NEW YEAR'S QUADRILLE BAND. VERV IMPORTANT. DENTISTKY. A Monthly Periodical of 32 pages, Edited by Willum S. Kino, Prof.
J. J. Mapes, and Levi Bartleti. Published at Not. 8 10 Gerrish Block, Blackstone Street, Boston, TERMS 60 CENTS PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE.
JOHNSTONS HENRY WATERMAN'S PATENT HAMMERED SAWS. The subscriber would cttH the attention of dealers, and others, to this superior article-By his patent process of hammering; the saw is more thoroughly tempered than it can be by any other method. It is well known to ma chinisis that the surface of tempered steel is it hardest part. Where saws are tempered ac cording to the uiual method and hammered hy hand, it is necessary to polish them, thereby grinding off the most serviceable part of the saw These Saws are not polished, and only require a trial to be appreciated. They have already been put to the severest test in some of the largest Saw Mills in this vicinity, and pronounced unequalled.
We are now prepared to execute orders for all sizes of Mill, Pit. and Circular Saws. BUKR, WATERMAN CO. 3: 1 7 No 114 South-st LOOK AT THIS I The Subscriber's health har'ng failedhim.he offers his place for sa. It ia one of the tftands in the State for the above business.
Said place is situated in the village of Whiting. There is on the premises 2 Dwelling House, one with a Back Kitchen and Wood Shed, 21 by 40, and Barn and Shop 00 by 29 A never failing well of water and good cistern. Possession given at time of sale if required. R. A.
REYNOLDS. Whiting, Oct. 6, 1852. Wanted. IN consequence of a change in business I want person indebted to tne to pay some money immediately.
I have just returned from Boston with a smalt assortment of new style goods prepara tory to a Large addition soon. II. A. SHELDON. Oct.
4, 1852. 24: The Journal of Agriculture finished its second Volume in June, and has been pronounc ed the best Agricultural paper in New England. It commends the application of Science to Agriculture aud by science we mean Knowledge reduced to a System. The next Volume will contain entire treat ises on the Management of Farms, the prep arations of manures, the care of Stock, the breeding of Poultry, the management of Bees, the construction of Dwellings and Farm Buildings, the care and cultivation of Fruit Trees, flowers, Among the principal contributors are M. Wilder, President U.
S. Agricultural Society Dr. Charles T. Jackson, Levi Bartlett, Samuel Walker, late President Massachusetts Horti cultural Society, J. E.
Tcschcmaker, Miner, Author of American Bee-Keeper's Manual, Rer. J. L. Blake, D. Author of I Farmer's Every-rlay Book, Rev.
W. Clift Geo Worcester, Author of "A Prac tical Treatise on Fruit," Ambrose Stevens, ol N. Y. American Editor of Youatt and Mar tin on Cattle." "Pests of the Farm," harles L. Flint, of Portsmouth, N.
11., and many other well known and practical nan The Journal will contain many elegant draw inss of Farm Houses and Out Buildings, Flowers, Fruit, The portraits of the celebrated hofses, Green Mountain Morgan, if- Black Hawk, will soon appear, with an account of these celebrated horses and the families they represent, written for the Journal of Agriculture, by Frederick Holbrook of Brattlcboro. Good Agents wanted in all parts of this Address WILLIAM S. KING, 8 10 Ger rish Block, Blackstone Street, Boston, Mass. We havo read this paper tvith more than or dinary care from its commencement, and we eanruly say that as a paper devoted to tne ns ing generation of farmers, and to sound prac tical scientific agriculture, it has no equal in the Lnited States. Northern farmir.
The Journal of Agriculture has been pro nounced the best Agricultural paper in new England. Xorristown (Pa.) llegisler. Journal op Auriccltcre. We regard this Journal as ono of tho most useful and interesting agricultural papers in the Union. Mid.
Resister. We have several times called attention to the Journal as the best agricultural paper within our knowledge. Brat. Eagle. A copy of this Journal is now before us.and on perusing its pages, we find that it merits the praises that have been so universally oe-stowed on it by the agricultural press.
Am. Veterinary Journal The publisher offers the following PREMIUMS to Agents For the largest list of subscribers forward ed bv any one person, with the cash, a premium bf For the next largest For the third For the fourth 810,00 For the fifth 85,00 Premiums to be decided and paid May 1st 1853. IS bmos Rutland Burlington RAIL ROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS. Winter Arrangements, 0 and after Monday, Nov.
1st, Trains will run as follows, viz FOR BOSTON, NEW YORK INTERMEDI ATE PLACES. LEAVE F. W. COE, Dentist, is permanently located in Verge noes, where he has been enga ged in the successful practice of his profesMO the last seven years, and may always round at his office ready to attend to any call in his profession, from the extracting of a sin gle tooth to the inserting of an entire suction sett with artificial gums. Those needing DENTAL OPERATIONS, are invited lo favor him wilh a rail.
All work wil 1 be dune at moderate price', of the best materials, and warranted to give satisfaction. Reference can bemnde to any of the pro fessional orbninesa men of Vergcnnes and vi cinity. March 23, 1852. 48 Excelsior Family Soap. DIRECTIONS FOR USE.
Cold or warm water either toft, hard or Mlt. mat be uttd -villi pprfort iiccru. Rub llntoai Umhi tliV elotlir- ami then putthrin lotfoak ur fuur hour, then tHke lie in an I rtih ihem aiitlriiisethemoot. Thri will require hut litili; rubotuir att'T Cud no boilinsMs requin-il, tii is U--ial with other A larxe wah(iiif call be iloiie in one third lea lime an utile und expense ttiitti with Hiiy other n-ap kiitiWii i- warrauteil not to injure in any wa th lilire. ur the fkiu, or anv thin? that it i appli It will rem-iVi any kimt of 'iiea Paint, Tr, Ink loiaui, kc anv imons wttiioitt me inat' itijurj Foj aale by tub-r tht, at S.
