be great payment for the cages.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (9)
  10. Speak with Horvik (Must bring the steel bars with you, or he will not speak with you), and ask him about the cages. You will notice that he is very sick. He says cannot do any work for you unless he has an herbal antidote, and also says that it would be much easier for you to bring him some existing pigeon cages to modify.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (10)
  11. Head southwest to the Apothecary in Varrock, and ask him about the medicines. He will gladly hand them over, but as he is giving you the breathing salts, he will accidentally drop the airtight pot, and lose the salt! He needs a new airtight container to put more salt in and suggests that you see Tassie Slipcast, in the Barbarian Village.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (11)
  12. Go to the Barbarian Village and speak with Tassi Slipcast in the Pottery. She says that she needs to pay off a loan to Hammerspike, a ruthless gangster who lives in the Dwarven Mines. She says that if you want to get your pot, you need to take it up with him.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (12)
  13. Head west to the Ice Mountains and enter the Dwarven Mines. Go south, then west, and keep going west until you hit a dead end. Here, talk to Hammerspike Stoutbeard. Go through all the options, and ask him about being a gangster. He will tell you that he has always wanted to be a druid, and needs someone to take him on as their initiate. He suggests Sanfew.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (13)
  14. Go to Taverly, upstairs in the herb shop, and speak with Sanfew. Ask him if he is accepting new initiates, and tell him you know a dwarf who wants to be his initiate. He will take the dwarf on for not one, but TWO favours! He needs you to make some herbal tea for the gnome-pilot on white wolf mountain, and organize a trip with the gnome to Feldip Hills.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (14)
  15. You need to make the tea yourself, here's the recipe:

    - Fill a Bowl with water.
    - Heat the bowl on any range or fire.
    - Pour it into an Empty teacup.
    - Add 1 Harralander, 2 Guam leaves, and 1 Marrentill.
    (You can get an Empty teacup by buying/thieving some tea in east Varrock, and drinking it.)

    Alternatively, you can use a tinderbox with logs and heat the bowl of water for the steps above.

  16. When you have the tea, head up White Wolf Mountain and talk to the Gnome pilot. Tell him you have a special tea for him, and he'll take it. Then tell him about the trip you want to organize, to take Sanfew to the ogres. The Gnome pilot wants to make it in record time, so he needs some lightweight rope, or T.R.A.S.H. as he calls it. He says Arhein, in Catherby, has some.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (15)
  17. Go talk to Arhein, he says he knows a lot about T.R.A.S.H. and will be glad to help you in return for a weather report, to keep his cargo from sinking in a storm. He thinks a Seer named Phantewti could help him.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (16)
  18. Go west to Seers' Village, to the house directly south of the bar. The Seer you are looking for is inside the house. Ask him about a weather forecast, but he cannot do it for you, as he too is looking for a missing person. Her name is Petra, and according to his (rather vague) vision, she is in a cave, inhabited by some smelly creature, or creatures... He says the cave must be somewhere nearby.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (17)
  19. Go to the Fishing Guild. Directly southeast of the Fishing Guild, a small cave entrance is located right near the fence.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (18)

    Enter the cave, and keep on the right until you come to a room. At this point, the quest gets a little... Mysterious... The girl you are looking for appears to be turned into stone, and embedded in the cave wall! Search the carving, and you will see a message. The message is incomplete, but it means this: There were problems, report to wizard Cromperty, he is currently resident in East Ardougne.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (19)

  20. Head to the most north-east part of East Ardougne, and speak with wizard Cromperty. He says that in order to free the girl from the rock face, he needs some iron oxide, which can be bought from a merchant in Port Khazard... (NOTE: while you are in Ardougne, go to the house just south of the north bank; behind it, you will find pigeon cages. Take five of them.)
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (20)
  21. On the Port Khazard docks, talk to Tindel Marchant, and ask him about the iron oxide, more commonly referred to as rust. He'll agree to give you one of his last pots, in exchange for, well... You know... He wants you to take his old flea-infested mattress down to Rantz the ogre, in Feldip Hills...
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (21)
  22. Head far south, past Gu' Tanoth, and then far east, to the east coast of Feldip Hills, and find Rantz. He would normally be happy to fill the mattress with feathers, but he can't hunt any Chompy birds to get some. This is due to a small man and his 'man flapper' making a lot of noise nearby... If you can help the man, and get the noise to stop, Rantz will agree to fill your mattress...
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (22)
  23. Head west until you find a gnome glider. (It's a long walk - just keep going west. If you see rocks in shape of x, your destination is a teeny bit southeast. The picture below shows the landing strip after you finish, just so you know what you seek.)
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (23)

    Apparently, the gnomes are trying to extend the glider travel route to Feldip Hills. Tell him Rantz thinks you should help, and he will tell you that the landing lights aren't completely working. Search each one of them for a gem, cut the gems, and put them back in the landing lights, in the order you received them. When you are done, talk to the gnome, tell him you finished the lights, and they will leave. (NOTE: If you happen to crush any of the gems, you can buy a new one from the gnome for 500gp. And if you need a chisel, take one of the gems in your inventory and talk to the gnome and he'll sell you one for 10gp.)
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (24)

  24. Finally! the turning point!

    - Go back to Rantz, and he'll stuff the mattress.
    - Take the mattress to Tindel Marchant, and he'll give you the iron oxide.
    - Give wizard Cromperty the iron oxide, and he will give you an Animate Rock spell.