WtOU Sl o. AeenU fo thr AJrtuufaftUrer. TjOOTOH Y0UE SELF PidVA i t-. LY, lor 25 cms, bv men of the P' )( KK I ESCULAPIUS.or Every One His Own Physician. The ihirty fix si-Edition, with one hund red Private Diftfaos M.d- formatiinof the (itneru live Svstem.
in ererv ihaneanl toim: towliicli isaauen a treatise on ihe (meases nf Females intended for the use of females only (-ec pajrr liMi), being of the highest impoitance to mar rtfd people, those coiitesiiplstiing nianme. By WM. YOCNG, M. Graduate of the Universiry of lVnnsylvr.nin, Member of lu Royal College of ISorgvous, London; iind Honorary Mi mber of the Pliila Mphiti- Mfdi ca! Society. The various forms i Secret Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Diseases of the Prostrate Giitnd 1m potency, solhary habits oi" youth ate faithfully destribt and'all the receipts given in plain hmuungo.
The chapter on sell'-alue and Seminal Weakness is worthy of particular attention, and should he read by every one. Young Men who have been nn fortunate in contracting disease, previous to placing yourselves under the care of any doctor, no matter what bis pretensions may be. get a copy of this truly useful work. Sea Captains and persons going to Sea should possess Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the Packet JEjculapius, or Every one His own Physician.
npLet no father be ashamed to present a copy of ihc jEsculapius to his child. It may savehim from an early grave. Let no young, man nr womanenter into ihe secret obligations I of married life, without reading the pocket vEscuIapius. Let no one suffering from a hacknied Cough, pain in the side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their pnysn ian. oe nuniner moment witnoui consul ting the Have the married or those about to bemnrritd any impediment, read (his truly useful Book, as it has been the means of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death.
Up wards a JllL.liUlN copies of this celebrated work has been sold in this country and Eu rope since 1838, when the 6rst edition was is sued. person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book by mail or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address "Dr. WM. YOUNG, No.
152 Spruce Philadelphia." Post paid. lweniy vcars prac ice in tho city of Phila delphia certainly entitles Dr. Young to ihe ton-confidence of the afflicted, and he may he consulted on anv the diseases described in his diffeient publications, at his office, 125 Spruce street, every day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sunday's excepted) and persons at any distance can consult Dr. Young hv letter, post paid. A'Eff FIRM! RUSSEL POWELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG-GISTS, AND DEALERS IN GROCERIES PROVISIONS, fAT the old Store of TV.
P. Russel.) OFFER for sale for Cash, Pro I'tH tor ap proved credit, fit the lowest makei prices, a arge ami well selected aonnit i DRUG. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS PAINTS OILS, DYE-STUFl-S. WIN. D'iW liLAS-s.
SURGICAL INSTRIT NTS, TRUSSES. PERFUME It BUUSIII-S. DRUGUfSIV GLASS WARE, NEW CHEMICAL PREPARA TIONS. nmi every urticle comprising tin the stuck of a DniL'trist Phydeian. prescriptions accurately di wed at nil times.
The Mi'-scrihiTS will also keep on hand thr must ei. nee st'" ol GROCERIES PROVISIONS, CrtHhtd. Gronnd and Gmnitbitd Snirnr Cnflee Crii-h'd. II vans and Mron Siiirni Hid Java f.d Ctifl'ee, Teisot even variety. Flour, FUh.
Sail, Lump Oil, IlnrninL' Fluid, CiMiiphene. Speim and Mould Candles. PAINT. Put White Lead, dry in oil, Venetian Red, Fremh Sp'tnt-di White. Venlijrri in e.ies and dy, Bninwirkt Phi is Chrome Grcftt, Chrurue Yet low, Vermillion tVc.t ALSO, Wholesale opont BnsweTs Fire ProJ Paint, nil color.
This paint is admitted fr. be the best in tne country. O'Fbmcpm's Oil. taw and boiled, at f-H'iory prices, Furniture, Conch and Jupan Vanish The public are respectfully invited enll examine Goods and price, and if they csi get better Goods at lesf prices eKewherc, we will not ask them to call rnrnin W.P.BUSSFX SIDNEY T. POWELL.
Middlebury, May 1st. 1852. Important Discovery. The Rheumatic l'iljs of Rev. Samnel Covcl, son and snccssor of the laic Rev.Dr.
Covel, of New York.original inventor, are found to be a certain, safe, and speedy rure for the Rheumatism in all its Inflammatory, Chronic. Hereditary, Lumbago, Sciatica, Mercurial, or Rheumatic Gout. to which thonsands can testify. Rev, Samuel Covel, sole Proprietor, to whom all orders and letters (Post Paid) muat be addressed, 155 Watet Strcet.New York. AaT, llr.
IV. P. Ku.arl.J. M. Co hury.
Callin and Wright, P. Iluntinrtnn, W. re.n., F. P. Flelchar, Oik.
and Ri-dnr, Ilridport, C. L- Cliaae,, E. 8. Atwcmd, J. Simondi, Shorehoni.
THE subscribers would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Addison, Rutland and Bennington Counties, that they have become sole owners of tho right of sale of the This Ware has been subject to every variety of test, it is not affected by acids, heat, cold or the atmosphere, its strength is sufficient to resist ordinary accidenta, and In beauty and transparency it is admitted to far exceed the imported article, and can bo sold at a much less price. It is manufactured into all kinds of household furnishing goods, consisting of Door Knobs, Door Plates, Number Plates, Church Pew Numbers, Hotel Plates, Escutcheons for doors, Bureau Knobs, Curtain Pins, Dinne-and Tea setts. tec. Any of the a- bove articles can be obtained of the snbscrir bcrs, or the light of sale in any of the towns in Kuina or Hcnntngton counties, Comes this season as usual on the first day of January and it may be well to re mind gentlemen that now is just the time to get a IE! SHI OF GLO THES. As the old year is passing out, and the new coming in, it can only be necessary to remind the thoughtful and sensible of the use and importance of Cress on that day, when so many again," ''Soft eyes look love to eves which speak and that at the EXPRESS OFFICE ean be rticles of gentleman's wardrobe, necessary to attract the eye, or captivate the scnses, at the lowest pricos.
Come one, come all, for there is enough and to spare. Great bargains to all who come. Middlebury, Dec. 21, 1852. MIDDLEBURY IRON STORE.
PLOUGHS, of almost all kinds at J. DAVENPORT'S. QTOVES, Box, lkinds, at Parlor, and Cooking all J. DAVENPORT'S. CTOVE Pipe Hollow Ware at 0 J.
DAVENPORT'S. pijTwABE of" all kindsjt 1 J. DAVENPOBT'S. JOB WORK, of every kind usually a Tin Shop, at J. DAVENPOU' one in 'OUT'S.
10RN SHELLERS Vegetable Cutters, rorsaleat J. DAVENPORTS AT KNIVES, For sale at J. DAVENPORT'S. I RON, Steel 4 Nails, for sale at tho Iron a- Store of J. DAVENPORT.
SPADES, Shovels, aud Crow Bars, at the agricultural Depot of J. DAVEXPORT. Middlebury, Oct. 11, 18S2. BECK WITH.
has removed his Siore te the New Bui. ding just finished by Mr, Davenport, ami is now io the Store next doo to James M. Slade he is reccivin a new ana OF- Ifa feels justified in view of his lore exner ance and unusual faciliiics for buying goods, assuring his old friends ami the public that he CAN and WILL sell goods for cash, or at short approved credit, on such terms as shaft give satisfaction. His old customers are particularly invited to call at the New Store. Middlclmrv, Nov.
8, 18 2. Axes Files, At DAVENPORT'S. 90 PIECES WORSTED DRESS GOODS, For sale cheap by J. M. SLADE CO.
For sale at prices varying from 5 cts. to 12lc. per yard, by J. M. SLADE CO.
Tweeds and Shcops Gray Cloth, for sale very low by Al. BLADE CO. A large assortment for sale bv J. M. SLADE CO, Of Bay State, Empire State, and Watcrlo Shawls, of all sizes and prices to be found in this town, for sale at low figures, bv J.
SLADE CO. 'lXmF5iClineelVoil7" Boiled Raw White Load 4. Mineral Paint, for sale cheap, by J. M. SLADE CO.
XTarge'assFrtmnF Of Teas, Sugar, Tobaco, Spices 4e on hand for sale by J. M. SLADE CO. VELVET KlBHOiN DKEso FRINGES, For sale by J. M.
SLADE 4 CO. sTCLTibMAckmT Isli, For sale by J. SLADE at CO. A good assortment, for sale by J. M.
SLADB CO. "steFlT For sale by the Dozen by J. M. SLADE CO. SAW MILL AND CROSS-CUT SAWS, Nrsaleky SLADE CO.
SIX DOzIenSILK 70RSTED TLUSH CAPS, All prices for sale by J. M. SLADE A. CO. TICKING, Canton Flannels, Brewn and Bleached Cottons, Woolen Flannels and other Domestic Goods, for sale cheap by M.
SLADE CO. Ox Yokes, Ox Bows, and How Pins, at DAVENPORTS. Uncle Tom's Cabin. For 37 1 cents. Just received and for sale by L.
Tor sale bv Drugs and Medicines. H. A. SHELDON, having made a laree addi tion to liis slock of Drugs, and prorutcd 'a nef ana complete varioiy ol urgiiar'r nraiture, is prepared to put up prescriptions correctly and at rea was tie prices. Also, a eood lot ol popular Patent Medicines.
Ayer's Cherry Perioral. Rogers' Compound Syrup of Liverwort Tar and L'Hnchalngua, the cele- orated Atpxiran mustang lujmcut, slc. Dec. 20, 1862. Bonnet Trimming Velvets.
Bonnet Silks, Satins dtc, received br Dec, 7. E. VALLETTE, Mirrors. A full Itnck nf varinna prices just received by j. M.
GORDON. Splendid assortment of VALENTINES and Valentine H'rllersfbr sale by K. E. WIIITCOMB TTAS the pleasure to announce to his friends AA and the public, that he has made unusu al exertions to afford them MUSIC for Dances and Parties, during the coming winter. He has engaged the services of Mr J.
B. Holm-bero, a Swedish Artist of high reputation whe came out with Jenny Lind, and was in her Orchestra while she was in this country. Mr. Holmbero is one of the finest Clarionet-ists in the world. The artistic force of the Band is aa follows R.
E. Whitcomb, 1st Violin. J. B. Holmbero Clarionet.
J. E. Douglass, 2d Violin. R. Whitcomb Bass.
Any number of Pieces required will be furnished. Address, R. E. WIIITCOMB, Dec. 1, 1852.
33. Middlebury, Vt. iw mm in. rpiIE ELGIN SPRING HOUSE is open for the reception of visitors. The Proprietor will spare no expense to make it a desirable place of resort for invalids or parties of pleasure.
The medicinal qualities of these springs are equal to anv in the world, and arc highly recommended by the best Physicians in the country. Keterence mav be made to Drs. Al len and Russel, of Middlebury; Drs. Bradford, Mansfield find Hopkins, of Verecnnes, Dr. Cram, of Ferrisburgh Dr.
Hrinbburg, of Burlington: Dr. Horton, of Colchester; Dr. Warner, of New Haven; Dr. Hazelton, of Bristol: Dr. Bromley, of Huntington; and Dr.