  25. Pay a visit to a bank, and prepare to battle a level 92 monster, which uses Melee and is weak to Air spells, Pickaxes and Crush attacks. Go back to the goblin cave, and cast the spell in the room. You will accidentally release Slagilith, a big level 92 rock monster! Kill him, and he will drop an Uncut ruby, an Uncut diamond, and an Adamantite ore. Then, cast the spell again, and you will free Petra.

    Tips: You can safely mage Slagilith from behind the rubble as shown on the image below.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (25)
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (26)

    Now, go back to Seers' Village...

  26. Just when you think it's over, the Seer can't give you the report! Go through all the options, and say you'll run him through. Then ask him why he can't get a clear picture, then ask him what tools he needs. As it turns out, his weather vane is broken... Go onto the roof, and search the weather vane. It is indeed broken. Use a Hammer with the vane, and then search it. You'll get all the broken parts.
    OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (27)
  27. Go to an anvil, and with the broken parts, and a bronze, steel, and iron bar in your inventory, begin using the parts with the anvil to fix them. Return to the house and use the parts on the weather vane; it will be fixed. Talk to the Seer, and he will give you a weather report.
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  28. Finally, back on track...

    - Take the report to Arhein, he will get the T.R.A.S.H. to the gnome.

    - Talk to the Gnome pilot, he will agree to take Sanfew to Feldip Hills.

    - Talk to Sanfew, and he will agree to take the dwarf on as his initiate.

    - Talk to Hammerspike. Apparently, he's changed his mind about being a druid. He will have all his gang members (levels 44 - 49) attack you. Take care of them, and then talk to him again. He agrees to forget about the loan.

    - Talk to Tassi Slipcast, and she will teach you how to make pot lids. She will give you some wet clay. Use it on the nearby Potters wheel to make an unfired lid, then use the lid on the Pottery oven. Use the finished lid on a pot to get an airtight pot.

    - Go to the Apothecary, and show him the airtight pot. He will fill it with breathing salts.

    - Go to Horvik, and give him the breathing salts and the herbal tincture. Now give him the pigeon cages mentioned earlier, and he will turn them into chicken cages.

    - Go back to Seth and give him the chicken cages. He tells you the fanatics will let Jimmy go.

    - Go back to the H.A.M. headquarters and talk to Johanhus. He will agree to release Jimmy.

    - Go to Draynor Village and speak with Aggie. She will agree to be the character witness for Brian.

    - Head west to Port Sarim and speak with Brian. After some chat, he gives you the sharpened axe.

    - Get back to the Jungle forester south of Shilo Village and give him his axe.

    - Return to Yanni, and give him his logs. After a long long rant, you'll get your reward.

    Isn't it nice to take a few minutes from your day to do something nice for a stranger?

OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (29)

About the rewards: The lamps work just like genie lamps, except they give 10000 experience to the skills you choose. Note that the lamps will only work on skills that are at least Level 30! They cannot be banked on a member server (but can on a free server.)

The key ring is a very convenient item. It clears out some of your bank by allowing you to store all your important keys on it. Quest keys that are meant to be used only once cannot be added to it, but a key given as a reward for a quest can be added. Eligible keys include a Brass key, Battered key, Crystal-mine key, Dusty key, Key (Phoenix Gang weapons store), Maze key, Metal key, Shiny key, and Wrought iron key.

You use the arrows to scroll through the keys, and if you wish to remove a key to use it, simply select "Remove this key". It is also possible to just Use the keyring on the relevant door (without removing the key from it). If you lose the key ring, you can buy a new one for 500gp, but it will not include any keys.

This Old School Quest Guide was written by Xtotre. Thanks to crisholt4000, mithr ndir, mona lisa, Hyrune, x kite, Netherworld, viralmonkey9, gkef, ssvash1, trekkie, Im4eversmart, number1short, blooddragon3003, bainsy44, Andro_Girl, glngervitis, L A W N, sk8erpunk193, deer an beer, Olllivander, Jarkur, GoldGeno, Iron Hendrix, and Rooskii. for corrections.
This Old School Quest Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Feb 28, 2005, at 03:44:55 PM by pokemama, and it was last updated on Sun, Feb 25, 2018, at 10:42:31 PM by L1ttleR3d.

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OSRS One Small Favour - RuneScape Guide (2024)
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