Wethbbby, of West ford. The Proprietor will run a carriage to the Depot, in Vergenncs, in connection with the Express train of cars running South, leaving Burlington 10: 45 A. and also with the Accommodation Train moving North, arriving at Ver genncs 11: 46 A. time to roach the Springs tor dinner; or with any other train when requested. AH orders for Water promptlv executed and forwarded by the cars or boats, to any part of the country, in bottles or by the gallon.
0 Post oftice address, Vergcnnes, V. SOLOMON ALLEN, Proprietor. ANOTHER LARGE ARRIVAL II. A. SHELDON AT THE NEW STORE, no.
3 davenport's row. lias now on hand, and is now receiving ths Of Goods that was ever offered in Middle bury at one siore. Thankful for the paying custom which he has heretofore so liberally re ceived, he will endeavor to continue to merit tho confidence of whr trade with him, He now offers a large lot of De Laines. Ready Made Clothing, Caps, Groceries, Drugs Medicine Kock Island Salt, and nearly everything usually called lor. The above eood will be sold at low nrices for chkIi or ready pay.
'I hope want to be rimed two yearn because they consider a debt -grtinpt them good, are iufoi med thai the goons are worth more to tne. thandend capital clurg'd out atdmall profile, even to good H. A. tJHGLDOX. Middlebury, Nov.
17. 1851. ASTONISHING It is, at what low prices READY MADS can bo purdcascd at the EXPRESS OFFICE. Bovs' Over Coats as low as $4. Men's Over Coats from a Canada Grey at to a fine Broad Cloth at $12.
There is, also, a good of heavy Dress Coats for the cold weather which has already commenced. so, a large assortment of Pants, larger and smaller, together with an excellent Lot of Under Shirts Drawers from 50 cents to for the first quality. There are also a most complete assortment of winter Vests from a heavy Cloth Vest at 1,25 to a Rich Black Satin at 4,50. In fact a Gentleman can find a Fit from head to foot in a satisfactory manner for a verv small amount of monev. They are hist opening a new Lot of Dress Coats.
Cali and see for yourselves. Middlebury, Dec. 1,1851. Notice. rTMie Middlebury Brass Band prepared -L to furnish music for Exhibitions, telebra tions, on reasonable terms.
All orders addressed to R. E. Whitcomb, (Leader,) or T. L. Frary, Clerk, will receive prompt attention.
iMimllebury, May 2j, 18o3. BOOK STORE The nndersicned having taken on sale, the hooks formerly bfltigint to Mr. ILigar, together with a fresh supply from Boston and rscw York, is now open at the rsew More No enport' Block, where mav be found a complete assortment of Books, stationery usually cat led lor. His tock rohMitts in part if School. ('Inst-icnl, iik Toy Books Bfank Deeds, Cap, Letter, Billet P.iper, EnvcloiH of nil kinds.
ren, rcnci's, Ink, 8 hi tea Drawing Music Pnper, Cmyons 1 here is alo a I trctilmitu- il-nirv attaclien. comainint; over 1100 volumes. 1 he ruhlic are invited to drop in and examine, mid it they trade, the prices Rhnll he sattvfaetory. Middlebury, Nov. 15, 185'2.
30. JANUARY II, 1853. Just Received, BY the subscriber, a fresh aupply of goods, consisting of the following articles Silver Detached Lever Watches, Silver Lepine Watches, Gold Anchor Lever Watches, a large assortment of Ladies' Breast Pins, Ear Drops Rings, rmger Ureast Scarf Pins. Gold Chain for Bracelet Guards, Lockets, Shawl Pins, Cornelian Rings, Hair Pins, Ladies Gents' Port Monanies, Silvei Thimbles, Drawing Pencils, Pen Pocket Knives, Slienrs Scissors, Razors Strops, Dressing Fine Combs, Ac, PUBIjIO Are invited to call and examine my Stock of Goods, which will be sold at small profits for ready pay. F.
C. MAYO. Oct. 1st, 1852. NEW GOODS, Adapted to the Fall and Winter trade, re ceived and for sale by Z.
BEUKWITU. Uncle Tom's Cabin FOR TEE MILLION PRICE, 3" cents. At SHELDON'S 81: lw, Book Store. I. Salt II.
LANGWORTHY'S at J.T. Grant PATENT FANNING MILL, the best in America, fot sale at J. DAVENPORT'S. Groceries, QF ALL kinds, for sale cheap by ins ft i a vni orTiir. BELIEF IN TEN MINDTHS, CURB IN JEW DA Y6.
INSURED BY THE GREAT FOREIGN RKMKDT, DR.LOCOCRVS I i ft I A KIlN O. UJJ1I1U1UU ill -LIJlk-' For the cure of Col ls, Cooghs, Asthma.Bron- ofattH, Pulmonary all AfTsc-lions of the Breast and Lungs. Msnuf.tctured bv JAMES JOHNSTON. Rochester, N. sole proprietor fur the United Stales and British North America, PURCHASE LOco*ck'S nmi WAFERS, THE BRITISH SPECIFIC, certain euro for MensiuraSuppreaain.orSup ruiied Menses; Difficillii.
or Painful Menstruation Amenorrhcea. or Partial Obstruction cf Menses Chljrusit or Greco Sickntiia; Leucorrhcea, Fluor Albut, Whites, aalall Female Weak new. PILES, PILES, PILES- DR. UPHAM 8 VEGETABLE ELECTUARY, Or iaternal Remedy for the Piles; orepsrtd kvA. UPHAM, M.
196 Bowery, New York a regularly educated Physician, who aerates bis almost attention entirely to tins disease. Ur. upturn Kleptn-iry is a certain ore for the Piles, whether eeling or Blind Kiel, Internal or External, and also for oilier which are frequently found in cou- ranction wnn rues. TO MARRIED LADIES. Tlia Electuary is perfectly safe for Pregnant Ladies, and ths most usi-fnl' Csthnrtirihat can posiiMy be used, as it will nat only rtmove Ibe Piles and all Inflammatory Diseases, without Psia or Irritation, lint will' eusure an easy limn, a safe delivery, and a sound constitution 1b the M.DubOYS' FRENCH EXTERMINATOR.
TniSPREPARATION IS WARKATKD TO Exterminate au Miei, whenever uteri ai directed nd to leava no affetim'tj leneh an (lie premise eltmrett thua annoyinc vmnin, ltd ue is prfrctly iifi in any place and at aP limes, which not the cua with or-imvy remedies for hi e-vil. CAUTION beware or couriTicitrKrTi The elraorninary tuccenl of M. Duhoy't TUtKiUr-ti alitor hna excited the cupidity of some rfislianept and ii-riponibIe iernn to rounterfnit it Inquire fn Duboy's French Rat F.xttrmi'lator, and tdfoi noolher. Laffe boxen at cents 1.YNDK OSHIJKN. KochmtT, Hyle American Aeonti, in wlinm all o-dera nhnulil he Hdr Maori AozTi V.drilHiury, Ku fowell, II.
A Shel- mm sra.ennoR, ntjanagioa. jt: mat, CANKER CURE CERATE, WARRANTED A CURB FOB Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Scrofulous Humors, Liver Complaints, Canker, and all Diseases arising from Impure Blood. Medicines are the scientific preparations of a regular Physician. The feyrup is an article which standi unrivalled and unequalled in tl.ii or nnv oilier conn-try, as a rcat Humor Medicine, it is entirely diffment from any prria.allon ol Sarsnparilla or Dock, and i far betier than all ol ihem. It has now been tef led in more than 500,000 ra-se, embracing person ol both texri, nil andin every station oflife, and lor all the above named diseases, and ns yet to our knowledge, there has not been the first inntance mitreit lias ol done the work juitas it was slated it would do.
More Thnn 100,000 cases of humors, in all their many and varied forms, have been treated end been permanently cured by it. Erysipelas. Patients who have suffered from ibis distressing complaint for years, have in every known case been cured by these medi-Clues. At Least Fifty Thousand Salt Rheum Pa- ients have used the Syrup, together with the Cerate, many of ihem old and inveterate cares, and in everv instance effected a cure. For nil Scrofulous Svrup for Ihem lias no equal in Sarsaparilla or anything else.
Female Irregnlaritie-. There is no one winch produce a gremr amount of lutTrr-Ing than the irregular nction of the ft ma If functions. In thee it restore! to health, rtrength and vigor, nnd eimblea nature to awBume her nat-nil periods. Nursing Sore Month, Tiii trulv dljurc-ing di-eaie need no longer be the dread of nur. In? molhera, for there i now a reliable rcmcdv The Syrup, toother with the Canker Cure, will at once ojost effectually andperroauenily cure this diBfase.
Venereal Taints and Mercurial DiaeaRed, te poisonous of the blood, which rl.rough their ffTecti upon the glands are felt in erery part of the human syatem Nut a Biiiffjeor-ran ihm does not feel the effects of tlieee poifons and by their reaction upon each other, etTcciudlly re vent all the unaided florin of nature to throw nvilirm off. In nuch taxes if thers waievera specific for any disease, the Syrup is fur ibis. CAUTION Neither of these artlrVs are Sennlnc without the signature of A. Wearer Co. a on the outside wrapjer.
Manufactnred at New London, Conn by 3, A. Weaver 6i Co, to whom all oiders must Se ad-dressrd. Agents to lliddlsburr, Rt'SSEL ft POWtLL. SB WESTERNS! COMPLETED TO BENNINGTON, where it onnects with the Troy Boston Railroad forming the shortest and most doiralilo Rail route between Rutland fit. Troy.
Jst. Mail Train leaves Rutland at 10-20 A. or on the arrival of the Bur lington trains from Bellows arriving in Troy 1-30 P. M. in New York by iiniison niver nan rtoaa, a r.
at. 2d Mail Train leaves Rutland 1-45 P. on arrival of Express trains from Burlington Boston arriving in Troy at 5 P. M. and Bow York 10-30 P.
M. by II. R. R. R.
A Freight train leaves Rutland every morn log. Tickets to be procured at the Stations on the Rutland Burlington Railroad, and of Conductors on the Cars. Aug. 27, 1862. JOHNSON, Ifup't Mourning Goods.
BLACK ENGLISH CRAPE Itnlian Crape, Bombazine, Silkand Cot. Warp Frcncb Merino, Wool dcLaincs, sshawlt, UJo-vos, Hosiery, received and for sale by E. VALLETTE. Dec. 7.
Salmon and Codfish, tor sale by H- LANGWORTHY. Ladies Merino Vests, JlseeVvvdmiToT raj by VALLETTE. RAT WSSm CANKER Si SALT PiHEUM CHERRY PECTORAL. For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BR0.YCHITIS,WII00PI.VG-f0rGH, CR0CP, ASTIL1IA, AND C0SSCMPTI0N. Among the numerous discoveries Science has made in this generation to facilitate the business of life increase its enjoyment, and ivea prolong the term of human existence, can be named of mure real value to man.
kind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the Healing Art. Avast trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven be yond a doubt, that no medicine or combination of medicines yet known, can so surely control and cure tne numerous varieties of pulmonary disease which have hitherto swept from our midst thousands and thousands every years. Indeed, there is nuw abundant reason to be' lieve a ttcmtdv has at lrngili beenfound which can be reliedon to cure the most danger ous affections ol the lungs. Onr space here will not permit us to publish any proportion of of the cures affected by its use, but we would present the following opinions of eminent men and refer further enquiry to the circular which the Agent belo mm(d, will hvays be pleased to furnish free, whercing are full particulars, and indisputable proof of the facjs: Trout the PRESIDENT of AMHERST COLLEGE, EDWARD HITCHco*ck, M. LL.
if-c J.C. ArM. I hve usl your ClllillKY F.CTQ A til niv own cue of depp teaterf broncliilia. nd Bin satisfied, from ita chrmieal convolution, that it admirable compound for ih relief of taryfigial and bronchial difficulties. If my opiuion, si to it u.
perior character, can be of any eervice. you are at lib rly to uae it aa you think proper. BHWAKD HITCHco*ck, amha. tl. Sept.
19, 1849. From the widelv celebrated PROFESSOR SILLMAN, M.D.IL. D. Proftssor of Ckemistry, Mineralogy, Ac, Yafe College, Member of the Lit, Hist, Med.Phil.and Scinlific Societies of America and Europe. "I deem the Cherrt Pectoral an admir able composition from some of the best articles in the Materia Medica, and a very effective remedy for the class of diseases it is intended to cure." New Haven, Nov.
1. 18-19- MAJORPATTISON, President of the C. Senate, stales ho has used the Cherry Pectoral with wonderlul success, to cure an inflammation of the lungs: FROM -ONE- OF THE FIRST PHYSICIANS IN MAINE. Sico, April 56, 1849, Dr. J.
C. Aver. Lowell, I'ear hir: I am onw constantly nsinc vour Cherry l'ectoral oractice. and nrcfur it to anv medicine for monary complaints. From observation of many severs rases, I am convinced it ill cure coughs, colds, and disease of the lungs, that havi lout to defiance all othec remedies.
I invariably recommend itsuse in case of consumption, and consider much the Lest remedy known foi that disease. Kcspectlully yours. I. S. d.
Prepared and Sold by JAMES C- AYEK, Url'GOist and Ciikmist, Lowell, Mass Tor isle by litSSEl.L I'OW IXL Middlebury Dr CbaM Brsndon, W. fl. Sprsjrue Verrenoea, Palme 3l C. fittaford, And by drugffiata, everywhere. Balm of Roses, As made by H.
A. Sheldon, is the thing far sore Lips, Chapped Faces, and Hands, caused by the autumn winds. Prico 25 eta. per bottle or 75 cts. pur pint.
For the Public. PAINTED PAILS and TUBS, Butter Tubs and Sap Buckets for sale bv the sub scribers at their Factory, (formerly the Judd inarhle'factory). 03- Cash paid for SAPLING PINES few cords more wanted this season. 3- Ware sold io the trade on as favorable terms as can be obtained in Massachusetts. SKEELE MERRILL.
Bv N. H. Hand, Aeent. Middlebury, Jan. 13, 1852.
Oct. 12, 1852. JM. SLADE CO. have just re-.
ceived at the Fhcsnix Stoke, a full and oompleto assortment of FALL WINTER GOODS, which they offer for sale at Reduced Prices for Cash or Produce. Call and examine the best stock of goods at present to be found iu this town. Carpeting! Carpeting! receiving, 1000 yds. of Carpeting.o various qualities, which will be sold at a small advance from cost by Oct. VI, lHiK.
L. BECKiVITlI. DOUBLK PLATED Table Spoons. Dessert Tea, Cream, 11 Mustard, Salt Sugar Shovel, Butter Knives, Dining Dessert Forks, Received, direct from the manufacturer, and for sale at reduced prices by Oct, 12, 1852. Z.
BECKWITn. Fire Safes, FOR sale by James M. Sladc Co. Davidson's Fire King Fire Safes, a superior article. Town authorities and others, wishing to keep books and papers of value secure from Are, are requested to call and examine the article.
Nov. 1, 1852. Farm For Sale. JfajrV A valuable farm is offered for v' PL "'e' Cornwall, in the IJSJjP vicinity of the Binghams', the cel-JUgkmA ehrated sheep men. The farm contains 129 acres, 25 of which it woodland balance well adapted to grazing or grown tng grain.
A good two story house, with wood-house attached, two barns, a commodious shed, orchard, See. For particulars, en quire of P. W. Collins if- Vergennoi. Henry Lane, of Cornwall, or Anson premises.
Cornwall, Nov. 22, i 855. 8S CASH PAID For Shipping Furs, Sheep Pelti d- good Butter. forTale, Fresh Ground Flour, Buck wheal do, Gra ham do Pork, Tripe, Bnflalo Robes, fcc, 4m, at lowest prices for CASH. N.
WOOD CO. Middlebury, Nov. I8S2. Fall Winter Style HATS and Caps, for sale by H. Flour, Bef anil Pork, for ale at National Black Ink, Manufactured and for sale, wholesale and retail, by L.W.CLARK.
HARTFORD LIFE A IN I) ALTII insurance Co. "FMCE.FOST OFFICE BUILDING, HART. FORI), CO.NiN. Capital and Surplus over DURING WO YEARS' UUriliNESS ISSUED NEARLY 4,000 POLICIES jVo Health Hisks taken by the Company. The Hartford Life and Insurance Company take rink mi Life, grant 01 pui idiHfe annui-lie, confer enduuineiitf anil make coiitnicis ip-onand appertaining liidelerrediind reversionary in-teiei'lff connected wilh life riak, agree.ibly iu the powrr privileges conferred hy charier.
The businees ol i he Company i conducted upon the JOINT STOCK AND MUTUAL PLAN, at the op lion of lheinurnd thus mee ling (he want and circuinelancerMif the public more fullv, it i believed, than purely Mutual Companies can do bet AnnutteR will he granted or purclmied and en- riowmemg conferred on term highly and according lot hp rate of the uionit (tberalanit conduced Companies in this coumn andin Log- lam. The Char rer of this Company provides that the wife i ty injure the life ol her husband, and I tie a ti on nt to be paid be securefrom creditors at hi cieat An equitable sum will always be paid for poli cies surrendered to the company before they ex pire. Travelling, sea, and foreign residence permits willbe granted at amallextta premium. Policies on livenof personn going to California will be granted on the Joint Slock principle only und at an extra rate of premium. Ex'rnct from the CeitificaLe of the Comptroller of the State of Connecticut, dated JaNuart, 7th.
1851. The g-eat surcess and prudent management of iiH company, togetuer whii us wen hivphk-" ital and amnlun, entitle it to the entire confidence of the community, and I recommend it, as in my opinion equal mi lUreiigm ami aointy io me iwbi i stitutioiifof die kind in the Union (Signed. s.l RUFUS G.PINNEY. Comptroller. The Hoard of Directoii is com nosed of active business men with capital and characterinvolved, and giving their pernonal attention to the manage ment fpcontrolottnetranparnunsoi hip coin pa uy AS, DIXON, President WM T.
HOOKER, Vies President. HENRY L. MILLER, Secrerary. A.FRANCIS, Agent, Middlebury Dec. 24, 1851.
85 tf. THE justly celebrated RUSSIA SALVE, sold by H. A. SIIELI IN. Way 18.
Gents' Hair Over Shoes and Rubbers, for sale by II. LAIf GW0RTIIT. Furniture, For sale very cheap, at Jan. 12, 1858. Z.
RECKWITH'S. 2000 Rolls Paper Hangings, of 40 different Styles. 1000 Yards Bordering of various styles for sale cheap, by J. M. GORDON.
FEATllEUS, A Prime lot Live Gerfe Fenilirrn. received by H. A. SHELDON The Hair. KITCHEN'S Hair Preservative; J.
Russell Spaulding's Compound of Rosemary and Castor Oil. Low's Pure Bear Oil, Hair Washes, for sale by July 5th, 1852. H. A. SHELDON.
mm4 if rPHE subscriber still continues the manu-1 facturcof this unrivalled churn, at his shop near the Bridge the village of Middlebury. It has now been thorough! tetcd by niany of he best dairy farmers in this one opinion has been that is in Favor of this churn against all OTIir.R con-tr'w ances for the manufacture of good Butter. Abundant testimonials are in the hands of the Proprietor of this churn, that it possesses advantages, never before found in any other. It is valuable particularly on account of its labor-saving character, since it works and salts the butter without bringing it in contact with the heat of hands turns out the article in its purest marketable shape, AH orders addressed to tho subscriber will be promptly attended to, and the churn WARRANTED to give satisfaction. C.
W. BALDWIN. Middlebury, Aug. 10, 1852. 16: tf Flour.
Good Flour can always be found at FULLER'S. Middlebury, Oct. 20, 1852. CHEAP SUGARS AND TEAS, Can be bought of R. L.
FULLER. Middlebury, Oct. 20, 1851. CLOSING OFF J. OOSTII I will sell nt Cost for cash inv entire Hock of DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, HARD WAKE 41 MEDICINES.
The cost mark will he all who mayask foi paper which can be kept for ckey to further purchases. Mr. Thompson, my salesman, is instrnctcd to giva theeost mark mall calling for if and In no instance to ask a fraction above cost. 1 have a good assortment of Prints, Delanes, Alpaccas, Lionese Goods, Ginghams, Shawls, Tickings, Table Linen, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Tailors' Trimmings, Coats Pants Vests ready made, Boots Shoes, Umbrellas, Satin Velvet ftibonj, Artificials, Room Paper, Hats Ca, Muffs dtVic-orines, Shovels A Spades, Forks Rakes, Whips Lajhes, Nails Glass. Whitewash Paint Brushes, Brass Kettles, Brooms, Axes, In short over $3000 worth of prim? goods are now offered nt full 35 per cent less ilun they can beboughiin Addison Cc*nty.
The business will be closed as soon as the goodt are sold. The Public will find the statemens literally true, and may rest assured that they will obtain a bargain at my store; 75 cts wil buy $1,00 worth try it. JOHN ROCKWELL. Cornwall, Nov. 8, 1852.
Sage Summer iiarrison's Columbian PERFUMERY. Caroline Bouquet, ignionette, Rose, Orange, Verbena, Hom Suckle, West End.Juck, ey Club, Heliotrope, Almond, Ambrosial, Bouquet, Rose; and a variety of othur styles, just received bv J. M. GORDON. THE Spiritual Knockings HAVE CEASED IN SALISBURY, VERMONT.
AN'O A. II. CARPENTER- AS taken the stand opposite E. Howard's J-J- Hotel, where lie holds himself in readiness to execute all orders in the Tailoring Eusiness. He would say to the citizens of Salisbury and vicinity, that he can make work as well and as cheap as can be done in the County.
He also will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of CLOTHS, which he will cut or make up, to suit customers. for CUTTING will be promptly attended to, and fits warranted, if properly made. A. il. CARPENTER.
Salisburv, Mav 24, 1852. it. N. WOOD CO, HAVE on hand for sale N. S.
Pkstfr. (freh ground). Norihcrn Clover Seed, Western, do. do. Herds Grass Seed, Canada Peas, Seed Wheat, Seed Oats.
Mricd Beef. Tripe, Best Clear Pork, Cured Hams, Shouldera, Bbl.Beef, Lard, Good Cheese, Salmon and Codfish. Mackerel and Whitefish, Sap Tuhs and Milk Pails, French Sugar Beet Seed, Orange Carrat Seed 4c, March, 12, 1852. Fr in Of every description with flowers that air most surpass nature, in their richness colors. Ladies win do well to call and examine our assi rtmei.t.
H. LANG WORTHY. $5000 WORTH OF GOODS, EELLINSAT COST. THE SUBSCRIBERS, are selling their entire stock of Goods AT COST. As our Lease expires tb 1st of April, we are determined to sell otf our Goods at a low rate, and tou that want to buv oi CHEAP give us a call.
All persons indebted tons by Note or on Book, arc hereby notified that payment must be made before the 15th of January next. DIKE RIDER. Bridport, Sept. 24, 18-52. Wool Cotton Flannels.
A variety of stvlcs i.nd qualiiie for al by J. .1 GO DON AH Wool Do Laines. Plnin and Fancy styles snme verv ri. ferusju-'t n-ceived by J. M.
GiiliDiiN Dress Trimmings. Vrivet Kit.iions, by Oi.nps, Al-. j. m. a Ahi N.
Er tannia Ware. 'i'ea r.n'.l Cctlto r.iaiebv l'uts,, i J. At. GOliilOS. FarwelPs SHOES PULKA iii'O for sale by JI.
LANGWORTUY. Cents Thick Boots, KIP and CALF, do. Hoy's boot- all sizes, for sale bv II. LAXGW0ETHY. Yankee Ingenuity, Hasinvented the neatest Clothes Pins avor thought of, for sale by U.
TT Is well known that Carhart Necdham, i- of New 1 ork city, manufacture the most beautiful and perfect Melodeons that can ba found. They are of all sizes, from 41 octaves to 6, and finished in all stvles from the plait) scroal leg to the most elegant Piano finish. The subscriber would inform the public that he has made such arrangements with the company that he can deliver the Instruments to order and warranted for one year, at twelve per cent, less than any other person. Those who wish to purchase will save money by corresponding with the subscriber before pur chasing elsewhere. A specimen article may be seen at the house I of Mr.
Morns Graves, est Salisbury. Address HORACE H. SESSIONS, West Salisbury, VI Clapboards. A superior article for aale br J. M.
BLADE 4 CO. Nov. 1,1852. Mount Eagle Tripoli 1 1 Decidedly the 4cf article knmm, for cleans-1 ing and polishing all Metallic sale, by 4. juwaviui'ii.
Dec. 15th, 1852. Hair Dye. I make il mvvself, and warrant it In all! cases where direction are followed, or refnndl the money. H.
A. SHELDON. December 2K, i2. Safety. Bell's Patent Safety FLUID LAMrS.
bvl which the jjso of Burning Flu'd Is rendered! essentially safe; fust ty Burlington at 8,15 a.m., 4,15 p.m. Vetgenues 9,09 6 00 Middlebury 9,42 6,35 Brandon 10,20 6,18 Rutland 11,00 AR. 7,00 L. 6,30 A.M. Cullingsville 11,25 6,55 Ludlow 12,06 p.m.
7,35 Proctorsville 12,15 7,42 Chester 12,40 8,10 ARRIVING Bellows Falls 1,15 8,45 Boston 7,90 1,00 p. in LEAVE Boston 7,45 a.m. 12,00 m. Bellows Falls 12,00 m. 5,15 p.m.
Chester 12,40 p. ra. 5.50 Proctorsville 1.07 6.17 Ludlow 1,15 6,25 Ctittingsvillo 1,52 7,06 Rutland AR.2.15 AR. 7,30 L. 3,00 L.
7,45 a.m. Brandon 3,38 8,25 Middlebury 4,25 9,04 Vergenncs 6,00 9,37 ARRIVING Burlington 6,45 10,30 CONNECT AT BURLINGTON, With Steamers for Plaltsburgh Montreal Rail Roads, and with the Vermont Central and Vermont Canada Rail Roads, for the East, North and est, via Champlain (f-St. Lawrence, and the Ogdensburgh Rail Road. CONNECT AT RUTLAND, With tho Trains of the Western Vermont, Rutland Washington, and Saratoga Wash ington Rail Roads for New York, Albany Schenectady, liutlalo.ana for the West. CONNECT AT BELLOWS FALLS, With the Trains of the Cheshire, Vermont Valley, and Sullivan Rail Roailsfor Windsor, Boston, Worcester, Lowell, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven, New York.
are less when Tickets are pur chased at the Offices, than when paid in the Cars. JOHN S. DUN LAP, Superintendent, Burlington, Octo. 16th 1852. Hecker's Farina For sale by RUS8EL POWELL.
BLANK BOOKS! 10.000 Quires Blank Books, of onr own Mannfscture. Comprising every variety of Journal, Uav.lnvorce, (Jeshand better Books, Ledgers and Records, from the Cap Quarto to the Siiner Knyal size, made in the best manner, either paged or unpaged, at prices so lore as to dejy compelwn, PAPER. We have in Store, and to arrive. 1000 Ream! Wrapping Paper, assoitcd sizes and quality. i.iuu neum.
writing t. ap, better, Bath Post-Note and Envelope Paper, which will sold at Dim prices. SCHOOL BOOKS. SOOO Mandeville's. seriesof Headers 200 Mitchd'a Smiths oo.
40U Alums Arithmetic. 200 Urecnleat do. SOU Colbtirn Webster's Soellers, 500 Town's Speller and Defincr, 100 Smith's Astronomv, etc. STATIONERY. WiO.OUO fcnveleps, 800 Gross Steel Pens, 20 brass Pen Holders, Wniinit Ink in anvouan ttly.anil of the best Manufacturers which will be sold at New Xork or Boston prices for cash.
Iff mean vhat we say. Country Merchant. andTaachers will find it for their interest to vxamine our Suwk and prices before purchasing: elsewhere. Orders solicited by mail or express. NICHOLS WARREN.
Burlington. Nov. 15, 30, Salmon.